Come Out Of Darkness

Chapter 12

Hadrian woke up on the first day of the holiday bright and early, he walked in to his bathroom, which was a lot more glorious than the one at Hogwarts. The bathroom tiles reflected the light off each other, and the glass ceiling allowed the sun light to shine in.

He hopped in to the shower which was the right temperature for him, he spent around half an hour in the shower. Once he got out he dried himself with the drying charm and he put on his black jeans and a green T-shirt.

Hadrian walked down to the dining room to find only Regulus drinking his morning coffee. " good morning Hadrian " Regulus said putting his cup of coffee down.

" Good morning to you too Regulus. Where is everyone?"

" Amelia had to go to work this morning and Orion and Altair are still in bed" Regulus took another sip of his coffee " its only eight in the morning, the boys probably won't be up until ten"

"Okay, so two hours to spare" Hadrian muttered to himself

" is there anything you would like for breakfast?" Regulus asked

"Um, just some fruit and toast would be fine"

" Cally"

The elf popped in " yes master Regulus "

" can you bring some toast and fruit please"

" yes, right away master Regulus "

Cally went with a crack, a few moments later she was back with the toast and a bowel of fruit, Hadrian ate his breakfast quickly, and pored himself a glass of orange juice. After he had finished Hadrian turned to Regulus " do you mind if I go to the library?"

" no of course not Hadrian, its down the corridor on the left, up the stairs and then take your first right and the Library will be right in front of you"

" thanks Regulus " Hadrian said with a smile

As Hadrian made his way to the library, he was surprised by how many paintings there were, but he was even more shocked when he opened the door to the library, it was even bigger that the one at Potter Manor .

He walked down the Library with a frown on his face trying to decided what book to read, when finally he noticed a book on alchemy, he removed it from its spot, and sat down to read.

The bit about the philosophers stone, was incredibly interesting in Hadrian's opinion, there were some really rare potions that needed the elixer of life, one could restore the mind, no matter the damage. He was half way through the book when one of his best friend's had entered.

Altair dressed in his black jeans, and Montrose Magpies top sat down next to Hadrian, what are you reading about?

"alchemy, its very interesting, have you ever heard of the philosophers stone" the look on Altair's face answered the question. " it can make any substance in to gold, and it makes you immortal."

" sounds interesting, want to go and do some exploring in the woods? "

" no thanks Altair, I'm reading. I'll see you later, okay?"

"yeah, sure " Altair said slightly annoyed.

On the fourth day of the break Hadrian received letters from, Draco, Hermione and Theo. The first one he picked up was from Hermione.

Dear Hadrian

I hope you've been well, its been really nice to be back home with my parents but I still miss you guys, yesterday I was in diagon alley with my parents buying everyone's presents when I sadly, saw Potter and weasley. They didn't see me thankfully. They were both talking about a guy called Nicholas flamel, saying what ever is hidden has something to do with his. Do you know who he is? I hope you enjoy the rest of your holidays.

Love Hermione.

The second one he picked up was from draco

Hello, Hadrian

How's your holiday? Mines been great, I think we're coming over on Christmas eve so I can give you your presents then. I was thinking what should I get Hermione? I'm at a loss, I've never brought a present for a girl before.

Love Draco

Hadrian picked up the final letter, and noticed it was from Theo

Dear Hadrian

I hope your Christmas break is going well, its a bit boring here at the Manor father is away on some business trip. The black Manor its glorious isnt it? You'll have to come over to Nott Manor, we have a brilliant wood area which we can go exploring. I hope you have a splendid Christmas and I'll see you soon.

Love Theo

Altair walked in the room with an annoyed look on his face. " Hadrian are we going to do anything today?" Hadrian raised his eyes from his book " sorry I'm spending the day with Orion"

" Fine" Altair snapped and stormed out the room. In his anger Altair bumped in to his father. "look where you're going Altair" Regulus snapped and carried on walking down the corridor.

"Whatever" Altair sneered under his breath

Later that afternoon Sirius and Remus paid a visit. Regulus who noticed his nervousness laced his tea with a calming draught.

Sirius was half way through his tea when Orion and Hadrian entered. " Uncle Remy" Orion shouted and wrapped his arms around his Godfathers neck. Next he turned to Sirius " hiya uncle Siri"

"alright Kiddo" Sirius ruffled Orion's hair to which he frowned at.

" um who are you?" Hadrian asked, his eyes narrowed.

" I'm your Godfather"

" My Godfather?" Hadrian asked " why the hell did you never rescued me?"

" I thought you were dead Hadrian, we both did" Sirius replied softly.

" Why did you think I was dead?" Hadrian asked

" Because that's what James and Lily said"

Every cup in the room shattered and Hadrians eyes went a dark blood red.

Regulus ran and pulled Hadrian tightly to his chest stroking his hair to calm him down. " I hate them" Hadrian shouted " I hate all of them" " I know, so do I" Regulus replied.

After Hadrian had calmed down he went up to Sirius and put out his hand " Hadrian Alexander Peverell"

Sirius took his hand " Sirius Orion Black"

It was now Christmas eve, and Hadrian went up to one of his best friend's Altair " are you okay Altair? You haven't spoken to me for days" Altair just ignored him and walked out the room. Hadrian followed him, " come on tell me what's wrong, we're best friends"

" oh are we?" Altair sneered " every time I've tried to spend time with you, you say oh not now Altair, or im busy. You're in my house and if I want you to do something you will"

" oh I will, will I? You're a spoilt little brat who's angry that you can't get your own way, I can't spend all my time with you. If you still want to be my friend come find me later"

" he's right you know son"

" Will you just piss off father"

Regulus grabbed his son tightly by the ear " what on earth is your problem? Are you jealous?" Regulus laughed

" just let go of my ear and leave me alone" Altair snapped

" watch your tone young man, now are you going to tell me what's wrong" Regulus said releasing Altair's ear

" Like you care" Altair muttered

" of course I care, you're my son and I love you more than you could know"

" It doesn't feel like it, I've spent most of the holiday by myself. Hadrian hasn't had time for me and neither have you and Mother, and now you have Orion why would you want me?" at this point Altair started to cry.

Regulus took his son in to his arms tightly " I'm sorry you felt that way my little star, and don't ever think me or you mother don't want you because we love you so much and we always will"

"Im so sorry dad" Altair sobbed in his father's arms

"It's okay son, I forgive you"

Finally they broke apart " dad do you think Hadrian will forgive me?"

" I'm sure he will son, why don't you go speak to him now. I was thinking about picking the tree up in an hour"

" can I invite him?"

" of course you can"

Altair walked down the corridor to Hadrian's room and tapped the door lightly. He heard a soft come in. Hadrian watched as Altair walked in. " I'm so sorry Hadrian, I was angry and jealous because you wouldn't spend time with me and I thought you no longer wanted to be my friend"

" are you really that stupid?" Hadrian asked " why wouldn't I of wanted to be your friend? Look I'm not going to deny I'm annoyed at you but because it's nearly Christmas I'll let you off this once"

Altair wrapped his arms around Hadrian " thank you, oh do you want come with me and my dad to get a tree"

" yeah sure" Hadrian smiled and both boys walked down to meet Regulus. " we'll be going In the car" Regulus stated

Both the boys followed Regulus out of the Manor and went in the car. " nice car uncle"

" Thank you Hadrian"

It was a long drive but finally they arrived, once out of the car Hadrian could see how big some of the trees were. Regulus turned to the two boys " go pick which tree you like best"

It took nearly an hour but they left with three trees. Altair picked the biggest, Regulus one was bushy and Hadrians one was the greenest. Once they arrived back in the Manor, Regulus; Amelia, Orion, Hadrian, Altair, Sirius and Remus decorated the trees and the entire Manor, once they had finished the whole house looked more beautiful than normal, there were lights shinning all over the Manor, colours of red and green. That evening all seven of them sat by the fireplace drinking hot chocolate and eating cookies.

The next morning everyone was up early, merry Christmas my dear family Amelia said to all of them and breakfast. " let's open the presents now" Sirius shouted.

" I agree with Sirius" Altair said smiling at his parents.

After they finished breakfast they all went in to the living room to find a mountain of presents. Once split in to piles the boys started to open their presents, the first present Altair opened was a nimbus 2000 " oh sweet merlin, thank you so much" and gave both his parents a big hug.

After all the presents were open, Altair had a new broom, new quills, a new quidditch set, quidditch robes , books from Remus , a new chest set from Sirius, more clothes and chocolate. From Orion he had a new poster and from Hadrian he a bracelet that had a rune on it. " this is great Hadrian I love it"

Orion had lots of Appleby Arrows stuff, that include a book on their entire history, season tickets, posters and a new quidditch robe. From Altair he got a signed photo of his favourite team, and a box of chocolates. From Hadrian a necklace with a rune and a cat collar that also had a rune on it. From Sirius and Remus he and a bunch of board games such as wizards scrabble and wizards snakes and ladders, along with a new cloak.

Finally Hadrian, received more books some that were incredibly rare, a new cloak and dragon hide boots. From Sirius and Remus he received a bunch of pranks, dragon hide gloves. They also brought him a new scarf and hat. From Orion he received a box of chocolates and a picture that he drew, from Hadrian he received a broach that had the Peverell Sigel on it, a beautiful quill and a book on rare herbs.

Around a eleven the malfoys arrived and brought presents with them, from Lucius and narcissa Orion received a set of all the founders and Hogwarts it self, Draco gave him a book on quidditch moves. Altair received a rare book on charms, from Draco he received a book on the legends of king Arthur and his Knights. Finally Hadrian received a cloak made out of silk, and from Draco a book titled how to destroy your enemies. They all received sweets from the twins.

Before lunch the Snape family arrived. Draco and Orion received more quidditch stuff, Altair got a book on how to make your own charms and Hadrian received a box of rare potions ingredients.

After a large lunch, the big family were inside watching a Christmas film when two owls appear, one was Hermione's the other was Theo. All three boys received books from Hermione, Draco received the Lord Of the rings trilogy, Hadrian receive a book on muggle medieval history, and Altair had a book on mythical creatures from a muggles perspective. They each had a letter wishing them a happy Christmas. Hadrian picked up the letter from Theo and read

Dear Hadrian

I wish you a merry Christmas, I wasn't too sure what to get you as everyone may of already got you it, so instead I went to the Nott vault and found you something I hope you like. Inside the box is a necklace with the Nott crest on it. It is a friendship necklace. It will protect you from anyone that wants to hurt you, it also acts as a portkey, to my home.

Love Theo.

Hadrian open the box and put the necklace on. After the film everyone minus Amelia and Cassiopeia went outside for a snowball fight.

On team one there was Severus, Caspian, Remus, Altair, Lucius and Phoenix on team two Regulus, Sirius, Orion Hadrian, narcissa, Draco and Lyra.

It was long battle but finally team one became victorious. Severus and Lucius were smug for the rest of the evening. Later that night they had turkey sandwiches, Christmas pudding and a mug of hot chocolate, around 9pm the children went up to bed. While lying in bed all Hadrian could think about was how this was the best Christmas of his life, the best day even and he went to bed with a smile on his face.

When all the children were in bed the men played poker and drank fire whiskey while the women spent the evening talking about their family. " do you have names yet for the children?"

Cassiopeia nodded her head " Cassius and Arya"

" They are beautiful names"

"Thank you cissa"

Finally after a long day everyone was in bed asleep, the house was quote except quite snores from the twins.

It has been so long since I've updated sorry about that. Good news I've finished college, bad news all my work on this story had been deleted, so I have to write it again. Do you like the name for Severus's and Cassiopeia twins? Anyone know where Arya is from. For some reason I really like the name Cassius so I went with it.

I love the name phoenix and I plan on name my first child it. As always thanks for reading and please review.