It started like any other day Kuro sensei dodged our every attack then started our lessons. " We're what!" someone in the back of the class yelled " I'll say it one more time Class E has been selected to spend 5 months at Ouron High School you will be permitted the same rights as everyone else learning with them too." Kuro sensei repeated " Before and after school may attempt to assassinate me." he said while his face yet again became yellow with green stripes. We arrived at the house at 7:34 a.m. Sat. kuro sensei was already at the house and packed us lunch's so we could explore the school. We split in teams of two karma was with me we went to the class room we'd be using. We walked passed a music room and heard some talking karma pushed the doors open before I could stop him. I saw seven surprised boys stare at us karma just said " Hi." the boys regaining they're composer said " Hello." a pair of twins began to walk to us one slung an arm around me and the other swung his arm around karma. A tall boy with blonde hair and violet eyes stood and started yelling at the twins witch just ignored him. " So who are-" " -you guys?" the twins asked. Karma remained silent and I didn't wont to give then my name ether. The twin repeated there question silence answered them. they became annoyed and karma smiled " Lets go." he said satisfied with his work. The twins hold onto us karma sighed and flipped the twin that hold onto him the twin that held me released his grip and run to his twin. That's when any boy ran at us karma grabbed me hand and we began to run.

" Ouch!" kouru cried when he hit the hard floor. Hunny senpie run after the two people who just ran. We all were shocked especially when Tomake said " He must join the club!" he sounded over joyed but when hunny came back and informed us that they out ran him we didn't know what to say.

Please comment I want to know what you think! ?