This is my first attempt at a chapter fic. I'm super excited :D

Also, check out Emo Kylo Ren on Twitter. You will not be dissapointed.

All characters other than my OC Korin belong to the Star Wars franchise and stuff.


Chapter One

Kylo Ren cut an impressive and terrifying figure as he strode through the halls of the Finalizer. His mask was a visage of blank darkness, the silver plating around his eyes glinting from the halogen lights. His hood was pulled up, and ragged cloth draped around his shoulders. Streaks of black swirled around him as he walked.

He turned the corner, and two Stormtroopers stepped aside for him, saluting. "Sir." Kylo gave a single nod, and as the troopers continued their way down the hall, he kept moving through the maze of shining black corridors towards the command center. Soon, he arrived at the bridge, something akin to a smirk on his face under the mask as he stopped to observe the men and women working at the controls. The smirk turned to a scowl as he turned and saw a ginger-haired man standing about a step behind him, also watching the workers. The slightly shorter man was clothed in a dark charcoal uniform, his hands clasped behind his back.

"General Hux." His deep-toned voice sounded almost bored, but there was an edge of annoyance. "What are you doing here?"

The man finally smirked as he looked at him. "Apart from the fact that this is my base you're currently in, Ren, I received rather…upsetting news about what you've been doing."

He narrowed his eyes, his posture stiffening a little. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

If it was possible, Hux's smirk widened. Kylo felt his own hand twitch towards the lightsaber hilt on his belt, and he gritted his teeth. Oh, how Kylo wished he could crush the glint of delight out of the man's eyes.

"An ensign has just reported to me that you've been authorizing a galactical search…on a particular woman. A woman of no consequence to the needs of the Order."

His hand found the shaft of his lightsaber on his belt, and he gripped it tightly, before speaking, his voice darker. "This is no business of yours, General. She is strong in the Force, and she has been trained before. She will be of use to the First Order; to Supreme Leader Snoke."

The two alpha males stared each other down for a moment. Many of the ensigns went silent, sitting stock-still in their seats as they waited for the inevitable sound of a lightsaber igniting and cleaving through metal. Then, General Hux stepped back, raising his hands in a gesture of peace, though amusement shone in his ice-blue eyes. His tone was mocking when he spoke.

"If that's what you say so, Lord Ren." He turned and snapped, "Get back to work!" As he walked away, he continued, "And if she is of no use to us, if she resists…I will see to it that she is disposed of…accordingly. I hope for your sake that this is not going to be a…problem, Kylo."

The Force-user snapped his head up at the disrespectful tone in Hux's voice. Suddenly, Hux was lifted into the air by an invisible force, his feet dangling below him. He gasped, unable to breathe, and his hands went for his throat. Kylo turned back to look at this…puppet, and tilted his head to the side, observing as Hux's face reddened. Still, the man continued to glare at him, unbowed. None of the officers dared to speak as they stared intently ahead at their screens, unwilling to anger the Force-user any more.

The voice that issued from the mask was horribly low and dark, filled with viciousness. "And I will see to it that you learn to treat those who are better than you, more powerful than you, with more respect."

He held on for a moment longer, enjoying the slight terror that began to bleed into Hux's expression, before he dropped the man on the ground. Filth.He walked up the steps and towards Hux, still wheezing, on the ground. For a moment, he silently looked down at the man as he slowly stood up again, struggling to maintain his composure, and then Kylo turned and walked away.

Kylo found himself, moments later, back in his quarters on base. His breathing had steadied, his rage diminishing to dull warmth in his chest. He stood next to the pane of transparisteel, staring out the viewport, the light of the sun and the dashes of glittering stars reflecting off of the silver streaks on his mask. He raised his gloved hands, carefully unlocking his helmet and pulling it off. He brushed the locks of dark hair out of his eyes as he continued to look outside.

Don't forget me, Ben Solo.

"How could I ever forget you, Korin?" he spoke aloud to the quiet of the room, feeling so lonely, so intensely empty for a brief second. Kylo closed his eyes, then, and heard the familiar silvery laughter echo in his mind. The warmth in his chest escalated into aching, and he felt the familiar wretched sorrow fill him.

Kylo found the hidden pocket stitched onto the sleeve of his robe, and quietly pulled the silvery object from inside. It was a tiny star, rather crudely made, with roughened edges and various scrapes on both sides. The silver was tarnished. The chain had long been lost, broken off when she had pulled it from her neck.

The small pendant grew warm from his touch, and he smiled at the memory of it. Of her. She had worn the same necklace every day that he had known her. He closed his fist around it, uncaring of the pain as the points dug against his gloved hands, and something heated surged through him.

"By the gods, Korin, I swear I will find you."