Disclaimer: I do not own TMI or the characters I write about… I just create masses of stories involving them and majorly fuck with their lives :)

A/N: So, I wasn't planning on posting this one yet, what with How To Fall… still going, but I couldn't resist. Think if it as a Christmas present to all you loyal readers and any newcomers to my fics :) MERRY CHRISTMAS! This is my first Christmas on this site so this new story shall commemorate that :)

Just letting you know, it's an AU Malec kid fic, sort of… They start off as friends, then shit happens, then they meet again years later; a tale old as time and a little clichéd but I love fics like this and I hope you all love it too :)

So, without any further ado, Happy Holidays, hope you enjoy it and if I don't see you before, HAPPY NEW YEAR!



"Come on, Alexander. Come with me to meet the new neighbours."

Maryse said softly, taking his sons hand as he stomped his feet.

"I don't want to meet them."

Maryse sighed but smiled.

"Ok, how's this? We go together to meet the new people and then we can get some ice cream."

Alec's eyes brightened at that and he smiled a toothy grin. Gripping his mum's hand, they marched down their driveway and into the neighbour's garden. Maryse laughed as Alec smiled up at her, while she balanced the plate of brownies she had made for them on her arm and knocked the door.


She called as she knocked. Soon enough, the door swung open to reveal a beautiful young woman with shining green eyes. She smiled at them as Maryse held out her hand, letting go of Alecs as the boy hid behind her.

"Hi. I'm Maryse Lightwood. I live next door. This my oldest son, Alec. Come on, Alexander, say hello."

She said with an affectionate smile. The woman at the door smiled kindly as Alec stayed silent.

"I'm Arya Bane. We just moved here from Brooklyn. It's very nice to meet you. And hey there, Alexander. You know, I've got a son who's about your age, would you like to meet him? You could be friends."

She spoke kindly, her voice like honey. But Alec looked up at his mum with wide eyes.

"But I already have friends. I have Jace and Simon and John."

Maryse laughed as Arya smiled softly.

"They sound very nice. But you can make more friends too."

Alec looked back to his mum, who nodded with a smile. He looked up at Arya.


He said simply. Arya grinned before turning back into the house and calling out.

"Magnus, baby, there's someone here to meet you!"

Alec clung to his mother's leg as a shadow moved behind Arya. She laughed softly, as it also clung to her leg. Alec stared as the figure shuffled, until a head and half a body was visible. Alec gasped and gripped his mum's leg tighter.

The boy was taller than Alec. He had caramel coloured skin and painted neon nails. His wore red jeans and a white t shirt. His black hair hung messily in his eyes and he was barefoot. As Alec openly stared, the boy mirrored the gesture. And eventually, their eyes met. Alec gasped as he saw the shining green and gold cat's eyes, glittering in the light. The boy shied away as Alec stared, pointing to his eyes.

"Mum look! They're like cat eyes!"

He whisper shouted. Maryse quickly scolded him.

"Alexander Lightwood that is no way to talk about people. And don't point, its rude."

She turned to Arya.

"I'm sorry, Arya. And to you, Magnus, was it?"

The boy nodded shyly as Arya smiled.

"It's ok. They're 6 years old. It's expected."

Maryse was about to reply when Alec spoke softly.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't being mean. I like them. Your eyes are pretty. Like a kitty cat."

He was blushing as he spoke and the women giggled at the cuteness. Magnus stepped out from behind his mum's leg and smiled, extending his hand to Alec slowly.

"I like your eyes too. They're bluer than the sea."

Alec blushed as he smiled and let go of his mum, stepping towards the boy. He reached out and took his hand, shaking it slowly as they shared embarrassed smiles.

Maryse looked over at Arya, seeing the bags under her eyes and all the signs of fatigue in her manner. With a smile, she reached for her purse.

"Why don't you boys go get some ice cream? And maybe Alec could show you the park, Magnus."

The boys smiled as she gave them the money as Arya looked at them with a small smile.

"That sounds good, just be careful ok?"

The boys nodded as Maryse laughed.

"They'll be ok. Alec lives in that park. The way he climbs trees, i swear he's a monkey."

Arya laughed.

"Well, the way Magnus climbs everything and can fall asleep just about anywhere, i swear he's a cat."

They shared a laugh as the boys split the money between them and Alec led Magnus off in the direction on the shop and the park. Maryse turned back to Arya.

"Do you need some help with all the boxes?"

She asked once the boys were out of earshot. Arya smiled tiredly.

"God, yes. Thank you."

Maryse nodded.

"It's ok. I saw you arrive, just you and Magnus..."

Arya nodded slowly, leading Maryse into the house.

"Yeah, i just split from Magnus' father. He's still in Brooklyn."

Maryse nodded and decided not to press the issue further. Instead, she made tea, broke out the brownies and helped Arya unpack the boxes as they sang along and laughed at the crappy songs on the radio.


Alec walked slowly, saying nothing as the boy trailed behind him. Stopping abruptly, Alec turned to him.

"Come on or all the good ice cream will be gone."

The boy smiled shyly as Alec bit his lip. He then reached out and grabbed Magnus' hand, pulling him along beside him. They said nothing as they entered the shop, the guy at the counter smiling as they came in.

"Hey there, little man. How's the family?"

Alec smiled up at him.

"We're all good, Jules. What about you?"

Jules grinned as Alec and a boy headed to the freezer.

"Not too bad. Say Alec, who's your friend?"

Alec smiled as Magnus gripped his hand tight, staring with wide eyes at Jules.

"He's Magnus. He just moved in next door to us."

Jules nodded and smiled politely, saying hey, before getting back to work. Alec dragged Magnus to the ice cream and beamed at the selection.

"What do you want? I always get cookie dough. But you can get what you want."

Magnus stared at the ice cream tubs while Alec stared at him. Magnus wasn't like any of Alecs friends. He was a mystery. And Alec had always loved those. It was then, as Magnus turned to him with a wide smile, that Alec decided that Magnus was his new friend.

"That one! The Raspberry Ripple! I love that. My mum sometimes puts white chocolate sprinkles on it."

Alec smiled and reached for the tub, grabbing it and hissing at the cold as Magnus giggled. Alec glared at him but smiled as they paid and walked out, Jules throwing a kind "Welcome to Idris!" at Magnus.

They carried their ice cream to the park, walking hand in hand without a word passing between them. Alec led Magnus to a little bench by a pond under a large willow tree. The playground was just up ahead but Alec had always preferred playing in the trees, he could escape Izzy and her annoying tendency to get in his way. Jace would climb the trees too, but Alec liked it best when he was alone.

But now Magnus was here. He watched as the boy opened his ice cream and picked some up with his finger. He licked it off with an impish grin as Alec squirmed at the grossness.

Magnus giggled.

"What? It tastes better like that."

Alec snorted and opened his own tub, using the small spoon that came with it.

"It tastes the same."

Magnus cocked an eyebrow and grinned.

"How would you know if you've never tried it because it's so gross?"

Alec glared at the boy as he smiled and did it again. Alec huffed in annoyance before throwing away his spoon, not to be one upped by the new kid.

He dipped a finger in his tub and cringed as he raised it to his mouth, poking out his tongue before quickly taking the ice cream off. He smiled as the cookie flavour filled his senses and Magnus grinned in triumph.


Alec giggled and did it again as Magnus watched amusedly. Then he dipped two fingers into the raspberry ripple and held one out to Alec. Alec sensed what he was doing and repeated the action with the cookie dough, holding out a finger to Magnus.

Cringing, Alec whined.

"They're going to taste so gross together. I can't..."

Magnus giggled, his green eyes twinkling.

"Aww, come on. You don't wanna be beaten by a new kid do you? And I bet it's nice, anyway."

Alec groaned and leaned forwards, placing one finger at his lips and the other at Magnus'. They shared impish grins as Magnus counted them in and then together they tried it. Both ice creams at the same time. And though Alec would hate to admit it, Magnus was right. It was quite nice.

They fell into fits of laughter for the rest of the day, heading home hand in hand as the sun set. They talked of nothing much, TV shows, movies, toys, video games. But at the end of the day, when Maryse walked Alec back to their house and he left Magnus with a smile, Alec was amazed to realise that he had made a new friend.


A/N: So? Thoughts, feedback, comments, predictions? Leave me a review, guys! Let me know what you think! I love hearing from you all!

PS: Has anyone else here seen the new Star Wars? If so… HOW COULD THEY DO THAT TO US?! I died a little inside… :(

Anyway, have an awesome Christmas,

Love you all,