If you have been keeping up

The WolfTamer Emma and Regina set up some other WolfTamer side stories

I will be posting the WolfTamer Clarke soon (I've had chapter one nearly finished for weeks but COLLEGE was rude)

Same with the WolfTamer Beca

and The WolfTamer Kara

They'll probably be shorter

The main story will return with the WolfTamer:Rising, which won't necessarily require reading all of the above unless you're wondering what the hell happens with Clexa and Henry in Neverland, How Lexa comes to power in the vampire houses and creates and alliance with the whoops I'm delving into spoilers bye.

But THEN Kara and Lena also fall in love while we learn why Kara can't control her wolf

BUT THEN I'm stopping cuz people gonna have to read.

The WolfTamer:Rising will also return to Emma's Pov bc tbh I like hers better. Thanks for reading!