
The years flew by. Katniss and Peeta took over Katniss kingdom, ruling it and their united kingdom with queen Merallda's dear friend's daughter, who took over her kingdom. She got a son named Hubert.

In time Katniss gave birth to a baby boy that got the name Stefan. Who filled Katniss and Peeta's life with sunshine. Because of complications during the birth of their son, Katniss and Peeta weren't able to have more children. Stefan were all that they had and was their everything. Stefan was a wild child. He was curious about everything life had to offer him. He examined everything he passed and always wanted to know more. He's laughter always filling the big castle that is mostly empty of people. Stefan had ebony colored hair like his mother, and blue eyes like his father.

As a child Stefan didn't know anything about he's parents past. As he grew older he started to understand more. And Stefan grew up proud to be the son of his parents. He had heard the stories about his mother and his evil step-grandmother. When Stefan became a teenager he started to train a lot and wanted to be worthy of his parents. To show them that when the time comes, he'll take care of the kingdom just the way they had. He would cherish the kingdom his mother and father fought to protect.

There was a girl. Stefan loved her with all his heart. Leah. The daughter of Annie and Finnick Odair. Friends of his parents. She was hard to get, very independent. It took many years for Stefan to win her heart over.

The kingdom loved Stefan. He spread joy around them, always helping everyone who needed it. He was a dreamy and good looking prince. The boys in the kingdom wanted to be exactly like him, dressed up like him and mimicking him. Stefan was heart broken when he's parents died. They died in an horse and carriage accident. Stefan was only nineteen years old, and was old enough to be the new king.

Years flew by, and everyday Stefan took good care of his kingdom, to honor his dead parents, the once that had always loved and cared for him. And they were no longer there with him.

Leah finally agreed on marrying Stefan, after he asked about five times. They were happy together. Very happy actually. The only thing missing was a child. But it didn't seem like they could get any, and their hopes almost blew away with the wind after years of trying. But finally the day came. The day when their daughter was born. Stefan and Leah couldn't be more happy. She filled their lives with sunshine. They named her Aurora.

But you may know her by a different name, Little Briar Rose, better known as, Sleeping Beauty.

Hey guys, I hope that you all enjoyed this story, and I wanted to thank you for reading it.

Thanks, and I hope you'll read other books I'll put up here.
