Extra: Iron Rose

"I know this might be sudden Heather, but… How much do you know about metalworking?"

"Hmm?" Heather paused mid hammer swing, looking up from the disassembled flooder that was strewn in pieces all over the workshop. Ever since they've settled themselves in Octo Valley and gotten into the new roles that DJ Octavio had given them, the various members of the Under-Sea-Dogs barely saw one another aside from when they were off duty. Considering his former role as a town guard, Morgan was especially zealous when it came to his current duty of patrolling the zones and on occasion participating in mock battles with any Agents that he came across.
So it was a particularly big surprise for the octoling engineer to see Morgan now in front of her, when the five o'clock bell still hasn't rung yet.

"The heck? Whaddya doing outside of your shift?!" Heather exclaimed, drawing the attention of a couple of nearby octarians who looked up from their assigned scraps. "You of all people!"
"I'm very much aware. Don't worry, this won't take long." Morgan replied, as he rubbed his back ponytail-tentacle absentmindedly. "Are you in the middle of something right now?"
"Isn't it obvious?" Heather motioned towards the disassembled flooder on the ground, as well as a couple dozen other deactivated ones neatly lined up at the back of the hall. "I got a huge work order that just came down from the higher-ups, something about a retired combat engineer that just sent us a whole bunch of blueprints from Inkopolis to keep these machines up to date. Apparently she designed these particular things?"
"Inkopolis?" Morgan questioned, genuinely curious.
"She REALLY liked the singing Agent 1 and Agent 2 did, so she went a little walkabout to pursue a new career? Think she went by Marina… so I heard." Heather shrugged. "I mean, I don't really care, personally."
"Right… So what's the holdup then?"
"Well, some idiotic Agents decided that the workshop's automatic assembly line is a GREAT place to host another one of those 'stories' of theirs, so we loaned it to them for a bit. And well…"

Morgan briefly glanced at the other end of the hall. A couple of extremely perplexed octocopters are staring at one of the machines on the assembly line situated there, which for some utterly bizarre reason was completely gummed up by what looks to be an ungodly amount of chewing gum. There was even a faint fruity smell that lingered in the air.

"…I see the problem." The octoling guard remarked, trying and failing to conceal an amused grin from his face.
"Yeeeeah. Well while the janitors work out how to salvage that hot mess, we gotta do all this manually." Heather grumbled. "So do you mind? This rivet isn't going to hammer itself."

The octoling engineer turned towards the nearby octarians with a stern glare, noticing that they've stopped what they were doing to eavesdrop. With a couple of hushed apologies, the workers went back their jobs with a look of mild shame.

"Í guess I will come back later, then." Morgan said, turning to leave. "How about we talk round the back once you're done?"
"Oh alright, fine. I'll admit I AM a little curious." Heather replied. Watching as her old friend left via the back doorway, she caught a glimpse of the octocopters assigned to attempting to repair the assembly line, now also tangled up themselves with their little legs sticking out of the giant ball of chewing gum.


"So…. how was your first day at the Under-Sea-Dogs, Anna?"

"…it's…exhausting! Are we going to be doing this often from now on?"

"It's for everyone's sake."

"You are certainly zealous… I don't know if I…"



"Hey… Anna? Can you come with me for a moment?"


"I…. want to show you something."

"So. This better be good." A very exhausted and disheveled Heather grumbled, staring daggers into Morgan. She is still covered with traces of gum from head to foot. "You have no idea how difficult it is to get chewing gum off of circuitry, MANUALLY. I'll be getting this smell off of me for days!"
"I'll let you get onto that. But let me reiterate, I want to know how much you know about metalworking." Morgan replied, "just the basics really."
"Hmm… well I can't exactly teach you all in one day. Engineering is something you have to learn, y'know?" Heather shook her head, frowning. "It took me my whole life to even put the Octoasura together, and there's still so much I don't know! I plan on enrolling in some advanced courses in Slimeskin Garrison sometime next month-"
"No,no, I don't need to go that far." Morgan interrupted. "Just… something small. Like an accessory. I want to make a gift."

Heather is suddenly all ears.

"Oho!?" She exclaimed, eyes perking up in excitement. "Who's the lucky girl, eh?"
"What-" Morgan sputtered, not realizing he's becoming flushed. "How'd you get to that conclusion?"
"C'mon, you've always been 'equipment maintenance' this, 'patrol duty' that whenever you came to me for anything. Asking me to teach you is a first, let alone something as functionally useless as an accessory." There was a twinkle in Heather's eyes that Morgan rarely saw in all the time they've spent together, usually only seen when she's had a spark of inspiration. "In! Conclusion! You're courting someone!"

The octoling guard stumbled back slightly, somewhat taken aback by his friend. Heather's utterly impossible to reason with when she gets in this mood. "Aren't you jumping several steps in that reasoning there?! Anyway, can you do it?"
"Can I? Who do you think you're talking to?!" Heather stepped forward, grabbing Morgan by the arm and dragging him in the direction of a nearby scrapyard. "We have to get started right away! C'mon, we should start with materials first! I know there are some shiny bits of scrap metal over at the junkyard that'd make a beautiful necklace…"
"AAAGH! At least let me go, you'll rip my arm off!" Morgan yelled, barely keeping up.

"How long do I have to wear this blindfold?"

"It won't be long, Anna. Just don't let go, okay?"

"Okay, Morgan…"

"…okay, you can take it off now."

"…what…? By the gods…"

"This is my secret place. Well… now it's ours, I suppose. What do you think?"

"…it's lovely."

"March! Left face! Aaaaand… halt! At ease!"

Eliza watched as her battalion marched in formation and came to a halt before her, falling in line. Ten columns, evenly spaced from each other, each soldier neatly poised and standing straight. Keeping a stern expression, the octoling commandant scanned the crowd of octarian soldiers before her, looking for any imperfections.
To her displeasure, she noticed two octoling soldiers near the back, slowly fidgeting as they made a hushed discussion that was inaudible from her current position.

"YOU TWO, over there! Cease your chatter at once!" Eliza shouted, causing the octolings to jump. "Stay right there! Everyone else, DISMISSED!"

As the octarian soldiers scattered, some breathing sighs of relief as they went back to the barracks while others made worrying glances at the two that didn't stay in line, Eliza slowly marched up towards the gossiping octolings with a piercing glare.
"So. What do you have to say for yourselves?" Eliza asked sternly.
"I-I'm sorry!" one of the octolings replied shakily. The other one couldn't even muster up any words.
"Explain yourselves in thirty words or less, only then I'll let you go. I cannot put up with disciplining soldiers all day!" Eliza crossed her arms, still not taking her gaze away.

"T-the rescue operation on Sector Zero the other day…" The octoling soldier eventually replied, seemingly on the verge of tears. "We've… lost our sister in a collapse. I'm sorry, I was just trying to console her!"

A stab of guilt seemed to go through Eliza's heart like a serrated knife. Of course, there are still people here coping with the aftermath of Sector Zero's collapse, including members of her own battalion. It was taking all of her willpower for Eliza to not simply embrace her own subordinate on the spot to comfort her. Appearances have to be kept, considering her position.
"…my condolences." Eliza could only say, nodding gently. "I'll permit you and your sister to have the rest of the week off."
"…ma'am?" The octoling seemed shocked.
"BUT in return, I expect you two to give it your all when you return to duty!" Eliza exclaimed. "Stand with your head held high! That is my order! Are we clear?!"
"Y-yes ma'am!"

As Eliza watched as the octoling escorted her sister back to the barracks with her, she left the training zone as well as soon as no one else is left. Rounding a corner, her straight posture faltered as she breathed an exhausted sigh, leaning on to a nearby wall as she did so.

"You've certainly become quite the imposing leader, Anna."

Eliza turned towards the source of the voice, and was surprised to see Morgan approaching her, with an armful of supplies on hand. He set down the various tools and boxes on the floor next to Eliza, leaning besides her on the same wall.
"Don't call it that." Eliza replied, shaking her head indignantly. "I have to keep up appearances, you know."
"Surely it would pay to be a little softer on the rookies?" Morgan said, looking towards nowhere in particular.
"I'd get even weirder looks if I did! These soldiers knew me as a demon the whole time I was up here. It'd just be a massive shock to them if I acted soft the next day! Comforting those two was really pushing it."

Morgan's slight smile briefly diminished. "Still struggling with the memories?"

"….yes." Eliza sighed. "Sometimes I wonder, whether my time as Eliza was simply all just a dream, or if my time as Anna was the dream. It felt like I lived the lives of two people, and I just… don't understand."

"Mmm. I wish I could say I understand, but truth be told I really don't. Doubt I ever will. But…" Morgan turned towards Eliza, with a reassuring nod. "From my point of view, you are, and always will be Anna to me."


There was a moment of silence between the two octolings. Eventually, Morgan stooped down to pick up the armful of supplies he had.
"So… are you free today?" Morgan asked.
"I'll be done once I finish sorting out the reports for today." Eliza seems perplexed at his question. "Is there something you need from me?"
"Yeah. Meet me at the surface once you're done. I… want to show you something."

The breath caught in Eliza's throat as she watched Morgan's retreating figure. "Y-yes."

"What even are these?"

"Desert roses, so I heard. These are natural crystal formations. I've stumbled upon them one day during a routine sweep."

"It's… wonderful."

"I agree. But… I've heard stories of something far more wonderful."

"Are there?"

"They say… somewhere far above, there is a giant body of water, so vast that you cannot see the end. There's also a truly massive bulb known as the Sun, which makes this supposed body of water truly beautiful to look at."

"It sounds like a fairy tale."

"It very well might be. But… the fact that this natural wonder exists. It may not be as far-fetched as I thought. Also I've heard of it from Granny, so…"



"…hey, Morgan."

"Yes, Anna?"

"Say that this fairy tale turns out to be true… can you take me there one day?"


"Promise me?"

"…yes. It's a promise."

"How much farther?"
"We're almost there, Anna. Just follow me."

Eliza gave a nod of acknowledgement, and continued to walk alongside Morgan. He has taken her to a winding tunnel, the entrance cleverly concealed by the octopus-shaped rock formation on top of it. Along with the steady dripping of water all around them, she can hear the distant sound of waves crashing onto rock echoing from the far distance. Wherever they are, the ocean isn't far away.

"Can I ask you something, Anna?" Morgan eventually said, breaking the silence. "How… how has the surface world been treating you? You said the octarians up here knew you as a demon."
"I suppose I gained a certain reputation." Eliza replied, reminiscing with a forlorn expression. "My wish to the Cross was to become strong… as you know. Not just in body, but in mind."
"Sounds like you got more than you bargained for."
"Yes… I've gained many titles from how I've treated my fellow soldiers. Most of them aren't very flattering. There was one that I've taken a shining to though…"
"What would that be?" Morgan asked, curious.
"…'Iron Rose'. Heh, it was fitting in retrospect." Eliza flashed a smile. "Tough, beautiful, but unapproachable. Suits my identity as Commandant Eliza to a tee, I suppose."
Morgan didn't reply, but Eliza saw him hide a knowing smile. She decided not to question it.

"We're here."

Rounding a corner, Eliza was taken aback by what she saw. The tunnel abruptly terminated at a giant cave mouth with an open view of the ocean, the waves crashing onto the cliff face far below. The sun just so happened to be setting, so the yellowish glow reflected off of the ocean waters into the cavern and illuminated the entire cavern. To complete the picture, the entire cavern is filled with desert rose crystals, which caught the sunlight and glimmered in countless points of light all around the octolings.

"Speechless?" Morgan exclaimed, rather pleased with himself. "Since we came up here, I've spent every day trying to find the perfect view. Some time ago I've found it, I just had to show you."
"…it's far better than when I've first seen the ocean with my own eyes." Eliza said, looking at Morgan. "Thank you."
"It's truly a coincidence that this place is filled with desert roses as well." Morgan looked around, "Takes me back, you know… When we made that promise."

A series of memories flashed through Eliza's head in quick succession. The surprise of seeing an octocopter slathered in black paint. The excitement of children's games within the civilian district. The self-doubt, the kindly octocopter consoling her. The glimmer of desert roses. A promise, and the seeding of a desire to see the world above…

"…You've never forgotten?" Eliza said slowly, hands unconsciously touching the star necklace around her neck. The engraved messages upon it shimmered from the light of the setting sun.

"How can I? I've thought about it countless times." Morgan suddenly stopped smiling. "What I've said back then, it was what eventually drove you to want to leave Sector 0, wasn't it?"

Eliza nodded slowly. "…yeah."

"I was such a hardass back then. Always about the job, and all that. That time, I wanted to stop you from leaving, and…"

"You've said enough, Morgan." Eliza stopped him mid-sentence, putting a hand on his shoulder. "No point regretting the past. We're together now, aren't we?"

"I know. But it truly is easier said than done. That's why… I want to make amends."


Morgan stared straight into Eliza's eyes. Reaching into his pocket, and withdrew what was unmistakably a hairpin, crudely made out of scrap metal and shaped in the form of a rose. The edges of the petals were coated in a silvery coating that caught any light nearby and made it shimmer like glass.

"An iron rose- ooh." Eliza cracked a wider smile than usual. "I see. You were always perceptive, weren't you?"

Eliza looked up towards Morgan. There was a sense of determination present in his eyes, one that she hasn't seen so strongly in all the time she had known him.

"I couldn't protect you then… So from now till forever, I will always be by your side, as your shield." The octoling guard exclaimed. "Will you allow me to cover your weaknesses from now on?"

These words shook Eliza to her core. She has no idea what expression she is making now, but she could definitely feel a rising heat creeping up her face.

"That's…. do you even know what you're saying?!" She sputtered. "Forever… does that mean…?"

"I know exactly what I said… Anna."

His gaze still affixed on Eliza, Morgan clasped her hands in his. At this very moment, Morgan seemed more radiant than even the countless points of light within the cavern in her eyes.

"From the very beginning… I've always loved you."

Something bloomed within Eliza then, hearing those words. It felt as if she was reliving every minute, every second of happiness she has spent with Morgan throughout her life, condensed into a window of time that lasted within an instant. A dam of indescribable joy seemed to suddenly burst, flooding her thoughts entirely.

It was more than she could bear. Wrapping both her arms and her long tentacle hair she had around Morgan, Eliza pulled him into a deep embrace that in reality lasted a few seconds, but to her it seemingly lasted an eternity.

"I…I…" She whispered. "I've… always love you too."

"Well, we've spent enough time here. I gotta return to patrol immediately."

"You certainly give it your all, Morgan. I'm truly amazed."

"I just feel that not enough people stand up for themselves. Someone has to do it, you know?"

"Yeah… I know. But I guess that's what I like about you."

"Yeah…Wait, what did you say again?"

"Heehee…. It's nothing."

"And… there we go." Morgan finished fastening the hair accessory he created atop Eliza's head. As he had expected, the silvery gleam on the iron rose contrasted perfectly with her black tentacles. "You look astounding."
"Thanks. Hmm… I wonder." Eliza muttered. "Normally I would be bothered with possibly being seen by my subordinates with something like this on, but… somehow I don't care anymore."
"I would say that's a good thing."

The newly created couple turned towards the setting sun together, which is now slowly disappearing over the horizon. As a chilling air blew through into the cave mouth, Eliza leaned in close and deposited the side of her head onto Morgan's shoulder.

"So, you will cover my weaknesses from now on, will you?" She said quietly. "Would that possibly mean you will be seeing a lot more of me, then?"
"…that is the plan." Morgan replied, "I'll make arrangements with Lord Octavio, see if I can coincide my shifts with yours."
"Oh no, no. That's not what I meant."

Suddenly, Eliza pushed Morgan onto the ground. The octoling was taken aback as the octoling commander sat on top of him, leaning close with an expression he has never seen before.

"I'll show you every last weak point on me. Every… last… inch." Eliza whispered, an uncharacteristically devilish glint twinkling in her eyes. "Will you take me up on this offer?"

"Wow, you've certainly gotten more assertive than before." Morgan returned Eliza's devilish smile with a mischievous smirk. "Were you always like this, or has your time as Eliza taught you a few tricks?"

"I wonder about that. Now…" Eliza leaned in close. "Start with my face, will you?"

"…as you wish, ma'am."

As the sun finally set over the horizon, the silhouettes cast by the octolings within the cavern came together, and melded into the darkness. There was nothing else, but the faint shimmer of rising moonlight, and the distant sound of ocean waves…

AN: In case it wasn't obvious, I don't do romance. Much.
This extra chapter is a contest entry for a little Valentine's Day contest within the SWC, submitted hilariously late.