The Engi and The Pyro

The chaotic map known as Turbine currently had an Engineer on its RED team. The Reliable Excavation and Demolitions employee was issuing some defenses in the room that contained the top secret briefcase, which in itself contained the RED battle plans for the coming week. The BLU team was viciously throwing aside every last scrap of RED just to get to those juicy pages. After a few minutes, the teleporter system was active and the sentry was on the prowl for any uninvited guests. The dispenser was also generously providing medical attention to badly damaged defense classes, such as the Demoman. In total, three Demomen were in this particular RED Division. The Engineer was two of a kind, the other Engineer was trying to make it behind enemy lines and begin teleporting troops in. Meanwhile, the other Engi activated his Rancho Relaxo, and sat.

"Spy's sappin my sentry!" was the first thing that came out of his mouth in the next few minutes. The Engineer, his yellow, bucket-like helmet gone, grabbed his pistol and aimed at the blue colored turncoat who just sapped his beloved sentry of its strength. "Double-crossing whelp, you aint goin nowhere." Threatened the Engineer. "I beg to differ, you dumb fool!" retorted the spy. Suddenly, a Beggar Bazooka carrying soldier, armed with a mini-crit boost, entered through one of the large entrances placed within the sides of the room. He fired a volley of rockets, that shook the entire foundation of the room. Debris, and bloody limbs was all the Engi saw before it all went black.

"What the!?" cried the Engineer. In front of him, he saw one of the more newer recruits to the war. A masked and mysterious marauder known as "The Pyro". He lived up to his name, ambushing entire squadrons of the enemy team and turning them into crispy remnants of what they once were. This "Pyro" offered his hand to Engi. "Hudda Hudda Mmmphh!" he cried. The Engineer, in shock, merely nodded, and grabbed his hand and got back up. To his right, surrounded by debris, a sniper was groaning. His Darwin's Danger Shield was broken and trashed aside. He was covering up a wound dealt to his stomach, and the Australian Assassin was missing his trademark hat. "Medic…" he sputtered weakly. Engineer felt a wave of remorse, and turned to Pyro. "Find a Medic boy, quick!" he commanded. The Pyro nodded, said some inaudible dialogue, and walked up the flight of stairs leading to the RED's Respawn. Respawning itself was a painful process, and the Administrator and her goons were still having trouble rooting out the glitches within the system that brought fighters back to life. Engi turned back to the fallen Sniper, who was coughing out blood. The Texan could see the extent of his injuries, and he was peppered with dust that erupted out of one of the room's columns when the BLU Soldier attacked. That made Engi wonder, where were the BLUs? The briefcase was still gone. No doubt they were still hightailing it to their base to cap it. "Hold on partner, you're gonna be fine." Reassured the Engineer to Sniper. "T-t-thanks mate." The sniper replied, smiling.

"Ja!" yelled a Medic, running into the room. He was adorning his proud medicinal outfit, along with a Blighted Beak. Along him was the Pyro. The Medic nodded, and pushed Engi aside to examine the wounded warrior. He was badly damaged, but nothing the wondrous Medigun couldn't patch up in less than a few seconds. The seemingly magical beam of healing rushed towards the Sniper's aid, relieving him of the pain and stress. The blood on his wounds disappeared into nothingness, and the Aussie Assassin was back on his feet, ready to crush the skull of another member of the BLU Army. "Nice going, partner!" remarked the Engineer to his Pyro comrade. Suddenly, the Administrator's urgent voice alerted all four of the men: "You've lost Turbine, and your Division is leaving this map. You are being sent to Double-Cross."

The Engineer packed up his sentry and dispenser, and put them into the trunk of one of the trucks bringing RED to the Double-Cross map. The Cross itself was highly contested for over the last few months, as both teams gambled and put more and more information about their coming assaults into the briefcases of Double Cross, making the stakes all the more higher. Recently, the Builders League United's Division on Double Cross has crushed the RED's meager forces. Too address this threat, Redmond has ordered Division #24 out of Turbine, and putting in Reserve Division #12 on the battlefield.

The trucks abruptly stopped, and Sniper looked over his shoulder, to a pink hat wearing Demoman, exiting the driver's seat of the vehicle. "Come on lads, we've got work to do." He said. "Alrighty then!" responded the Engineer, as he and the rest of his crew exited the trucks. A Heavy Medic team ran into the innards of their new home, a generic base design, with little geographic advantage for either side's base. Engineer set down his Rancho Relaxo Chair, and turned towards a Scout, running towards the bridge that defined the map. The skirmish was about to take place. Pyro accompanied Engineer, and the Sniper assisted in the defense, his watchful eye scouring the rocky floors in front of him, to insure that no spy nor scout passes his scope. "Let's do this!" commented the Engineer. "Hudda Mmmph!" replied the Pyro, giving a thumbs up gesture.