I need a break from Born With Scars.

This is also an experiment. I've decided for the thousandth* time to change my writing style just because someone complains about it. I always get too angry because I work hard on everything I put out, but whatever. I need a break and this is that.

You've heard of the Fallout game series, correct? This is loosely based off of that plot line.

Nuclear fallout, people being alive 200 years after that. Yeah, that's what's going to happen here. I'll try to explain more as I go, delve into the plot more than I have done in the past.

Thank you. Welcome to Nuclear.

It started in Amity Park. Mom had been watching the TV, dad had been busy working in the lab, and Jazz was reading at the breakfast nook. Me? I had been watching TV in my room. For a history report, I was watching the news, when I saw the headlines.

'North Korea declares Nuclear War against the US.' The newscaster had announced. North Korea had enough of the bullshit threats we had sent out, including that one movie that was about assassinating their leader, and was declaring war.

At first, I hadn't known what that meant, all I knew is that Nuclear meant Atomic Bombs. They could wipe an entire continent off of the map if used correctly. I had gotten scared, and ran to my mom (a fourteen year old boy seeking the comfort of his mother, what a riot). She had told me not to worry, that the Government would handle it. They always did.

A Few Weeks later, I had begun to watch the news regularly. For class and for knowledge about that headline. A new one had popped up in the corner. 'ISIS sides with North Korea.'

If ISIS had sided with them, then ISIS had access to Atomic Bombs as well. That had scared the shit out of me. I was a kid, living with the knowledge that I could die at any given time throughout my day. None of my friends watched the news. Sam said it was too mainstream, and Tucker just thought it was too boring.

None of my classmates watched either. Lancer did, but he was like my mother. "The Government won't let anything extreme happen, Daniel." He had told me when I tried to talk about it. "They won't let an entire country die."

I didn't know what to believe, so I nodded my head and went into my next class.

Then they started making 'Vaults'. Vault-Tec said that they were a safety precaution just incase they decided to launch the bombs their way. Amity Park didn't have a close enough Vault to sign up for. "No hard feelings, but it is drastic that we will even need the Vaults." One representative told our town. I had shook my head in disgust.

They just didn't think a haunted town needed one.

The ghosts stopped coming to the surface after the threats started. Classmates started watching the news, and classes all but stopped as people were too paranoid to continue their work. Lancer had even stopped preaching about Shakespeare and preached about 'Trusting the Government'.

Jazz went off to college, near a local Vault, courtesy of our parents. She got on the list. At least she would be safe.

At the beginning of my junior year at Casper High, I was watching the news getting ready for school. Sam and Tucker were already at school, to get an early start in getting to class. They were always early so that they could get into a college close to a Vault.

"There have been reports of bright flashes, and loud booms. There have been confirmed reports of Nuclear Detonation in Washington, DC and Boston.

Oh God."

The news had completely cut out. I heard my mom crying into the phone with Jazz. Oh god, Jazz.

I didn't know what to do, so I ran. I had run so fast out the door that my mom called out to me. "Danny! Get to the school!" She said, running in that direction. I ran towards the outside of the town and took a deep breath. It wouldn't be long until everyone I loved was dead….

But not if I had any say in it. I took a deep breath and pressed my hands on the ground, forming all of my ghost powers. I was going to create a dome, a dome that would shield the entire town of the devastation. We could continue living.

As I made the dome, I made a fatal mistake.

I didn't make the dome hollow. I made it whole.

I realized my mistake too late as I begun to freeze, I heard panicked screams, and a three large booms, but I was already frozen solid.

Everything went black.

That would be the preview of this story. I hope you enjoy it, and there won't be any spoliers from any of the games. I am actually in the middle of Fallout 4 right now. Thank you for reading and I hope you've liked this concept.