Episode 20: Grand Finale

Chris: Last time on Total Drama Revenge of Pahkitew Island!

(Camera shows Macaria, Kaelyn, and Ambrose waiting outside of Chris' cabin)

Chris: Our campers ended up taking a scavenger hunt around the Island!

(Camera shows campers running around the island)

Chris: They had to go to five locations, each with a scanner.

(Camera shows campers scanning themselves)

Chris: The first person to scan their fingers on all of the scanners would win the challenge and be able to decide who would head home! In the end, Ambrose ended up winning after some nifty parkour!

(Camera shows Ambrose jumping off the side of a tree and hanging onto a ledge, then jumping across to a tree next to the scanner, then jumping from the tree to touch the scanner)

Chris: However, this valiant parkour experiment ended up injuring Ambrose minorly on the left leg, so we had to take a quick break before Ambrose could decide who would head home. During this break, Macaria and Kaelyn saw the CD titled "Ambrose's greatest hits"!

(Camera shows Macaria and Kaelyn watching the CD)

Chris: After discovering about Ambrose's deeds, Macaria and Kaelyn were horrified… but it didn't matter, because the guy's a beast! He's amazing for ratings! Anway, Ambrose pretty much just ended up randomly voting off Macaria, who had to take the Plane of Shame home.

(Camera shows Chef leading Macaria to the Plane of Shame)

Chris: So now only one question remains? Who will win this season? Come back after this break and return to the grand finale of TOTAL, DRAMA, REVENGE OF PAHKITEW ISLAND!

(Commercial Break)

(Come back)

(Camera shows Kaelyn sitting alone in the girls cabin)

Kaelyn: I can't believe I'm the final girl left! I made it all the way to the finale. That's actually kind of surprising. But I don't know if I could win. Ambrose is the best player in the game. But I have to! Wow, this show has really changed me. I'm now talking to myself for the cameras.

(Camera flips to Ambrose in the boys cabin, who's tossing a basketball up and down)

Ambrose: Just one more person to beat, and I can win the million! Wow, it feels like just yesterday this show began. Actually, it hasn't. It's been FOREVER. Man I hate this show. But in the end, it's worth it for the million. I can take down Kaelyn. I just need to make sure I don't get another disadvantage, because I really want to win now. Can't mess up. Chris told us that the finale is today. I wonder what the challenge will be.

Chris (through loudspeaker): Campers, report to the docks for your challenge!

Ambrose: Here it is, the finale!

(Time skip)

(Camera flips to the docks, where Ambrose and Kaelyn are waiting)

Ambrose: Chris is late again… staying true til the very end.

Kaelyn: I can't hold this back anymore. Why did you eliminate so many people?

Ambrose: To bring myself one step closer to the million!

Kaelyn: But everything about you screams celebrity! I'm sure you'll be rich and famous later on. It wasn't necessary to play this game like that.

Ambrose: Kaelyn, it was a million dollars. I don't hate any of you people, but that money would be nice.

(Chris and Chef walk in, Chef holding a box)

Chris: Ambrose, Kaelyn, before this challenge begins, I need you to randomly draw out two pieces of paper from the box Chef is holding.

Ambrose: Uh… okay.

Kaelyn: This isn't a prank, right?

Ambrose: Yeah, because my leg is already hurting a bit! I don't need something else to hurt!

Chris: Guys, relax, when have I ever done something mean.

(Awkward silence)

(Everybody starts laughing)

Ambrose: Yeah, anyway, lemme draw.

(Ambrose draws two pieces of paper from the box, and then Kaelyn does the same)

Chris: Okay, open them up and read the names on the paper.

Ambrose: I got… Jessica and Jack?

Kaelyn: And I got Corwin and Satchel? I don't understand. What is this for? Is this something like the Truth or Dare challenge?

Ambrose: Wait… are these the people we're going to be working with?

Chris: Yup! Chef, bring them in! While we wait for those campers to arrive, let's take a quick break from the finale of Total, Drama, REVENGE OF PAHKITEW ISLAND!

(Commercial Break)

(Come Back)

(Chef brings in Jessica, Jack, Corwin, and Satchel)

Chris: Okay! Here they are! Jessica and Jack, you will be helping Ambrose! Corwin and Satchel, you will be helping Kaelyn!

Corwin: Don't mind if I do!

Jack: What if we don't want to help him?

Jessica: Yeah, he's done some pretty bad stuff!

Chris: You have to at least accompany him around. It's very simple. You (with the help of your teams, have to race around the island). The finish line is next to my cabin. Chef and I have outline a track for you guys to stay on. If you don't stay on the track, you will automatically be disqualified.

Ambrose: Do we have to get our whole team across the finish line?

Chris: No just you. But your team has to accompany you and help you on the obstacles.

Kaelyn: Obstacles?

Chris: Oh yeah! I forgot to mention! On the way there, there will be obstacles to cross! Your teams can help you on that. So, there are two different tracks. Ambrose, you take the one on the left, and Kaelyn, you take the one on the right.

(Ambrose and Kaelyn line up on their respective tracks with their teams)

Chris: Begin!

(Camera flips to Kaelyn's team, who are running down the track)

Kaelyn: So guys, are you willing to help me?

Corwin: Yup!

Satchel: Anything for you!

Open Confessional

Satchel: Huh. It's been a while since I did one of these. Well, the real reason I'm helping Kaycie is because I really want to beat Ambrose.

Close Confessional

Corwin: Hey, up ahead! A pile of logs!

Kaelyn: What are we going to do? We can't go around or I'll be disqualified.

Satchel: We're going to have to clear them up.

(Satchel, Corwin, and Kaelyn begin clearing up the logs)

(Camera flips to Ambrose, Jack, and Jennifer)

Ambrose: Guys, all those eliminations I did. It was nothing personal. I really like all of you guys… I just did it for the million.

Jack: It was still fairly mean.

Jessica: I didn't see why it was necessary.

Ambrose: I'm sorry! But can you guys please help me on this challenge!

Jack: No can do…

Jessica: We'll just follow you around.

Ambrose: Wow.

Open Confessional

Ambrose: So much for a team. I'm going to have to do this by myself. And I was trying to avoid a disadvantage. Kaelyn has Corwin and Satchel helping her!

Close Confessional

(Ambrose, Jack, and Jessica come to a halt)

Jack: A lake.

Ambrose: Thanks for the observation!

Jack: Hey, there's no reason to be sarcastic!

Jessica: So, Ambrose, what are you going to do?

Ambrose: I'm going to swim across.

Jack: Really? What are we supposed to do?

Jessica: Yeah?

Ambrose: Chris will pick you up in the Plane of Shame. See ya!

(Ambrose jumps into the lake and begins swimming across)

(Camera flips to Kaelyn, Corwin, and Satchel, who have cleared all of the logs)

Satchel: Come on guys, we have to go!

Open Confessional

Kaelyn: I feel as if Satchel wants to win this just as much as me. I think he's still mad about Ambrose getting him voted off. That was kind of mean.

Close Confessional

Kaelyn: That wasn't that bad of a first obstacle.

Corwin: Don't speak so soon,

(Camera flips back to Ambrose, who's just finished swimming across the lake, and is dripping wet)

Ambrose: Wow, now I'm completely by myself. I wonder what the next obstacle will be… I'm already tired.

(Ambrose continues running on, until he sees a jagged pile of rocks in his way)

Ambrose: What am I supposed to do now?

(Camera flips to the finish line, where the rest of the eliminated campers are watching the action on a big screen)

Cody: Wow! Oh yeah! Ambrose is totally screwed!

Noah: Don't count him out yet, we've seen his athletic ability and mental prowess.

Jason: Not to mention his parkour skills.

Aaliyah: But guys, he just swam across a lake!

Bridgette: Yeah, as a surfer, I know how hard and energy draining that can be.

Chris: Will you guys shut up and let me watch! This is great!

(Camera flips back to Kaelyn, Satchel, and Connor)

Corwin: And there's the next obstacle!

Satchel: Why is there a climbing wall?

Corwin: I assume we'll just have to climb over it?

Kaelyn: Oh no...

Open Confessional

Kaelyn: I'm not the best with heights.

Close Confessional

Corwin: Kaelyn, what's wrong?

Satchel: Yeah?

Kaelyn: I'm not the best with heights.

Corwin: It's okay. We got you.

Satchel: Don't you worry your pretty self.

Kaelyn: What?

Satchel: Um- let's do this!

(Kaelyn, Satchel, and Corwin begin climbing the wall)

(Camera flips to Ambrose)

Ambrose: Okay, I think that I can see an outline of what I'm planning to do.

(Ambrose jumps from rock to rock, making his way above the landscape)

(Camera flips to the finish line)

Jason: Awesome!

Jared: He may have eliminated a lot of people, but he's cool.

Aaliyah: Am I the only one who feels as if Ambrose's obstacles are harder than Kaelyn's?

Campers: Yeah!

Chris: Well, I want to Kaelyn to win, cause Ambrose has that whole villain thing going on. Also, this makes it more fair.

Sabra: Well, Ambrose was pretty mean.

Dawn: Jack and Jessica didn't want to help him.

Don: He's a tactical genius. Physical skills aren't everything. He has this under control.

Noah: I still believe that he can win.

Kaarina: Yeah, but I want Kaelyn to win! Ambrose was so mean in eliminating people like that.

Magnolia: Yeah, isn't that cheating?

Chris: It's all for the ratings!

(Camera flips back to Ambrose, who's just finished the third obstacle)

Ambrose: Okay, I finished that… time to move on to the next obstacle!

(Ambrose continues running off)

(Camera flips to Kaelyn, Satchel, and Corwin, who have just finished the climbing wall)

Satchel: Come on! We have to get a move on!

Corwin: Do you want to win the million!

Kaelyn: Okay, I'm coming!

(Satchel, Corwin, and Kaelyn run off)

(Camera flips back to Ambrose)

Ambrose: Oh… there's the third obstacle. Hopefully this is the last one.

(Camera shows an Icy Crevace in front of him)

Ambrose: How did Chris even get this here? Do I just have to walk right through this dark cave? Consider me done!

(Camera flips to Kaelyn, Corwin, and Satchel)

Satchel: There's the final obstacle! Or at least I think it's the final obstacle!

(Camera shows an obstacle course in front of them, with it being the only way to continue the track)

Corwin: Kaelyn, we'll help you make it all the way through.

Satchel: Don't worry.

(Camera flips to Ambrose, who's in a dark cave)

Ambrose: I have no idea where I'm going.

(An Ice block drops)

Ambrose: OWW! It landed on my leg!

(Camera flips to the finish line)

Silas: Ouch! That looked as if it hurt!

Noah: The exhaustion and injury have to take toll eventually!

Chris: Again! Shh! I'm watching!

(Camera flips back to Ambrose, who's come out of the icy cave)

Ambrose: The finish line! I see it!

(Ambrose begins running towards the finish line)

(Camera flips back to the finish line)

Silas: And there he is…

Kaarina: It's sad that he's going to win… I wanted Kaelyn to win, because she didn't cheat.

(Camera flips back to Ambrose, who's about 20 yards from reaching the finish line)

Ambrose: I can taste the million!

(Suddenly, Ambrose collapses)

(Camera flips back to the finish line)

Magnolia: What happened? Is he okay?

Chris: It appears that he's injured his leg!

(Camera flips to Ambrose, who's trying to get up)

Ambrose: I can't! It hurts… so much…

(Ambrose begins crawling towards the finish line)

(Camera flips back to Kaelyn's team, who have just finished the obstacle course)

Kaelyn: The finish line I see it!

(Kaelyn, Satchel, and Corwin run towards the finish)

Kaelyn: Is that Ambrose crawling?

Corwin: Cross the finish line! He's almost there!

(Ambrose is five yards away from the finish line, he's slowly crawling there)

Ambrose: OW, OW OWWWW!

(Satchel, Corwin, and Kaelyn run by, crossing the finish line)


(Campers cheer)

Corwin: So Ambrose, how does it feel?

Satchel: You lost to a girl! Loser!

Aaliyah: He was injured…

Jack: He was without a team…

Jessica: That was our fault.

Silas: And he was winning. That's impressive.

Kaarina: Despite being a jerk and eliminating so many people, you played well.

Magnolia: But if you return for a season, we're targeting you.

Macaria: We're just trying to make you feel better cause you're injured.

Satchel: Some of us haven't gotten over what you've done.

Ambrose (grunting in pain): Satchel, didn't you say that if a girl won, you would eat your socks?

Silas: Oh yeah!

Open Flashback

Satchel: Seriously? I guess you, Kaarina, and Macaria are okay... And I guess Aaliyah isn't bad. But it's a boy that's going to take this competition. I'll eat my socks if a girl wins!

Close Flashback

Corwin: A true man stays true to your word.

Satchel: What?


Satchel: No way!




Ambrose: Are you not man enough?

(Sadly, as he doesn't back down from a challenge, Sam takes off his socks and takes a bite)

(Everyone cheers)

Chris: I hate to break up the party, but Kaelyn, here is your million!

(Chef presents Kaelyn with the briefcase with the million)

Chef: Good job maggot.

(Time skip)

(Campers go up on the boat)

Chris: See you all!

Kaarina: Uh uh, I'm never coming back!

Chris: You can believe what you want!

Ambrose: Whatever…

(The boat takes sail and leaves)

(Chef comes on the scene)

Chef: When are you going to break it to some of them that they're coming back.

Chris: Soon… but first, I need to say something!

(Chris turns towards the camera)

Chris: Viewers, thank you for watching this season! It gave me great ratings and lots of money! But don't miss out on our next season! It's official! Come back for TOTAL, DRAMA, STARDUST ISLAND!