Hello my dear readers! Hope everyone had a great holiday season, whatever you celebrate :) I've decided to do a new fic that is set in high school, since Back To You is Finchel in college/adulthood. So I hope you all enjoy this angst-filled first chapter! Lol

This story is dedicated to Cory Monteith! :D

Disclaimer: I don't own anything related to Glee!

Finn Hudson stared blankly at the TV in front of him as he watched the end of some football game. He wasn't really paying attention though. And he hadn't been paying attention to much.

Not since that goddamn tree lot. Because okay, he hadn't meant to be a douchbag and leave her alone in that tree lot. But he'd just been so freaking confused.

There she was, singing to him with that angelic voice the way she used to. The way she did when she loved him. Just the sound of her voice was enough to make all the breath leave his body.

And then she'd stood so damn close to him. And man, just being that close to her made his heart burn in pain and longing. He'd wanted so bad to reach out and touch her. Just hold her for one minute so he could remember all the reasons her loved her.

Instead, he pushed his feelings aside and told her that it was official. That he was officially breaking up with her.

And it damn near killed him to push her away like that.

That heartbroken look in her beautiful chocolate eyes, the way her little shoulders slumped... Well it was enough to make him want to stand in the middle of traffic and get run over by a Mac truck.

She was too fucking beautiful to be that sad. But then he remembered the reason why he was mad at her. She cheated, it was that simple. She made out with his best friend because Santana told her that they had slept together last year.

And, okay yeah, he probably should have told her himself. It was wrong from him to keep that from her, especially considering how much they loved each other. But did she really have to go suck face with his stupid ex-best friend? The guy that all his girlfriends seemed to go to?

First Quinn cheated on him with Puck, god knows how many times Santana had slept with Puck, and then Rachel, his sweet, innocent Rachel, goes and makes out with him. It was enough to make him go freakin insane. Suffice to say he hadn't talked to Puck since the incident.

He hadn't really talked to a lot of the Glee club lately. Mike and Sam had been the only ones he'd said more than three words to the past few weeks. Well, Kurt too but that's only because they lived together now and were brothers.

Finn pushed himself dejectedly off the bed and shut the stupid tv off. It wasn't a good distraction anyways. He was trying to not think about Rachel. But football just reminded him of how she used to wear her 'Team Finn' shirt to all his games. Or how she'd reluctantly snuggle up to him and watch a game even though she always fell asleep.

It seemed like everything in his life somehow relvolved around Rachel or memories of Rachel. And he hated it. He really fucking hated it. It was like constantly being punched in the gut when he remembered that he couldn't text her anymore, he couldn't sneak into her house at night so they could make out and then fall asleep together in her bed. Or how he couldn't fall asleep to the sound of her singing to him over the phone.

He was having a really rough time trying to forget all about the way she made him feel.

Finn rubbed his temple and tossed the remote onto his bed, figuring a good run around the neighbourhood might clear his head. He kept his sweatpants on and pulled on a jacket, slipping his feet into his sneakers and grabbing his iPod. It was still freakin freezing out there but running would definitely keep his body temp up.

He jogged downstairs and stuffed his iPod earbuds into his ears, standing at the foot of the stairs as he flipped through his songs, trying to find his workout playlist (another habit he'd gotten from Rachel).

He was about to click on a song and head out the door when he heard his mother and Kurt whispering in the next room.

"Both her dads are working, mom. She's going to be alone." Kurt whispered.

"I know that, sweetie. You've told me twice now. I just think it's going to be really awkward with Finn here as well. Given whats been going on between them. Finny has been really broken up lately." Carole sighed, the sounds of her cutting up food on the chopping board audible from his position.

Kurt grumbled to himself. "Well they just ignore each other in Glee club. How is this any different? Besides, she's hurting too you know. Neither of them are a victim in this situation. He hurt her too." Kurt pressed on stubbornly.

Finn's heart thumped painfully at his brothers words. He hated being the cause of Rachel Berry's pain. Hated it.

He tiptoed a little closer to the kitchen door, using all the stealth in his giant body to press his ear against the door.

"I know that too, Kurt. I'm not exactly proud of how Finn has been handling all this. But he's still my son and I don't want him to be uncomfortable in his own home. Especially on a holiday. And besides, since when did you become a Rachel Berry advocate? You used to talk about how annoying she was. Bugged the heck out of Finn." Carole said in her motherly tone that usually held no room for argument.

"Things have changed. I have a newfound respect for Rachel. She's not as selfish as I first thought. Still selfish of course, but her span for caring is a lot larger than I expected. Plus, she's a fellow diva. And divas must stick together." Kurt defended himself.

Carole sighed again. "Kurt, I just really don't think it's a good idea for her to come. Not right now anyways."

"What if I ask Finn myself? Maybe I can convince him to let her come. It's only one dinner and a small little party afterwards." Kurt negotiated.

"If you can Finn's approval of this idea, then fine. He's the only one that would have a problem with her coming. But if he says no, you can't push him anymore, deal?" Carole stopped chopping and Finn could practically feel the intense look she was giving Kurt.

"Deal." Kurt confirmed. "But get ready to set another plate out, I'm quite convincing when I want to be."

Carole chuckled a little and Finn heard footsteps approaching the door. He bolted towards the stairs and took them two at a time, disappearing onto the second floor landing just as Kurt pushed the door open. He'd never been so thankful that the stairs were so close to the kitchen door.

Forgetting all about his plan to go for a run, Finn shut his bedroom door, pacing the floor as he tossed the jacket somewhere near his closet door.

Would he be okay with Rachel coming over? Being in his house again, being so fucking close to him he'd probably be able to smell her delicious Berry explosion shampoo?

Fuck, he wasn't ready for that. But he also didn't want her to be alone on New Years Eve. If what Kurt was saying was true, her dads were both working. And yeah, New Years wasn't a huge deal. But everyone else was celebrating with friends and family and she was looking at being alone.

So the question was; could he put aside his own anger and heartbreak and allow her to be in his house again? To mingle with his family and be so achingly close to him?

Well, he was going to have to act fast, seeing as their annual family dinner was tomorrow and Kurt would no doubt be coming to ask him very soon.

Finn dropped down face first on his bed and cursed his bad luck. Most people who went through crappy breakups didn't have to deal with this sort of thing. Most people didn't have to see their ex constantly.

It had gotten even worse since Kurt and Rachel had become best friends. He was happy they both had someone else to lean on, he just wished he wasn't going through Rachel Berry withdrawal.

"Finn?" Kurt knocked on his bedroom door quietly.

Finn squeezed his pillow and sat up. "Yeah come in." Finn signed, knowing what was coming. His mind was still spinning as he tried to make up his damn mind.

Kurt opened his door, peering in nervously and seeing Finn lying on his bed. "I have something to ask you. But I just want you to listen, okay?" Kurt spoke softly, like he was afraid Finn would come at him and attack.

Finn nodded and gestured for Kurt to come further into the room.

Kurt wrung his hands together. "Well, you know how tomorrow is our New Years Eve dinner and such. I invited Blaine because his family doesn't really do anything." Kurt rambled.

Finn fought the urge to tell him to get on with it. "What's going on, Kurt?" Finn sighed.

Kurt rocked back on his heels and looked around the room, probably noting the lack of Rachel's stuff. He used to have pictures of them everywhere. One on his side-table, a bunch on the board hanging above his desk, one on the desk itself. And now the room seemed strangely bare. Finn felt it too, but it made him think about her less when he didn't see her face all over his room.

"I want to invite Rachel too. But I wanted to run it by you first." Kurt explained quickly. "But before you say no, I just want you to know that her dads are working late. So she's spending yet another holiday alone. I think after everything you two have gone through she deserves a little time with her friends. She feels awkward enough coming over to hang out with me and Mercedes."

Finn seethed, unable to stop the next words that tumbled out of his mouth. "Yeah well maybe she should have thought about that before she cheated on me with Puck."

He felt bad about it, but a part of him felt good for saying that aloud. He hated that she cheated on him and he hated that everyone thought she was the victim. He wasn't the one that cheated on her. They weren't even dating when he slept with Santana.

"Maybe if you defended her once in a while instead of letting Santana and Quinn ridicule her, she wouldn't feel the need to go to someone else." Kurt crossed his arms snootily. "Maybe you should have been a better boyfriend." He snapped.

That made Finn crack. He slammed his fists on the bed and stood up angrily, eying his brother who was standing his ground. "You shut the fuck up about things you don't understand! You have no idea what went on in our relationship. So don't you dare stand there and judge me!" Finn grit his teeth and fought the urge to punch something.

Kurt shook his head. "You can't act like this forever, Finn. You can't pretend like you didn't do anything wrong, you won't get any better like that. I don't care what you say, I'm inviting Rachel over. Because believe it or not, she's hurting too. She needs friends and some moral support. She didn't cheat on you just to spite you, you drove her to Puck. So get off your ass and stop whining about how life is so unfair to you." Kurt growled at him.

Finn was left dumbfounded as Kurt spun on his heel and slammed the door behind him.

He stood there in a daze, trying to process Kurt's words. He couldn't have been right. Lying to someone isn't nearly as bad as cheating on someone with their best friend. He was in the right. Not Rachel. He wasn't going to let Kurt make him feel sorry for Rachel.

He wasn't a bad boyfriend. He had loved her and done everything he could to make sure she was happy.

Screw Kurt and screw Rachel.

He dove back onto his bed and laid on his stomach, burying his face in his pillow. He wished he could just whisk away his feeling for her. But fuck he still loved her. God he loved her so much.

He just sat there and thought about how he acting as the day wove into night. The light outside was slowly dwindling as he laid there and thought. Maybe he was acting a little childish. Maybe he should try to see it from her point of view.

But he knew it would fucking hurt. This wouldn't have been so bad if he didn't love her so much. If he hadn't fallen for her so quickly.

At about five o'clock, six hours after he talked to Kurt, he got out of bed. Determined to be the bigger person.

He wretched open his door and marched straight up to Kurt's door, knocking loudly. Kurt opened it, his face cross when he saw who it was.

"What do you want?" Kurt asked.

"She can come. Tell her she can come." And with that, Finn marched back to his room and shut the door, wondering if he was making the right decision or not.

I know that this is a lot shorter than the chapters in Back To You, but they will most likely get longer. And this story won't be as long as BTY either, but it is in fact a multi-chapter fic.

I always thought that they should have handled Finchel better in season 2 and I hated what they did with Fuinn and how they made Finn kind of a jerk. So this is how I think it should have gone.

Here's to a new multi-chapter fic!