A/N: Well here it is, the final chapter. I loved the end of season 6, so hopefully you'll think this ending is just as good. I hope you've enjoyed the story! I appreciate everyone who read and left a review and especially those of you who stayed with the story and reviewed almost every chapter. As always, I don't own Blue Bloods. As you read the conversation with Jamie and Eddie try to read in their voices/attitudes. Eddie isn't supposed to sound mad.

Last week on coming undone: "You still never answered my question from earlier" she said taking a step towards him.

"What question?" He replied

"You know what I'm taking about" she said turning her head to the side as she kept her eyes locked on his baby blues.

"Yeah, I do" he admitted "I don't know what the answer is but I know I've wanted to do this again for a long time" then in one swift motion he took two steps closer til they were so close she could feel his breath on her head then he cupped her face in his hand and pressed his lips against hers. She reciprocated as she threw her arms around his neck and leaned into the kiss. After a minute he pulled back and said "I don't know if that answers your question or makes it harder to answer but I better go get the car" and he took a step back and walked away toward the parking lot leaving Eddie stunned and confused.

Her heart was fluttering as she stood there. That wasn't bad. No, it was really really good. Too good. She wanted more. But confusing as hell. He avoids any talk about us but then does that out of nowhere it just, it doesn't make sense. When he comes back do I just act like nothing happened? I bet he'll act like nothing happened, like he always does. Maybe this time is different. That kiss, that spontaneity was different.

On the other side of the storage facility Jamie couldn't help but have a happy little smirk on his face. God, I've wanted to do that for so long. I wonder how she feels about it. She keeps wanting to talk about us but I don't know how to put my feelings for her into words. I want her and we need each other but every time we try to define our relationship it just ends in pain and heartache. Then suddenly his thoughts shifted to fears. What's going to happen when I get back? Is she going to be mad? Whatever she's feeling she's going to want to talk about it but I don't know what to say. By this point he had reached the car. Jamie fumbled with the keys and got in the car. He kept worrying about what Eddie would say when he returned. He decided his best defense is to act like nothing happened.

Eddie watched as headlights turned around the corner illuminating the aisle where she was waiting. The car slowed to a stop right beside her. Jamie put the car in park and got out. Eddie was mesmerized watching him. He was so smooth. He didn't say a word as he walked around to the trunk and opened the door. He started to lift the dresser when Eddie stopped him

"Jamie what are you doing?"

"I'm loading the car? Is there anything else you need before we go?"

"No I don't need anything else right now. Let me help you, you shouldn't lift that with your shoulder!" She commanded

"I'm fine"

"Oh really? 6 months off the job and the scar from the gunshot wound say otherwise"

"How do you know there's a scar?"

"Is there a scar?

"Yes" Jamie muttered

"Lucky guess, now let me help you"

"Okay fine you get that side"

"Don't use your hurt arm!" Eddie said again

"Okay okay" Jamie conceded.

When the dresser was secure in the car Jamie shut the car door.

"Eddie you sure you don't need anything else?"

"I don't have room in my place for much else"

"Okay I'm closing it up then" Jamie said referencing the unit

She leaned on the car watching as he turned his back to her locking the door on the storage unit.

"So this is how we're going to handle this?" Eddie said

Jamie turned around and sighed, "I knew you'd want to talk about it"

"I knew you'd want to ignore it" Eddie retorted

Jamie went over and sat on the car next to her. "I don't know where to begin"

"Jamie what are we doing?" Eddie asked

"I wish I could tell you"

"For almost four years now or at least three, I feel like we've been dancing around whatever this is between us."

"Maybe because we can't define what exactly it is"

"Well maybe it's time we at least try to define it!" She begged

"I don't know what to call it. I mean we're a great pair. We get along, we watch each other's backs, we care about each other's safety"

"But isn't there more to it than that?"


"Maybe? Come on Jamie there is or there isn't. You feel it or you don't"

"It's pretty late and we have a long drive we should get going" Jamie said looking down at her from his seat beside her leaning against the car

"Really? You're trying to change the subject"

"I'm just suggesting that we start heading back to your place"

"Fine but this conversation isn't over" she said as she moved to open the passenger side door.

Jamie sighed deeply as he made his way to the drivers wasn't mad but she beginning to feel the same kind of frustration she had felt with Jamie so many times before. It was the frustration she got when they went to a burger place and he ordered a salad, Or when he always chose the most boring places for happy hour, or when his obsession with the patrol guide made them miss out on some of the action. She wasn't really mad just slightly annoyed.

"So back to the matter at hand" Eddie started before they were even out of the parking lot. "Is there something there or not?"

"Why am I the one answering all the questions?"

"Because you don't want to talk about it so if asking the questions is left up to you there won't be any questions" she replied with the same levelheaded tone she used when convincing him that Nicky dating a cop wasn't a bad idea.

"Alright here's a question, do you think there's something undefined between us?"

"You can't use that question I asked you first"

"What is this first grade?" Jamie replied with a tone that was on the verge of defensive

"Jamie" Eddie warned

"Okay okay fine." Jamie sighed before continuing "There's something I haven't told you. Do you remember a couple years ago we responded to a domestic? There was a guy and his girlfriend arguing in the court yard and we got there right as things started to get physical. So we started to break it up and I've got the girlfriend then right as Renzulli shows up the guy throws you to the ground and I react by grabbing the guy and taking him down with what might could have been considered excessive force."

"Jamie what does this have to do with what we're talking about?" Eddie asked pleadingly wishing he would stay on topic

"I haven't got to that part yet. So we went back and later that night after you had left I got called in by Renzulli. More or less he accused me of using more force than necessary and asked if I had any romantic feelings for you. He gave me the night and an ultimatum. I had one night to decide if I had feelings for you or else if I showed any other hints of overstepping our relationship he was going to have one of us transferred to a different precinct."

"Wait Renzulli knew there was something between us?" Eddie said shaking her head

"Eddie open your eyes detective, I think everyone knows there's something there between us except us! I think even my dad knows there's something between us"

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because that would've been weird 'hey the boss thinks I have feelings for you. Do you have feelings for me?"

"Fair enough. So what'd you tell Renzulli?" Eddie asked bracing her for what she knew had to be the truth. Since they were still partners Jamie had to have told him there were no romantic feelings. Eddie needed to hear him say it though- before she could give up.

"I can count on one hand the number of times I've lied to Renzulli- even though he was my partner for two years when I was first on the job. But, at that point in time I valued our friendship and our partnership more than our chance at a relationship. Plus, I didn't even know if you felt the same way"

"Was this before or after we, ya know, kissed?" Eddie said daring to mention that one first kiss.

"Couple months after. But like I said I couldn't tell how you felt"

"What do you mean you couldn't tell how I felt? It was obvious I had a thing for you Reagan"

"Was it so obvious? Because after that night we both played it off like it was nothing"

"What's else were we supposed to to?"

"I don't know? Thinking back on it we should've acted on it"

"I don't regret that decision"

"You don't?"

"No, Eddie think of all the great times we've had as partners! Who knows if things would've worked out between us then but because I decided we should stay partners we've saved each others lives a couple of times"

"Okay that might be an overstatement"

"No I'm serious! Remember when that guy put a threat out on me?"

"Yeah and I remember almost getting blown up which neither of us could've prevented."

"But then I was able to save you when he kidnapped you"

"I thought we weren't going to talk about that again"

"Okay sorry. But remember a few months ago when Marcus almost got us killed in that bank"

"Well that was just partners having each others back"

"But I'm glad it was you who had my back"

"So tell me this Jamie. Did you even think about it before telling him you didn't have romantic feelings for me?"

"Yeah of course I did. In fact I came this close to telling him to reassign us. I went to see Erin at work and ask her what she thought I should do"

"And she said?"

"And she said she thought I had feelings for you. Actually I believe she said you were 'my type'"

"And you still decided to tell him there was nothing romantic between us?"

"Eddie I told you, at that point in time- which was two almost three years ago- I valued our partnership"

"So was it hard?"

"Lying to renzulli? I mean I felt a little guil-"

"No I meant pretending there wasn't something there"

"Well yeah. Actually it was really hard. That was the day before our anniversary on the job"

"That's why you wouldn't go out with me!?" Eddie exclaimed as things finally began to make sense

"You remember that?"

"Yes I remember that I was pissed. I couldn't believe you wouldn't celebrate with me"

"Trust me I wanted to, but I knew how that would look. But what about you, now I've answered all your questions but you still haven't told me how you feel"

Eddie took a deep breath. "I think a part of me knew from the second we met that there would be something between us"

"You mean love at first sight?"

"I don't know. I don't really believe in that stuff but maybe some sort of chemistry. I mean when we first met I basically had to pick your jaw up off the sidewalk."

"Hey that's not fair, plus you were the one flirting with me from the get go"

"Not true"

"So true"

"It's called being friendly"

"Actually I think the word you were looking for is flirty"

"Whatever either way I think there was something from the beginning"

"So you're trying to say you've felt this way for four years?"

"I think whatever feelings I have for you are stronger now than they were then but I don't know..." She trailed off

"You don't know what?"

"Jamie, do you think it's a coincidence that we have both dated people over the past four years but nothing's ever gone further than a couple of dates? We're young, good looking people but in four years neither of us have had anything substantial"

"Well you get jealous when ever I talk to a female"

"Do not"

"What about that nurse?"

"That was one time we addressed the issue and I thought we were over it. Plus you get jealous too"

"No, now you're making things up"

"Not true! What about when that officer from my training course tried to make a move on me?"

"Okay that guy was a sleaze and you know it. I was just watching your back. Plus he was a superior officer anyway. You're not the kind of girl to sleep your way to the top"

"That's not what I was doing"

"That's what it would've looked like. I was just looking out for you"

"Call it what you want but whatever the reason neither of us can hold a solid relationship"

"What about that guy Connor?"

"First off that was after you were out of the picture and second off let's not talk about him again"

"I was only out of the picture becau-" the Jamie cut himself off. This conversation had been healthy up to this point there was no reason to start pointing fingers.

"So what do we do?" She asked

"We already tried dating" Jamie stated

"That was a good two days"

"I might not call it it my finest two days but we were good for a little while"

"Does the bomb on their first date still feel like a bad omen for the relationship?"

"A little. But I don't know I guess the first three good years kind of negate that."

"So are you saying you want to give it another shot?"

"Is that what you want? I think that's what I want"

"I think that's what I want"

"But if it's this easy what have we been afraid of?"

"This is a pretty big decision" Jamie answered

"Not really. People date all the time"

"Yeah but how often do good friends date then break up and continued being friends?"

"It's possible"

"But unlikely"

"So we're just afraid of what happens if things go wrong"

"That sounds about right"

"Well that's crazy what if things work out and we get married and have kids and grow old together"

"That's possible I guess" Jamie laughed at the thought of him and Eddie married with kids. That part seemed surreal.

"So should we think about this more? Make sure it's really the right decision?" Eddie asked

By this point they had reached eddies apartment and Jamie was parking out front. He stopped the car. And looked her in the eyes before motioning that they both get out of the car as he said "No I don't think we need to think about it any more"

"You're sure this is what you want?"

By this point she was heading toward the trunk and he met her there face to face. He took a deep breath saying a silent prayer that this would come out right.

"Eddie Janko, I have to be completely honest with you right now. Over the past few months there's been nobody I've wanted to talk to as badly as I've wanted to talk to you. When Sydney left me I thought I was heartbroken but what I felt then was nothing compared to what I felt when I saw you with Connor. Over the past four years we've had arguments and differences of opinions and you drive me crazier than anyone else but we've overcome all that. Even when you make me crazy you're still the only person I want. When I thought I was dying you have no idea how glad I was that you were there. We've saved a few lives and we make a great pair on the job and off. There's nobody else I would have wanted to spend the last four years with. When I met you it was a dark time for me. My partner had just died in my arms. But you, you helped me even if you might not have realized it. Training and then working with you every day made me enjoy being a cop again. And I have a confession to make, I didn't visit your dad all those times just because I felt charitable. I visited him because it was sometimes the closest I could get to you. I couldn't love you because we were partners but he could. And now whatever happens tonight I can't keep pretending like I don't love you because I do. We made a great partnership and now no matter what happens I need you to know that I will always be there for you." After a pause he added "even if you call me crying about a dresser at eight o'clock on a Thursday while I'm at a dinner party, I will always be there for you"

At this point Eddie was speechless. Nobody had ever said anything like that before and she had a weird feeling nobody else would ever again. It was one of those genuine once in a life time moment.

"Well I guess that settles it then" she said softly.

"We good?" Jamie asked as he had hundreds of times before

"Yeah, we're good" she said with a smile just like old times as she leaned into him embracing him in a warm hug.

"You know we're under that same old street light" Jamie pointed out. With a smile.

"Yeah we are" Eddie acknowledged with a mischievous smile thinking she knew where this was going.

"You know what that means right?"

"I hope so" she said as he pulled her even closer cupping his hand on her face as their lips met. As they stood there two bodies joined together under the all too familiar glow of the street light suddenly all the pain and hurt of the last few months, everything that had come undone, suddenly came back together.

A/N: I hope you liked it! I had a couple ideas about continuing the whole story line with her dad but I like the closure of this scene. I might continue this in a sequel but for now this is it! Thank you!