Michael couldn't stop hovering over Sabrina to make sure she was okay. The moment he brought her into the hospital; she was taken away and Dr. Lee proceeded to run dozens of tests to see what was wrong with the baby. He called Felix when he was on the way to the hospital and pleaded with him to not tell anyone else what was going on. Elizabeth, Felix, and Epiphany were working nonstop taking care of Sabrina.

"It's normal that she's been asleep for this long; right?," he asked Epiphany.

She nodded, "We gave her a small dose of sedative to calm her down. She should wake up soon. Keep her calm when she does. Her blood pressure was sky high when your brought her in."

"And the baby?"

"Strong heartbeat. Your baby is doing just fine."

"Then what's taking Dr. Lee so long with the test results?" Michael brushed some hair away from her face and grabbed her hand.

"Patience. Everything will be okay. I have to check on other patients, but next up on the rounds is Elizabeth."

"Thank you."

"Anytime." He turned his attention back on Sabrina, "Did you hear that? The baby is okay. No miscarriage or anything like that. He or she is strong." He felt her grip his hand and he stood up, "Sabrina?," her eyes fluttered open and she squinted against the light, "Hey, you're okay. We're at the hospital."

"What happened?," she whispered.

"I found you in the hallway. You collapsed and said you were having cramps. I brought you here. Dr. Lee went off to run some tests but she'll be back soon." She turned her head and saw the machine for the baby's heartbeat, "Our baby is okay?" He nodded, "Everything is perfect. Don't cry, it's okay." He pulled himself closer to her, "Listen to me. We're good. Calm down." She took in a deep breath and looked towards the door when it started to open. "Look who's awake. How are you feeling Sabrina?," Dr. Lee asked.

"Tired. Anxious. Why was I cramping like that?"

"Well, for starters, your blood pressure was too high when you came in here. Have you dealt with any stressful situations lately?"

"You have no idea," Michael replied.

"Besides the high blood pressure, how tired have you been feeling?"

"It depends on the day. I can barely find myself able to do things for a long period of time before I need to sit down." Dr. Lee wrote something down in her chart, "It's nothing to be worried about but you are suffering from preeclampsia. The good news is that we caught it early on so that your baby is at less of a risk."

"I'm only 24 weeks. Usually women who are at least 32 get diagnosed. How worried should I be?"

"Sabrina, for the most part, you are very healthy. If you keep coming regularly for your appointments; I can assure you that you and your baby will be fine."

"You can't be so sure," Michael spoke up. "I mean this sounds serious."

"It is. Sabrina needs to start changing her everyday activities, her diet, more physical activity." Dr. Lee's pager went off, "I have to go but I'll be back later. Get some more rest." She walked out of the room. Sabrina moved over in her bed to give Michael space to lay down with her, "You need to know more."

He got into the bed with her, "I feel like some things were left out for my benefit. Am I right?"

"Yes. There's risks for me and the baby."

"The main one?"

"We both could die." Michael cursed underneath his breath, "It doesn't happen often but I just need you to know. And if anything happens...I want you to save our baby."



"We're not talking about this. I'm not losing you or the baby. It's not up for discussion. And I don't want you thinking like that right now. Dr. Lee said for you to stay calm."

Sabrina pulled his face towards hers, "I'm a nurse. I've studied all the risks of preeclampsia. We both need to be prepared for whatever outcome happens."

"I understand that but maybe you don't jump right in with death. I'm not losing either of you." He kissed her forehead, "You're stuck with me for a long time." Sabrina wanted to make sure he understood what was going on but before she could say more his phone started to ring. Michael made no attempts to answer. "Are you going to answer that?"

"It's my mom. This is the 5th time she's called since I stormed out. I'll answer when I feel like it."

"I apologize for yelling at her like that. It wasn't right."

"Seriously? That was the best thing I've ever seen. My mom was not expecting that from you. Neither was I for that matter. Her saying that we shouldn't keep the baby is the reason why I'm not answering her phone calls. I'm too pissed at her."

"You can't stay mad at her forever. I think she means well."

"You're a saint. Do you know that?" Sabrina laughed, "Please, I'm a mess. And completely flawed." Michael was about to make a rebuttal when the door flew open and his mother walked in, "Oh thank God. I had to practically force Felix to tell me where you were. He made it seem like you were in the hospital, not Sabrina." Michael rose from the bed, "What are you doing here? Was the whole no response to your phone calls not enough?" Carly rolled her eyes, "I chalked it up to you just being overdramatic," she looked at Sabrina in the hospital bed, "What the hell happened to you?"

Michael interrupted Sabrina's answer, "It's none of your business. Look, I'll speak to you when I'm ready, okay? Until then, you're just going to have to accept some radio silence from me. I don't have time to be preoccupied with you right now. Please, just leave." Just then Emilio walked in, "Seriously?," exclaimed Sabrina and Michael.

"Why are you here?," Sabrina asked.

"I came to apologize. Is everything okay?" Sabrina felt her blood pressure slowly start to rise some more, making the machines start to go off. Michael turned around and looked at her, "Hey. Calm down. Just breathe."

"I am breathing!" Felix rushed in after he saw the alert at the nurse's station. He put the mask over her face and looked at Carly and Emilio, "I'm going to have to ask the two of you to leave. All this stress isn't good for the baby, or Sabrina."

"I'm not going anywhere," Carly protested.

"Me either," Emilio agreed. Michael grabbed her mother's arm and pulled her out of the room, signaling Emilio to father, "Both of you need to listen to me, right now. After Sabrina left, she felt some cramps. I found her collapsed in the hallway and I brought her here to the hospital. Dr. Lee says that she has preeclampsia. That means no stressful situations. It's harmful to her and the baby. Which also means, that you two are the biggest stress factors in our lives right now."

"I obviously need to go comfort my daughter."

"Did you listen to anything I just said? Stay away from her. Both of you." With that Michael turned back around and went back inside her room. He pulled Felix aside, "Is there anyway I can have someone banned from entering her room?"

"Of course. She'll only be here for the rest of the night. Dr. Lee just wants to monitor her a little more but she'll get discharged in the morning."

Michael nodded, "I'm going to bring her to the Quartermaines just in case her dad tries to come back."

"I'll be here until tomorrow evening, so maybe I won't run into him."

"Why are you two whispering in the corner? Where did my dad go?" They walked back over to her, "I sent them away. They aren't coming back tonight. But, I do have some good news."

"Any news at this point is good news. What is it?"

"You get to be discharged tomorrow morning," Felix said.

Sabrina frowned, "Why not tonight? I feel fine. The baby's okay. I just want my own bed."

"Dr's orders. You need to be monitored just a little more and then you're free to stop worrying every once. I also hear you get to stay in a nice mansion with 1000-count sheets. Remember us commoners. I'll see you in the morning, Bri. Love you." Felix gave her a hug and a kiss on the forehead before walking out. Michael made his way to get in the bed with her. "Stop your pouting. By the time you fall asleep and wake back it; you'll be able to go home."

"To the Quartermaines? Fancy."

"Yes. Where you can stay in bed all day and I can wait on you hand and foot."

"That sounds nice," she looked down at her belly, "How does that sound? Daddy taking care of—oh wow."

"What? Are you okay? Do I need to get a doctor?" Sabrina grabbed his hand and placed it on her stomach, "Feel."

"Feel what. Are you—oh. Is that what I think it is? Is the baby kicking?" She looked at him and nodded, "It's so strong."

"A regular soccer play we got here." He felt another kick, "Wait, does that hurt?" She shook her head, "No. I love it."

"Wow," the kicking stopped, "I think they're over it and are ready for bed. You need to follow suit." He got up to quickly turn the lights out, "Get some rest, okay?"

"Okay. I love you."

"I love you, too."

It was amazing to Michael how this night could make a complete turnaround to something beautiful. He listened to the sounds of Sabrina's breathing evening out and the sounds of their baby's heartbeat, before falling asleep himself. Michael never knew he could ever feel this contempt with his life and he made no plans on ever letting this feeling go away.