Aaaaaand I'm back to writing! I'm currently at my home in Minnesota, so I wasn't able to finish up the latest Sans Days chapter quite yet, but I figured that I should do a Christmas Special for you followers out there that kept asking me for it! So, here is Chapter 1 of Sans Nights, the series of my optional chapters. These will (usually) be shorter chapters, and will be set a bit in the future of Sans Days, spoiler free, and not considered "true canon" when compared to Sans Days, unless later down the road I change my mind ahaha I'm not a professional I'm just some fucking teenage girl what do you guys expect.

Chapter Build: This is where I will put any sort of "basics" of the reader for these particular chapters, such as what "genitals are owned" or their "religious beliefs" and the like. The reader will always be considered as They/Them, even if there will later be optional chapters with mention of genitalia. The Chapter Build for this chapter is that the Reader is either Christian, or just cool with celebrating Christmas. Again, these Chapter Builds are not intended to try and make a "canon Reader," rather these are so you, the readers, can feel as comfortable as possible. So, without any further ado, Happy Holidays!

You were sleeping soundly in your bed, cuddled up to the short skeleton while buried under a half dozen of your blankets and enjoying a rather lovely dream about underground glowing flowers and flowing water, when you were suddenly jolted awake at the sound of a familiar voice yelling and your door bursting open.

"IT'S CHRISTMASSSSSSSSSS!" Something heavy leapt onto your bed, bouncing you and Sans up and knocking your skulls together. You hissed in a breath and brought a hand to your now-sore forehead, applying pressure while you tried to get your balance back on your bed. Papyrus was standing on all fours on your bed, looking at the two of you excitedly. If he were a dog with a tail, it would have been wagging itself off by now. You blink and look at the lanky skeleton, feeling confused at what he was saying. Glancing over, you saw your electronic clock had the small blue numbers of "24" glowing brightly in the corner, underneath the blinking "6:13 AM."

"Nah bro… I think Christmas is tomorrow." Sans smiled and muttered, flopping back into the poofy pillows. Papyrus jumped to his feet, barely missing stepping on your legs hidden under the covers, and shook his head.

"That cant be right, the music on the radio said that it was Christmas! I have been keeping very close attention to the dates!" You laughed and collapsed back into the pillows next to Sans.

"Hun, that's just Christmas music, as usual. We've been hearing it ever since Halloween. Santa doesn't come here…" You felt Sans look at you as you were talking and you looked at the innocence of Papyrus's face turn sad. "…Until tomorrow night! Of course. Christmas day is the 25th." Sans relaxed at your save, and Papyrus seemed to consider what you've said.

"I did find it strange that so many songs were always telling me that, but I had assumed they had gotten the dates wrong. I thought for sure today was the day…" He trailed off in his thoughts, shaking his head and waving a hand. "Neh, tomorrow then! I shall be sure to awake you at the proper time! You two can continue lazing about this cold morning then, I am going to be productive! And… Do something!" He announced, stepping off of the bed and darting out of your room, failing to shut the door all of the way.

"So… Santa, eh?" You asked Sans, raising an eyebrow. For being the taller and older skeleton of the two, he still had so much innocence compared to his shorter counterpart. Sans chuckled and shrugged, looking like he was going to play off whatever thoughts you had.

"What can I say? A jolly fat dude in a red suit that comes once a year to give toys to people is just fun to have around. It's a lot easier than explaining some things to Paps." Sans smiled at you before pulling you close, pressing his warm bones against your skin. "Now, where were we?"

"Sleeping." You say with a half smile, giving him a quick kiss on the forehead. "Though I doubt we will get back to that now that the Christmas spirit visited us." Sans started laughing at that, nodding.

"True… I suppose we have no choice but to get up and do stuff then." Sans uttered with a shutter, getting another chuckle out of you.

"Well, we could just lay here all day and let Papyrus destroy my apartment with whatever he is doing..." You suggested, listening to the sounds of papers being cut in the living room. "Or we could actually go out and prepare for Santa's arrival. I… well, honestly I haven't celebrated Christmas in a couple years, since moving down here." You look at your hands and start messing with your fingers. "Haven't exactly had family or friends wanting to celebrate with me so I'd just marathon Christmas movies."

"Well, good thing you have a bunch of new friends to solve that problem. Cool with another party here?" Sans asked, seeming to already have plenty of ideas of what to do for Christmas.

"Of course." You smiled, happy to use your apartment to the best of your abilities. Sans smiled, pulling you in close and tangling his limbs around you and getting comfortable.

"Well, that's for later on. For now Papyrus can destroy your apartment with whatever he is doing." He muttered into your shoulder.

"Gee. Thanks." You laugh, pulling the skeleton close and trying to steal his magical heat.


How Papyrus was able to decorate your entire living room was beyond you. Where did he even get all of this paper? You lift a hand and lightly smack one of the paper snowflakes hanging from your celling, watching it swing and bump into red and green colorful paper chains. The actual celling was nearly impossible to see through the mass of papers. It was better not to ask, you figure.

You turned your attention to the smoking oven, watching Papyrus desperately trying to save his blackened cookies from it. You bit your lip watching him scramble and try to wave off the smoke, and reached up to press the button on the smoke detector to shut off the loud beeping that woke you up for the second time this morning. It's been a while since you had to do that, but not quite long enough it would seem.

"It's okay bro, Santa likes warm cookies more anyway. Best make them later fresh, before he shows up." Sans patted Papyrus's back and looked sorrowfully at the smoldering cookies, attempting to comfort the sad skeleton of his brother.

Apparently it was what he needed to hear. "You are right! What am I doing?! I shall research more cookie recipes to attempt tonight, perhaps with the help from Toriel!" Papyrus immediately cheered up, rushing to the couch and pulling up your laptop from the side table.

"Well, shall we do some Christmas shopping then?" You ask Sans.

"Sure, but are you sure Bro will be fine here without us?" He asked, watching Papyrus click through one website to another. Thankfully you had installed all sorts of advertisement blocks and children settings on it, so you weren't concerned at all.

"I got this." You reassuringly pat his back and walked to your TV, putting in a classic Christmas bonus pack CD you grabbed at the thrift store a couple days ago. "Here we go." You clicked the picture with a snowman, watching as the movie came to life. "Sweet. See you in a while, Papyrus. We'll be back in a bit." You said and turned to the door, which was held open by Sans.

"Be good bro." Sans smiled, locking the door behind the two of you.


A couple hours and dozen shops later, the two of you came stumbling into your apartment with hands full of bags. Hell, you don't even remember what you bought, but apparently it was a lot. Sans didn't actually buy anything, but he was kind enough to hold some of the bags for you. While the two of you were shopping Sans told you of the friends coming to your Christmas party, and that was probably what sent you overboard on buying presents. Thankfully shops around here offered to wrap them as well, so that was less of a hassle for you.

You dump the already-wrapped presents under the tree, which you noticed was much more decorated than before you left, and sorted through the names on the tops. Grabbing a handful of small presents, you went to the stockings that were hanging off of your TV stand… if you could call them that. Papyrus simply used one of his large boots, insisting that it was the only suitable stocking for him. Sans was using a plain white sock with "SANS" written with sharpie on the edge, which was hanging next to your crocheted large colorful stocking with your name on it.

You looked at the handful of small presents, and back at Sans's "stocking." After a moment of consideration, you sighed and just put them under the tree. Ah well, presents under the tree are just as fun as stocking presents.

"Human! What are you hoping to receive from Santa?" Papyrus asked, jumping up from the couch.

"Err… I guess a scarf? Or a blanket of some sort? This year has been especially chilly." You thought, not really remembering anything you need at the moment. You know there were probably a dozen things you thought about wanting throughout the year, but you couldn't think of them for the life of you now.

"How fun! I don't suppose you would be wanting to help me make the cookies for Santa?" Papyrus asked, turning the laptop to face you. You noticed lots pictures of cookies on the screen, most of them gingerbread men and houses. Oh boy.

"Uh, sure Papyrus!" You nodded, and the two of you headed to the kitchen. Sans took his familiar place on the couch, flopping down to take a nap, as usual.

The rest of your day was spent helping Papyrus cook all of the cookies he wanted, mostly making sure that he didn't burn anything. It was a good thing Sans planned a party for tomorrow, there was no way for the three of you to consume all of these yourselves. Even with a half dozen people it might be a challenge… Ah well. You'll worry about that when it comes up. But for now, you had a massive gingerbread house (complete with a large monster family and a human) sitting on a counter, next to a mountain of cookies of every kind.

"Okay Papyrus, get a plate of your favorite cookies and pour some eggnog for Santa. We can leave them on the stool by the tree." You said and started to do the pile of dishes that were sitting in the sink.

"Right away!" The lanky skeleton ran over to the cookie mountain and started inspecting one cookie of every kind. He turned it around and examined every crack; carefully selecting seven perfect cookies to put on the plate. Once he poured a large glass of eggnog he arranged the entire setup to look like it was straight out of a movie scene. Luckily his perfection allowed you just enough time to finish all of the dishes.

"Great job Paps. Now get to bed if you want Santa to show up. Remember, he knows when you are sleeping." You smiled at his excitement.

He nodded running at you and giving you a big hug. "Will do! Merry Christmas Human!" He dropped you and swooped Sans up from the couch and spun around in another hug. "Merry Christmas brother!" Being slightly more careful than he was with you, he put Sans down and ran down the hall to his bedroom.

You waited for the door to shut and the bed to squeak from Papyrus jumping onto it before speaking. "So… Do we wait until midnight as usual to eat the cookies or…?" You asked, watching Sans raise an eyebrow.

"What are you talking about? Santa eats them." He smiled, well aware of what you were talking about. "He'll take care of everything, don't worry. You have all your presents under the tree?" He asked, walking over to you.

"Yep." You nodded, looking over the small pile of presents.

"Good. Then let's head to bed." His hand rested on the small of your back and led you to the bedroom. A few minutes of cuddling later, the two of you were sound asleep.


"ITS CHRISTMASSSSSSSSS! FOR REAL THIS TIME!" Like clockwork, Papyrus burst into your room just like yesterday, same time, same landing, same skull bump with Sans. You reach for your forehead and apply pressure to the growing bump.

"Is it? Did Santa visit?" You asked the excited skeleton. You felt a hint of concern since you didn't wake up at all last night, so there was a good chance that Sans didn't set an alarm of a sort…

"He did! Come on!" Papyrus grabbed your hand and pulled, half dragging you to the living room.

"…Whoa." Your mouth dropped while looking at everything that was under the tree. "Where…?" You blinked and shook your head, trying to understand where all of these presents came from. Every time you went shopping with Sans he never ended up buying anything, and a few of these presents wouldn't have fit under the bed or even in the closet.

"Santa is the best at presents!" Papyrus shouted and feet danced in place before running over to the tree, quickly sorting through all of the names on the boxes. You noticed a majority of the presents were for the other monsters as well as the three of you, thankfully. Sans walked up beside you and beamed, happy at how happy his brother was.

"I'll call friends over." Sans reached for his cellphone.

"You sure that they'll be up this early?" You asked, unable to picture Undyne getting up before noon, especially on a holiday.

"Oh, they know the drill." Sans smiled and pressed a button, before heading to the other room to talk. You looked at the mass of presents again, glancing up to the stool and noticed that all of the cookies and eggnog have been consumed. Shaking yourself out of your shock, you walked over to the TV.

You knelt by the stockings and felt awed at how filled they were. Even Sans's had a ketchup bottle shoved into it somehow. You laughed, and pulled yours off of the TV stand. Dozens of little lollypops and small candy canes and caramels spilled out of the oversized sock, along with a small present wrapped tightly in blue paper. Considering it for a moment, you tore off one of the sides and slipped the small box out. It felt like a decent weight, which shocked you for being in a box slightly larger than a cellphone. You popped the top off, and saw an incredibly fluffy red cloth sitting folded in the box. Smiling slightly, you grabbed an edge and pulled at it, and felt your eyes widen when more of the cloth was in the box.

"…What?" You felt confused, and kept pulling at the cloth. Your arm straightened, so you let go and grabbed the cloth close to the box, pulling even more of it out. It was a scarf, you realized, but the fact that all of it could fit in such a small box… and it was still going! You heard Sans laughing and looked up to see him standing behind the counter, enjoying your reactions. Finally the end of the scarf escaped the small box, leaving you too shocked to process what just happened.

"Tada." Sans smiled before bursting out into more laughter, still relishing the look on your face. "It's a scarf, so you don't have to get so cold when we go outside anymore."

"I'm aware it's a scarf!" You half yelped, still in shock. To be fair, it was an incredibly long scarf. No one would purposely make a scarf to be twice the height of someone, but it did feel warm to the touch. "What just… How did that box…?" You looked at the box and saw the bottom of it right where it should be, a quarter of an inch down. You poked the back of it and pressed harder, expecting your hand to teleport away, but the back stayed solid. Sans laughed harder.

"SANS! What did I tell you about pranking others with quantum physics?" Papyrus seemed to have been watching as well, and was yelling at Sans, who had tears building in his eyes from laughing so hard.

"That it was hilarious and mature?" He managed to get his breath and calm down a moment, responding.

"Yes, except for the exact words I used was 'DON'T.'" Sans laughed even harder at Papyrus's exasperated words, eventually being able to pull himself together.

"Fine fine, sorry Verte-Bae, I couldn't help it." Sans held back even more chuckles, and you awkwardly half-laughed along. "Anyway, the others said they would be right here-" A knocking appeared at your door, causing you to jump slightly.

"I got it!" Papyrus shouted and opened the door, revealing the usual monster group for parties. Undyne ran in wearing a sweater with a glowing tree on it, quickly followed by Alphys who was wearing antlers and a red and white striped sweater.

"Hey you! Merry Christmas!" The two of them gave Papyrus a tight hug (Undyne's much more tighter than Alphys's) before doing the same to you, despite you still sitting on the ground.

Mettaton stepped into the room and wrapped his long noodle arms around Papyrus in a hug, nearly crushing the Christmas lights that were wrapped around his robotic body… You blinked and looked at him closer, noticing that yes, there was a socket on his back that they were plugged into. His boots were even lined in white fur for the occasion. "Paps, darling! How is my dearest skeleton doing?"

"Just wonderful!" Papyrus hugged back. Mettaton quickly walked over to you and picked you up from the ground.

"Darling, don't keep on the floor like that, you might get your pants dirty! That would be a shame, I love what you are wearing!" Mettaton looked you over, seeming to admire your fluffy pajamas you happened to be dressed in.

"Oh… He's right…" Napstablook floated over to you, you didn't notice them come in.

"Hey you! So glad to see you!" You smiled at the ghost, excited to see them again. Last time you've seen them was your birthday party. The ghost seemed shocked at that, but gave a weak smile.

"Y-yeah… Good to see you too… Happy holidays." They floated there and you reached in for a hug. Your arms passed right through, shocking you. "O-oh… sorry…" Their smile faded and you felt a ping of guilt for not thinking.

"No no, its okay! I was just so happy to see you I forgot you didn't have a body yet! Maybe next time!" You laugh, trying to cheer up the spirit. They considered it for a moment, before appearing to shrug.


"Hey Toriel." Sans finally spoke up, walking around the counter and meeting Toriel in the middle of the living room. "Good to see you! How's the kiddo?"

"Frisk is doing great! All of their homework has been quite impressive, they've even made quite a few friends at school!" You looked at the goat mother, seeing that she was wearing a shirt with some Christmas lyrics printed on the front, along with her own miniature Santa hat on top of one of her horns.

Frisk, apparently hearing their name, walked over and took your hand, smiling up at you. You smiled down at the child, and lead them over to the mountain of massive cookies.

"Everyone dig in, we have lots of sweets to go around." You said, watching everyone immediately get excited for the cookies.

"Hold on… Where's-" Papyrus started, getting cut off when a large black boot suddenly stepped through the door. A massive red suited monster walked into the room, wearing a fake white beard on top of his golden one, and a massive Santa hat between his curling horns.

"Ho ho ho!" He gave a deep laugh, swinging a large brown bag behind him.

"SANTA!" Papyrus enthusiastically hugged the monster with both arms and legs, unable to contain his excitement.

You leaned over to Sans. "Isn't that… Asgore?" You whispered quietly. Sans smiled and shushed you, shaking his head.

"Now that Santa is here, TIME FOR PRESENTS!" Undyne shouted, charging to the tree to find her pile. The others took suit and looked for their own, and "Santa" dumped a bunch that he was carrying in his bag onto the floor for everyone to sort through.


In the end, you got a pair of incredibly fluffy socks, a warm striped poncho, some drawing supplies, a couple CDs (which Napstablook apologized for), a box of monster tea, an anime merchandise of a show you watched with Alphys, fluffy blanket of a pirate flag, a MMT wool hat, along with tickets to the planetarium just outside of town. Including your stocking full of candies and your impossibly long scarf, this was the biggest haul you've received in years. When you thought you found all of your presents, Sans said that you were missing one. Of course when you turned to face the tree again, he was laying on his side in front of the tree with a bow on top of his head, winking at you. That earned a good laugh from everyone.

Everyone else loved their presents, especially the ones you bought, and started to talk about the most random things while eating the cookies you and Papyrus prepared. You sat next to Sans, listening to their stories and enjoying a few of your own cookies. Suddenly Papyrus jumped up, seeming to remember something.

"I almost forgot!" He ran over to the wall where a bundle of strings were taped, and pulled them away from the wall. He let them go, and a bunch of mistletoe dropped from their hidden areas behind the paper chains and snowflakes, hanging in the air scattered throughout the room. How in the world did he…?

"Look up, Nerd!" Undyne said with a smile to her face. Alphys looked up to see one of the berries hanging above the two of them, just in time for Undyne to push her glasses out of the way and give her a big kiss.

"Oh Papy darling!" Mettaton clapped, grappling Papyrus and pulling him on top of his lap.

"Oh! I didn't intend-" Mettaton cut him off with a kiss as well. How a robot and skeleton were able to kiss… You turned your attention elsewhere, noticing that both of them seemed to enjoy it just a bit much. There was a set of berries hanging between Asgore and Toriel, though Toriel didn't seem to notice or care. Asgore, looked up at it, down to the goat woman, and back to the berry.

"So… uh… I suppose this means we should-"

"Not a chance." Toriel cut him off without even looking at him. Ouch.

"Hey Verte-Bae…" You paused, slowly looking above you. No mistletoe. You had a second of disappointment before looking over to Sans, suddenly met with a branch of mistletoe in between your faces. He lifted it up, smirking. "Looks like you just can't catch a break, huh?"

"Shut up and kiss me, skeleman." You grabbed his collarbones and pulled him in for a Christmas kiss, thinking that this was the best Christmas you've ever had.