So this story turned out longer than I had originally intended, but this is the last installment. I hope that you have all enjoyed and that you've all had a wonderful Christmas!

Disclaimer: Still not mine!

The next morning when Near awoke, he was almost convinced that the entire experiance had merely been a dream. It was only when he opened his bedroom door and found the shabbily wrapped gift addressed to him that sat just outside it did he realized that it had actually happened.

Reaching down and picking up the package, Near closed his bedroom door and made his way back to his bed. Placing the small box down, he sat next to it. For a moment he just stared at it, not really sure what to do. Deciding that it would be best to open it, Near began to unwrap the paper covering it. After removing the wrapping paper, Near found a letter taped to the top of the box that read,

'Dear Near,

I found this in your file, and I thought that you might like. You'd better be thankful, I almost got caught getting it.

Merry Christmas,


Near was curious as to what might have been in the box. There was a file on every child that arrived at the orphanage, and each was filled with classified information on each kid. But all of them were kept in a room that was off limits to all the children. The fact that Mello would even risk going in there could only mean that whatever he had found was important.

Taking the lid off of the box, Near tossed aside the tissue paper and had a peeked at what was inside. He gasped.

He picked up the photograph, examining it carefully. It was a photograph of him and his parents, not long before the accident. He was situated between his parents, his mother to his left and his father to his right. All three of them were smiling happily. He could vaguely remember the picture being taken, and the memory of it was a happy one.

Near wiped a tear from his cheek as he stared at the picture, his family had been so happy. It made him smile to think of those times, the ones when he could remember how much of a family they had been.

Near was happy that Mello had gotten this for him, even though it was a big risk. Mello really wasn't that bad. He'd have to thank him later. He was glad that Mello was his friend now. He wasn't sure what he would have done without him. He might not have even been alive.