Hi everybody! For the holiday season, and from being inspired by reading other holiday stories, I decided to write a 2-shot Christmas story :) And with great thanks, this morning my friend Jenny Crum agreed to co-writing it with me! ^_^ This story is based off the festivities that my family does for Christmas, so I thought to share it in this story. We hope you enjoy , and We wanna wish everybody a Merry Christmas ❤️

Chapter 01.

Stirring awake, Penelope Garcia-Morgan opened her eyes slowly. She was laying on her side facing her bedroom window which was wide open, allowing her to see the beautiful scene of the streets blanketed in snow. She sat up and pressed a huge smile to her face. Christmas morning. Throwing back her covers and hanging her legs over the side of the bed, she slips her pink fuzzy slippers on and wrap her favorite robe -that read Mrs. Morgan- around herself. Padding out the room and down the stairs quickly like a little girl again on Christmas morning she nearly crashed into Derek who was walking by with two mugs of coffee in his hands.

"Oops! Sorry hot stuff." She frowned slightly but smiled again glancing over at the huge 9ft overly decorated Christmas tree her and her husband Derek had decorated the night before.

Sitting the coffee down on the banister, Derek pulled Penelope into a hug and gave her a strong kiss to her lips and let it linger for a bit. "Merry Christmas baby girl."

Beaming with happiness Penelope grabbed his hand and dragged him over to the tree. Plopping down on the floor sitting criss-cross applesauce, Pen scanned all the presents with her eyes.

Derek watched her with a grin on his face. He never seen Penelope like this. This was their first Christmas together. She was so happy and he wanted to keep her this happy FORVER. He made a silent vow to himself that he would make sure to have at least two to three presents under a plant if needed for Penelope once a month. He chuckled at his thoughts and was brung back into reality hearing the sound of wrapping paper being ripped up.

"Thank you so much handsome for all the uberly awesome gifts. I'm forever thankful to have you."

"My pleasure mama, I love being Santa."

Tapping Derek's nose, Penelope giggled and from behind her back she pulled out a mistletoe which she held above them. "Will ya look at that, what do we have here?" She said in a sing-song voice.

Unable to hold back his laugh, Derek placed his hands on Penelope's cheeks and brung her in for a kiss. Sliding his tongue against her bottom lip, Penelope parted her lips and moaned as Derek dipped his tongue into her mouth and made out with her. Upset that they both needed to pull apart for air, Derek smiled as he wrapped his arms around Penelope, "you look and taste good enough to eat baby girl."

She giggled as he kissed the side of her neck, "now now Hotstuff, it's almost time for everybody to show up."

Shrugging his shoulders, Derek gently bit down and murmured, "well then after they leave you're alllllllll mine," he smiled.

Penelope smiled. "I'll hold you to that."

Derek began cleaning up the left over wrapping paper and moving their gifts for each other to another room for them to set up and sort through later. Penelope ran upstairs to get dressed. Their BAU family was arriving soon.

Rushing back down the stairs thirty minutes later, Penelope and Derek both were ready for their guests to arrive. Trying to get one last kiss from his wife, Derek leaned in to kiss her lips again gently, but they reluctantly had to pull apart from each other when there was a knock at the door. Derek groaned internally knowing that their peace was cut short and he'd have to wait until later.

"Be good all day, and I'll show you something good tonight." Penelope winked before walking away with a seductive sway in her hips to purposely tease her husband.

Finally finding the will power to drag his eyes away from his luscious wife, another knock at the door made Derek spin around to open it.

"Heyyy, Rossi my man." They went in for a hug and clapped each other on the back. "Merry Christmas." They said unison

Stepping inside Rossi revealed the bottle of wine he brung and Derek pointed him the right direction to go and place it on the wine rack.

Turning around to close the door, Derek was faced with JJ, Henry, Hotch, and Jack. Wrinkling his nose, Derek couldn't help but to ask where Will was.

"He got called into work right after Henry opened all his presents." JJ piped in dryly.

"Aww that's too bad. At least he was home for the important moment.."

Just then Henry wrapped his arms around Derek's legs and looked up at him. "Merry Christmas uncle D. Can we go and play with Clooney?"

Derek went to bend down, and on the way bumped fists with Jack. "Merry Christmas to you my awesome nephewss," he made sure to plural the word speaking to both boys. "And yes you may, Clooney is in the back."

The boys ran off and JJ entered the house to find Pen.

"Beautiful home Morgan. With Penelope now living here, I can see the improvement." Hotch smirked.

Derek laughed and closed the door behind them. "I'm not sure if I should be offended or not."

Penelope was in the kitchen checking on her pies that were baking. JJ walked into room carrying her contribution to the meal which was Macaroni and Cheese.

"OooOooo that smells delicious" Pen licked her lips.

JJ laughed, "Thank you, so does whatever's in your oven." She opened the door and inhaled the sweet scent of peach cobbler and an apple pie.

Closing the oven shut and standing up. They both looked at each other and began to laugh at how hungry they were.

A few minutes later the doorbell was heard and Derek stopped his conversation with Hotch to answer it. Standing in front of both men was Emily Prentiss. Both of them not able to hold back their excitement Em launched into Derek's arms and he smiled widely.

"Em you came." Derek said in a satisfied tone.

"Are you kidding me? You knew I wouldn't miss this day for the world. I've missed you guys!" Removing herself from Derek's embrace she smiled at Hotch behind him.

"Good to see you Emily." Hotch gave her one of his rare smiles.

"Same here." She blushed slightly.

Derek missing the whole trade off, closed the door behind Emily and ushered her towards the kitchen. "Pen is going to flip. She was so worried that you wouldn't make it since we sent the invitations last minute."

Nodding her head, she made her way towards the kitchen trying to be as quiet as possible.

JJ was adding sprinkles to the cupcakes Penelope had made the night before and Penelope was pulling out the pies from the oven. Sitting them down on the stove top and removing her oven nuts she was surprised and nearly jumped out of her skin when she felt someone jump on her.

"Oh my god!" JJ exclaimed from behind them running around the island to join.

"Emily!" Penelope squealed in excitement turning around to face her friend who was smiling with excitement.

All three ladies hugged and giggled having their own private reunion, til Kate Callahan walked into the kitchen. "Well hello.. Did I interrupt something?" She smiled.

Reaching a hand out Penelope grabbed Kate's hand and brung her in introducing the ladies.

Rossi poured wine glasses for himself, Derek, and Hotch. Another ring of the doorbell and he poured another assuming it were Reid. Walking into the foyer he was greeted by the three men and their old friend Alex Blake. Rossi surprised to see her smiled and quickly ran back in the previous room to pour her a glass to. Coming back, he handed out the glasses.

"Spencer my boy, I know you don't drink, but come on. Have a glass. Just one."

The men and Alex glanced at Reid expectantly and to their satisfaction, Spencer raised his glass to them and downed the wine. "Here here." He shouted which made them all laugh and follow suit with emptying their glasses.

Tara Lewis was last to arrive. The BAU family was still new to her but they insisted that she comes. Putting her sadness to the side and deciding this holiday party was a great way to get closer to her new co-workers, Tara dragged her depressed self out of bed and got dressed. She even wore a Santa hat which added fun to her appearance. Everyone including Kate, Alex, and Emily welcomed her in with open arms and lots of options of different alcoholic beverages since she claimed that she wanted to let loose and forget the hardship she was currently undergoing.

"Are you ready for your big debut?" Derek teased with a wiggle of his brows.

Reid and Hotch were out of the loop and waited patiently for an explanation.

"As a matter of fact I am." His eyes danced before he stepped away to find JJ who planned to help him.

Dave shook his head and laughed at himself as JJ helped him stuff his Santa suit. She laughed lightly and smiled, "You look so cute Dave."

He took another glance at himself in the mirror before meeting JJ's eyes. "Why don't you go get the kids and I'll slip out, grab my Santa bag and walk back into the house."

JJ rubbed her hands together. "okay, give me a couple of minutes before you head out."

He nodded his head in agreement as JJ left the room and practically skipped down the hall to the backyard where the boys were playing in the snow with Clooney. Rossi rubbed his stuffed belly and said, "ho ho ho." He laughed at himself as he gently opened the door and headed out of the room.

"Come and get it!" Derek called out in a sing song voice.

He was very proud of his Gumbo that he cooked up this season. It had shrimp, chicken, sausage, and crab in it, along with white rice to soak up the juice. To him it was tradition. From when he was a child, his dad and aunt use to make it every Christmas. After his father passed away, his aunt stopped making it and he had some serious withdrawals over the years. A year ago, when him and Penelope finally stopped dancing around their feelings for one another and started dating, Derek took her back to Chicago for Christmas so she could properly meet all his family. Fran, Des, Sarah, and his cousin Cindi wanted to help "set the mood" to swoon Penelope and make sure she had a great time with Derek, so they asked him in advance what he wanted them to cook. To his advantage, he asked if his Aunt Yvonne would be willing to cook her famous Gumbo. After some begging and whining she gave in and swept everybody off their feet with the great meal. It became Penelope's favorite.

Now Derek attained the recipe and worked hard at acing it by cooking it himself once a month. Twelve months later, Derek is sure he's mastered the dish.

"Ahhh. Seafood Gumbo." Rossi says with a satisfied smile on his face as he inhales the southern scent of spices and meat.

"Haha," Derek chuckles as he claps Rossi on his back shoulder. "This isn't just, any gumbo. It's my dad and aunts 'Famous Morgan's' gumbo. Family secret recipe." He grins showing off some of his pearly whites.

Dave throws his head back to let out a hearty laugh, amused by Derek's confidence, he can't wait to try a bowl.

"Ok boys, move aside please. Let the children eat first." JJ states while pouring the ladle of gumbo into tiny styrofoam bowls for the two boys.

Kate sets the table for the kids, while Penelope sets the table for the adults with the help of Tara placing down napkins and setting utensils on top.

"So how are you liking the BAU so far?" Pen attempts to make small conversation. She can tell Tara is a little uncomfortable since she's still getting use to her new colleagues.

"Oh I love it. It's exactly how I pictured it, except for you all. You guys are so welcoming and kind. My last job everyone was closed off and kept to themselves."

Penelope smiled wide, "yeah, we're all great friends, we're like family really."

Tara smiles and stops to stare out the window. There currently was no snow falling but there still was snow blanketed on the ground from the night before. The sun was shining as well which bring a warmth to the room. Penelope finished setting chairs and stopped to watch Tara. She had heard about her current divorce and it saddened her. Penelope couldn't imagine how she was feeling with what she was going through.

"Say thank you for the good times... Be thankful it happened now and not later, so that you get to move on and be happy. So hang in there, things do get better."

Tara tested up some from Penelope kind words. She turned to her and gave a quick smile which pushed a tear to fall down her cheek, that she quickly wiped away.

"Thank you. I really needed to hear that."

Penelope came to her side and wrapped an arm around her shoulder like a best friend would.

"I know we haven't known each other long but just know each and every single one of us is here for you, especially me." She smiles.

Giving in and leaning her head against Penelope's shoulder Tara broke down silently letting a few tears fall. Being in Quantico with no family, she hasn't really been nurtured or been able to fully release her tears. JJ walked into the dining room to see if Penelope needed help setting up the table, but what she saw before her broke her heart.

"Is she okay?" JJ mouthed quietly to Penelope who nodded her head and took Tara into a full hug. Rubbing circles on her back she asked her if she could move them to another room knowing everybody was going to occupy the room soon to eat and she knew Tara needed her privacy.

JJ gave them a small smile and Tara a pat on the back as she directed them out the room and up the stairs to one of the guest bedrooms.

Later, they all were sitting at the dining table that Penelope and Tara had dressed up.

"Mmm, uncle Derek I like this." Jack said while slurping gumbo juice off his spoon.

Derek chuckled from his seat now in the dining room, "You hear that Hotch? Young Jack Hotchner here likes my gumbo. Can you believe that?"

Everyone laughed while the ladies rolled their eyes with their laugh. Derek couldn't cook if his life depended on it so it was quite impressive for him to make such an awesome dish.

"And it's seasoned perfectly." Emily decided to give her old partner some credit.

"Thank you Emily." Derek grins ear to ear.

At that moment Tara and Penelope joined everyone at the table. Tara had a huge bowl in front of her and everybody glanced at it. Looking up, with a smile of embarrassment Tara smirked. "What? I couldn't help myself. I love gumbo!" She said happily and slurped the juice from her spoon causing a giggle out of the boys who were sitting at the kids in the corner of the room.

Rossi taps his glass to get everyone's attention. "I'd like to make a toast."

He clears his throat while everybody raised their glasses to him.

"From co-workers, to friends, to right now Family. I've been blessed to work alongside some of the most intelligent, loving, goofy, strong, driven people. Years ago when I was asked to return to the BAU I swore I was going to turn it down but I'm so glad I didn't. I love every single one of you in this room, even you Bella Lewis; the newbie to the crew." He smiled at her and she returned the smile. "Okay, let me cut this short before I get all emotional here, because you know how us Italians are. We're big on family. And unfortunately because of the weather, my daughter and grandson couldn't make it here today but they told me to wish everybody A Very Merry Christmas, as from me as well. And too many more holidays, and hoping that the best is yet to come".

Everybody clinked their glasses with whomever was sitting next to them and in unison shouted "Merry Christmas!"

After taking a sips of their drinks, they continued to devour the delicious meal that was in front of them.

Rossi laughed as his spoon scraped cleaned his bowl. Penelope laughed at her friends and smiled. She loved moments like this, being together with her friends that have become family over the years. Everyone was seeming to have a great time and the love was they all had for one another was incredible. She snaked her hand to her stomach and rubbed it.