So, I'm going to start posting random one-shots in between updates because I have so many ideas for Benoight, but never long enough for stories. So this is going to be a series of one-shots. You guys can send me prompts on my twitter! This one is based off of the song Let Her Go. Enjoy!
"Another Manhattan." Hank asked with no emotions in his voice. He was on drink five? Six, maybe. He wasn't keeping count. He didn't care. Nothing mattered anymore. He was an idiot and let Olivia go. She was the best thing to happen to him in a long time.
"Cut him off." Al's voice came from behind. He's seen his friend upset over many things over the years, but never like this. If he was being honest, the last time Hank was in this kind of mood was after Camille died. "Let's get you home." He rested a comforting hand on Hank's shoulder. He was worried about his friend. If he didn't get his act together, he was going to end up spiraling down.
"I'm fine, Al." Was all he said. He didn't even bother to turn around and look at him. He didn't want anyone's pity. He just wanted to be left alone. He always found himself at Molly's after a shift to drink his sorrows away. He never drunk enough to get drunk, but enough to ease the pain of the break-up.
"That's bullshit and you know it." The hand that was on Hank's shoulder moved down to his arm to lift him from the chair. Al was the only one that could talk to Hank like this without getting their ass kicked, and well, Olivia, too. However, she wasn't going to be around anymore thanks to Hank being himself.
"I just want you to open up to me more. All I do is open up to you and show you that I trust you more than anything, but you can't even do the same for me."
"Don't you think I'm trying here, Liv? This is all new for me."
"It's new for me, too, Hank. You say you want this to work, but you don't even give it a chance. Let me in." She said with a frustrated sigh. Olivia was tired of being the only one that was putting any effort into relationships. She had vowed to never do that again even if it meant she would be single for the rest of her life.
She was right, but he didn't know how to change. His entire life he was guarded, and if someone couldn't handle it, he would let them leave. It was different with Olivia, though. He wanted to be a better man for her because she deserved better. She deserved better than him, and he told himself that all the time. "I love you."
"I love you, too, Hank." She paused before she spoke the dreaded words. "But I don't think this is going to work anymore. Distance is already hard enough, and now we're not even communicating. I wanted you to be the one for me, but I guess that's not how things are going to work."
"Wait, no, Olivia." For the first time in his life, he was begging someone to stay in his life. Olivia made him a better person, and he couldn't imagine what life would be without her. "We can work this out." He said almost pleading with her. "Give me time to change things."
"I'm tired of having to work things out. There's something about me that's not letting you open up to me, and that's okay." She was trying her best to keep it together, but this was hurting her more than any other breakup. She let down all her walls with Hank and that's what made this worse. At least with Brian, they were both guarded so they were both at fault, but this was different. She put all her fears aside and let him see the good, bad, and ugly about her. She even told him about Harris and that was one of her best kept secrets.
"Benson, I swear it's not you."
She could have sworn she could hear him begging her not to go in his voice, but she couldn't let that affect her decision. She had to think about what was best for her, and Noah. Oh, my god, Noah. Hank was Noah's world and she was now regretting letting them ever get so close. All Noah would say is 'Hank', 'Voight', or 'Pops'. She didn't know whose heart was going to get more broken in this situation. "I know." She softly smiled. "Stay safe for me. I love you." She said before hanging up the phone.
"Al, I let her go. She was doing everything right, and I still couldn't be a good man." Did Olivia have her faults? Yeah, but she was really trying to make them work out and he was too stupid to realize it at the time.
"Then get your shit together, and get her back. You haven't been this crazy about anyone since Camille. The Hank Voight I know always get what he wants, not matter what." Al cared about Hank and ever since him and Olivia broke up a few months ago, he had never been the same. He was off when it came to cases, always beating someone up, and his drinking had gotten more frequent. He was two seconds away from calling Olivia himself.
Voight shook his head. "This isn't the type of woman that gives second chances anymore. She didn't need me, but I needed her." He felt weak admitting that, but it was true. No one could make him calm down just by the sound of their voice or their simple touch, except Olivia. She was the light in his very dark world and he let her go. There was no way in hell he could ever get her back. The damage was already done.
"That woman loves you just as much as you love her, and so does her son. If you're going to just give up on her, then at least move on."
Hank looked at Alvin like he had three heads. "Move on?" He stood up from the stool and threw some crumpled bills on the bar. "Go to hell." He stormed out of the bar with a snarl on his face. How dare Olinsky just tell him to move on like this was just a fling? He hadn't trusted anyone with his heart since Camille and everyone just wanted to move on. He could only blame himself for their break-up. Olivia gave her all, and he couldn't return it. Why? He didn't know. He wished he did, so he could fix it because living without her was hell.
Even though he was cut off at the bar, he had his own stash at home. He was on beer number four when he got the courage to finally call her number. It's been so long since he heard that beautiful voice of hers and even if it was just her yelling at him, he needed to hear it.
"Hank? What's wrong?" She immediately answered.
He was right. Her sleepy voice was going to have him begging for another chance. "I'm sorry." His words were slurred.
She sighed. He was drunk. Of course. "Are you okay?" Despite breaking up, she was still in love with him and cared about his well-being.
"I'm at home, thinking about you."
She let out a sigh of relief to know that he was safe at home. "Hank, get some rest. I have to go."
"Liv, who is that?" A third voice asked laced with sleep.
Hank immediately sobered up hearing the sound of another's man voice. He wanted to angry, he was angry. Olivia was supposed to be his. He was supposed to be the only man sleeping next to her. "Oh, I'm interrupting. Sorry." He said bitterly before hanging up. How could he be so stupid? Of course a woman like Olivia had men lining up to take his spot. She really was gone. They were right. You only know know you love her when you let her go.
"Sorry, that was an old friend." Olivia said cuddling back into the slightly hairy chest. "Go back to sleep, babe."
Only know you love her when you let her go...and you let her go
I hate myself for this but, I couldn't help myself when I heard the song. Anyways, review here or on twitter (queenimance)