Keep It Crescendo

Chapter 1: The Door Of Opportunities

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the songs that will be named within this fanfic, they all belong to their respectful owners. All the Sonic characters belong to SEGA.

Trigger Warning: REFERENCES TO DOMESTIC VIOLENCE! AND IT HAS DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, but nothing too hasty, just a heads up.

Los Angeles, California, 9:14 pm

The song boomed throughout the club, the lights flickering through the room.

Sonic jumped onto the dance floor and moved to the beat of Bonnie Tyler's Holding Out for a Hero.

His opponent, Jet the Hawk, did a flip in the air and blew a kiss at the ladies who swooned at his actions.

Sonic smiled smugly and did a triple 360, causing the crowd to stare at him in shock.

Why wouldn't they? He was the dance legend of Los Angeles.

Jet stared in envy as Sonic grabbed the crowd's attention.

If someone was going to beat Sonic, he'll gladly step up to the plate.

If he managed to beat Sonic through dance battle Club Red's dance club, the biggest dance club in all Los Angeles, he'd become the legend and throw Sonic the Hedgehog off the charts.

Jet got on the floor and lifted his legs and jumped back up to a standing position.

"Anybody can do a cart wheel Jet," Sonic smugly responded as a crowd of 'ooooo's' flowed through the dance club.

Sonic did a headstand and did a head roll, and spinned around until the song ended.

The crowd burst into applause as the announcer walked up to the stage.

"Wasn't that a show everyone! But as usual, the audience will choose the winner through your applause! For those of you who thought Jet did a better job can I hear your applause!"

The crowd stayed silent as only two people with the names of Wave and Storm cheered Scourge on and screamed his name.

"Oookay... For those of you who thought Sonic did a better job can I hear your applause!"

The crowd burst into applause yet again as Sonic bowed down and winked at the ladies, who fainted at his acknowledgement.

Sonic walked towards Tails and high-fived him.

"Great job pal, you stole the show!"

"As usual," Sonic said confidently as he sat down at the bar.

"One margarita please," Sonic turned to Tails. "Want one buddy?"

"No thanks, Cream would go berserk if she found out that I drank."

"Geez man, you're really letting her tie you down."

"She's my wife Sonic, what do you expect? If I were you I'd start thinking about marriage too."

Sonic laughed at the idea, "Me? Married? Get real old pal, there isn't a woman in this world who can keep up with me!"

"We'll see about that," Tails smiled as he took a sip from his soda.

"For you sir," the bartender said as he handed Sonic his drink.

Sonic reached for his pockets.

"It's on the house," the bartender winked as he left to go take other orders. He slid a piece of paper Sonic's way.

Sonic grabbed it and noticed the bartender's number scribbled onto it. "Wow, I'm flattered."

"Well, aren't you quite the celebrity," Tails said as he looked over Sonic's shoulder and eyed the piece of paper.

"I know right. Just you wait Tails, one day I'm going to be a famous choreographer."

"What about your father? What about your master's degree in business administration?"

"I only took the course to shut my old man up about that whole me being useless and not being able to be anything in life just because I have a passion for dancing thing."

"He still doesn't support it?"

"He's been against it ever since I was a kid, he saw it as a phase that'll supposedly pass, but here I am, 24 years old, and still passionate for the same dream."

"You need to understand your father Sonic, bear in mind that he needs you to take over the Hedgehog Industries after he retires."

"But I don't want to be in charge of that stupid business. Manic wants it more than I do, I don't understand why I have to take over it."

"Because you're the oldest child. Besides, Manic is barely completing his senior year of high school. Your dad can't wait that long Sonic, he is becoming old and tired. He needs to retire but he knows that he can't do that until you take responsibility."

"Responsibility is for the weak."

"No, it's something everyone is prone to face at some point in their life. Hasn't the idea of settling down, owning your own business, and coming home to your wife and your kids ever crossed your mind?"

Sonic laughed, "That won't happen, at least not now, right now all I care for is my freedom and dancing."

Tails sighed, there really was no way to convince him. Trying to get Sonic to be responsible was as hard as getting Cream to dance at a party, but her shy and sweet nature is what he admired about her.

"So where are you and Cream having your honeymoon?"

"We chose New York because she wants to visit her cousin Rouge."

"And you don't mind the fact that you'll be spending time with her family members"

"Of course not. Here's something you need to learn about love Sonic, for the one you love, everything they do or like becomes what you do and like, and it never bothers you because you know that's what'll keep them happy."

Sonic looked at him in boredom, "That has got to be the cheesiest thing I've ever heard from you"

"We'll see who's the one who'll be mimicking cheesy lines when you find your soulmate Sonic the Hedgehog."

"Tails, Tails, Tails, I've told you once, and I'll tell you again, I'll NEVER fall in love, nothing can out beat my love for dancing."

"Mmhm," Tails hummed as he sipped his soda again.

"Let's get going. I don't want Cream to get mad at me for taking you home late," Sonic stated as he stood up.

Tails nodded and followed Sonic out of the club, leaving a tip on the counter.

"Excuse me, but are you Sonic the Hedgehog?"

Sonic and Tails looked up and noticed a man standing tall. He had a big brown beard and wore a suit.

"Yes... that's me."

"Nice to finally meet you, my name is Ivo Robotnik Eggman, and I am the owner of Eggman Studios, ever heard of it?"

"Isn't that one of the best dance studios in New York?" Sonic exclaimed.

"Yes, that is true."

"It's such an honor to meet you!" Sonic said as he shook Eggman's hand.

"Yes, yes, I have a proposition for you."

"Which is?"

"I saw you dancing and I am interested in having you as one of my choreographers in my studio."

Sonic made eye contact with Tails, who seemed just as baffled as he did, and then turned back to look at Eggman.

"You want me too—"

"Yes, I want you to work for me. I pay good money, and I'll pay for your trip to New York."

"Sir, I'm flattered but—"

"You're worried about Mr. the Hedgehog's opinion and you want to consult it with him first."

"You know my dad?"

"Why, of course. He's the owner of the Hedgehog Industries, the company that produces dance clothing and materials isn't it?"

Sonic nodded, fascinated with this man.

"Alright, so talk about it with your father and then give me a call," Eggman smiled as he gave Sonic his business card.

"I will, I'll let you know of my response as soon as possible!"

"Very well, I'll be expecting your call," Eggman walked away as Sonic turned to Tails.

"Can you believe this Tails?"

"Dude this may be your big break!"

"I know, all that is left now is to talk to the old man..."

Well there we have it! I know, I know it's short but bear in mind that it's the first chapter.

Shadow: Where am I?

Be quiet Shadow, you come out later cx

Don't forget to review guys!

Constructive Criticism is accepted!