Disclaimer: I don't own Markiplier or Jackscepticeye. I'm pretty sure that is illegal. But if I did, I would hug them for all their worth.

Warning: Slight slash.

Note: Prompt from imadethisforthereblogs on Tumblr (random kisses in the middle of someone's recording that leaves them flustered and they get frustrated that they have more to edit).

A Little Jealousy

"Top of the morning to ya laddies!" Jack mimed smacking the camera with his trademark high-five, shouting excitedly into the camera with a wide grin on his face.

"My name is Jackscepticeye and welcome back to the Rocket League! I'm joined here today with Markiplier! Say hi, Mark!"

"Hello, everybody," the deep characteristic voice of one Mark Fischbach drawled smoothly over the microphone.

"Oh, Mark, you're-you're not showing up on the screen. Is there something wrong with your camera?" Jack asked, eyebrows furrowed in concern as he leaned closer to examine the monitor.

He immediately jumped back into his swivel chair, sliding until it collided with the wall. "Or is it because you're here live and in person right now?" Jack shouted at the top of his lungs, breaking out into enthusiastic applause as Mark popped into camera view.

"Hey, everybody!"

Jack laughed. "I think I may have jumped too hard on the chair. I hit my head on the wall."

He looked behind him as he rubbed the back of his head.

"You can jump hard on me anytime you want," Mark said sultrily, voice dropping low, lifting an eyebrow flirtatiously.

Jack shook his head in exasperation, chuckling softly at his antics.

"Anyway, I'm really excited to be here with Jack in Ireland, and he was incredibly nice and offered me a place to stay even though it was an impromptu trip," Mark said, staring deep into the camera before turning to gratefully smile at Jack. "Thanks for having me here."

"Aww, it's no problem, buddy," an adorable grin lighting up Jack's face. "You're always welcome here."

"Look!" Jack beamed, patting his chest proudly, "I even dressed all nice for you!"

"Really?" Mark leaned down dramatically, hand on his chin in mock thought as Jack puffed out his chest under his playful scrutiny.

True to his word, Jack was certainly more dressed up than he usually was in his gaming videos. He had on a light slate grey button-up shirt under a thin darker grey sweater. The sleeves were rolled up in a last minute attempt to seem less formal.

"I mean, I guess it's alright."

Jack scoffed. "Hey! At least I tried, unlike somebody."

He then turned to the side, coughing into his shoulder with an audible "Mark!" leaving his mouth.

"Woah, woah, woah. Hold up. I'm wearing my lucky flannel," Mark said in defense, smile crinkling his eyes as he held his arms out proudly, "so that I can kick your ass in the game!"

"Sure you will, Mark. Sure you will," he acknowledged with some good-natured teasing. "Anyway, let's start the game!"

"You're supposed to pay attention to me! I'm your partner in this game!" Mark whined as he raced toward the giant soccer ball.

"Don't worry, Mark. I still love you!"

"No, I don't believe you. You just told me to go fuck myself earlier!"

Jack giggled but before he could reply, the other players swarmed around his car as he headed towards the goal.

"Go, ball, go!" Jack cheered furiously only to cry out in frustration when it missed the goal by a small margin. "Damn it!"

"Aww, that was close," Mark consoled before rushing after it, smashing into the opposing team's cars along the way.

"Ooh, thank you, GraecoMarke!" Jack said as a teammate of theirs bounced the ball away from their goal, preventing the opponents from scoring. Not that it was particularly necessary, seeing as the orange team was in the lead.

"Hey, I was going to help! He just moved in front of me before I could."

"You're just getting jealous," Jack teased as they zoomed around the field, closely trailing behind the ball in an attempt to at least get a touch in even if they didn't score.

"Oh, why don't you just go and play with GraecoMarke then?"

"Just go and marry him," Jack said with a chuckle, eyes glancing at Mark briefly before going back to the game.

"Yeah—oh god damn it! I was going to score! He stole the ball from me unnecessarily! Why! I was going to score!" Mark cried out in frustration, complaining as the replay flashed across the screen.

"That was kind of douchey," Jack agreed as the monitor counted down to begin the next round. When it reached one, all cars raced toward the ball that lay innocently in the center of the field.

Jack could practically hear the petulant pout in Mark's voice, making him smile at his childishness. When Jack was about to shoot, he suddenly felt a kiss on his cheek, lasting less than a second but surprising nonetheless. The unanticipated affectionate gesture startled him into launching the ball slightly off its intended course.

"You made me miss, you ass!" Jack cried but with no malice in his voice, only shocked giddiness.

"Mine! My goal!" Mark babbled, butting it into the goal and scoring a point for their team. He cheered, arms pumping into the air as he rejoiced loudly.

Jack pressed a hand to his red face, staying there for a moment before sighing loudly as he reigned in his composure.

"I'm going to edit this out."

"What? Why?" Indignation colored Mark's voice as he crossed his muscular arms childish, making an odd yet suitable sight.

"You cheated!" Jack said, accusing him jokingly, blush still coating his cheeks.

"Does it still count as cheating if we're on the same team?"

"Oh god, this will only add more material for the shippers."

"Septiplier away!" Mark exclaimed, making Jack chuckle once more.

I'm Septiplier trash. Please forgive me. This ship has pulled me in too deep.

On another note, this was inspired greatly by one of their collabs they did together for Rocket League.