Chapter Thirty Five

Universe 1

Drip, drop. Drip. Drop. As rain was pouring outside, Derek was still in this hospital waiting for his own sleeping beauty to wake up. One hand holding Stiles as the other held Derek's head up. This was the longest ten months of Derek's life. Derek looked up and moved his free hand to brush a piece of Stiles' hair away from his eyes.

The buzz cut that Derek loved was gone. But then again so was Stiles. After the horrible idea of trying to talk to Stiles, Scott and Lydia had been on bed rest not allowed to leave the house. Derek was supposed to be on bed rest as while but he wasn't going to leave Stiles. Not again, not ever.

There was a soft knock on the door. Derek looked up to see Melissa standing in the doorway in her scrubs.

"How's he doing?" Melissa wondered walked over to the empty seat next to Derek.

"The same he's been for the last ten months," Derek said looking at Stiles and then back at Melissa.

Melissa gave Derek a soft smile. "So you know that it's been a long time since Stiles has come back. And he isn't showing any signs of improvement." Melissa let out a heavy sigh. "There are going to unplug Stiles today if nothing happens."

Derek looked back at Stiles frowning. "I knew it was going to be soon, but not this soon."

Melissa nodded her head. "I've been saving this room as long as they will let me. I'm sorry I've done everything in my power."

Derek looked back at Melissa. "I understand."

Melissa kissed the top of Derek's head and then started to walk out of the room beginning her shift. Melissa looked back one last time at the teenage you was basically her son and then at Derek. "Do you think he going to make it by today?"

Derek looked up giving Melissa a soft smile. "All I can do is hope."

Melissa walked out of the room as Derek kissed Stiles temple. "Come on baby you need to come back to me. For me. Please, baby." Drip drop, drip drop.

Stiles bend over the toilet bowl throwing up for the 3rd time that morning. Stiles let out a soft groan leaning his head against the toilet bowl as he flushed it. He then stood up and brush his teeth before walking back into Derek's bedroom.

"Babe, I'm never drinking ever again." Stiles groaned walking into the bedroom to see no one. No Derek, no sight of Derek even sleeping in the bed. The room was dark only light was the sun beginning the rise. Stiles started to walk towards the bed. "I'll look for Derek later."

"There's not going to be a 'later', young Stiles." A voice spoke up.

Stiles spun around fast looking at the doorway. He then let out a soft groan putting his hand softly on his hand. Shadow and Tempest stood in the doorway both of them smiling softly. But this wasn't any normal visit Shadow and Tempest, this time Tempest held a knife laced with wolfsbane at Derek's neck. Derek was complete beaten up. His lips were busted, his eyes were started to turn purple, and there were cuts all over his body and face.

"Derek?" Stiles gasped his hands flying to his mouth.

"Hi, babe," Derek mumbled smiling softly looking at Stiles.

Shadow held up her hand. "Come with us, Stiles. Our Mistress wants you."

Stiles looked at Shadow's pale hand and then over at Tempest who pressed the blade into Derek's neck slightly.

Stiles then grabbed Shadow's hand looking at the loft one last time before he disappeared.

Stiles and Derek appeared underground on a staircase. Shadow let go of Derek pushing him slightly. Derek then fell a couple of stairs down. Stiles ran towards Derek holding his head up.

"Mornin'," Derek said smiling softly. Stiles smiled back helping Derek up. The couple turned around to see only Shadow behind them with a .44 Magnum. Shadow turned her head slightly to the left smiling softly. "Move now or pretty boy gets shot."

Stiles looked up at Derek. "Is she talking about me or you?"

A soft whistle went past Derek's ear as a bullet was shot. Both of them looked over at Shadow who was smiling.

"I think she's talking about you babe," Stiles whispered skill keeping eye contact with Shadow.

"Yeah," Derek agreed nodding his head, "me too."

"Follow me." Tempest who was now standing in front of the two supernatural creatures spoke up. She had a torch in one of her hands lit, with her other hand she pick up her long black dress that touches the floor she started to walk down the steps.

"Um I'm a little claustrophobic," Stiles explained looked at the tight walls as they walked down the steps, "is there like a car we can take? Or somewhere that isn't this tight?" The sisters didn't reply. "I'm going to take that as a no."

Stiles ran his hand across the wall the father they went down the more the walls started to not be smooth. Stiles started to look closer at the wall. Bones of humans was stuck in the walls. He then shuddered at the thought and moved his hands away from the walls.

"Are we walking to Hell?" Stiles wondered. "Because I thought there was a highway to Hell."

Derek rolled his eyes looking over at Stiles then back at the stairs.

"Is there a stairway to Heaven or did Zeppelin make that up?" Stiles questioned looking at Shadow then at Tempest.

"If you don't shut up I'm going to put a bullet right between your eyes from behind you." Shadow threatened her teeth together.

Stiles stopped walking standing one step lower than her. "No, you're not."

"Excuse me?"

"You're not going to kill me and you're not going to hurt me." Stiles replied smirking, "Because you're 'Master' or 'Mistress' or whatever wants me alive. You can't do jack shit to me."

There was another soft whistle as Derek let out a loud shot in pain holding his left shoulder.

"I can shot him, though." Shadow snapped waving her little gun around. "Try me again, Sparky."

Stiles turned to Derek who was biting his lip from saying something.

"Stiles," Derek growled his eyes turning gold, "shut the hell up."

"I simply please would have done fine," Stiles mumbled as he continued to walk.

Derek let out a low growl.

"You get shot once, and you're in a bad mood. Calm down it's not even in wolfsbane it's just silver."

"That doesn't mean it doesn't hurt!"

The four continued to walk for what Stiles seemed like forever. His head began to pound but he wasn't going to complain about it with Derek bleeding out.

The steps begin to get bigger as a door appeared at the bottom. It was a big black door with skulls as the handles. There was small writing on each of the skulls probably the owners. On each skull laid a snake holding the doors tightly together.

"About time Ssssssstilinssssski." The snake on the right spoke up. This snake was a dark red with black spots on it.

"Great I get shot and now there's talking snakes, can this get any better?" Derek groaned looking at Stiles.

"We can also do a little jingle." The snake on the left replied this snake was black with dark red spots on it.

"Temperance! Mercy! Open the door!" A voice from the inside boomed loudly that made the hair on the back of Stiles' neck stand up.

Mercy and Temperance let go of the handles letting the four walk in.

Stiles walked into a cave, but this wasn't any normal cave, after all since when was anything normal for Stiles?

This was a weird shaped cave being squared. Torches on each wall lit up the room. On one of the walls was a mirror that was filled with some sort of red liquid and it spun in circles. Opposite that wall was two chains dangling from the ceiling. In the middle of the room was a throne made completely out of bones. At the end of each armrest was a skull.

Stiles chuckled looking at it and then over at Derek. "She totally stole that idea from Game of Thrones. Or maybe the Game of Thrones stole that from her?"

"Stiles shut up before they shoot me again." Derek snapped looking around as four people appeared from behind the throne.

This wasn't, of course, any normal four people because it just couldn't be like that. It was Rue, Skeeve, Ash, and Bates all of them dress in black leather and all in their hellhounds forms.

Rue and Skeeve grabbed Stiles as Ash and Bates grabbed Derek. Stiles screamed at the top of his lungs for Derek kicking the hellhounds and trying to hit them.

"Shut up, Sparky," Rue snapped as she lifted him up and Skeeve connects the chains.

Derek stayed quiet kicking the hellhounds as well as he was chained. Derek with both of his hands above his head, Derek let out a growl his skin touching the posion chains that was had wolfsbane in it. He then looked over at Stiles. Stiles had his arms up next to his head chained to the wall.

"At least you probably won't get shot again," Stiles said shrugging.

Derek rolled his eyes. "We are trapped in chains. And my chains are burning my skin."

"But you might not get shot. Be positive sour wolf."

"Is that what you call him?" A voice rang making the cave echo. Stiles and Derek turned their heads to the throne where Nephthys sat.

Nephthys was dressed in a one-shoulder tee appliqué lace beading chapel train long black dress. Why Stiles knew exactly what kind of dress it was is unimportant. Nephthys hair was straight and down that went right above her butt. She walked over to the two her black heels making a click with each step she took.

"You call him 'Sour Wolf'?" Nephthys repeated standing only a couple of feet in front of the small couple. "That's cute." Nephthys turned to look at Derek smiling. "I don't think we have actually met. I'm Nephthys or the Grim Reaper it's so nice to meet you." She held her hand out and started laughing when Derek growled.

Nephthys looked back over at Stiles. "I like this one. Good job."

"Thank you. I like him too so you can just leave us only forever that would be great, thanks." Stiles replied sarcasm dripping out of the tone of his voice.

Nephthys smirked. "Even if I don't get you young Stilinski my father will. You can't escape this." Nephthys turned around and walked back into the middle of the room. "And even if you did she will have to pay."


Rue and Skeeve dragged someone from behind the throne. This person had tied their wrists together and their ankles. Rue and Skeeve then tossed the person to the right to Nephthys making a soft thump. The person rolled over to looked up at Stiles. Kendra.

Kendra looked up at Stiles smiled softly. "Hey, Stilinski."


"I'm surprised you guys didn't come looking for this," Nephthys spoke up looking down at Kendra, "young warlock. I mean, after all, she probably could have saved you. Or warn you." Nephthys shrugged. "Oh well. That's not my problem. So are you ready to go, Stiles?"

"Home? Back to the surface?" Stiles guessed nodding his head. "Yes, yes I am."

Nephthys chuckled. "You know what I'm talking about."

Stiles looked over at Derek who was wore down. He then looked back over at Nephthys who was smiling softly just waiting. "There has to be another way."

Nephthys looked at her nails knowing this was going to happen. "But there isn't."

"What if I can do something for you?"

Nephthys looked up.

"What if I can help you get people who escape? You can come back in ten years to get my soul or something?" Stiles begged. "Something, please."

"I'm not going to give you ten years you gotten months," Nephthys said crossing her arms. "But even if I could I wouldn't. You know how much shit you put me through. I almost got fired Stilinski! I almost had to work in heaven just because of you. You don't even know how horrible that is." Nephthys let out a sigh.

"Because working with angels is so hard," Stiles mumbled rolling his eyes. Stiles then looked over at Derek was who shaking his head no.

"Stiles," Derek growled his teeth together as he made eye contact with the Grim Reaper, "shut the hell up."

"Your adorable little pet is smart," Nephthys replied earning a soft growl from Derek. She smirked as she crossed her arms. "What was I saying, now?"

"You were going to let me, my boyfriend, and little friend over there," Stiles nodded his head at Kendra, "go home scot-free."

Nephthys smiled nodded her head. "That's right….wait."

Stiles looked over at Derek. "I can't believe she fell for that."


"Shut the hell up?"

"Shut the hell up."

Nephthys looked down at Kendra who was laying on her chin trying to see what was happening. Kendra then looked up at Nephthys and looked away fast.

"I cannot believe you are the reason I almost got fired," Nephthys spoke up shaking her head back and forth. She then looked back down at Kendra. "Out of everyone in the world you choose to save him for death."

Kendra looked at Nephthys and gave no answer.

The older women shrugged. "Fine don't answer me. See if I care when you burn."

Kendra's mouth dropped open slightly. "Burn? Why do I have to burn?" Kendra's voice cracked slightly. "I know Donald Trump isn't going to burn when he dies, why do I?"

"Believe me, Trump going to burn," Nephthys announced nodding her head. "But you had to save his life. This all would have been easier if you would have just let him die!" Nephthys' voice echoed the cave. Rue and Salem walked up next to her. "Grab the boy."

"What! Wait!" Stiles screamed. "Boy? Is there another boy? God, I hope there's another boy!"

Salem and Rue walked over to Stiles breaking the chains off. Salem grabbed one of Stiles' had as Rue grabbed the other. Stiles screamed on the top of his lungs looking over at Derek. Derek tried to break out of the chains but it burned his wrist making him cry out Stiles name.

Tears appeared in Kendra's eyes as she shut them tightly not waiting to see this horrible thing happen.

Salem and Ash held Stiles' arm behind his back making the young man stand up. Stiles looked up at Nephthys not even a little happy as her.

"Are you ready to go?" Nephthys asked politely smiling softly.

"No, I think I left something back at home and I don't want to leave without it," Stiles spoke up in a soft voice.

"Well, what did you leave? I'm not that much of a monster."

"My….special….blanket?" Stiles said it sounding like more of a question.

Nephthys chuckled. "That blanket burned when you were four, and you know that. Oh well, let's go."

Salem and Ash started to drag the young boy over to the mirror with Nephthys right behind them.

Stiles screamed and cried out of Derek tears drenched all over his face.

Derek growled shifting as he yanked against the chains over and over again.

Kendra opened her eyes as she rolled over trying to see Stiles getting closer and closer his death. He's going to die. Oh my, God, he's going to die.

The four appeared in front of the mirror. Nephthys touched the liquid with one figure making the liquid ripple. She smiled softly taking her finger away as she looked over at Stiles.

"Last words, Stilinski?" Nephthys asked.

"I don't wanna die. I don't wanna die. I don't wanna die!" Stiles cried out trying to get out of Salem's and Ash's hold.

Nephthys shrugged and smiled half-heartedly. "Not everyone's can be great last words. When there is death, there will always be death."


Everyone turned to looked at Kendra who was now sitting up. "Wait! You don't have to kill him."

"What?" "How?" "I don't wanna die?"

"You don't have to kill that Stiles," Kendra announced.

"Start explaining our theory, warlock, or I will kill you more painfully and slowly than I originally was." Nephthys snapped crossing her arms.

"You got in trouble with the big guy because you let a Stiles escape death. Right," Kendra said not waiting for a respond from Nephthys, "well then you can just take the other Stiles that is in a coma and kill him. If you look at the papers that Stiles was the one to die. He was going to be hit by a car the day he awoke in this universe."

"If that's the case then why did the Derek in the other universe want you to send Stiles here?" Derek wondered out loud.

"That Derek made an appointment with me and he wanted to know when you were going to die," Kendra explained. "I said that you were going to die soon. Soon", she then looked over at Stiles who had tears drying on his face, "you were going to die later that week by one of the alphas when they came to the school, but because you were in the hospital no one was at the school so the alphas didn't go. So there you didn't excaspe death but you dodge it. You rewrote your own destiny."

"Get to the point!" Nephthys screamed. "We don't all have time for this back story."

Kendra let out a sigh. "The Stiles from this universe escape death not that Stiles," Kendra pointed to Stiles. "His timeline changed so there was no death for him to escape. But the other one—"

"The other one example death," Nephthys mumbled. She looked over at Salem.

It sounds right Mistress. Salem calm voice spoke in everyone's mind. You won't get in trouble with your father because if you get the other Stiles you will have a Stiles.

Nephthys nodded her head. "This is going to be a lot of work Salem.

"It can't be any more work we've had to do in the past week," Ash mumbled.

Ash and Nephthys shared a look.

The fire appeared at Ash's feet as he disappeared into the floor of the cave.

"If I hear one more negative thing about this week I am going to put this cave will be going up in flames." Nephthys threatened to look around the cave.

No one replied.

"Does this mean I don't have to go to Hell?" Stiles spoke up in a soft voice.

"This means Stilinski, you get to go home," Nephthys replied. "Let him go, Salem. Rue, Skeeve, let Hale go."

Derek was dropped onto the floor rubbing his wrist as he looked over at Stiles.

Nephthys let out a groan. "This would be easier if I just took this Stiles to Hell and kill him."

Derek let out a low growl.

Nephthys smirked looking over at Derek. "I'm not going to kill this Stiles because like Williams over there explained it, he wasn't going to come close to death after he went into the coma. That would be me killing the wrong person and I would get fired. But just because I'm saving Stiles doesn't mean I will save you."

Derek stopped just staring at Stiles.

Nephthys looked at Stiles, who was staring at Derek, and then over at Derek, who was staring at Stiles. She let out a sigh. "Do you want to say some last couple of words?"

Stiles nodded his head not making eye contact with Nephthys.

"Go. Now. Less than a minute."

Stiles ran across the cave meeting in the middle where Kendra sat up still tied next to Derek.

"Are you okay?" Stiles asked taking Derek's hand on his own.

"I'll be okay," Derek spoke softly as his wrist healed slowly.

"I'm sorry about everything," Stiles said looking up at Derek's face. "Putting your family in danger. Putting you in danger."

"Stiles, I'm a werewolf I would have been in danger no matter what," Derek replied chuckling softly. "If it wasn't you, it would have been fairies."

"I hate fairies. They suck. Don't get involved." Stiles warned.

Derek smiled softly. "I won't."

Stiles placed a hand behind Derek's neck pulling him closer. Stiles then placed a soft kiss on Derek's lips. Nothing hard. Nothing fast. But a soft slow kiss shared between the two. Derek placed a hand on the small of Stiles back not deepening the kiss.

"Um, guys…" Kendra spoke up looking up at the couple who were stilling make out. "I've still tied up….guys….no…okay then."

Nephthys rolled her eyes walked over to the warlock. She snapped her fingers as all things binding the girl fell apart. Kendra stood up groaning softly. She looked up at Nephthys. This was necessary for Kendra as for she was formed into a young teenager probably a year younger than Stiles. She was probably barely 5' feet. It didn't help that Nephthys was a tall woman, even with her heels own probably about ten to eleven inches taller than the warlock. It also didn't help at all that Kendra was weak, tired, and hungry so even if she wanted to use what little magic she had left she most likely couldn't use it on making her taller.

"Um…thank you." Kendra softly said rubbing her arms.

Nephthys nodded. "Thanks for correcting me. I would probably be out of a job if it wasn't for you."


The two looked at the floor both not knowing what to say, neither of them wanted to break up the lovebirds for the last time this soon.

Kendra's eyes turned a light purple healing her broken body slowly as she looked back up at Nephthys. "I have a question about Hell."

Nephthys with a surprised look looked back at the younger girl. "Shoot."

"Do gays actually go to Hell?" Kendra asked glancing over at Stiles and then back at the Grim Reaper.

"That's a lie," Nephthys explained, "originally in God's plan they would but they were just too fabulous and we couldn't party every single night. They just go up to Heaven and stay in a club. It's a nice club."

"Hmm." Kendra nodded her head at this new information. "What's Hell like?"

"Hot and humid."

"Worse than Florida in summer?"

"Nothing is worse than Florida in the summer time."

Kendra nodded her head at this. Nothing was worse than hot, humid Florida.

"Have you ever thought about working for the devil?" Nephthys wondered smirking slightly. Maybe something good could come out of this long week.

Kendra shrugged. "Not really, honestly I thought I would be dead now. Murdered for not staying in my own timeline."

"You should be. That's breaking like a ton of rules and laws." Nephthys agreed. "But I mean if you worked for the devil I might be able to get some time off. Maybe you won't have to go to Hell when you die. That is if you die."

A small smile started to form on the edge of Kendra's lips. "What would I have to do?"

Nephthys looked at her nails. "Work of me of course. Traveling all around the world killing people….with me…for probably ever and a half."

"Are you hitting on me?" Kendra wondered.

Nephthys held her hand up as a card appeared between her index finger and her middle. "Call me, when you ready to work off your time."

Kendra held the card in her hands smiling slightly. The smile disappeared off her face as Nephthys broke the couple apart.

"It's time to go," Nephthys said softly.

Stiles nodded his head planting on soft kiss on Derek's lips one last time. "Protect your private property babe." Stiles teased softly talking about the first time they met in this alternate universe.

Nephthys and Stiles started to walk to the other side of the cave once more for the last time.

Stiles end up standing in front of the mirror unable to see his reflecting.

"What is that?" Stiles asked glancing at the mirror and then at Nephthys.

"Teleporter," Nephthys explained. "Not everyone here likes to use all of their energy on teleporting." Nephthys glared over at Kendra who just shrugged. She then placed a cold hand on the back of Stiles' neck. "When I push you through this you will most likely be put into your normal body in your normal universe."

Stiles looked over at Nephthys his eyes big. "Most likely! You are putting my life, my ass on the line of a teleporter that will most likely work! Isn't there something else we can do that won't most likely work but will 100% work? I like to be all the way like not most likely alive." Stiles started to rambling on making Derek smirk.

Yup, that was the man he loved.


Stiles turned around to looked at Derek.

"Shut the hell up." Derek teased smirking. "I love you."

"I love you too but I also love not dying but whatever," Stiles mumbled looking back at the mirror.

"Ready?" Nephthys asked.


"Too late."

With one last finally pushed Stiles was shoved into the mirror disappear once and for all.

Universe 1

Drip drop, drip drop. Rain crashed against the window in the hospital. The dreadful time had come. Melissa would have to pull the plug since she wouldn't allow any other doctor or nurse do it. No this was something family would have to do.

Drip, drop drip drop. Derek placed his hand one Stiles face one last time tears forming in his eyes. He placed his hand on Stiles' hand one last time. For the last time.

The pack stood in the room. Well that was what was left of the pack.

John sat on the other side of Stiles closet to the door and farthest away from the machine with Melissa behind him a hand on his shoulder for support. Boyd leaned against the doorway his arms crossed as he stared at his hurt alpha and pack mama. Peter, Scott and Lydia stood at the end of the bed, Lydia just staring at Stiles tears forming in her eyes. No one bother sitting next to Derek or making him move. Derek basically lived in the chair for the past months. That was his chair no matter what.

"Derek, are you ready?" Melissa asked still in her scrubs rain pouring outside. "Everyone else has already said their goodbyes, including yourself."

This was true. Every pack member, including Peter, said goodbye to Stiles taking half an hour. Derek took two hours just to say goodbye to Stiles.

But this wasn't just any pack member Derek would be losing. This was his mate. The mate that Derek never told that he love. The mate that would never kiss Derek. The mate that would never breathe again or be happy. Smile or say something sarcastic.

If only Derek had said something sooner. Maybe this would all be different if Derek would have said something else. Maybe, just maybe, Stiles wouldn't have been driving that horrible raining night but would have been at Derek's place and he could have just warned him in person.

But no the world hated Derek ever since day one and had a plan to make Derek's life a living hell.

Drip, drop. Drop, drop. Derek grabbed Stiles hand closing his eyes one last time a tear forming in his eyes. He then places a gentle kiss on his hand.

Derek opened his eyes a tear falling. "Go ahead, Melissa."

Melissa placed a soft motherly kiss on the top of Stiles' head as she placed her hand on the plug.

Before Melissa did anything something strange happened.

Really strange.

Like Beacon Hills strange.

There was a soft groan, from Stiles who was laying in the bed with a tube down his throat. Derek for once stood up fast his hand on Stiles grabbing a little tightly.

Stiles' eyes fluttered opened as he let out another soft groan.

"Scott go get a doctor. Now." Melissa shouted. Scott ran out of the room John and Boyd following right behind him. Lydia and Peter stood at next to Derek trying to see how Stiles was as Boyd stood at the foot of the bed.

Melissa grabbed the tube out of Stiles' mouth earning a couple of coughs from Stiles.

"Stiles? Stiles? Are you okay?" Derek wondered one hand brushing Stiles hair back touching the scar softly.

Boyd appeared back into the room with a small cup full of water. Melissa grabbed it from Boyd and helped Stiles drink some of it.

"Stiles are you okay?" Derek asked everyone leaning closer in.

"Who….are…you?" Stiles' voice whispered.

Everyone let out a disappointing sigh. The light in Derek's eyes disappeared and was instead filled with sorrow. Drip, drop. Drip, drop.

"I'm…joking sour wolf." Stiles' harsh voice spoke up earning a soft smiling from everyone in the room. Even Peter and Derek.

"I hate you." Derek snapped chuckling softly.

"No…you don't…" Stiles replied smiling as well. "You love me. Don't think I didn't hear all that lovely crap when I was out."

"Shut the hell up," Derek growled crashing his lips onto Stiles.

Drip, drop. Drip, drop.

Thank you all for reading my fanfiction, Going Up in Flames, and sticking with me through the thick and thin. Have a great day/night. :)