Sharon looks at Andy leans forward saying, "We have 2 minutes before Patrice arrives, let's watch the video one more time." Andy who is holding her hand with his arm around her shoulders responds, "Or ... We could neck like teenagers." Sharon smirks squinting her eyes at him, punctuating her reply with a gentle whack on his chest, "You're incorrigible ." "That's what they keep telling me," he replies as he draws her closer with a gleam in his eye and that boyish smirk on his face. Reading her laugh as an acquiesce he takes her cheek in his hand and kisses her. Slow and tentative at first until he feels her return his caress. Pulling her closer he kisses her firmly drawing her in, only to release her mouth, staying just a breath away, teasing her with the faintest of touches, letting her, decide how far this would go.

Sharon wasn't surprised by his suggestion. She almost expected it, but even knowing that, it still made her laugh. He often made her feel like a teenager. She allowed herself to be swept up in his advance, accepting his soft warm kiss that turned strong and hungry then almost vanished, leaving her breathless. His lips barely touching hers, his warm breath giving her goosebumps. She leaned into him pressing her lips to his. Parting them ever so slightly and encompassing his lower lip. She felt his fingers on her neck tense and release, his thumb running along her jaw as he responded in kind. His breath was hot on her cheek as she pulled back to the sound of someone at the door. "Patrice," she said her lips brushing his as she spoke. She thought he would let her go and flash that mischievous grin of his but instead he held her, firmly kissing her again.

Upon releasing her he quipped,"Better not keep Patrice waiting." He had a gleefully smug expression on his face. As she stood up, she ran her thumb just below his lower lip to wipe away her lipstick. She narrowed her eyes saying,"Lip stick and you are incorrigible," he only laughed and motioned toward the door. "Hang on Patrice, we're coming," he called as Sharon quickly checked her make up in the entryway mirror and smoothed her hair before opening the door.
