"Every time that you get undressed

I hear symphonies in my head

I wrote this song just looking at you ooh, oh

Yeah the drums they swing low

And the trumpets they go

And the trumpets they go

Yeah the trumpets they go

Da da, da ra ra da, da, da

Da, ra, ra, ra, da, da

Da da, da ra ra da, da, da

Da, ra, ra, ra, da, da"

UGH! I groaned as Jason Derulo's voice set for my alarm blasted through my phone spreading the music through every corner of my room.

" Noooo! I don't wanna wake up!" I said into my pillow. I slowly start to drift off to sleep until my idiot big brother screams " WAKE UP LAZY ASS!" directly in my ear, making me jump up and fall off my bed.

" RIVEN I WAS JUST GETTING TO SLEEP AGAIN YOU JERK!" I screamed at his laughing figure. I can't help but laugh along with him, it was pretty funny. " No, seriously Stella we gotta get ready, unless you want to miss our flight back home," Riven says after our laughing fest. " Yeah yeah I know, now get out so I can get ready," I say as I start to push him towards the door. " Okay, but hurry we leave in 4 hours and it takes a while to get to the airport from here," he says as I close the door.

After he leaves I turn to my bathroom and start the shower. I strip myself of my clothing as I wait for the water to get warm. I decide to have a little bit of fun, seeing as it is mty last day in this place, so I start to sing some of my favorite songs from Jason Derulo. I'm a total Derulo fan girl! After I give my pretend audience the rap remix to "Fancy" by Iggy Azalea, I step out the shower wrapping a towel around my chest. As I walk over to my closet I take a glance at the ever present photo of 10 kids around the age of 10 on the ground laughing, having a good time.

Those 10 kids were so happy back then. It was Riven, Musa, Brandon, Me, Sky, Bloom, Helia, Flora, Timmy, and Tecna. We were the best of friends since birth, that was until Riven and I moved away. That was 7 years ago next week. Yep, that's right! I kept count. What else could I do in my misery.


"You'll never catch me!" a little girl with golden blonde hair and honey gold eyes yells as 5 of her friends chase her. "Wanna bet?!" Brandon, one of her best friends that's chasing her, yells out to her amused. It was Brandon, Riven, Musa, Bloom, and Sky who were chasing her.

Brandon was wearing a pair khaki shorts with a dark green shirt showing off his developing muscles. Riven and Sky were wearing similar outfits, but Riven's was a dark red almost magenta and Sky's was dark blue ,both wearing white sneakers. Musa was wearing black shorts that stopped a little past mid-thigh and white V-neck shirt with black and gold line patterns and had on her black and white converse. Bloom was wearing a light blue sundress with a thin red belt around the waist, with red flats. Brandon had chocolate brown hair and chocolate brown eyes, Sky had blonde hair and ocean blue eyes, Riven had magenta-ish hair and violet eyes, Musa had dark black almost blue hair and azure eyes, and Bloom had fire red hair and light blue eyes.

Brandon lunged froward at the girl and took her to the ground tickling her. " Guys come on! I can't tickle her all by myself," Brandon yelled to the others through the little girls laughs. " N-n-no!...s-stop-p….tickling….m-me-e!" the girl managed to get out as her other friends joined in tickling her. Unfortunately, they didn't stop. " Flora! Helia! Timmy! Tec! Help me!" she yelled out in hopes that her other friends would come to the rescue.

" Are you okay sweetie?!" Flora asked as she ran out of the greenhouse frantically looking around for her friend who gave out the distress call, with Helia hot on her heels. Once she spotted her friend on the ground practically dying of laughter she let out a sigh of relief that it wasn't a serious injury or anything, she had always been like the mother of the group. She soon bursted into laughter along with Helia, Timmy and Tecna. The two had just finished with their video game showdown, unfortunately for Timmy, Tecna won.

Brandon, Sky, Riven, Musa, Bloom, and the girl gave each other knowing glances and reached out grabbing their other friends legs and dragging them to the ground with them. The 10 kids lay there practically laughing their asses off as their parents took a picture to capture the moment.

" Say Sunshine promise me something?" Brandon asked the girl, also known as Sunshine. " Yeah anything for you Brandon?" she said as she looked into those beautifully chocolate orbs she loved so much. " And the names Stella, not Sunshine...but I like it."

The little girl was wearing blue jean shorts that ended a little past mid-thigh, a grassy green shirt with pink flower patterns and white converse. The girl's name was Stella.

" Promise me we'll always be friends, promise me you'll always be my Sunshine," he said with the most sincerest look she had ever seen, she also saw the tiniest bit of pleading in his eyes. Almost as if he would lose her. " I promise," she said with a slight blush as she thought of how he called her HIS Sunshine.

* End of Flashback *

That was when I was happiest. Everything was perfect. Nice, warm summer days, hanging out with my best friends everyday, and just being happy in general.

But since that move I don't think me and my brother have been that happy with anyone else. Don't get me wrong we love our new friends, but it's just not the same. A lot has changed about us to. My long golden-blonde hair now falls a little past my waist. I've grown to about 5'7 now and Riven stands to a good 6'2. My honey-golden eyes have somehow gotten bigger if that's even possible. Some people say their almost hypnotizing and others say I have freak eyes.

Riven's a looks a lot different then me. Granted we are brother and sister, but Riven was adopted. It's a pretty bad Riven was born his mother didn't even want to look at him, so the hospital was forced to put him into an orphanage. Riven was one at the time my parents decided they wanted another child after they had me, but because of the pain my mom went through they decided to just adopt.

Honestly, I'm disgusted at the thought that a mother could actually just GIVE up her child, but at the same time I'm dying to know who they are. I mean just because I want to know where Riven gets his looks from. I mean come on who wouldn't?! He had dark dark brown almost magenta colored haired and violet eyes. I don't even know how that's possible.


The text alert from my phone snapped me out of my trance. I walk over to the nightstand to see I got another message from my O'so wonderful ex-boyfriend, Cameron. I let out a bitter laugh as I read the message:

Cameron: Come on babe, it was an accident forgive me? :-(

Forgive me my ass! But I can't help but remember the heart wenching story of what this jackass put me through as I walk to my closet to get ready for the day.

* Flashback *

I was ready to go to the gym with my bestfriend, Emma, as we do every Wednesday was dressed in a black Nike sports crop top that ended right above my belly button, and blue and black Nike shorts with black and blue Nike running shoes.

Emma and I had decided to end our workout session earlier today, since Emma had a lot of homework to catch up on. So here I was walking home by myself, I tried calling Cam but for some reason his phone was off.

I reach into my bag getting ready to insert it into the door to Cameroon and I's shared apartment, but I stop when I hear….noises. I hear grunts, moans, tired breaths from, what it sounds like, defenitely a girl….he better not be.

I swing the door and I see clothes thrown everywhere, shoes, bra, underwear, shirt, dress, and right in the middle of it is my jackass EX-boyfriend and some brunette chick just fucking right on my floor. I don't even think they heard me come in yet. Well there about to find out now!

" WHAT THE FUCK CAMERON?!" I yelled as I slamed the door shut. He and the mysterious brunette jumped up in fright, quickly untangling themselves from my glares.

" S-s-stella, h-hey babe, what ya doin' back so early," he managed to choke out. Boy, if looks could kill he'd be 12 feet underground by now!

" Don't you BABE me! Who the fuck is this," I said as I pointed to the brunette. I let a slight smirk come upon my face as I watched her squirm under my stare, but quickly turned back into my pissed off face as I looked back at Cameron.

I put my hand up as he was about to speak, " You know what, I don't even want to know. I'm leaving." I turned around my hand still on the doorknob, " Oh and just incase your too stupid enough to figure it out...WE ARE THROUGH!" I yelled as I slammed the door behind me.

I kept walking as he continued to scream my name and try to apologize. Yeah, right! Like I'm going to fall for that. I smiled at my accomplishmentof finally getting rid of that shit of a person, but soon turned into a frown as I finally had time to think of the situation. No matter how bad he did, I was still in love with the bastard, but not anymore. Even though the love I had for him is gone, it still hurt.

That night I moved back in with my parents and my brother. I cried all night on my brother's shoulder, I was even tempted enough to go let Riven beat the asshole up, but that would only create more problems.

* End Of Flashback *

I was finally ready. Today was Saturday, an extremely hot Saturday at that. So I decided to go with a white belly shirt that was outlined in a dark blue and had an open-back with a strap going around the neck. On the front there was one of those really cool flower designs outlined in the same blue. I decided to go with high-waisted blue jean shorts that goes mid-thigh and my black ankle boots. I decided to go with a pretty natural look for my make-up, so I only put on mascara, eyeliner, shimmer eye shadow, and a little concelear to cover up some unwanted acne.

" All right jackass I'm ready how bout you?" I asked my brother as I pounded on his door. It was a few more minutes before he opened the door. He was dressed pretty casually. He had on a dark magenta muscle tee with black shorts that go to the knee and black jordans. " Nice," I commented on his outfit with a sly smile. He smiled back but soon frowned when he scanned my outfit. " Baby sis why are you wearing that," he questioned putting an emphasis on " baby".

" First of all brother your only a year older than me and second of all what's wrong with my outfit?" I said as I rolled my eyes. " It's way too revealing go change, now," he said as if he could actually control me. " Fuck no! " I said as I made my way downstairs to see my mom and dad sitting at our granite top island eating pancakes.

" What's wrong now? " my dad said as he got up to put his dishes in the sink. " Stella's outfit is way to revealing and she won't change," my brother whined. He may be older, but he doesn't need to be so protective of me. " I think she looks lovely," my mother's sweet voice said. I cast a triumphant smile at Riven, while he just scowled. I giggled at that, he can be so bitter sometimes. " Bitch," he coughed at me. Really?! That is like the oldesst trick in the book.

Aparantelly my parents don't know about the book cause they took no notice to it. " Fuckboy," I shot back at him when my parent's were out of hearing range. Riven being the big flirt he is got that kind of stereotypical name by all the pathetic girls that would spread rumors around saying he slept with them. He doesn't really care about it though he says it goes with his bad boy image, but whatever. Not many people know he's actually still a virgin, so I use that to my advantage when I really want him to do something.

This one time I threatened to spill his secret and he ended up going to supermarket in Spongebob underpants. It was hilarious! Girls were literally fainting and laughing their butts off at the same time. He may be my brother, but I must admit he is quite the eye catcher. Anyways he ended up getting thrown out and he ignored me for a month. Ah, good times.


" Thank you for flying with Delta and make sure to watch your step on the way out," the flight attendants voice rung out through the speakers. We had just arrived back in Malibu and i am completely EXHAUSTED! It was a 4 hour flight with Riven and I having to listen to our parents rambling on and on about their expectations for use in this new environment.

Riven and I are known to get into some trouble once in awhile. Okay that's a straight up lie. We would pull these pranks every week on one of our neighbors, it kinds turned into a

tradition. We started a year after, what we call the year if Great Boredom, when I accidentally hit Mr. Shaw with a water balloon when me and Riven were having a water balloon fight. It was hilarious! Mr. Shaw was literally fuming with anger when he saw us literally laughing our asses off. We ended up playing small pranks on the other neighbors every week from then on.

" Come on wake up baby sis," I heard Riven say shaking me lightly. I groaned as I fluttered my eyes open slightly. I hadn't even realised I fell asleep on the ride to our new home.

Our new house shouldn't even be mentioned as a house, more like a fucking mansion! It was a 4 story, that's right 4 story, buliding made of brick. It had a movie theater, basketball court, pool table, and showcase area that my mom could use to show off her designs, and that was just all in the basement! It also had two grand staicases with copper railings leading upstairs. Upstairs we had a great massive living room with an equally massive kitchen, which my dad absolutely loved, and a huge dining room. There was also an extra master bedroom with a walk in bathroom. On the 3rd floor of the house where our bedrooms. There were 5 rooms. One master bedroom for my parents, one for me, one for Riven, and another extra bedroom. Each room had a walk in bathroom. Only Riven and I's rooms had a walk man cave".

" Holy Fuck," was all I could say as I took in the appearance of my new room. In the middle of the room was a king sized bed that had red and white swirls all over the comforter and white pillows with red stitching. Beside the bed was a white drawer and on the other side was a black vanity with drawers encrusted with fake white diamonds. I also had a HUGE walk in closet, and the walls were a light red almost pink color. In the frint part of the room was a large flat screen t.v mounted up on the wall. I set my luggage on my bed and went over to the double doors that lead out to my balcony. I swung the doors placed my hands on my hips, closed my eyes, and took a big dramatic breath in and out.

" Hey," a voice beside me said scaring the hell out of me in the process. " Damn Riven stop scaring me like that," I hissed at him still trying to recover from the shock. He chuckled slightly and jumped over from his balcony to mine and sat himself on my bed taking in my rooms appearance.

" You know you could've just walked in through to the door like any normal person would, right?" I said as I took a seat next to him and flipped on the the t.v. to KUWTK.

" So when do we have to go to school," I asked Riven. " Tomorrow," he said finally taking his eyes off the t.v. Ok...Wait! Tomorrow?! WTF?!

" Tomorrow? When the fuck did Sunday come?!" I practically screamed jumping off my bed. " Lower your fucking voice!" Riven hissed at me, covering my mouth in the proccess. " Sorry," I said giving a sheepish smile.

" Whatever, nite baby sis we got a big day tomorrow. We might even meet some familiar faces," he said giving me a kiss on the cheek goodight. By familiar faces he means our old friends, even though he doesn't show it I know he's as excited as I am to see them after so long.

I had finally finished un-packing my room. I changed the red and white sheets to a nice red and yellow. I decided to leave everything else as it was and went onto putting away my clothes, cause let's face it, I'm a shopaholic.

Anyways when I was done with that I sat on my bed to admire my new room. I had posters of my favorite bands and artists like Pentatonix, Beyonce, and of course Jason Derulo. I had everything prety much set up but...there's was something missing. Oh wait?! I can't believe I almost forgot.

I carefully placed the picture of me and my bestfriends when we were younger down on the nightstand by my bed. 11:30. Shone in bright red on my alarm clock. Wow! When did it get so late? Eh, whatever.

" What will come of tomorrow?" I thought to myself before drifting off into peaceful sleep.


I was still peacefully sleeping in my unbelievably comfy, that is until my STUPID FUCKING ALARM WOKE ME UP!

Ugh! I groaned as I got out of bed, but that frown soon turned upside down when I remembered that today was the day that I got my bestfriends back. I instantly perked off and ran to the shower. Once I was out I decided to go with a sleeveless black crop-top that said " Bitch Please " in white. The shirt ended just below the breast and I decided on some blue jean shorts that had small random tears in places and I had a red, black, and white checkered shirt tied around my waist. Make-up wise I did a light smokey-eye with redish eye shadow with mascara, eyeliner, and concelear. I also added some glossy redlipstick to top it all off. I left my hair out, but curled the ends making my hair fall down to my lower back, and had on money sign stud earings and silver bracelets on each arm.

" Perfect," I said as I looked yself up and down in the mirror. I slid down the railing to see Riven finishing his cereal all ready to go. He was wearing black faded jeans, a plain white shirt that showed off his muscles, and a black leather jacket, he also wore the same black jordans from the day before. " Where's Mom and Dad?" I asked him as I was putting on my black and white jordan elite shoes.

" They left for work already, you ready?" he asked grabbing the car key's to our new car. Our parents decided that it was finally time to let the reigns loose and in order to do that we needed a car. I was so fucking hyped! And on top of that it was a black mustang. A MOTHER FUCKING MUSTANG! AHHHHH! Me and Riven literally screamed our asses off.

" Lookin good baby sis," Riven said shutting the door behind him. He must of just now given my outfit a good look over. " Thanks. Selfie?" I asked him as I took out my Iphone 6 with a smile. " Sure why not," he said with a shrug.

It was a really good picture in my opinion. Riven had his arm around my shoulder and me and him both smiling. " What'da ya think?" I asked him as I showed him the pic. " My my baby sis I say we look pretty damn sexy," he said with a smirk.

Miami High. It was gorgeous. It was a big 3 story gray building with a picture of a stingray on its billboard, there were palm trees and exotic flowers along the edges of the school, and a humongous quad area with luxurious green grass with patches of flowers growing in random places. Near the far left side of the quad was a nice secluded area with a bench under two palm trees. I'm sure Riven would love that.

" Wha ya doin?" Riven asked me as we walk through the quad to the front office. " Posting our pic from earlier on instagram," I said still not looking up from my phone. " Make sure to tag me" " Will do," I replied finally looking up from my phone. There wasn't anybody in the quad, they must all be in class.

" Everyone's probably in class already, we must be late," Riven said almost as if reading my thoughts. " Who gives a fuck," I said with a shrug. " Such a potty mouth," he chuckled. " I learned from the best," I said as I ruffled his hair.

" Be careful and if anyone gives you a hard come get me immediatley," Riven said in a stern voice. We had just got back from the office and recieved our scehdules. To Riven's great disappoointment we only had 3 out of 7 classes together. " Whatever," I said not looking up from my phone. My phone had been blowing up with notfications ever since I posted that picture of us on instagram. " Ready?" he asked once more. " Ready as I'll ever be," I said as I began to turn the doorknob to my first class.

Alright Stella get ready to face the hardest fucking phase in your life.