Bullets and explosions ripped around him, and how the concrete held at all was a mystery to him. His back was to the wall, literally and metaphorically, and he knew that this was it. It wasn't about survival, this was about a message. If Archangel was to go down, he would make sure that every single merc bastard that crossed that bridge went with him. They would tell stories, and at best, he hoped, a few might try to follow that example. Maybe they'd end up better than him. Spirits knew that he failed.
There was a moment's pause in the apocalypse of high caliber slugs being thrown at him. He grabbed the knife that lay at his side, the remnants of a mirror still attached to the end. He raised it up, millimeter by millimeter, until the deafening sound of a Mantis struck his ears like a drum. He smiled though, as he crawled to the right. He saw that Salarian son of a bitch. Two rows of barricades back, in-between the two rightmost crates. He pulled his rifle up, through the bullet hole that was ripped through the top of the wall and aimed.
One pull of the trigger later, and the number on his visor went from 425 to 426 as the explosion of colors burst out the back of the Salarian's helmet. He scanned the horizon now. Hopefully there wasn't another sniper, but it was all clear for now except-
A small group dodged behind the barricade. His visor quickly brought up statistics, barriers and weapons. One of them was carrying a Carnifex. Another had barriers that would block at least one shot unless he was lucky. He couldn't get the last one on his scanners. He shook his head, bewildered. These mercs weren't that well armored. He knew that eventually, they would have to freelance this work out due to the high mortality rate, but how much had they promised them? Surely he wasn't worth that much. Especially considering the dozens he'd taken down today alone. That counter was close to 300 before this all started.
A small glint caught his eye. He fired, as a mercenary's body slumped and fell down. The little group he saw before moved just out of range but they were human. He checked his thermal clips. Enough for around 100 more shots. A day at best, assuming he didn't collapse first from exhaustion. That's what the stims were for though, and they'd last for…well, he might have to improvise. If only they-
Shit! He fired, but missed. He swore under his breath, but shook it off. Two were on the bridge now, behind the little concrete pillars that were along the walkway. He let the air burst out from his lungs. Today was just getting better and better. Maybe he wouldn't have to worry about running out of stims after all. Small victories, he thought.
He would have chuckled if it weren't so true. As it were, he merely lost track of his thoughts for a second time, and another group was over. Four. Damn it, Vakarian, he thought, keep it together. Make it home. You've got to try. You made a promise.
He narrowed his vision, only a sliver of his head was in sight, but it was enough. 427. He shifted his gaze up as a bullet landed far to his side. 428. The group with two was starting to move up the left flank. He missed anything vital but the merc's shoulder armor now lay sundered on the bridge. More were coming, jumping over the barricade. 429. It was too much. This was the end of the line. Garrus Vakarian's last stand.
His omni-tool beeped. The little words, blazed in oranged said Incoming Message: Palaven. He didn't have to see the ID. His finger lingered over the ignore button for a moment, but stopped. Spirits, he wasn't sure he'd have another chance to talk. Better on their terms than his. He tapped the accept call button.
"Garrus?" His father's voice was like cracked glass.
"Dad." Garrus said, gunfire echoing down the line to him.
"What's that noise?"
"Just a little target practice." Garrus said. 430.
"Should...should I call back later?" His father asked. Garrus felt his stomach turn. He'd never heard the man who was so strict, who told him right from wrong so afraid. He had faced down countless enemies, survived the greatest ordeals and never an ounce of emotion.
"Don't think I'll be able to do that." Garrus said,firing another shot. 431. "Too many targets."
"Oh." His father's voice wasn't so soft now. Every turian takes some sort of comfort in the inescapable, he guessed. "Solana said it was something like that."
"I...I'm glad you called. I just wanted to hear your voice, Dad." Garrus said, "Wanted to know how retirement was treating you. You good?"
"I'm fine. But, forget about that, Garrus." His father said. Garrus had to duck behind cover again.
"Listen. I don't have a lot of time, Dad. I wanted to say…" Garrus sighed, leaning back against the wall, letting the warzone just fade into the background. His subharmonics buzzed with regret, and longing. He'd give up just about anything to see someone, anyone again. "You were right, Dad. You were right. About a lot of things. A lot more than I ever gave you credit for-and I'm sorry I fought with you so much."
"I told you before, and I'll tell you again, Garrus. Forget about that."
Garrus let his silence answer the old man.
"These targets you're practicing on, they're moving fast?" His father said. Garrus chuckled under his breath. He remembered a time from long, long ago. His father sounded just as he did then. My job as your father isn't to make your life easy. It normally would have made him angry, to hear him try to tell him how to act, but, right now...not so much.
"Not fast enough. But they're learning."
"How many thermal clips do you have?"
"You know how it is, Dad. Always could use some more."
"Then work with what you've got. Don't stop pulling that trigger until it clicks, Garrus." His father said, "As long as you've got one bullet left, you can still get the job done. Understand, soldier?"
Garrus let out a hollow chuckle. Nodding, even though he knew his father couldn't see it. "Yes, sir."
"I'll stop distracting you. Finish up your target practice and come home. We have a lot to sort out."
"Yeah...We do. Thanks, Dad. For everything." Garrus said. The line cut out. He took aim once more. He wished his father was here. He wished he could talk to his mother, and to Solana. He wished Shepard were here. She'd know what to do. They were jumping the barricade again, dozens of mercs. Everytime he thought he'd worn them down a little, taken out more bodies then they could throw, the reinforcements would arrive and-
There was a story he was told.
When a person dies, they don't realize it. To those on the outside their vitals just fade away, but inside their mind, in those last seconds; their dreams come true. They get closure, they get something that lets them pass on. Their minds are flooded with endorphins, and they hallucinate, before falling into the abyss.
Right now, Garrus Vakarian was hallucinating. There had to be no other explanation. He was dead, sniped off by someone, something and this was the last few moments as his blood pooled around his body. Or maybe the stress of two days and the loss of his team finally caught up with him, tearing through his already strained and fractured psyche. Either or, really. He couldn't tell. But it was the only thing that made any sense. There was nothing else to explain what was before him.
Commander Shepard was there. Her feet had barely touched the ground. She popped her knuckles, as her comrade said something to her. He didn't catch it, but their lips moved. A mercenary moved into the compound, but it didn't matter. He pressed a small button on his rifle, switching to concussive shots as he decided to see if the illusion would fade. He should just use a normal round, but, just in case…he squeezed the trigger, the bullet tearing through the air to be stopped by a shimmer of blue. She stumbled back, and the two humans at her side seemed startled, but they began firing. Not at him, but at the other mercs. Shepard, her eyes now alight with angry fire stared up at him.
"What the hell, Garrus?" her memory said in his mind. "Where did you learn to shoot?"
Here, it would have been poetic if he gasped, and they locked eyes. He'd have to live with the fact that this would be a moment that he would recall, that would haunt him, day after day as he was jolted back into existence as debris struck his helmet. He shouldered his rifle, clicking back to normal rounds. He pulled the trigger. One, by one they fell. 437. 438. 439. 440.
Looks like I finally beat you, Sensat. Not that explosives ever count. He thought. A smile crept upon his face, his mandible twitching as he took out three more. He heard gunfire behind him, and he glanced at the screens in his helmet that showed the video feeds from within the base.
"They're with Archangel!" A human said, before his body slumped against one of the walls. Garrus shook his head before looking back down his sights. One last hold out on the bridge, behind a little concrete planter. The door hissed open behind, the steel revealing his would be saviors, heavily armed, fully armored.
"Archangel?" Shepard asked, all cool authority. He raises his hand, the little bastard was peeking out from cover.
441. They were scared now, and with a little hum of approval under his helm, he put the rifle down. Their lives were full of overacting and melodrama. He stood up, wrenching the helmet off his head.
"Shepard…" His voice was cool, collected. Unlike him.
He watched her face change, her mouth open slightly and a smile stretch across her face. But before he could smile, exhaustion rushed over him. He sat down, balancing himself on some old crates. He looked up at her for just a second. "I thought you were dead."
"Garrus!" Shepard said, arms spread wide. She took a tentative step forward, but stopped. He saw her swallow, gulping down her anxiety. He smiled, the best a turian could, watching as she returned the favor, strained and distant.
"What are you doing out here?" Shepard asked.
Garrus laughed, shaking his head. "I could ask you the same thing, you know."
"I'm just surprised to see you."
You have no idea, Shepard.
"You and me both. I'm just happy to see you again. It's good to see a friendly face for once today. Killing mercs is hard work. Especially on my own." Garrus said. Play it cool, you Turian bastard.
"You do know you shot me out there, right?"
"Concussive rounds only. No harm done. Didn't want the mercs getting suspicious." Garrus said. Wanted to make sure you were real and I wasn't going crazy too, but…
Shepard shifted her weight, one eyebrow shooting upwards. "Uh-huh?"
He glared her down, "If I wanted to do more than take your shields down, I'd have done it. Shepard."
"Right." Shepard said, as she walked back to her squad mates. He glanced between them, both human. One of each sex, one carrying scars across his face like medallions, the other all regality and charm, an insignia he had learned to notice on her upper chest.
"You know, Shepard, you never properly introduced us." Garrus said, his eyes shifting back at her.
"Right." Shepard said. She waved her arm towards the man whose scars blotted the half of his face. "This is Zaeed Massani. Zaeed, this is Officer Vakarian."
"Pleasure." Zaeed growled.
"Please, it's just Vakarian now. Archangel if you're feeling dramatic." Garrus said. He had heard of him, somewhere. Tied to the Blue Suns, he knew that. "And you are?"
"Operative Miranda Lawson." The woman said, putting her hand on her hip. Cerberus. What are they doing here? More importantly, what are they doing with Shepard? "We've come to recruit you, Archangel, for a mission of utmost importance."
Garrus looked at Shepard who shrugged. Shepard then said, "We can talk more about that after this, Miranda. Right now we've got a few more pressing matters."
"Of course, Commander." Miranda said.
"Speaking of, when did you start calling yourself Archangel?" Shepard said.
"It's just a name the locals gave me. For all my good deeds." Garrus replied, and with a little chuckle vibrating in his chest, "I don't mind it, but please, it's just 'Garrus' to you" He coughed out his name.
"And how exactly did you manage to piss off every major merc organization this side of the Terminus systems?" Shepard said.
"Funny story. Wasn't easy." Garrus said, a sly grin spread across his mandibles. "I really had to work at it. I guess if you almost assassinate all three local leaders and kill damn near half their forces, they'll get pissed off. Although, I am amazed that they teamed up to fight me. They must really hate me."
"You crazy bastard." Zaeed said.
"The problem now is getting out alive." Garrus said. "That bridge has been keeping me alive."
Shepard turned her head, as though listening to something in her ear. "I guess we'll have to try to get across again." She said, a moment later.
"They'll slaughter us." Miranda said, "But you're right, I don't see many other options."
"Any ideas, Garrus?" Shepard said. Her blue eyes sparkled. He popped his neck as he stood back up, shouldering his rifle. He looked across the bridge, watching, counting those that hid behind their barricades.
"Not sure right now." Garrus said. "They tried coming up from the garage and the basement earlier."
"Tried?" Shepard asked.
"A friend left me some explosive charges just in case." Garrus said. Dammit. Forgot to take them into account. Guess you're back on top, Sensat. "So, that's a no go. The way I see it, we either wait them out, or try our luck and kill our way across."
"EDI, scan the other side of the bridge, tell us how many hostiles are there." Miranda said.
Garrus looked at Shepard, with a face that she assumed was analogous to raising an eyebrow. At least, the other times he'd given her that look in the past meant that. "It's the Normandy's new AI"
"You rebuilt her and gave her an AI?" Garrus asked.
"Long story, Garrus."
"How about this. You get us out of here alive and we can exchange stories about the past two years." Garrus said. He leaned in, and whispered, "Because I'm not sure how I feel about you working with Cerberus, Shepard."
"How did you know?" Shepard said.
"I wasn't in C-SEC for years without picking up something. I know that insignia anywhere."
"Alright. I'll tell you after all of this is over." Shepard said. "But, you've got to trust me."
"Don't worry, Shepard. I'd follow you anywhere. But, I am interested. I'll just have to hold you to your word." Garrus said.
"Thanks." Shepard said.
"So, we're just going to hold them off here?" Zaeed said.
"You've got a better idea?" Garrus said, checking his ammunition one more time.
"Goddamn suicide." Zaeed said, "It'll be less painful that way."
Miranda shook her head. "I trust the Commander." She said, "Where do you want us, Shepard?"
"Garrus?" Shepard asked, looking back to him.
"They're your squad, not mine." Garrus said. He turned away from her. "Like I'd know how to leave them if they were."
He could feel her worry. He didn't have to see her eyebrows slam together. She put a hand on his shoulder, forcing him to see her big blue eyes. He saw everything in them before she had a chance to say it. "I'm sorry."
"It's…" he said. He could not say the rest of the sentence as planned.
"We'll get through this, together." Shepard said, rubbing his arm, "It'll be just like old times."
A laugh escaped him, as his eyes flicked upwards towards hers. "Right. But instead of a shit-ton of geth, it's a shit ton of mercs." Garrus said.
"Could be worse." Shepard said.
"I like the odds." Garrus said, as he shouldered his rifle.
"You always were the crazy one, Garrus." Shepard said, before pulling out her rifle. "Miranda, Zaeed, go downstairs. You're better close range anyways."
"Of course, Commander." Miranda said, cocking her pistol as they left through the doors.
"EDI, patch Garrus through to our COMMS."
"Right away, Commander. Hello, Officer Vakarian." A pleasant voice said into his ear.
"You're the Normandy's new AI?" Garrus asked, as he looked up. He always wondered why every species did that. It was like they were speaking to God.
"Yes. When Cerberus rebuilt the Normandy, seamless upgrades were allowed for. I was just one of many." EDI said.
Garrus tapped his ear, turning off his Comm link as he leaned over to Shepard, "After all that nonsense with the Geth, Sovereign, and that AI on Luna, you're really going to trust this?"
"She's not that bad, Garrus." Shepard said. Garrus shook his head, settling his sights again.
"She's ship-cancer if you ask me." Another voice said over the COMMS.
"Joker?" Garrus asked, momentarily lowering his rifle.
"Hello to you too, Garrus." Joker said, "Missed me?"
Garrus blinked, looking at Shepard. She rolled her eyes, but she smiled. That was enough.
"I guess." Garrus said, "Good to see you're still with Shepard."
"Wow. You haven't changed one bit." He said.
"What did you expect, Flight Lieutenant?"
Joker laughed, "Wouldn't have it any other way, big guy. Now, get your asses out of there. I don't think Cerberus has the funds to rebuild both of you."
Garrus raised an inquisitive look at Shepard, but she shook her head. "Later, Garrus. Remember our deal. They're getting ready for another offensive."
He peered down the scope once more. LOKI mechs, jumped over the barricade, their off white metallic armor clanking as they set their red eyes upwards, their guns moving with them. On the sides of their arms, a little golden sun was spray painted on.
"Looks like scouts. Eclipse, I think." Garrus said, as a he fired his first shot. The mech, now headless, crumpled to the floor. "Let's give these bastards everything we've got."
Shepard smiled, as she pulled her trigger. He bent down, firing away as the bridge became nothing short of chaos. Dozens of LOKI mechs started to move across slowly, followed by a few more mercs. Garrus began picking them off one by one. He grinned as new names came up on the scoreboard, underneath 12 others. Garrus: 445, Sensat: 439, Grundan Krul: 330, Ripper: 312, Sidonis: 299, Melenis: 294, Vortash: 243, Erash: 221, Monteague: 205, Butler: 197, Weaver: 188, Shepard: 7, Zaeed: 6, Miranda: 5. He tapped the visor quickly, as the old data was saved away. Now it showed only the four.
Garrus: 63 (Today counted, dammit.), Shepard: 11, Miranda: 9, Zaeed: 8.
Music began to play in his ear. Shots fired off with dramatic bravado, echoing the booming blares of horns and beat of drums that coursed through his veins. Every time he leaned over the barricade to fire a shot, Shepard would follow quickly, taking out the target right beside his. As he moved, she did too. He shifted to the left side, and looked to where she was supposed to be but she had vanished. For a moment he thought he had imagined everything, before she shimmered into existence right beside him. Shepard: 18
"Getting rusty, Garrus?"
"Last I checked, I had the higher kill count."
"Only cause you keep sniping the ones whose shields I pop."
"In your dreams, Shepard!" Garrus said, three shots firing in quick succession. "Scoped and dropped!" Her lips curled up in a pout. He shrugged as he kept firing. She followed in suit.
"They're bringing in the Heavy Mechs!" Garrus shouted, watching as the mechanical arm twisted and threw it into the fray.
"That problem should handle itself!" Shepard said, still firing.
Garrus watched as a wave of biotic energy threw a mercenary off the bridge. The massive mech turned on its heel and began mowing the helpless mercs down. Garrus almost felt sorry. Almost. But when Jarroth, the little Salarian that he'd been hunting for months finally fell, all of that guilt just rushed out of him. An explosion rocked the mech as it finally fell a few moments later.
"Shepard! We've got more Blood Pack bastards incoming." Zaeed said over the radio.
"Fall back!" Shepard said. "Get back up here!"
"Yes, Commander." Miranda said. Garrus didn't know how to feel about the detachedness of her voice. She listened to the commander, but it seemed...disrespectful, insubordinate. He wasn't sure. He didn't have time to think, as the combined forces of the Eclipse and Blood Pack descended upon them. The blast behind them brought his mouth to speak before he could think.
"Take out the Krogan first!" Garrus said.
"You heard him! Do it!" Shepard said. The two finally reached the top of the stairs. Miranda quickly sealed the door.
Zaeed switched over to his sniper rifle, peering over the back wall as he fired away. Miranda joined him. Garrus kept firing across the bridge, Shepard at his side.
"Damn, he's regenerating too fast!" Miranda said. "They're climbing the stairs!"
"Not good, Shepard." Garrus said. "Ideas?"
"One." Shepard said, as she put her rifle away, grabbing another weapon from her back. She had already disappeared before Garrus had a chance to say anything. "Distract him!"
Garrus threw a grenade over the balcony as he sprinted and slid over to the other humans. He reloaded before pulling himself over and firing continuously at Garm. Bastard, freak of nature. "RIP THEM TO SHREDS!" The krogan shouted. "I'll deal with Archangel!"
He kept firing and firing, but the bastard's shield kept him safe, and when they finally fell, his barriers were there and then his armor. He was rushing up to the door, shotgun in hand, a pack of angry vorcha and varren behind him. Garrus saw a shimmer far behind him, as Shepard materialized, a grenade launcher in her hands. She aimed for just a second. By the Spirits, he hadn't missed her complete insanity.
He pulled the humans down. Miranda shot daggers at him but they disappeared as the blood and guts splashed around them. He pat her back with a little nod as he stood up and kept firing. "Shepard's out there by herself. Cover her!"
Zaeed and Miranda kept firing, as they continued their impossible stand. Garrus watched Shepard as she whipped out her pistol, taking out the varren that tried to pounce on her. His rifle immediately covered the door into the bedroom that she had cornered herself in. Just another corridor. Funnel these witless idiots into my scope.
"Commander, more hostiles are approaching." EDI chimed in over the COMMS. "And the Blue Sun's Gunship is powering up."
"Dammit, I thought I took that thing out." Garrus said as he returned to the other side of the room. Shepard can handle herself.
"Well it's not going to be fully repaired. We made sure-" Shepard said, grunting loudly. He watched as she shot another varren that had gotten in and was practically on top of her. "- of that."
"You need to get back over here, Shepard." Miranda said, "We can't keep them off of you for much longer."
"Roger that. On my way."
He heard the noise of zip cords as he looked at the window. "Bastards finally got smart. Left side! They're rappelling down."
Miranda hid behind one of the couches that provided limited cover from the wall. Glass shattered as three Blue Suns dropped in. She stood up, glowing with Biotic might as she tossed them out the window.
Shepard stepped through, slamming the door shut once more behind her. "How many are left?"
"Not too much more. I think we can make a break for-"
Oh shit. The overpowering sound of the Gunship filled Garrus' ears. He turned around, face to face with a massive black metal monstrosity. "You think you can fuck with Blue Suns?!" a batarian's voice shouted over the com as it began firing. Garrus dived for cover, shuffling behind one of the couches, but it was being torn to shreds. Shepard clung to the wall, but it wasn't enough. If she tried to move she was dead, and if she didn't, the damn missiles would take her out. His visor notified that her shields were dropping to critical levels. 11% left. Maybe three more seconds. Maybe.
"This ends now!" The batarian shouted. Garrus stood, rifle aimed directly at the cockpit. Through the blackened windows, the batarian locked eyes with him. He face contorted in anger, as Garrus brought his crosshairs in between his eyes. He pulled the trigger twice, watching as the illegal military grade ordinance flew straight at him, leaving a trail of fire in its wake. He didn't have time to see the results of his shot.
Everything went white and then black, his body felt distant, like a memory.
"Garrus!" her voice was pleasant. But quiet. As though heard through multiple walls, across vast plains or even just a sudden memory of two years past. Everything around his head was warm, and he knew that he should be in pain, but it was so far away; so alien and absurd.
"Gunship down!" another voice yelled. He never realized how comfortable the ground was. It was so warm too. He could just fall asleep here, just like his teammates had. Just, go to sleep, Garrus. It'll be alright. You've been fighting too long anyways.
It all just started to slip away. He closed his eyes.
But she touched him. Her hand, Shepard's hand. She was shaking, her fingers resting on his arm. She needed him. It brought his thoughts back. He gasped, fire burning through his lungs and body. He could see the blue blood that stuck to his face, the names still etched out onto his visor. He was alive.
"Garrus!" Shepard shouted.
He clenched his rifle in his hand. She rolled him over. "We're getting you out of here, Garrus." He was dying. It was painful, wretched, and warm, which was a bit of a surprise.
"Just hold on.", she said, her voice a whisper.
Blood began to collect in the back of his throat, gurgling against his tongue. It's bitter, metallic taste overpowered everything else. He couldn't move, he couldn't do anything in the overwhelming pain that trampled his soul but stare up at her. Into those eyes he thought he'd never see again.
So much for the flood of endorphins he heard about.
"Joker! Tell Chakwas to ready the Medbay for a critically injured Turian!" Shepard shouted, holding his face. He felt the medigel start to fill his system. Her hands were so nice, even as they pressed down into him with agonizing pressure.
"He's not going to make it." Human voices weren't that deep, that slow.
Garrus blinked, everything was starting to go a little fuzzy, and dull throbbing painlessness began to creep back over him. Sleep. His extremities began to tingle, buzzing pleasantly. Shepard looked into his eyes finally. Were they ever more blue?
"Garrus? Garrus! Stay with me. Just hold on. Just hold on."
The edges of thought and sight began to fade, tunneled out into darkness, and shadow. But she was here. She was warm, and she was looking at him.
He always knew that his last moments were destined to be happy ones.