This was supposed to be twelve chapters long, but a lot of readers wanted to know what Brennan got from Hank in chapter 9 as a Christmas present. (Presents Part 2) Thanks to Bonesology for a fun challenge. I enjoyed it.

Thank you for reviewing my story. I really appreciate it.

I don't own Bones.


The day had been a mixture of excitement, happiness, sadness and pain. Christine and Booth had been both sad and pleased to find a present from Hank Booth under the Christmas tree. The cost had been a few shed tears and a longing for someone they would never meet again in this life time.

Brennan had decided to wait until the day was almost done before she opened her present from her grandfather-in-law. She hadn't wanted to add to her husband's and child's sadness and felt that it would be safer to find out what she had received when Christine was in bed and she and Booth were recovering from a very hectic day.

The present now resting on the coffee table, Brennan sat down next to Booth on the couch and pointed at the gaily wrapped box. "Would you like to see what Hank gave me or would you like for me to open the present in private?"

Surprised that Brennan thought it was necessary to open the present out of his sight, Booth pulled her next to him and kissed her cheek. "Bones, it's alright. You don't have to protect me or anything. Really, I'm fine. Go ahead and open it. I'm really curious about what Pops gave you."

Regardless of what Booth said, Brennan was filled with uncertainty. After staring at the box for a minute or two and debating internally about what she should do, she leaned over and picked up the present. Carefully unwrapping it, she found a small white box underneath. "Well, I doubt it's a book."

His gaze riveted on the box, Booth nervously licked his bottom lip. "No, it's not a book."

With one more glance at her husband, Brennan opened the box and found a beautiful necklace inside. The braided chain was silver or white gold and the pendent dangling from the chain was a polished piece of gold colored amber. Admiring the necklace, Brennan remarked, "It's very beautiful."

A finger hovering over the necklace, Booth stared in bemusement at the piece of jewelry. "I don't understand . . . I think this belonged to Grams and I thought Pops planned to bury her with it. That's what he said he was going to do . . . I don't . . . I guess he changed his mind."

Taking the necklace from the box, Brennan found a folded piece of paper lying in the box. Opening it, she read it with Booth reading it over her shoulder:

Temperance, I am giving you this necklace as part of my family's tradition. This necklace belonged to my great grandmother. It was handed down from oldest daughter to oldest daughter, but the tradition stopped when my mother had two sons. My brother's wife was unable to have children, so before my mother died, she gave it to me and told me to give it to my granddaughter when I had one. The joke was on both of us, because I had a son and that son had two sons. We've been a dry well when it comes to daughters for quite a while. Christine was the first girl child born in four generations and what a blessing she has been. I am passing on the family necklace to you and when the time comes, I hope you will pass it on to her, so that she can continue the tradition. My wife Margaret wore the necklace on special occasions, but she considered it a loaner. When she died, I almost buried it with her because it looked like we were never going to have girls in the family and I didn't want it to get lost. I changed my mind at the last minute and I'm glad I did. You and Seeley have given our family the girl we've been waiting for and I am giving you this necklace so that you will pass it on to the next generation. I love you Temperance. You've been a joy to know and you've made my boy so happy. Bless you child. I know you don't believe it, but when I die I will try to watch over you and Seeley and when you pass on I will meet you once more and what a joyous day that will be.

Oh, one last thing. The amber has a bug in it. Don't give it to some psycho scientists so they can make dinosaurs. We got enough trouble in this world.

Tears now falling down her cheeks, Brennan laughed at the last few sentences, turned and buried her face in her husband's shoulder. Holding her in his arms, Booth felt his own tears fall and knew that even though this moment was hard on both of them, in the end, it would be a wonderful memory. The words from his grandfather had been words of love and what a wonderful present it had been.


Let me know what you think of my story. Thank you.