Chewie rushed passed Rey, carrying Finn's unconscious body toward the group of medics rushing to the Falcon. He placed Finn gently on the stretcher and followed the medics inside, wanting to make sure Finn would get proper care.

Rey stood outside the Falcon in shock. She couldn't believe what she had seen a short while before: Han Solo, dead at the hands of Kylo Ren, his son. She stood stunned, staring off into the distance. When she looked up, she saw an elderly woman walking toward her, an expression of sadness on her face. Without asking, she knew who it was: Leia Organa, Han's one true love.

Leia held out her arms and Rey fell into them, sobbing. She found it difficult to say anything to express her sorrow.

"It's not your fault," Leia whispered in her ear, as if she sensed what Rey was thinking. "He died trying to do the right thing and bring our son back. None of this is your fault."

Leia and Chewie stood in the briefing room, grieving the loss of Han in silence. Leia closed her eyes, meditating on her love's death. As she did, a vision appeared before her. She was on a planet she did not recognize. It was a peaceful planet; lush and beautiful. Not too hot. Not too cold. As she tried to figure out where she was, she felt a presence. She turned around. Her father's spirit was walking toward her.

"Leia," said the old man in a gentle voice.

"Father," Leia said, shocked at seeing her father's spirit for the first time since the Battle of Endor. "What are you doing here?"

"I had to make sure you were all right," Anakin said. "I know what happened."

Leia looked down, overcome with grief.

"It's my fault," she said. "I told him to bring our son back."

"No," said Anakin. "Han made a choice, Leia. He was trying to do the right thing and save your son, my grandson. He just underestimated the Dark Side that has corrupted Ben. Ben managed to fool him, just like any person corrupted by the Dark Side. Han died doing the right thing."

Leia nodded, wiping the tears from her face. "I just wish I could tell him goodbye."

Anakin smiled. "You can," he said, motioning behind him.

Han's spirit walked toward her. He looked younger than he had in years; since before he was frozen. He was smiling as he walked toward Leia.

"Han," Leia said in a shocked voice. "How?"

"Your Dad wanted us to have one last moment together," Han said, smiling at Anakin, who smiled back and nodded at Leia before fading away.

"I'm sorry about what happened," Leia said, walking toward Han. He put his hands on her, though she couldn't feel it.

"It's all right, Leia," Han said. "I tried to save our son, but Kylo Ren has taken over too much of him. It wasn't the time."

"Do you think he will ever come back?"

Han nodded. "There's still good in him. I know it. Just find Luke and you two will be able to bring him back for good. Snoke hasn't driven it from Ben fully."

In the distance, Leia heard C-3PO's voice calling to her.

"General," came 3PO's voice.

"I have to go," Leia said. "I'm sorry about what happened."

"You do what you have to," Han said. "And keep an eye on those kids. They'll do a great job helping you."

Han's spirit wrapped its arms around Leia and she did the same, though they couldn't truly make contact.

"I love you," Leia said.

"I know," said Han.

Leia snapped out of her trance as 3PO called her again.

"General," he said from behind her. She turned around and watched as C-3PO walked toward her, R2-D2 rolling along next to him along with BB-8.