The alarm for the morning had not yet rang, but for some reason Saitama was waking up now. Sleepiness still hung over heavily as he groaned angrily. He hated it when he woke up early, in fact he'd do anything to get extra sleep. He sighed and tried to get comfortable again. When he tried to move his hand touched something cold. Something metal. When he moved his head his forehead was pressed against something warm. His eyes shot open and he was met face to face with Genos, their foreheads now pressed together. He took a sharp breath in and realized his hand was resting against Genos's arm. Great...just great! This was a perfect position to be in, especially after his realization of his own feelings for Genos last night. His eyes shifted around the room and he spotted the clock on his wall. Reading it he found out there was still ten minutes left until the alarm was supposed to go off. He closed his eyes and furrowed his brows. The next ten minutes were probably going to feel like an hour… He looked at Genos again and began to realize that he himself hadn't moved from his futon at all when he fell asleep last night. It was actually Genos who had shifted in his sleep and had managed to get so close to Saitama.

"Ha, cute… least I can make fun of him for that I guess…"

The last thing he wanted was for things to be awkward between them. That's when that sinking gut feeling returned. What if when he did tell Genos his feelings it would make things awkward between them. What if Genos became uncomfortable and eventually left him? Saitama didn't even want to think about that possibility. He didn't know what he'd do if Genos ever left. There'd be no one to greet him in the morning or share breakfast with. No fighting partner to practice with or someone to join him on trips to the grocery store. He'd return back to his life of being a lone hero… For once the thought of being alone didn't seem so content anymore.

He found his shaky hand beginning to lift up and rest over Geno's body. Why was he doing this, he knew it was risky. He just for once wanted to hold the one person who cared about him. The one person he cared about… He let out a breath of air and closed his eyes, still keeping his forehead pressed against Genos's.

"This is not going to be easy..."

Suddenly a ring sounded from somewhere in Genos and it caused Saitama to jump back. His hands had pushed against Genos's body which caused the robot to roll back into his futon. Saitama laid perfectly still, mostly out of shock but also the embarrassment of Genos maybe knowing of how close they had been laying together. He saw Genos's eyes open as his body booted up. He rose from where he lay and turned to Saitama, looking almost surprised to see him fully awake.

"Good Morning, Sensei. It's nice to see you wide awake ," he paused and seemed to be processing something inside his head, "did you say something before the alarm went off?"

Saitama had been in the middle of stretching when his muscles tensed. He lowered his arms and glanced over at Genos.

"Yeah... why?"

"Sorry if it's weird that I know this, Sensei. But when I am in sleep mode I can still hear audio. So, what did you mean by "This is not going to be easy?"

Saitama gulped and searched for an excuse. Anything but the truth.

"I was… talking about the run we are going to do! I have plans for it to be tough; really test our limits, you know?"

Genos's eyes lit up and he smiled with delight.

"Oh! That sounds like a good plan, Sensei. I should prepare us a healthy breakfast then."

He left his futon to go cook and left Saitama still sitting on the floor. Saitama pinched the bridge of his nose. Yep, this was definitely something new for him because he was not handling this very well. For now, he was just going to try and focus on getting ready for the run. He figured he shouldn't shower now since he was just going to go running and get all sweaty anyway. Guess all he could do for now is wait for breakfast and ponder in his own thoughts. He sat down at the coffee table again and turned on the tv. He was relieved to see no monsters were attacking any parts of the cities. He and Genos would be able to have their nice run together after all. Footage coverage of the damaged area after yesterday's battle was briefly being shown now. Once again the familiar footage of him and Genos was shown and his heart grew heavy. Was the whole world trying to pressure this out of him?

He snapped back to reality when a plate of scrambled eggs was placed in front of him. He watched Genos take a seat in front of him with his own plate of eggs as he began to eat. Saitama stared down at his plate, unknowingly spiking worry in Genos after not touching his food for awhile.

"Sensei, did you not want scrambled eggs? I can make something else if you'd like-"

"No, no, Genos. The eggs are fine, I'm just not feeling hungry this morning."

Saitama hesitantly admitted and tried to avoid eye contact with however had set his silverware down by now and kept on staring at him.

"Sensei, is something bothering you?"

He asked in an attempt to get something out of him. Saitama couldn't help but look up at Genos's worried face now. Damn, the guy was good at picking up emotions. Then again he wasn't exactly doing his best to hide them himself. He had to say something now.

"No, Genos. Nothing is bothering me. I just feel weird that's all…"

"Are you sick, Sensei? Because I can have my doctor perform a check up on you-"

"No, no, Genos. That won't be necessary, I'm not sick."

Saitama exclaimed, putting his hands up in protest of the cyborg's sudden offer. Genos hunched down and looked confused more than ever.

"Then, what is making you feel weird then?"

Saitama gulped and his fingers gripped against his pajama leggings. Telling Genos this wasn't going to be that easy after all then. But he had to be honest with him, he could see how concerned he was now. He was just trying to help after all… but ironically he was making it a bit harder for Saitama to handle.

"I don't know, Genos. I think…," He paused to take a breath, "I think you're making me feel weird."

He looked down after his response and waited. There was nothing but silence. He peeked up a bit to see Genos's expression and his eyes widened a bit. Genos had an uncertain look to him. His head was tilted downwards and he could see behind his blonde hair how sad his eyes looked. He wanted to say something but Genos spoke first.

"Sensei… did I do something wrong?"

Saitama felt something in his chest that could be similar to a stab in the heart. This is not what he wanted Genos to think at all.

"No! Genos, you didn't do anything wrong, you just-"

"Sensei, you don't have to lie."

Genos stopped him in mid sentence with those stone, cold, hard words that hung in the air so harshly. Genos was looking at him with a stare he's seen before but usually only towards monsters and people who were rude to them. The tone of his voice alone scared Saitama more than anything. Genos looked away from him after a while and closed his eyes in thought.

"Sensei, if I am doing something wrong to make you feel this way then you should just tell me. The last thing I'd want to be is a burden to you."

Saitama was beginning to feel awful at this point, this wasn't going how he thought it would at all. He wanted to change this conversation around somehow but he knew it was too late as Genos continued.

"I know I'm not as strong as you might've been hoping I would be by now but, I also understand if me being your student is becoming tiring by now."

" I'm not tired of you! I just...I don't know what to do-"

"Saitama, I don't need sympathy. I've gotten too much of that in my lifetime."

The hurt in Genos's voice was causing Saitama to freak out a bit. He'd never want to upset him, especially like this.

"Genos, that's not what I meant I-"

"Do you even like it that I'm here, Sensei?"

Saitama froze. All he could do was stare now at the cyborg who seemed to be pouring all his worries out to him now. Saitama never realized that all this time Genos could be thinking this. Was this really how he felt sometimes? That he was just getting in his way? Saitama was so busy trying to understand why Genos was saying all that he was, that when Genos finally stood up it made him flinch a bit. Genos had his hands clenched into fists and even though he was standing above him now he seemed so small.

"I don't think I'm up for a run right now, Sensei. I think I need to go visit my doctor for a bit-"

He was going to leave. Damn it, do something you idiot. Saitama couldn't take it anymore and slammed a fist on the coffee table.

"Genos you idiot why on earth would I think of any of that!?"

Genos stood there shocked at his teacher's sudden outburst. Saitama could feel his heart pounding, he wasn't done yet.

"You really think I'd be happier without you here? There hasn't been one person in years who's cared about me like you do. Do you think I don't respect that? Worse yet, do you think I don't feel the same? The months you've been living with me have been the most interesting months of my entire sad life. If it wasn't for you I would've never joined the Hero Association! As much as you drive me crazy sometimes I know without you my life would go back to being boring and lonely!"

He was standing now, unaware of how loud he was yelling and how small the space between he and Genos was becoming.

"I do care about you Genos, hell if I didn't we wouldn't be having this conversation right now!"

Genos watched as his teacher rambled on and on, becoming aware of how close the two of them were now.

"W-what do you mean, Sensei?"

"I mean- we wouldn't be having this conversation, this argument; we wouldn't be in the middle of this mess if I didn't have such strong feelings for you and I was too much of a dumb ass to tell you properly!"

He was in Genos's face now, breathing heavily now that he had gotten that off his chest. Genos on the other hand, seemed to be turning a new shade of red at the sudden words he had just heard.


"I'm sorry, Genos. I don't know why this is happening," he brought his hands up to cover his face, "I think I've felt this way for a while now, I just didn't know if it was that sort of feeling because I've never felt this way towards anyone before."

Genos's mouth was agape in shock, unable to find the right words to respond to all that he was hearing.

"So no, you didn't do anything wrong, you're not a burden, and I do enjoy you living here with me because I like you Genos! you understand?"

Finally he made eye contact with Genos again. Genos stood still with Saitama still so close to him. He slowly nodded, it was the only response he could get out right now. Saitama let out a sigh and he let himself relax a bit. He was ready for Genos's response, for him to be angry or disgusted. Instead he felt metal against his back as he was pulled into a hug by Genos. Saitama was pressed against his warm chest and didn't exactly know how to respond. But he thought he heard Genos laugh for a second there. But he felt Geno's chest rise up and down against his own and that confirmed it. He was laughing, that little punk...

"Forgive me for laughing, Sensei. It's just… I never thought you'd actually feel the same."

"Wait what."

Saitama said, now feeling even more confused. Genos pulled away, revealing a soft smile on his face.

"Because I too like you, Saitama."

Saitama felt his face burn and he probably looked like a blushing idiot. Genos actually… liked him back? He didn't feel like questioning it though, he felt relieved more than anything. He began to chuckle himself and pushed Genos's chest playfully away.

"You idiot, why didn't you ever tell me sooner. See what I just caused?"

"I'm sorry, Sensei. I too didn't know how to tell you. Though it is something new to see you blushing like this…"

Genos commented and continued to smile. Saitama glared at him, oh so he was teasing him now? He wanted to wipe that smart ass grin off his face. He chuckled; oh, he knew how. He reached his hands out to take Genos's own and he looked him in the eyes again.

"Yeah? Same goes for you."

With that he leaned forward and pressed his lips against Genos's own. He heard Genos sharply inhale and he grinned against his mouth. He caught him off guard, good. Genos eventually kissed back though, intertwining their fingers together in the process. When he pulled away he was pleased to see he had turned Genos into a flustered mess. Though, smoke was rising from the cyborg now and he could hear the machinery inside him beginning to whirr loudly. Oh, he was just really embarrassed.

"Uh...Genos? Are you alright?"

"S-sensei... I think we should skip the run this morning and do this instead."

Saitama smiled and shook his head. Genos was really just a huge dork deep down. He let his hands go and brought them around his waist instead. He couldn't help but bring him in for another hug. He just felt so relieved and happy...for once in his life.

"Yeah, that sounds like a better plan anyway."