Akihito joyfully inhaled the scent of Tokyo, as he made his way to a taxi having just landed at the airport. The last six months had been amazing. With Kirishima san as his manager, he had booked many appointments, shot models for magazines, wildlife, portraits and places for travel books, blogs and advertisements. To say life was good, was an understatement.

He had become well known in the industry and he knew that was because of his talent and Asami's influence. He had never been happier professionally or personally. Being with Asami, took his breath away. For the first time in his life he knew what it was like to be truly loved unconditionally. Asami, made him feel special and protected. Even though the last six months meant they hardly saw each other; Akihito never felt like their relationship was long distance or fragile. And that was due to the connection he had with Asami, even apart, he never worried about anyone or anything coming between them.

Giving the address to Sion, Akihito thought about his family and how things had changed in the last six months. His family that was rejected him had suddenly become warm. Inviting him to functions and calling him about their lives. He had to admit, even though he was skeptical about their intentions he jumped at it. Kou, Takato and Asami had all opposed the idea, citing that just as soon as Akihito had become wealthy and recognized; his family suddenly didn't see him as the black sheep.

Some part of him suspected they may be right; but it was what he had always wanted. To belong in his family. When he first went to a family gathering Asami had accompanied him, reluctant to have Akihito alone in their presence. It had gone well, he got to see a side of his family members he never had before.

Some of them confessed that they thought he hated them throughout the years. Since he never came to family functions, they thought he was looking down on them for not be artistic. Akihito could see their point and how many misunderstandings they both held about each other. However, he was alone and they never once asked him why. While some of his relatives, were fun. Others were not so nice. He could tell that their acceptance was fake and because they wanted something. Those, he was polite to, but kept his distance from as much as he could.

The real surprise was his father. The first couple times, Akihito ignored the man and his existence. Until one day his Aunt cornered him and his father in a room. Akihito still shuddered at the way things went at first. It was ugly, his soul felt stained from the things he and his father said to each other. However, for once he was able to express everything he was unable to say before and he finally listened to his father's apology for his crappy childhood.

That became a turning point, although they would never be close, Akihito felt for the first time they could actually like the other as human beings.

Shaking off his melancholy mood, Akihito paid the taxi and stood in front of Sion. A broad smile, spread across his face. He couldn't wait to see Asami. He had finished his shoot early and had flown commercial to ensure that he could surprise Asami. Asami, always had Akihito fly private and would always know when he was scheduled to return.

Humming to himself Akihito took the private elevator to Asami's office. As he exited and walked down the hallway of the building, he suddenly felt uneasy. The air seemed strange. That when he spotted it just ahead of him was a trail of red droplets.

Apprehension filled his being, as he skirted around the red droplets. He knew within his soul that it belonged to Asami. Quickly making his way to the office, he stopped cold at the sight he saw through the partially open door.

Asami was sitting in chair, his face contorted in pain as a doctor pulled a bullet from his shoulder. Akihito couldn't move, fear paralyzed him as he stood there unnoticed.

'Asami sama, you were lucky this time, and so was Suoh san that you were all wearing bullet proof vest.' The doctor spoke as he had begun to close the wound.

Asami grunted. 'Not that lucky, I still got hit and Suoh had his arm broken.'

The doctor laughed, 'Well I still think so, you both could have been dead now.'

'Haruki Sensei, that's nothing to laugh about.' Scolded Kirishima. 'Besides we have bigger problems to think about, like how are you going to explain a bullet wound to Akihito, Asami sama?

Akihito noticed his lovers face go pale at the mention of his name. Watching the worry cross his lover's face was enough to get Akihito moving.

Pushing the door fully open he walked in. 'I already know Kirishima san.'

He walked past a shocked Kirishima, and knelt in front of pale, speechless Asami. Taking his good hand, 'It's okay I'm here, you're going to be okay, the doctor said so right.'

Asami gazed down at Akihito holding his hand. If it wasn't for the warmth coming him his skin. Asami would have thought that this was his worst nightmare.

'How?' Asami wasn't a man who was normally at a loss for words. Seeing Akihito here, now when he wasn't due for some days was enough to render him inarticulate.

'I flew commercial I wanted to surprise you, Asami what happened? How this happen? Have you called the police?

Asami wanted to throw up. After a year of carefully making sure that Akihito never found out about his secret life, it was going to end now. He knew it. There was no way a pure angel like Akihito could ever want to be with a monster like him. if he could kill the men that caused this situation again he would.

A sharp pain in his arm brought him to his senses. 'Ok, that was the antibiotic, your all stitched up. Just remember to use the sling and limit the range of motion on the arm. Your going to be sore for some weeks. Kirishima san this is prescription.' Said the doctor as he headed out the door and closed it behind him.

'Asami,' came Akihito's desperate cry. 'What's going on?'

'Its nothing to worry about,' Asami said gently as he wiped the tears that started falling from Akihito's eyes.

'What are saying? you were shot. Who did this? Does the police know?

'Takaba san, everything will be okay, it was a botched kidnapping.'

'What?' Akihito gripped Asami's hand harder as he turned to look at Kirishima.

'Yes' the secretary nodded. 'Asami sama and some of his men were ambushed, they managed to escape but unfortunately Asami sama was wounded.'

Akihito turned back to Asami, fresh tears falling from his eyes as he realized how close he came to losing his lover. Wanting to be close, he stood and sat in Asami's lap, mindful of his injury he wrapped his arms around Asami.

Wrapping his good arm Akihito, he squeezed him tightly as the boy sobbed on his shoulder. Whispering to the boy it would okay, he looked up and nodded at Kirishima as the man silently left the room. Asami knew he would never be more grateful to Kirishima than in this moment. The man had helped him delay what he knew would be inevitable on day.

The truth was that it was a business deal gone wrong with the Chinese, who thought that they could simply eliminate Asami, and gain direct access to his suppliers. They would have been successful if Asami hadn't started using the precaution of the vest.

He had loss the five men that had been with him, but he and Suoh had managed to kill the rest, escaping with a bullet wound and broken hand.

Two days later, and Akihito couldn't put the kidnapping out of his mind. There was nothing on the news and Asami seemed fine. Except for being really possessive, wanting to know where Akihito was all the time. He could understand the need of the man. Having just survived a kidnapping attempt. That wasn't what really bothered him. What did was that everything seemed business as usual, like this happened everyday.

Sighing he called Kou, if anyone could help him chill it was Kou.

Kou listened as Akihito talked about what had happened. Though he was worried as he listened to his talk, he was at least glad that the crazy bastard was making sure that Akihito wasn't in any danger.

'Akihito, its fine.' He said when his friend finally stopped talking.


'Yes. Akihito kidnappings are very common in the corporate world, as is blackmail and all sorts of shady dealings. Akihito its probably not the first time that something like this has happened. Plus Kirishima san is right, going to the police would make everything public and it would be seen as a sign of weakness. Its best that people perceive Asami san as untouchable; also going to the police would mean trouble as you said Suoh san and Asami san had unregistered guns. That means the black market and unwanted scrutiny from the police.'

'You're right, I should just drop it. Plus I don't want to get Asami and Suoh san in trouble.' Akihito laughed, 'I just needed to know that this was normal. Besides I doubt those kidnappers would try again.'

Kou laughed, 'Yeah they would think twice.'

Kou chatted with Akihito for a few more minutes before hanging up.

Kou dialed Asami's number.


'I just convinced my best friend that he had nothing to worry about; whatever shady shit you have going on make sure it doesn't touch him. Those men that shot you I trust they aren't a problem?'

'Their dead' came the response followed by the dial tone.

Kou hung up the phone, he couldn't believe the smug bastard hung up on him. for a second Kou wondered if he had done the right thing assuring Akihito that everything was fine. Then he thought of Kenta and was sure he was right. The bastard was crazy enough to destroy his world if he destroyed Akihito's. It was better this way, all Akihito should know is that he was loved and if anyone deserved that, it was Akihito.