Chapter 25: Floating Back to Earth

Summary: Annie and Jeff make a decision


A/N: This is the last chapter for Part One in the series. Thank you again for all of your encouragement, comments, and suggestions. This has been a great experience, and I am motivated to write more. Please see note at end of chapter.


Jeff was acutely aware he was sitting on Annie's sacred confessional couch. Dammit.

"Here's the thing…"


"Look…." He also became aware he was half naked. He sat up and ran his fingers through his hair.

He noticed with disappointment Annie had somehow re-zipped her dress. She was facing him from the chair with a measured and intent gaze, leaning over and clasping her hands together.

"You will not lawyer your way out of this conversation. Answer me. Yes or no. Not that I don't already know right now." She threw a small wrapped packet on the table and pursed her lips, her cheeks turning pink.

Oh hell. His voice was low as he averted his gaze. "Yes."

Annie began to shake as the pinkness deepened. I'm so stupid. He and Britta are together, just like Shirley said. Why does this keep happening to me?

Her voice trembled."Okay."

He looked over at her as he felt something inside him yank at his chest. "Annie, please don't cry."

"I'm not!" She started to wipe a tear from her eye.

Fuck. Jeff took a deep breath. He leaned back and rubbed his hand over his face. "It just happened. It was impulsive and stupid. Britta and I both agreed it was a mistake. Nothing else came of it…"

Annie broke in, "Right. And that's why she declared her love for you. How much of an idiot do you think I am?"

His eyes widened as he continued to feel something pull at him. "You know I don't. I never have. Annie, I'm telling you the truth. We did it once and shortly after Britta was adamant we forget the whole thing."

She relaxed slightly. They only did it once. Okay, still not great. But better. She looked at him hesitantly as she took a deep breath. "So you don't have feelings for her?"

"Not like that. It was just a physical thing, and I think we both needed to get it out of our systems."

She looked down and was silent.

Hell, do I have to say it? He added, "I'm not in love with her or any crap like that."

"I see."

"I was just as surprised as anyone when she made her declaration."

Annie shook her head, looking down. "Really? Come on Jeff. Sometimes you are pretty obtuse, I'll give you that. But you had to know she has feelings for you."

"I didn't know. Not really."

"And she's my friend. And more importantly, she's our friend."

He sighed wearily. "I know."

She nodded and made eye contact again, her voice becoming more firm and steady. "I want to be clear I'm not upset that you slept with someone. We aren't together, and heck I had a boyfriend up until a few hours ago…"

"That's right, Annie. Clean slate?"

She narrowed her eyes. "No. See, Britta is my friend. And apparently she loves you. That's not okay. I can't do that to her."

Jeff bit his lip while shaking his head. "I'm pretty sure she doesn't love me or anything close to that. She and Michelle were fighting about something I strongly suspect had more to do with their egos than with me. She literally shoved me into Troy at one point in order to strategize with Shirley."

Annie opened her mouth slightly. "Oh."

He nodded.

She hesitated before continuing, "But you still slept with Britta."

He pursed his lips as he felt his heart beating faster. "Annie, I know this seems like a mess. And I really hate to bring this up, but I kinda feel the need right now to defend myself. I'm aware of what you said to Britta. She told me you encouraged her to sleep with me."

Annie gasped and covered her face in her hands. "Oh no!"

Jeff nodded. Gotcha there. "And honestly, Annie, when she told me that, and please don't blame her for breaking your confidence because she was pretty damn hammered, it didn't feel so great. What did you expect me to do? You can't tell Britta to do that and then be mad when it happens."

She peaked out from her hands. "You had sex with her when you guys were drunk?"

He thought he detected a hopeful tone in her voice. He briefly wondered in Annie's mind if that would have made this situation better. But he decided, perhaps against his better judgment, to be honest. Crap, what is happening to me?

"No. She brought it up when we were drinking. But we didn't do anything until a few days later. And that was a little more spontaneous. But honestly, I couldn't help remembering what you told her to do. So I figured if you didn't care then what was the harm?"

Annie noted the bitterness in Jeff's voice. Was he offended? Was he hurt?

She brought her hands back to her lap and began lacing her fingers together. She looked down and lowered her voice to an almost whisper. "I'm sorry, Jeff. I told her to sleep with you because I really didn't think we would ever do what we did tonight. So I thought why not let you guys do what you've been wanting to do? I didn't want Britta to feel guilty about it."


She glanced up at him. "I think she knows. Or suspects. How I feel about you."

God, do I want to even have this conversation? Oh hell.

Jeff hesitated. "And that is?"

"Obviously I'm attracted to you."

Okay, that wasn't so bad. No love declarations. Thank you again, God.

He nodded. "Ditto. Duh. Obviously."

"But I didn't ever think anything would actually happen…"

He snapped, "Cause you were with the hippie, Annie. That wasn't my call." Where did that come from? I didn't mean to sound so sharp.

Annie bristled. "What did you want me to do? You went on some bizarre rant at New Year's and pushed me away! We could have just kept doing whatever it was we were doing. It was nice actually. We were comfortable with each other. And maybe there could have been something else. We didn't have to define it."

"Oh, really?" Jeff began pulling his undershirt on over his head. I'm not staying half naked during this conversation.

"Yes! In fact I thought I made it clear to you that I didn't want to define it. I didn't know what I wanted."

He shook his head as he grabbed his dress shirt from the floor. "See and that's exactly why I said what I said, Annie. If you don't know what you want then things get messy."

She threw her hands up in the air and dropped them back down as she rolled her eyes. "Ugh! Okay, so is it such a sin I didn't know what I wanted? But I know that I didn't want to lose you!"

"You didn't." He began forcefully buttoning his shirt while averting her gaze.

"Yes, I did because Mister I-don't-get involved-because-I'm-such-a-monstrous-jerk goes and gets a girlfriend! How was I supposed to take that? It was pretty clear that you just didn't want me."

Jeff almost gasped and stopped with the buttons as stared at her. Is that what she thought this whole time? "Annie, oh God, no!"

Annie's eyes started to water. "And that's why I started seeing Vaughn. He was straightforward with his interest in me. He didn't hesitate. It felt nice to be wanted."

Jesus Christ does that mean the hippie wouldn't have happened if Michelle hadn't been in the picture?

He grimaced and closed his eyes. "Look, I understand maybe it was confusing when I started seeing Michelle. But see, I knew she could handle things. I was just trying to protect you."

She furrowed her brow. "From what?!"

He paused and looked at her intently. "From me."

Her eyes grew wide. "I don't understand."

Jeff felt his neck and shoulders tightening. He leaned forward and rested his arms on his knees. "Because I would hurt you, Annie. I don't do commitment."

She leaned in his direction and looked at him. "And what makes you think I want that?"

He was looking at the floor. "Oh, come on, Annie."

"You mean because of Sophie? You know I have that all figured out."

He looked up, catching her gaze while smiling softly. "No, it's more because I'm pretty sure you're a hopeless romantic."

She tilted her head. "What makes you think that?"

He stifled a laugh. "Please, Annie. I've seen you doodle hearts in your notebook. And last fall they were accompanied by the name Troy."

Annie bit her lip in frustration as she folded her arms over her chest. "Okay, fine. I'm a romantic at heart. I'm not ashamed of that. And Vaughn was incredibly romantic. And you're right, I did like it. At the same time, it was suffocating."


She uncrossed her arms and hunched over, cradling her chin in her hands. She stared at the opposite wall. "It was. I told you I've been trying to figure out who I am. And I ended up not having the time I needed to do that. As our relationship progressed, he wanted to be with me 24/7. Which was sweet, but I don't want that."


Annie made eye contact with Jeff and looked at him with an openness that Jeff hadn't seen from her before. "And although maybe I am a romantic, right now in my life I just can't do that. I need to fly solo. But clearly I don't want to be a nun. I've given this a lot of thought. I'd be okay with something more in the present."

She sounded very convincing. Maybe she means it? Even so, he realized he needed to address another elephant in the room. He cleared his throat before continuing, "And what about the Sophie factor?"

Annie sighed. "She's little right now. I could do more casual, you know? But honestly I'm not sure for how long before she starts noticing or something. I just know I don't want anything serious."

She smiled sheepishly as she continued, "And I guess tonight was my attempt at casual? I mean I know you're okay with arrangements like that, so I thought we could try it."

Jeff found himself appreciating her honesty. While he suspected they might be on the same page, he realized he needed to be sure.

He swallowed hard before he continued, "Annie, I know who I am and how I function. And I'm not good at committing and being exclusive. You know relationship stuff. And I never will be. And the last thing I'd want to do is disappoint you."

"I understand. I don't have any expectations that we would be exclusive. Or in a relationship. Just that we treat each other respectfully, as good friends."

"See, I wouldn't want to mess that up. I like us being friends. It's one of the few pleasant surprises I've had since arriving at Greendale."

"I know. Me too."

He sighed as he continued, "And other things could get stirred up. Between you and me I think we have plenty of issues. And then bad things could happen and you could get hurt. It'd be a risk."

"So then what was all this tonight?" She began to blush furiously. "You didn't seem to mind us trying out the physicalaspects of our friendship." Her voice caught on the word physical.

His eyes widened. He cleared his throat again. "Annie, I didn't say certain parts of me are the smartest. My brain can know things could get messy but the rest of me doesn't always listen. And you were smoking tonight. You still are."

They stared at each other in silence for several moments.

"Jeff, you do casual all the time, don't you?"

"That's one way to describe it. But not usually with friends."

She fluttered her eyelashes as she tilted her head to the side. "But we make a good team. And that was fun earlier, right? And this is the year of new experiences?"

"Annie, you're going to have to stop looking at me like that."


He raised his voice slightly and trembled. "It's May! Do you have the heat on for Christ's sake?!"


Annie was gracious enough to let Jeff use her shower. He took a long cold one. He cursed himself as he let the water wash over him. He realized he need to literally cool down before he could even attempt to think this whole thing through rationally with her.

As he exited the shower, he stepped on some sort of rubbery creature. It squeaked. Jeff cringed.

He sighed as he reached over to pick it up. Just great. Why the hell does a 10 month old need a rubber ducky? And why the fuck is it pink? How did Annie find this thing? He frowned and placed the toy over in what he assumed was Sophie's baby tub near the window.

Upon returning to the living room fully clothed, Jeff spied Annie. She had moved from the chair back to the couch. She was flipping through a magazine and sighing.

He sat down next to her.

"Is it okay if I sit here?"

She glanced up. The handsome hobo was even handsomer with freshly washed and damp hair. "Of course. Are you feeling better?"

He looked off to the side. "Yeah. I'm lucky you have such amazing hair, Annie. Your conditioner was almost a reasonable substitute for mine. And well, the hair gel, let's just say at least I'll look somewhat presentable should a cop pull me over on the way home…"

He's doing his thing again. "Jeff?"

"But it's not up to my standards, you know."

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, it's just now I smell like strawberries or some such crap."


He looked at her. "Sorry. Um, thanks."

She nodded. "It's okay. I feel a little bit of a jerk just stopping like that earlier. I know you were probably uncomfortable…"

"Yeah yeah, yeah. I think we both know that. And look, it's okay."

"Is it?"

He nodded. "Yup."

He reached over and tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

She smiled softly and looked down. "So where do we go from here?"

"I don't know. I just don't want to treat you like crap."

"You don't."

"But see, I will."

"You're crazy, Jeff."

"And it's already starting to happen. Don't you see it? I sleep with Britta. And even though I like to think we've clearly established you had your part in that (Annie grimaced) well, it kinda fucks this whole thing up…"

She broke in, "Jeff, this isn't just about Britta. I mean obviously I think you need to work things out with her. I don't want us to hurt her."


"If we decide to try out some sort of arrangement. One condition I have is that you not sleep with Britta. I suppose I can't say you can't sleep with other women but just not Britta."

Jeff raised his eyebrows. She has conditions. Does this mean they are opening negotiations? I'm a lawyer, I can do this part well. He cleared this throat. "That sounds fair. I'd agree to that stipulation."

She slowly nodded. "But I also think it's good we stopped what we were doing for another reason. Sitting here now, well, I realize that tonight this just doesn't feel right."

He squinted. "See I thought it was feeling just right. Better than right. That was a seriously hot make out."

She reddened. "That's not what I meant."

"You didn't feel it was right?"

"I just broke up with Vaughn. I think I need to be by myself for a little while. "

Does she love the tiny nippled hippie?

He nodded and affected a nonchalant tone,"So you're not over him?"

She shrugged. "It's not that simple. Let's just say I know in my heart it was the right call to end things. But that doesn't mean I should jump right into something else immediately after he leaves, even if it is just a friendly-physical kind of thing."

Jeff noticed her wording. He raised his eyebrows. "Immediately?"

"You know, the same day we break up. That's kinda weird, right?"

He shrugged. "I dunno. But I guess I can understand. So what do you define as an appropriate length of time, you know, hypothetically speaking…"

"Um, I don't know exactly. I don't think I can make that call right now. I'd like to try to be solo-solo for a little bit."

He draped his arm over the back of the couch and rested his head on his hand. "Again, to be clear, that means not sleep with me?"

"Not right now."

He mumbled in a low voice as he looked away. "But I'd kinda like to sleep with you, Annie."

She swatted at his chest. "I know that."

Jeff held back a smile.

She looked at him out of the corner of her eye. "Maybe we don't rule it out?"

He grinned for a moment before sobering his expression. He nodded slowly, comprehension dawning on his face. "Okay. Yeah."

"Just not now. You need to clean up this mess with Britta. And with Michelle."

More conditions. This was a negotiation. He looked at her."Sure. How?"

"Talk to them."

"Right. And probably not together."

She rolled her eyes. "Yes, Jeff, not together. And be clear with both of them."

"I will. No mixed signals."

"And I need some time. You know, to be solo."

"And then?"

"We could talk again? See where we both are on this?"

Negotiations postponed for now. "Sounds good."

She smiled tentatively. "So, back to fuzzy friends for now?"

"I'll be your fuzzy friend any day, Annie."

She smiled more brightly and nodded. "Good." She glanced at her phone. Oh, um, I'm so sorry, but I have to go pick up Sophie in a few minutes."

He gave an exaggerated sigh. "Let's go pick up the baby hobbit."

She looked at him in surprise. He said baby hobbit again. "What? You don't have to come with me."

"Hey let me help tonight. I know you don't need me to protect you. But I want to. It's not safe in this neighborhood at night. And I'm Frankenstein, remember? I'm big and scary. Let me go with you."

"Are you sure?"

"Unless you're offended?"

She smiled. "Not at all, silly. Thanks."


Jeff rode shotgun in Annie's car as they made their way to Shirley's house. As Annie drove, she reached over and patted his hand. He raised his eyebrows but didn't say anything.

"You're really cute tonight in your suit. I'm sorry you weren't able to fully enjoy the dance."

He laughed. "Thanks. None of that was your fault. I actually appreciate you getting me out of there."

"Yeah, it was more fun."

"That is so verytrue."

"And I'm sorry again for getting so upset about the Britta thing. I just want to make sure she's not thinking you guys are together or something. I don't want her to feel betrayed if she were to accidentally find out about anything we were doing."


"And Jeff, I know your usual course is avoidance, but I really need you to do this. For me."

He sighed. "Fine. I'll clear things up with her."

"And I don't think we should advertise anything, you know, for the sake of group harmony."

"And Shirley."


Another stipulation. "So you're saying we should be discrete?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying."

"Sounds sensible. Agreed."

"And me being by myself for a little while…I guess I just want you to know that I didn't mean I don't want to see you. I'd like for us to hang out. I just meant if we were to try anything physical then I don't want it to be tonight."

"Annie, I told you it's fine. Really, whatever. And if you change your mind and just want to be friends without benefits than I guess I'm mature enough at this point in my Greendale exile to be okay with that."

"I don't really think I'm going to change my mind."

God I hope not. "Take your time. And if you want to make out again, you know, just to see what you could be missing, let me know. Or really, if I can be of any assistance with research…"

She broke out in a grin. "Okay!"

"And we can define the para-somethings."

She nodded enthusiastically while giving his hand a squeeze. "Yes! And maybe I can get a babysitter and we could try someplace other than my couch?"

Jeff sputtered. "Jesus, Annie!"


I've known since pottery she is going to be the death of me.

He mumbled,"Nothing."


Annie pulled into the driveway. Luckily the dance was still in full swing so Shirley was not expected home for another hour. Annie had been responding to texts from Shirley who was puzzled as to why she hadn't arrived. Annie replied earlier she was working things out with Vaughn and then of course there had been the long, ahem, interlude where she hadn't been responding. Later she texted indicating things were more complicated than she thought (hey, it wasn't a lie) and she wouldn't be able to make it to the dance after all.

She turned to Jeff as she killed the engine. "It's probably best if you stay in the car."

He nodded. "Right. We don't need to explain my presence to Shirley's sister."

She shrugged. "Yeah, why make it more complicated?"

Jeff rolled his head back on the headrest. "Shirley would flip out. She'd murder me. You know, on behalf of all females."

Annie swatted at him. "She's just protective, Jeff. You know, like some other people you're fond of… for instance, yourself."


"I'll be back in a few minutes with the baby hobbit." She leaned over and gave him a peck on the cheek.

She went up to the house and was let in.

Jeff closed his eyes. The night had certainly not turned out the way he expected. Not in any way, from the beginning when he first put on his suit and went to the dance, to the love declarations, to the first kiss with Annie, to the make out (hot!), to the sudden stoppage, and finally to the fairly civil prelude to negotiated agreement about some sort of friends-with-benefits arrangement. With Annie. Damn.

Could they do this? Maybe she'll change her mind. Maybe she won't.

He felt himself coming down from some sort of adrenaline high. He nodded off. After about ten minutes, he awoke to some sounds. He spied Annie emerging from the house holding a sleeping Sophie over her shoulder. He waited in the car while Annie and Shirley's sister finished their conversation.

"Are you sure I can't help you out to the car?"

"No, it's okay, I've got it."

Lacey, a woman who looked much like Shirley but more petite, glanced over Annie's shoulder. "Oh, did you bring your boyfriend? He looks cute."

Annie blushed. No need to explain this to her. It would just be weird. "Um, see, I have help."

Lacey's eyes widened as she brought her hand to her mouth. "Oh, I'm sorry! You probably don't want to introduce me. Shirley texted saying you guys were in the middle of something. Like a serious relationship talk."

Annie smiled weakly. "Yeah. It was rough. I'll fill Shirley in later. Right now I just have to get Sophie home. Thanks again so much for watching her. I really appreciate it."

"It's no problem. She's a joy."

Annie went back to the car and opened the back door. Jeff hopped out and helped her load Sophie and a bag into the backseat.

"She's out, huh?"

"Of course. Her bedtime is at seven, you know."

"But she's not even waking up."

"She might. She did for a minute inside when I picked her up. Hopefully the car ride will keep her quiet until we get home."

After settling Sophie, they drove off.

Lacey peeked out through her blinds and grinned. She pulled out her cell phone.

[Lacey]: Annie just picked up the baby. Her boyfriend was with her in the car. He didn't come in

[Shirley]: Oooohh Are they staying together? I thought she was going to break up with him

[Lacey]: I don't know. She said it was rough. Said she'd fill you in later

[Shirley]: She better

[Lacey]: He's super HOT. A little older than I would have thought

[Shirley]: Yeah he's a little older. Cute but kind of a space cadet hippie

[Lacey]: Hippie? He certainly didn't look like a hippie to me. Looked like he came out of GQ :-) :-O

[Shirley]: Girl we must have drastically different tastes in men

[Lacey]: When are you coming home? Boys are in bed so you can take your time

[Shirley]: I'll be home soon. I need to take Britta home. She's wasted


Thanos smiled at a sleeping Sophie when they returned to Dildopolis. Jeff helped Annie with her bag while she carried the baby upstairs.

On the way up, Jeff asked, "So normally he'd help you out with this?"

"Yeah. Probably."

"But you're fine with me coming up for a minute?"

"Of course. Thank you."

"No problem."

They entered the apartment. Sophie started making low crying noises. When she realized Annie was holding her she locked eyes with her and smiled through her tears while sleepily grabbing Annie's hair. Annie smiled back. "It's okay, sweetie. Mommy has you."

She turned to Jeff. "Please stay for a bit? I need to get her settled and it might take a little while. I'd like for us to talk some more."

"Yeah, sure." Jeff placed the bag on the table while Annie took Sophie back to the bedroom.

She emerged a little while later to find Jeff sprawled on the couch. He was hunched down looking amused as he scrolled through his phone.

He heard her come in and continued to look at his phone. "Yikes. You do not want to see the texts I've gotten."

"Britta? Michelle?"

"Surprisingly, not from either of them. One from Shirley telling me I'm an idiot. One from Starburns saying 'Team Britta.' And a cascade of others. I'll summarize. Abed wants to interview me, Pierce is of course calling me gay but also weirdly suggesting we hang out, and Ian is asking me to take him to the hospital. But then other texts from Garrett indicate he's already there with a broken nose. And I have no idea how Garrett got my number. Oh, and Troy has a tummy ache. He says he might throw up."

"Why does Professor Duncan have a broken nose?"

"Oh, I forgot to mention a fight broke out between him and Chang right before I left. It was actually due to that distraction I was able to remove myself from the whole clusterfuck."

"I see. You know, I am starting to think I should have gone to the dance. It sounds really fun." She walked over and sat down next to him, curling her legs underneath her.

Jeff finally looked up and noticed she had changed out of her dress and was wearing a light pink hoodie and green sweatpants. Her hair was back in a ponytail. God she looks great even in her self-inflicted-friendly-fire sweats.

He looked back down at his phone. "About as fun as my New Year's with Alan. You thought that sounded great too. But trust me, it was not."

Annie leaned against the couch and began to twirl her ponytail. "So shall we do a repeat of New Year's, and you know, hang out?"

He raised his eyebrows and looked at her. "We should probably call it a night."

She shook her head and turned red. "Right. Sorry, that was stupid. Forget I said anything."

He sighed. "I didn't mean it like that. It's just been kind of a confusing night."

She nodded. "I guess I'm just lonely."

"That makes sense. You know there will be more of that with this flying solo crap."

She punched him lightly on the shoulder. "Don't make fun of me. I know I sound ridiculous. Okay, I'm lonely. Big deal. And I also know that flying solo will be good for me. Doesn't mean I have to like it right now. And you're still my friend. I told you I like hanging out with you."

"I thought you were worried about being suffocated."

"See I know you'd never suffocate me, Jeff. You're not that type of person. You've always got your own thing going on. That's kinda part of your appeal."

"You said once I don't let you breathe."

She gasped in mock frustration. "I didn't mean it. I was just mad at you because you were being a jerk."

He smirked. "I see. Thank you for admitting that, by the way."

She glanced at him hesitantly. "So, what do you think? Would you be up for staying a little while? I don't want to watch Die Hard again but maybe we could watch something else?"

He rolled his eyes. "Fine. As long as it's not When Harry Met Sally."


A/N: This is the conclusion of Part One in a series. If you are interested in reading further, please favorite/follow or watch this site. I'll also post a link to Tumblr when the next installment comes out.

"Everything is Better, Part Two" will be up very soon, picking up summer of 2010.