"I'd ask you to stop looking at me like that but I'd be lying... I missed this."

"You're my hero now. You know that, right? I don't deserve you."

"Ollie... you came back time to save me. Helping you like this, it was the least I could do."

"Okay, okay... I do have a question, though. Several, actually."

"Ask away."

"During the whole game, there were things that kept happening which I can't explain. Like, that woman – Roulette?"

"Roulette, yeah"

"Weird name by the way – hey, don't laugh!"

"Sorry, sorry! Keep going."

"Right, so Roulette... She kept popping in out of nowhere. I know I wasn't totally alert then but I get the feeling it wasn't completely natural. She powered or what?"

"No, most of the game wasn't even real, in fact."

"Huh? So I've finally lost my mind."

"Stop being silly! What I meant was from the moment you wake up in that bar until you ran out of the facility after Lex was dragging me away, we played it all in your head."

"Like huh... mind control? Dreams?"

"Like telepathy."

"Something you've been hiding from me, Sidekick?"

"Yes, I'm not human, I'm actually a Martian."

"Kidding! You should have seen your face!"

"Oh you little-"

"Hey, stop, stop! No tickling or I won't tell you anything!"

"Alright but let's get to the point, now. I'm dying to know."

"Okay. Well in fact I really did have Martian help – no joke. Some little green man we know – the one who likes parading in our world as a cop, he's back."

"John? John's back?"

"Yup. His stay on Mars didn't last that long but considering the distance between his planet and ours, his trip lasted for some time."

"Did he find what he wanted?"

"Yeah, it's another phantom zone portal. Might be useful in case we have another Doomsday scenario."

"Ah don't remind me... so, about Roulette?"

"John played a key role in the whole thing. He connected our consciences together, you, me, Roulette and him so we could do the whole thing without attracting too much intention in the real world. Then, when you got hit by a guard outside the ridge facility – you remember?"

"Yeah, hurt like hell."

"Well that's the moment we switched to the real party. I played my damsel in distress act and John shape-shifted as Lex."

"So... that explains why my arrow didn't actually kill him."

"Exactly, he played his part perfectly."

"Heh, I don't know... Did he really have to hit me like a Mack truck?"

"Gentle slaps weren't going to do it, Oliver. He had to make it real, we wanted to appeal to the fighter in you so you could do what was necessary."

"You're amazing."

"Don't sell yourself short, in the end you fought for yourself and for a second chance."

"I couldn't have done it without you, Chloe."


"You saved me."

"You saved yourself, like I said, I just gave you a little push."

"More like a kick in the ass."

"Well you needed it."

"Can't argue with you, there! Wait... what about Roulette? Why involving a stranger in all this?"

"She had the experience in this kind of situation. She had to know when to taunt you, when to push, and when to assist you. We all acted by her call. And if you worry about her revealing our secrets, don't be. I played my cards close to the chest, besides, it's well known she's a mercenary and once paid off, she remains tight-lipped about what she's seen."


"I put, Victor on her tail, though."

"Vic's back too?"

"Yeah, replied to my calls just in time for the game. He was in contact with Lois during the whole thing, she told him where to guide us towards the desert parts of the city. He was like a scout."

"Like a scout, huh? And Lois was the mother hen."

"Don't ever tell her that, if you want to live! Let me catch my breath, there."

"I don't know, I like it when you're breathless."

"I thought we were resting."

"We were, but then you started tempting me."

"How was I even tempting you, I was talking. Eyes up, mister!"

"Shut up and kiss me."