Koushi and Daichi had been married happily for two years now, and although he no longer held the name 'Sugawara' few people still called him Suga. They moved out of their apartment and into a small house.

Recently the two of them had had thoughts on their mind of starting a family, but neither of them brought it up until that night.

"Say..." Suga said as they began eating their food. "do you think... of having children?" Suga suddenly realized the question that spilled out of his mouth. "Ah, I mean, if you even want kids, that is..." He trailed off not knowing where to take the conversation.

Daichi chuckled lightly. "Actually, I've been thinking about starting a family of our own recently too."

Suga smiled. "R-really?" He asked excitedly. "I mean, I know it's hard... you know for a gay couple to adopt kids, but there's also other options, like surrogacy."

"Why don't we look at all our options after dinner?" Daichi said smiling happily at Suga.

After hours and days of research they decided to sign up with an adoption agency that gives homes to children who're in bad situations. If a child was abandoned, or their parents were not fit to be parents, and were taken away from them. If their guardians died or were killed, this is the place they would go. They scheduled an appointment and went to the location a week later.

They met with a woman at their building location. "Hello, I'm Miho Fujimori, you two must be the Sawamura family. Please come in, and have a seat." She said as she invited them into her office. They all sat down and she began. "So you two are interested in adopting?"

Daichi and Suga held hands. "Yes." Daichi answered for them.

"Well, i'm sure you've heard that we're not your typical adoption agency." She almost phrased like a question.

"Yes, we did our research." Daichi told her.

"Then you should know what you two are getting into. If you're looking to adopt a newborn, your chances are one in twenty. A lot of children that come through our agency, are usually traumatized, alone, and scared. Are you prepared for that? To have a child that had parents before you?" She explained.

"Mrs. Fujimori, we want you to know that we are very serious about this, and are willing to help any child that enters our home, no matter their age or what's happened to them." Daichi explained.

She seemed impressed. "Alright... most of the time as soon as a children comes in, we try to get them with a family as soon as possible. So we start contacting families right away, which means a call in the middle of the night, or early in the morning. We'll give you a week at the most to prepare for the child you'll be taking in."

Daichi and Suga looked at each other. "Wait, are you saying...?"

She opened a drawer in her desk and grabbed some papers. "You two seem like you'd be capable parents. Of course we'll be doing a background check on both of you, and a house inspection." She looked at them seriously, then broke into a small smile. "Why don't you two fill these out."

Daichi took them and both of them smiled. "Thank you. Thank you so much."

"Thank you." They both thanked Fujimori, as they left her office to fill out paperwork.

After a month of three more meetings and two house inspections, they were cleared. It was almost two months later that they received the phone call at four in the morning.

They drove over to the building within the next hour, and Mrs. Fujimori met them on one of the lower floors. "Thank you both for coming in so early."

"Of course." Suga said and Daichi nodded.

"Come with me." She lead them to a room with couches. "Please sit down." They all sat and she opened and closed a folder that she had been holding. "A three year old boy was brought to us from the police around three this morning. He had called the police around one o'clock. Someone broke into his house and murdered his parents around midnight. This boy was hiding behind the couch in his living room where they were killed, in front of him." She explained and opened the folder again, taking a small photo out and handing it over to Daichi for them both to see.

Suga bit his lip and started getting emotional, and he couldn't look at the photo right away. He took Daichi's free hand into his.

"The police said that the first responders got to his house about twenty minutes after the call, and found him... on the floor next to their dead bodies, with blood all over him." She explained slowly. Suga couldn't make eye contact anymore and looked away as the tears started falling from his eyes. He squeezed Daichi's hand. "I know this is a lot to take in, but there's more. This boy was left alone in his home, with his parents' dead bodies for an hour before anyone showed up. This boy will be traumatized for a long time, and right now he hasn't even cried or said anything since police found him. I understand if you two aren't up for adopting him."

"Um..." Daichi picked looked at the picture of the boy again. "What's his name?"

Fujimori looked sympathetic. "Tobio. Kageyama Tobio."

"Can we have a moment alone please?" Daichi said quietly.

"Of course." Fujimori said, and quietly left the room.

The two of them sat in silence for a while. "What do you want to do?" Daichi asked, squeezing Suga's hand.

"I don't know." Sugawara said with a slight sob, and wiped the tears off his face.

More silence, and Suga tried to pull himself together. "I know it'll be hard... but I think we should take him."

Suga took a deep breath and looked Daichi in the eyes. "Yeah." He nodded, and leaned his head on Daichi's chest.

They exited the room a few minutes later and found Fujimori holding three cups of coffee. "I thought you might like some coffee."

"Thank you." Daichi said and they both took the coffees. "We want him." He said outright.

"Mr. Sawamura, this isn't a decision you can make rashly, if you take in this boy you can't just return him if one day you decide you don't want him." She said seriously.

"We want him, and we won't give him up when we have him." Daichi said strongly. "He needs a family... and we can give him that."

"Alright, I can give you up to four days to prepare your home for him." She said.

"Thank you. Where is he now?" Suga asked.

"Upstairs sleeping. We have bedrooms up there for children who first arrive. Don't worry, you'll be able to meet him tomorrow if you'd like. You two should go home for now. It's late." She said with kind eyes and an understanding smile.

Daichi nodded. "Thank you, again."

"No, thank you." She smiled, before escorting them out.

After getting home neither of them could sleep and began preparing the spare bedroom even more than they already had. Around seven they fell asleep on the floor of the bedroom and both woke up at ten.

They quickly showered, ate and headed back over to the adoption agency. A woman at the front desk led them upstairs to Mrs. Fujimori.

"Hello, you two look fresh. Did you get any sleep?" She asked as she met up with them in the same room as a few hours ago.

"Barely." Suga said, both of them nervous and anxious.

"Before I take you to see him, you must know that he's in a very fragile state right now. This morning around nine-thirty he woke up screaming and crying. He's been calmed down for now, but he hasn't talked yet." She explained, and they both nodded, listening to her. "Right now, i'm just going to be introducing you to him as people, not as his adoptive parents, or the people he's going to move in with."

"Of course, yeah." Daichi confirmed.

She led them upstairs and stopped in a hallway before continuing. "There's one more thing." She looked directly at Suga. "You can't cry. Not in front of him, not right now."

"I'll be okay." Suga said with confidence.

"Alright." She led them down the hall a little more and stopped where there was a window in the wall looking into a room. "There he is." She pointed.

Kageyama Tobio sat on the floor of the room with a woman who was either playing with him or just talking to him. Sugawara took a deep breath, and looked at Daichi who gave a sympathetic look and nodded. "We're ready."

Mrs. Fujimori opened the door, which caught the attention of the girl in there. "Tobio," she said gently. "look who's here." She pointed, and he followed where her finger pointed.

"Hi Tobio. Do you remember me from yesterday?" Fujimori asked, and the small child nodded. Daichi and Suga stayed close to the doorway. "I wanted to see how you were doing, and I also wanted you to meet some friends of mine. Is that ok?" He slowly nodded and she looked back at the as if telling them to come closer.

They both sat on the floor next to Fujimori and she introduced them. "Tobio, these are my friends Daichi, and Koushi. They wanted to know how you were doing too."

Tobio's nervous blue eyes looked at both of them and he fidgeted a little. The other woman in the room spoke before anyone else could. "Tobio, are you hungry? Or thirsty? Do you want me to get you some milk." She asked, and Tobio quickly looked back at her and nodded. The woman got up and headed towards the door. "I'll be right back." She said before leaving.

Tobio fidgeted a little bit before standing up, and walking to Sugawara. He climbed on his lap and suddenly wrapped his arms around his neck. Suga was surprised but didn't waste a second in embracing him back. He felt the emotions well up inside of him, and he felt like he was gonna cry. He looked over to Daichi and Fujimori who shook her head at him, telling him not to cry, and he barely nodded. Tobio released his hold on Suga's neck and looked at him for a second before climbing off his lap and doing the same to Daichi.

The woman came back with a sippy cup filled with milk, and Tobio climbed off of Daichi to go and grab it. "We're gonna go now, but Daichi and Koushi will be back to see you tomorrow, okay?" Fujimori said, and pat him on the head after he nodded.

Once they were out of the room Fujimori began. "That was odd, but not abnormal in children who have just lost their parents."

Daichi took a quick deep breath and put his hands on his hips. "Yeah, yeah... I mean... he's probably done that to everyone else here... right?" He questioned.

"Actually, no. We've held him while he's cried, but besides that it doesn't seem like he wants to be touched." She explained.

"Oh." Was all Suga could say.

"Well, you two can come by anytime in the next few days to come see him before you take him in. Are you two still sure you want him?" She asked inquisitively.

"Yes, yes of course." Daichi quickly said, but Suga was quiet, staring at the small raven through the window in the wall. Tobio noticed him and waved to him, Suga smiled and waved back.

"Yeah, we want him." He said almost a whisper.

They left the building and got into their car, Suga in the passenger seat. As soon as the door closed he let tears fall from his eyes, and a soft sob came from him. Daichi placed a hand on his back, and gently rubbed his back.

"He... he was so little... and innocent." Suga choked out.

"I know, I know, it's okay." Daichi said comfortingly.

They went home that day thinking of nothing but that little boy. Later that night they quietly ate dinner together. "I was thinking," Suga broke the silence. "I think I should quit my job, or at least take some time off... I mean Tobio's gonna need us, and we can't just stick him in daycare all day while we work. And it's not like we'll be bad on money if I stop working anyways." Suga looked up to see his reaction.

Daichi looked and felt pretty calm about the whole thing. "Actually, that sounds like a good idea." He said before shoving more food into his mouth.

"Really?" Suga questioned, at the easy going response.

Daichi swallowed and continued. "Well, you're right. Like Mrs. Fujimori said 'he's unstable right now' and he probably needs some stability in his life, even if that means you quit your job." He explained.

A small smile made its way onto Koushi's face.

They both knew things were about to get really difficult, but they were up for the challenge.