Chapter One: Last Resort

"So, Thalia, what happened at your foster placement?" The man with the floppy brown hair clasped his hands together, looking at her expectantly.

The girl sat in the armchair opposite, fiddling with the zip on the pocket of her jeans. "Why ask questions when you already know the answers?" she asked, her eyebrows arched and the faintest hint of a smile resting on her lips.

The man sighed. "It's my job," he replied. "So, tell me again. What happened?"

Thalia looked at him. "The boy insulted me," she said.

"How did it make you feel?"

"Irritated. Annoyed."

"Angry?" the man asked.


"So what did you do then?"

"I swore at him."

"And then what did he do?" The man's tone sounded genuinely interested. It must have been part of the job.

"He pushed me." Thalia frowned. "What was his name again?"

"Sam," said the man. "What did you do when he pushed you?"

"I hit him back, of course," said Thalia.

"What'd you do that for?! Ge'off me!"

"I think you did a little more than hit him, Thalia's ," said the man. "The boy has been admitted to the hospital."

"Serves him right," Thalia said simply.

"You caused your foster mother to leave the kitchen and the oven caught on fire," said the man, raising his eyebrows at her.

"Too bad they were so worried about their precious son." Thalia's freckly face became expressionless, despite the angry crease between her brows. Her red hair messily framed her face, making all those hundreds of freckles seem even more prominent.

"You were in the Jones' foster care for exactly two days, seven hours and forty-two minutes." The man went through some papers, examining the data. "That isn't even your shortest time recorded."


"Your social worker will be here soon to pick you up," said the man. "When she arrives, try not to lose your temper with her, will you?"

"So she's taking me somewhere I won't like?" Thalia asked.

"I'm afraid I don't know. But when you get to where ever you are going, you have to keep your temper there too. Try and beat your record, will you?"

"And what is my record?" Thalia looked at him curiously.

The man found the paper. "Thirteen days," he read. "Thirteen days since the.. well, you know. Stay there for a fortnight, or try to. If you do, I'll be pleasantly surprised."

"And what's in it for me?" Thalia asked.

"A safe home?" the therapist suggested. A car was pulling up outside. "That'll be her. Keep control of your anger, Thalia."

Thalia rolled her eyes and grabbed her rucksack. The foster home hadn't been the only thing she'd managed to lose over the past two days. "Hello, Karen," she addressed the woman in the car. "Long time no see."

"Two days, Thalia! Two days!" Karen said. "Get in the car."

Thalia got into the passenger seat. "I'm surprised you've found me another place so quickly," she remarked.

"So am I," said Karen tiredly. "Where's the rest of your things?" She stared at the smallish rucksack in Thalia's lap.

"Lost it at the last home," Thalia replied. That foster brother had decided to bin most of her clothes. "Where am I going to now?"

"It's a group home," said Karen, her eyes on the road. "I know what happened in your last group home, but it's a last resort."

"Is it far?" Thalia looked out the window, watching the other cars go by. A blue one drove past and a small child looked out at her and gave a cheeky smile and a wave. Thalia imagined that child going home with several other siblings and having a family dinner. Then, his parents would tuck him up in bed with a whispered goodnight. Thalia sighed, rolled her eyes, and shook the thought off.

"Not very far," said Karen.

The rest of the journey was silent except for the occasional cough or mutter. Eventually, Karen pulled up outside a large, long house, with lots of windows and a light green door. Thalia pushed the car door open and got out, shouldering the rucksack.

"Hi!" greeted the Asian woman at the door. She had black hair and wore a yellowy shirt with jeans. "You must be Thalia. I'm May-Li." She turned to Karen. "Thanks for bringing her here."

"Thank you for having her," said Karen. "I've got to be going but I'll send you the papers."

"Thanks," said May-Li. "Come on inside, Thalia."

Thalia followed her inside the house, looking around at the interior. Heavy music was playing upstairs over a softer, sweeter tune. Several people were shouting, and Thalia could only wonder why.

"Who's this?" asked a boy, sauntering into the hallway.

"Ryan, this is-" May-Li started.

"Turn it down!" a girl yelled from upstairs. "Jody, now!"

Mai-Li sighed. "Let me just sort this out," she said. "I'll be right back." She hurried up the stairs.

"Thalia," Thalia finished for her, looking curiously at the boy.

He gave her a glance, raising his eyebrows at her black leather jacket and Doc. Martens.

"Not until you turn off that music box!" someone else shouted in reply from up the stairs.

"This sounds interestin'," said Ryan, sprinting up the stairs.

Thalia shrugged, wandering around the hall. The house wasn't that bad, she decided. She took a look inside what appeared to be an office, opening the door slowly, with barely a creak.

Someone must have told the girl to turn off the music because she responded by yelling, "No! Not until she stops. She is deliberately trying to wind me up!"

Thalia laughed slightly. Typical group home arguments. She had almost missed them. Almost. She contemplated examining the contents of the computer files and the drawers, but decided to take a better look around the house.

"Hi, you must be Thalia," said a balding man from behind the several cardboard boxes he was carrying. "I'm Mike. I'll just be a minute."

Thalia went on into the living room. There was a boy sitting amongst a mess of plastic pieces on the floor, focused on building something. "What are you doing?" Thalia asked.

"Who are you?" the boy asked, his eyes curious behind his glasses.

"I'm new," Thalia replied. "Any idea of what's going on up there?"

"No," the boy said, turning his attention back to what looked like a robot. "I'm building a Talkabot. What's your name?"

"Thalia," Thalia told him. "What's yours?"

"Mo." The boy picked up another piece to screw into place.

Thalia shrugged and went on into the kitchen. Just as she left, she heard Mo say, "How am I supposed to build it when half the connectors are missing?"

A few moments later, May-Li came into the kitchen. "Ah, I see you've been having a look around. Usually someone gives a tour, but today's a bit different."

"I heard," Thalia muttered.

"We've actually got two other girls arriving today," said May-Li. "They weren't supposed to, but their social worker brought them today instead." She paused. "Anyway, they'll be arriving any time now. You should just know that today is probably going to be very busy."

"Yeah," said Thalia, leaning on the counter.

"I was just looking for some bolt cutters actually," said May-Li. "Long story. Lunch will be ready soon though." She called some of the other kids to set the table.

Two girls came in, handcuffed together, and arguing.

"Ugh, I can't wait to get these off," said the taller one, who had her dark hair braided into a bun and several bracelets on her wrists.

"I can't wait to get rid off you," said the other, whose hair was a shade lighter and tied in a simple ponytail. The two of them sat up on the counter.

"Are you the new girl?" said the shorter one, turning to see Thalia now leaning against the cupboard behind her.

"Yep, one of them apparently," Thalia replied.

"I'm Jody," said the ponytail girl, holding out her hand.

Thalia shook it. "Thalia," she said.

"I'm Carmen," said the other girl. "I would shake your hand but clearly I can't." She gave Jody a glare.

"As if it's my fault," said Jody reproachfully.

A few other boys came into the kitchen to see what was for lunch.

May-Li smiled at them. "You boys can set the table," she said. "Harry, you're placemats, Johnny you can get the plates, Tyler on cutlery and Ryan, you can do cups."

The tallest boy went to open the cupboard, so Thalia obligingly moved aside.

"Are you the new girl?" he asked. He was wearing a blue shirt and jeans and had short brown hair. "I'm Johnny."

"Thalia," Thalia said again. She felt like she would be saying that all day.

Johnny shook her hand and smiled warmly, getting the plates from the cupboard and placing them over the wooden dining table.

Then Thalia realised something about the kitchen. "No locks," she thought aloud.

The boy with brown Afro hair laughed, pulling the cutlery drawer open. "That's what I said when I came here. Even though it wasn't actually this house. Anyway, I'm Tyler."


"Thalia - you just said," Tyler interrupted.

Mike came into the kitchen behind two younger girls, who looked like identical twins. "Listen up please! Everyone, settle down. This is Toni and Billie," he said.

May-Li came in from the utility room, carrying a large pair of bolt cutters. "Oh," she said, hiding the cutters behind her back. "Sorry, I'm May-Li."

"Toni," said the one in the pink jacket.

"And you must be...?" May-Li prompted.

"Yeah," said the other, "Billie."

"Funny names for girls," said Harry - the blond boy who had put out the placemats - walking back across the room.

"Oi," said Mike.

"Our mum thought we were going to be boys," said Toni quietly.

"Well it's really nice to meet you," said May-Li.

"Yeah, alright, May-Li," said Jody, jumping off the counter, "Can we just get these off now?" She struggled to raise her wrist with Carmen attached.

"Yeah," said May-Li, "These are way too big and it's not going to be safe."

"Just a small problem," said Mike to the twins, "but it's being sorted out, isn't it?"

"Well, not really," May-Li replied. "The woman from the yard sale phoned. Apparently the police kit wasn't meant to be sold. It's an heirloom, belonged to her granddad. So definitely no bolt cutters, even if it wasn't incredibly dangerous. Just got to find the key."

"I've got a party to go to at five," Carmen pointed out.

"My book signing's at five!" Jody exclaimed.

"If you can't find the key," said May-Li, "You're either going to the party, or you're going to the book signing." She looked at them and stifled a laugh. "But you'll be going together."

"Ugh!" Jody and Carmen complained, storming out of the room.

Lunch was eaten quickly, with Jody and Carmen complaining all the time. After that, Thalia followed the others into the living room.

"Where is Floss?" said Jody, "We've got to find Floss."

"We haven't, we've got to find the key," said Carmen.

"I'm going to get her," said Jody fiercely. "Alright, we'll follow the route. Hallway, landing, kitchen, and we'll do Floss' room."

"Alright, come on," said a blonde girl, leading some of the others out.

"What's in it for us?" objected Ryan, who was sitting next to Johnny. He wore a grey shirt with black jeans and had brown hair a shade lighter than Johnny's. Right then, he had a very smug expression.

"What's in it for us!" Jody exclaimed.

He nodded.

Jody sighed and scooped some money out of her pockets. "And you," she said to Carmen. With Carmen's money added, she said, "I've got nine pound."

The boys exchanged a glance before running off.

"Ah, Thalia," said Mike, "Bring your bag and I'll show you where you'll be sleeping." He looked at her then. "Do you only have that bag?" he asked.

"Yeah," said Thalia.

Mike shook his head and sighed. "Come with me," he said, leading her upstairs. "You'll be sharing with Tee," he told her, opening the door to what must have been Tee's room.

Thalia nodded. "She's the blonde one, right?"

"That's right," said Mike. "I've got a room to clear out, sorry, so I've got to go. Hope you settle in alright." He gave Thalia a smile before dashing out again.

Thalia dumped the bag at the bottom of the bed. The metal frame with the bare mattress on top looked very bare in comparison to the brightness of the rest of the room. Thalia didn't mind though. It wasn't like it was really her room anyway.

Tyler walked past the door, taking a double-take and peering in. "Hey, so you're sharing with Tee?" he asked. He looked a bit worn out despite his usual friendly tone.

"I suppose," Thalia shrugged. "Found that key yet?"

"No." Tyler's expression dampened. "They're being really aggressive about it though. 'Why are you just sitting there? Go look for the key!'" He sighed heavily.

"Sounds like they need to brighten up," said Thalia.

Tyler looked thoughtful. "I have an idea," he said. "Ever done a prank before?"

"Have I done a prank?" said Thalia with a laugh. "What is it?"

Around half an hour later, the two of them were crouching around the corner from Carmen's room, waiting for her to spring the prank. But Carmen wasn't the one that came round the corner.

"Argh!" someone shrieked.

Thalia peered round and tried not to laugh. Tee was standing in Carmen's doorway, her head covered in bright yellow custard.

"That's a nice look on you, Tee," said Ryan, smirking at her.

"You." Tee turned to him. "You did this!"

"I'm not the pranking kind of guy," said Ryan.

"Yeah, don't let him take all the credit," said Thalia, stepping out into view. "It was a pretty good one though, right?"

Ryan looked at her. "Thalia, right?"

"Yep," said Thalia.

"I'm Ryan," said the boy mysteriously, passing them in the corridor and walking down the stairs.

"You're the one who's sharing my room," said Tee. "Think it's funny to prank me?"

"It wasn't meant for you actually," said Thalia. "You just got lucky."

"Unlucky, more like it," Tee snapped. "Look, maybe if you stopped messing around and started helping us look for the key, someone might actually notice you've arrived!"

Thalia fixed her with a stare. "Good luck finding that key anyway," she said, turning her back on the girl and walking off.

"I'm getting my metal detector!" Tyler declared, laughing as he pushed past Tee as well.

"Of course it was you, Tyler!" Tee yelled after him. She huffed and went to get changed.

Hours later, the Carmen and Jody dispute seemed to have quelled, and Thalia pulled up a chair at the table in the kitchen.

"So, been in care before this?" Ryan asked casually, leaning on the kitchen counter.

"Yeah," Thalia replied. It wasn't something to be proud of, but it wasn't something to be ashamed of either.

Ryan raised his eyebrows but didn't say anything else.

Mike came in, sighing with the relief of the business of the day being over. "I think it's time for a snack," he said, then calling, "Who wants tea and cake?!"

A/N: I'm really excited to have this first chapter up! I've been wanting to write a Dumping Ground story for a while, using the character of Thalia, but have always put it off. Now, I'm really happy to have written and uploaded Chapter One, and I hope you all enjoyed reading it too! Please leave a review below and tell me what you think, and go ahead and read Chapter Two as well, which I have decided to put up at the same time to get started. Thank you all so much!

Ginger xx

(Also, hope you all had a brilliant Christmas - I did :D)