I had to write this because I'm literally Hank and Fin annndddd Olinsky. Enjoy!

"Got the day off?" Hank asked with a half-smile on his face. It was rare Olivia would ask to Skype in the middle of the week, in the middle of the day.

"Ha." She nervously chuckled. "I have a few of those now." She said referring to her recent suspension.

"What do you mean?"

She sighed. "I was suspended."

"What?" Olivia was one of the best cops he knew. If she was in trouble, it had to be a misunderstanding. "For what?"

This was the part that was going to kill him. She was leading him on in a way, but she was also dating IAB, Hank's biggest enemy. "There was a case that involved some judges, lawyers, cops, and fingers started pointing and well, fingers got pointed at Tucker."

"Who the hell is Tucker?"

She chewed on her bottom lip while she debated even telling him. It's not like they had a thing, but she thought he had the right to know that she was in a relationship. "We've been kind of seeing each other." She said in a quiet voice hoping that he wouldn't hear her, but he did.

He couldn't even say anything at first. He was trying to process the bomb that she just dropped on him. Not only was she dating someone, but apparently, she took the fall for him, too. "You've been dating?"

"I am single woman, well, was."

"Yeah, but you knew how I felt about you, and now you're taking the fall for him? I hope you didn't come to me for sympathy, because that's the last thing you're going to get." He was angry, hurt, betrayed. Olivia was the first woman he had ever loved after Camille. Not only was she leading him on this entire time, she didn't even give him an opportunity to prove himself to her.

"Hank, I'm not a mind reader." But she knew. She had a feeling that their relationship was more than professional and that scared her.

"Yeah, but you're a detective, a damn good one at that. Which is why I'm confused as to why you're possibly throwing away your twenty year career for some man that probably did commit the crimes."

"Tucker is good police. You don't know him." She quickly defended him, something she's been doing for the last week. Why was she the only one that could see the good in him?

"I don't want to know him! If he's letting you take the fall for him, fuck him. I would never let you do something as stupid as this. And if I was going to have you do something like this, I would make sure you were taken care of. I don't see him around, so I'm sure he isn't giving a crap about your feelings."

Now, she was getting frustrated. She called Hank because she needed a friend to talk to, but his feelings were too involved. "He didn't tell me to do anything. He told me to do the opposite, but I know he's innocent."

"Oh, you do? How long have you even known this guy?"

She licked her lips and cleared her throat. "Basically my entire career."

"Really?" He didn't know how to take this new information. Has Tucker always been there on the side? Or did she recently start falling for him.

"Yeah, he's IAB." She said slowly knowing she just activated the bomb.

His eyes slightly widen making sure he heard her right, before anger took over. "Olivia fucking Benson. You cannot be serious, right now. You're fucking IAB. You took the fall for an IAB cop? Are you serious?" That was the ultimate slap to the face. That was the salt being poured into the wound. Nothing she could say or do would ever make him forgive her. "I hope you're happy."

She squinted her eyes at him. She knew it was sarcasm, but that didn't mean the statement didn't hurt any less. "I think it's obvious that I'm not."

He crossed his arms. "And whose fault is that? I'm not fucking IAB. You bought this on yourself."

She had pissed him off. There was no going back now. "Hank, please. I need a friend right now."

"Go talk to your boyf...oh that's right. You guys can't talk to each other because of the investigation. Call Fin if you need a friend, and delete my number." He said before he ended the skype call.

Olivia slammed her iPad on the table and let out a sob. Everything in her life was falling apart and she had no one to depend on. She should be used to it, but for the first time in her life, she felt like someone would always have her back when she met Hank. She couldn't blame him for being upset to an extent. She should have told him and she knows how he feels about IAB, but she didn't purposely date Tucker. It just happened.

She decided to take Hank's advice and call Fin.

"She's dating IAB?" Olinsky asked over drinks later that night.


"Ooh, that's not good. I actually wanted you guys together."

Hank took a sip of his Manhattan. "Makes two of us."

"What's going to happen if we have to work together again? Oh," He said like a light bulb went off in his head. "Have you told Erin? That's going to kill her."

"I can be professional, and I'm waiting to do that. I want to mend my heart before I break another one." Erin's reaction slipped his mind. Olivia and Erin had clung to each other after Yates, and he was happy that Erin had a positive female to look up to, but that quickly ended. He didn't want his relationship, or whatever the hell it was, to interfere with Erin and Olivia's friendship, but he knew Erin. If he cut all ties with someone, she was going to do the same.

Olinsky reached over and patted Hank's back. "You know I'm here for you."

"You're dating Tucker? Like Ed Tucker? IAB Tucker? The Rat Tucker? The one who has tried to take all of our badges more than once Tucker?"

Olivia rolled her eyes. "Yes, Fin. That Tucker." No one was happy about this relationship, and she could understand why, but people change. And she saw a real change in him.

"Why? What? I'm gone for two weeks and all hell breaks loose. I thought you and Voight was a thing." Fin didn't like Tucker, but if Olivia was happy, he couldn't object. It just was an honest surprise to him.

She sighed. "You're not the only one that thought that, but now Hank won't even talk to me."

"Can you blame him? Did you not see the way he looked at you anytime we had a case? That man was in love, and you broke his heart."

"You're really not making me feel better, Odafin."

"Fine, I'm sorry you lost your job, but you'll be back. Cragen went to jail and got his job back. Just focus on you and Noah, right now. Don't even think about Tucker or Voight; think about getting better for you and your son."

I know you don't want to talk to me, but I'm letting you know I broke up with up Tucker, and I got my job. I'm sorry for any pain that I caused you, and I hope that you can forgive me.

Olivia's thumb hovered over the send button for a few minutes. She didn't know if she should even try to talk to him or not. He made it pretty clear he was done with her. It had been a month since their call, and she got her job back, but things still didn't feel right. It was the same atmosphere after Brian's rape accusations, and she knew things wouldn't go back to normal.

She finally pressed send and threw her phone across the room. She was actually nervous about his reply, and if he would reply. She took a long sip of her wine. Just as she was putting her glass down, her phone went off. She jumped up from the couch and picked it up from the floor. He replied.

Congrats. We live and we learn. No hard feelings.

He was still upset, she knew it. Besides the fact that he stopped talking to her, her weekly phone calls, and daily text to Erin had stopped. She figured he had told her, and she cut Olivia off, also.

Are we good?

She needed to know that she would still have a friend in Hank. Even if he never flirted with her again, she needed to know that she still had his support.

He looked down at her text and didn't know how to reply. Of course he wanted her back in his life, but he didn't think he could trust her again.


She let out a sigh of relief at the short answer. She knew they had a long way to go before they'll ever get back to how they used to be, but it would be worth it.

Skype tonight?

It was a risk, but she wanted to have a face to face conversation with him, to really see if he was lying or not.

How could he say no to her? He missed that damn smiling face of hers more than anything.

Wouldn't miss it for the world.

She smiled and sat back down on the couch. Maybe they will be okay.