Smiling at Goku, Chi-Chi spun loose from his encompassing arms. Goku laughed as Chi-Chi bounced in rhythm to the upbeat song resonating loudly throughout the grand hotel ballroom. Her fitted purple dress skimmed up her thighs inch by inch as she swaggered towards him, while he tugged and loosened the top button at the pressed collar of his navy dress shirt. When they pressed together, Goku inconspicuously pinched the hem of Chi-Chi's dress between his fingers and tugged it as he wrapped his other arm around her waist. No one but him needed to see what she had under that dress. Those were his hips, his thighs, his perfectly formed ass, and his delicious center of a woman remaining properly concealed beneath that slinky dress.
Abruptly, the music stopped, prompting the couple and the hundred or so other people dancing around them to cease dancing and turn their attention to the DJ. "Let's hear it for the lovely couple!" The DJ gestured to the bride and groom coming towards him. "The new Mr. and Mrs. Prince make a lovely couple, don't they, folks?"
Goku lifted his hands to clap as the ballroom filled with applause and a few cheers. He chuckled before deciding to call out himself. "Yeah! Bulma and Vegeta!"
At the sight of his fellow bodyguard's blush, Goku laughed loudly, until Chi-Chi smacked his chest with the back of her hand. He couldn't help chuckling again as he looked at her in surprise. She was smiling fondly at the newlywed couple, with a look of yearning in her big, doe eyes.
Gods, she was beautiful. Goku couldn't help staring at her angelic face, with the shiny black tresses pulled back loosely, the long, fluttering eyelashes, and those pouty, soft lips. When Chi-Chi looked up at him, catching him in that stare, Goku felt heat flush through his cheeks.
She smiled warmly at him as Bulma grabbed the microphone and addressed her guests, "Thank you everyone, for being here today! I'm so lucky to have ended up with such a handsome husband, whose job was literally to protect me when we met."
A gush of 'aww's interrupted as Bulma smiled and Vegeta turned away from the crowd looking uncomfortable.
"So I know," Bulma continued, "that he'll always keep me safe, and honor and protect me as a husband should."
Vegeta scoffed in disdain, barely audibly, but Goku knew his mannerisms too well to miss it. He snickered through his teeth at the amusing scene, refraining from laughing loudly again to avoid getting in trouble with Chi-Chi.
Truthfully, he was still having trouble wrapping his head around this one. Of all his friends, he never would've expected Bulma and Vegeta to wind up as a couple. They both had to be the most stubborn, temperamental people he knew. But, they seemed happy together. Happy enough to tie the knot at least.
"So," Bulma said into the static-filled mic, "I want to thank all of our out-of-town guests who came all this way for our wedding."
Bulma smiled towards them and Goku immediately straightened up, knowing he'd be caught for laughing at Vegeta's expense.
"All the way from Satan City," Bulma said with a smile, "our good friends Goku and Chi-Chi, as well as her father, and our friend, Krillin and his family, endured a long flight to be here with us on our special day. Thank you, guys."
Goku crossed his arms as applause filled the room and he felt uncomfortable under the unsolicited gazes from the other wedding attendees.
The vibration of heavy, approaching footsteps against the wooden dance floor on which they stood caused Goku to glance over his shoulder just in time to see Ox stepping up behind them. "Doesn't Bulma make a beautiful bride?"
"Yes," Chi-Chi said, "she certainly does, Dad."
"I can't wait to see you in a wedding gown, Chi-Chi. You'll make a lovely bride, too."
As Chi-Chi blushed and smiled over her shoulder at her father, Goku winced. Ox's comment felt a little too pointed for comfort. Sure, he and Chi-Chi had been dating for a few months now and were completely happy together, but Goku didn't understand Ox's urgency. Most people waited years before getting married these days.
"And now, Ladies," Bulma waved her bouquet playfully in front of her, "it's time to catch the bouquet!"
"Ooh!" Chi-Chi said, "the bouquet toss!"
Goku had grimaced in surprise at the suddenness of Chi-Chi's outcry, but when he recovered from his surprise and opened his mouth to respond to Chi-Chi, she had already dashed away.
Ox chuckled. "Chi-Chi's always been determined. When my daughter knows what she wants, she gets it."
Goku scratched his neck uneasily as he watched the dozens of single women gathering around Bulma. Bulma had her back turned to the women and was lifting and dropping the bouquet in a sweeping motion, laughing while the women fought for position in the crowd. Chi-Chi was one of them, practically knocking women over to find a prime spot. He should've expected Chi-Chi to act that way, but still he found it surprising.
Goku frowned at the scene and ran a hand through his hair. "You're right about that, Ox."
Lavender petals showered the crowd of women as Bulma violently chucked the elaborate hydrangea-and-rose-filled bouquet into the air. At the sight of Chi-Chi shoving an elbow into the woman who nearly caught the bouquet, Goku grimaced and clapped a hand over his face. When he ran his fingers down his cheeks to see her again, Chi-Chi was proudly holding a wilty-looking bouquet high in the air.
"Oh, no." Goku grumbled.
As the music resumed throughout the ballroom, a loud chuckle erupted from behind Goku and a large hand clapped harshly against his back. "Yes, my boy!" Ox said, "your fate has been sealed!"
Before Goku could respond, a vibrant, giggling young woman was running into his arms. She smacked against his chest forcefully before shoving the sweet-smelling bouquet under his nose. "What do you think of that?" Chi-Chi teased, before adding in a sing-song voice, "looks like we're next!"
"Chi-Chi!" Bulma called, "come on! We need to take some pictures!"
As Bulma waved Chi-Chi towards the stage, Chi-Chi beamed at Goku, that brilliant smile causing him to forget all about the pressure he had been feeling from everyone else. Then she turned and ran excitedly to join Bulma and the impatient cameraman.
"So," a haughty voice said from behind Goku, "do I have to say it?"
Goku raised a brow as he turned to find Krillin. His friend was standing with a knowing grin, arms crossed and looking smug as his demure, blonde wife stood beside him with their quickly growing daughter just behind her hip.
Krillin placed his hands on his hips. "What'd I tell you?"
Goku raised his brows in confusion, not following Krillin's meaning, until his friend nodded pointedly towards Chi-Chi posing for pictures with Bulma and the bridal bouquet in her hands.
"Chi-Chi." Krillin chuckled. "Marrying type."
Krillin had predicted that, hadn't he? As Goku gaped at Krillin, his friend's wife let out a deep chuckle, apparently finding amusement with his discomfort.
"Daddy!" Marron, with her blond, growing hair in pigtails, and her pretty pink dress, skirted around her mother's long, emerald taffetta gown to reach for Krillin's hand. "Dance with me, Daddy!"
Krillin blinked and grimaced, before looking at his wife.
She, in turn, smirked and gave him a shove. "Go on, Krillin. Make your daughter happy."
Goku chuckled as Krillin allowed the young girl to drag him onto the dance floor. Maybe Krillin's wife, Lazuli wasn't so bad after all. She certainly had a way of handling Krillin.
"Hey, Goku." Immediately, Goku tensed at the cutting tone of Lazuli's voice. "When are you going to pop the question to Chi-Chi?"
Goku grimaced and chuckled nervously. "W-when?"
Lazuli crossed her arms. "Don't tell me you're holding out on her. That woman deserves a ring on her finger after putting up with you."
Goku frowned, affronted by the comment, but shrugged it off and raised his palms in the air. "I can't tell you."
When she opened her mouth to respond, Goku turned around, pretending he didn't notice. That conversation was over as far as he was concerned. Goku stepped away from Lazuli without hesitation. He needed to seek someone who wouldn't get on his case about marriage. Someone who didn't care about what he did with his life. He knew just who to see. Congratulations were in order anyways. It would be nice to throw the attention he'd been receiving at someone else for a change.
Goku smiled mischievously as he approached the shorter man in a classic black and white tux. He bared his teeth in a smile as he tapped his unknowing victim's shoulder. "Congratulations, Vegeta!"
His friend barely turned to glare over his shoulder with an irritated sneer and a clipped, "Thanks."
Goku's smile widened. "So you're married now, huh?"
Vegeta's frown deepened with a silence that spoke volumes.
Goku snickered. "No more women. It's just you and Bulma, for the rest of your life."
Vegeta scoffed through his teeth. "This is some congratulations."
Goku chuckled loudly, unable to control himself. It was always fun getting a rise out of Vegeta.
Vegeta's face, however, turned from an unappreciative glare to a taunting smirk. "You shouldn't laugh."
Goku ceased laughing as his brows pressed together in surprise at Vegeta's sudden change in attitude. Vegeta crossed his arms and nodded towards his new bride and Chi-Chi, who were talking animatedly across the ballroom, while Chi-Chi continued carrying the bouquet in her hands.
Vegeta chuckled. "Soon enough, it'll be your turn."
Goku looked away to study his girlfriend again, curious if she really was that interested in getting married. Vegeta laughed cruelly as his voice traveled from Goku. Goku didn't need to look that way to know he'd been dismissed. He was more interested at the moment in the unsolicited approach of his other newlywed friend, who was beaming with a look that let Goku know she was up to something.
Nervously, Goku smiled. "Congratulations, Bulma."
"Thanks, Goku." Bulma raised her brows and clasped her hands behind her back.
Goku raised his brows expectantly.
Bulma's lips pressed together in a tight smile before she pulled her left hand from behind her back and waved it in Goku's face. "Want to see the ring?"
Goku blinked at the shimmering, nearly blinding piece of diamonds and gold flaunted in his face. It wasn't like Bulma gave him an option in that matter, so he looked. It was a big diamond, alright. But that wasn't surprising, seeing how flashy Bulma could be. Vegeta must've really fallen hard. Goku snickered in realization as Bulma pulled her hand away with an irritated frown. He wouldn't be surprised if she knew exactly what he was thinking.
Bulma rubbed a thumb over her ring and admired it briefly before looking at Goku again. "It's a princess cut. Vegeta knew just what to get me, and let me tell you, I couldn't say no."
As Bulma's smile widened with that mischievous look sparkling in her blue eyes again, Goku frowned and nodded. "It's nice, Bulma."
"Nice?" Bulma sneered before placing her hands on her hips. "It's better than nice. I hope you're taking note, Goku, because it just so happens this is exactly the sort of diamond Chi-Chi would like on her finger someday."
Goku balked incredulously. "Why is everyone so interested in me and Chi-Chi getting married?" Goku narrowed his eyes at Bulma. "I especially wouldn't expect this from you on your wedding day, Bulma."
Bulma chuckled guiltily before glancing over her shoulder at Chi-Chi near the table holding the three-tier elaborate wedding cake, who was watching the two of them. When Goku caught Chi-Chi's eyes, Chi-Chi smirked slyly at him before twirling the caught bridal bouquet in front of her face.
Bulma snorted. "Sorry, Goku. You know Chi-Chi. Always a lawyer first." Bulma shrugged. "She can't help it. She has to argue her case, witnesses and all."
Goku laughed in realization. "That's Chi-Chi for you. I guess there's nothing for me to worry about, then."
Glancing conspiratorially in Chi-Chi's direction and seeing that she wasn't looking their way anymore, Goku discreetly reached into his pocket. It was reassuring to know Chi-Chi wanted to get married so badly. His fingers graced the velvet box in his pocket as he smiled, before meeting Bulma's curious gaze.
When he pulled the item out and flipped it open to Bulma's view, Bulma gasped. "Goku!" Bulma's eyes shimmered with the reflection of the shining diamond. "It's beautiful."
Goku smiled and snapped the box shut, returning it to his pocket before anyone else could see it.
"Wow." A male voice interrupted from behind him, causing Goku to tense. "Is that what I think it is?"
"Yamcha!" Bulma exclaimed before wrapping her friend in an embrace.
Yamcha released the hug and smiled fondly at his ex. "Congratulations, Bulma."
"Yamcha," Goku smiled and patted the ring box in his pocket, "how are you liking West City?"
"It's great, Goku." Yamcha smiled at Bulma. "Thanks for hooking me up with a place out here." Yamcha placed his hands in his pockets and eyed Goku before a smirk crossed his face.
Goku raised a brow. "What?"
Yamcha made a pointed nod towards Goku's pocket. "You're a lucky guy, Goku." He looked pointedly at Bulma. "So is Vegeta."
Bulma smiled. "Aw, thanks, Yamcha."
Yamcha sighed. "I wonder if I'll ever have anything like what you guys have."
Goku stumbled forward as someone bumped him from behind before delicately grasping his arms to steady him. When Goku looked up, the woman smiled apologetically, her blue eyes shimmering as blush highlighted her cheeks and Goku gawked in amazement at how closely she resembled Bulma.
"I'm sorry," she giggled before looking past Goku, where Goku realized Yamcha was gawking speechlessly at the woman. "Excuse me."
The woman turned to leave. Yamcha's eyes were trained on her, until she glanced over her shoulder with a coy smile and wagged her finger at him to follow.
Yamcha's smile widened. "Maybe my luck is turning around already." Yamcha shook Goku's hand and smiled one last time at Bulma before cutting between them to follow his mystery girl. "Congratulations, both of you!"
Bulma laughed and shook her head at the sight of Yamcha chasing the girl out of the reception as Goku's cell phone rang. He picked it up, raising a brow as he noted the identity of the caller who he hadn't heard from since that fateful day with Majin Buu.
"Detective Piccolo?"
"Son." Goku could practically hear him smirking.
Goku smiled. "What's up?"
"Are you still working as a bodyguard?"
Goku raised his brows warily as a certain dark-haired woman turned her gaze intently on him from across the room, through a sea of people. "Yeah."
"Good. Kami and I have a case we're working on. We could use you for one of our witnesses."
As Chi-Chi ran her finger through the white icing on the wedding cake beside her, Goku smiled at her and nodded into the phone. "Sounds good, Piccolo. But we'll have to hold off on making any arrangements for now. I have a question I need answered first."
Goku didn't wait for a response from Piccolo, though he could hear the detective's voice through the phone as he hung up. He swapped the items in his pocket, changing out his phone for the ring box. When Chi-Chi swaggered towards him, licking the icing off her fingertip, Goku met her gaze with confidence. Lawyer or not, she shouldn't have bothered pleading a case to him over this marriage issue. That was one case Chi-Chi never needed to prove. Since the moment Goku realized he loved her, he knew they were getting married.
Case closed.
A/N: I want to say a big thank you to the reviewers and followers, especially those who were there with feedback for (almost) every chapter: Isha, Chichiken, MXXXA, nancy103, LA-HIJA-DE-SON-MILK. And a huge thanks to Reda for being my first beta through the second half of this fic. It definitely made a difference and I love the way the story turned out with her feedback and second perspective!