A/N: Guys...my life...so I had two straight female friends arguing about who sucked dick better (I spent the duration of the argument asking the universe why i was born without a dick) and after a while, they called a guy and I got to be the judge (affirmed my lesbianism and made me consider surgery). This is the result of that experience. Enjoy!

"Minerva, I am telling you. You may have done it more often, but I've had a wide variety of partners. I've picked up more tricks than you can dream of!" Xiomara argued, standing as she shouted at her best friend.

Minerva huffed and placed her tea on the table standing toe to toe with the woman, "We all know you're a huge slut Xio, but that doesn't make you better at it than me!"

Xiomara glared at her, "I say we find a woman and let her be the judge. Winner gets..."

"50 galleons."

Xio nodded, "Deal! But who?"

Minerva smirked, "You know...Ms. Granger is quite the judge of character. And she's been working out it seems. I wouldn't mind getting my hands on her..."

Xio grinned, "Oh really? I've got an idea..."

The two women were sat on the couch chatting when Hermione walked in the office, "Professor McGonagall?"

Minerva turned her head, "Ms. Granger! Just the person I needed, come sit between Xio and I."

Hermione smiled and nodded as she took the place Minerva indicated, "Hello, Madame Hooch."

Xio waved her hand and placed her drink down on the table in front of them, "Call me Xio. I can't believe you two still call each other so formally."

Minerva looked at Hermione and shrugged, "She's right, Hermione. Please, call me Minerva."

Hermione nodded hesitantly, "Alright, Minerva. You said you needed to see me?"

Xio spoke first, "Ah yes. See, Minerva told me you've been working out lately and she figured you were probably ripped by now, but I disagree."

Hermione flushed, "Ah...well..."

Xio interrupted her and stood, "Ha! See! I told you!"

Minerva stood as well, waving her hand about, "That means nothing! She neither confirmed nor denied, plus, I haven't defined ripped."

Xiomara rolled her eyes and pulled a blushing, confused Hermione up to stand facing her, "Fine, define it."

Minerva smirked, "How about I show you instead? Hermione, may I?"

Hermione nodded, confused but willing to help. How could she turn down the chance to be touched by Minerva? "Um...sure."

Minerva winked at Xio and placed her hands on Hermione's biceps. She squeezed and the younger woman flexed them slightly. Minerva chuckled, "They aren't huge like some Durmstrang boy, but they aren't exactly small, Xio. Feel."

Xio placed her hands on Hermione's pecs, just above her breasts, and let her hand rise to her shoulder and them travel down to her biceps and triceps, stepping closer. Hermione's blush intensified and she averted her eyes from the yellow ones in front of her.

Has Madame hooch always been so damn hot? At this rate, she was going to explode.

Taking a deep breath, she fortified herself against the hands caressing her through her shirt. Merlin, they were treating her like a piece of meat and she found she didn't mind being sandwiched between the two beautiful older women; both of whom had featured in her fantasies multiple times, but never together.

"True..." Xio said squeezing and rubbing, "But this isn't ripped."

Minerva rolled her eyes and stepped up to Hermione's back as she let her hands travel under the woman's shirt, "True, but these Abs are very prominent..."

Hermione sucked in a deep breath, choking down a moan as smooth hands rested firmly on her stomach. Her muscles twitched and she clamped down on the desire to lean back against Minerva. She trembled slightly when she felt lips graze her ear.

Xio raised a brow and slid her hands down the front of Hermione grazing her breasts. She touched the abs over Hermione's shirt and shrugged, "Eh."

Minerva rolled her eyes, "You can't feel them like that. Here." She said turning Hermione around.

Xio wrapped her arms around Hermione from behind and pulled her tightly against her. She pressed her hand against the skin and hummed, "Okay. These are nice." She said as she traced the lines.

Hermione released a groan. Between being treated like a simple toy and feeling rough, callused hands on her stomach, she was soaking wet. She really hoped these two settled their disagreement soon otherwise she was going to embarrass herself.

Minerva smirked, "Ah, but the true test is the V of her hips. How are they?" Minerva slipped her fingers inside Hermione's pants and underwear curling them around the front.

She let her fingers rest there and was about to tug when Xio said, "Wait. I'm counting."

Minerva let her hands rest in Hermione's pants, lying against her shaved mound. She could feel her longest finger resting where her lips began to part. She could see Hermione's chest heaving and she bit her lip.

"Okay." Xio said and Minerva tugged Hermione's pants while ro let her hand sensually slide down to trace the V. Hermione whimpered but allowed xio's hands to slide inside of pants.

"Damn." she said, "You've been working hard, Hermione." Her hands sat on the outside of the V, framing Hermione's mound.

Minerva hummed, "I bet her ass is firm too." She stepped forward, her lips inches from Hermione's and allowed her hands to slip into Hermione's jeans, chuckling as she cupped the girl's ass. Hermione jerked and placed her hands on the outside of Minerva's arms, "P-professor…" she whispered.

"Oh yes Xio...perfect. Lets switch. I want to feel her V..." Minerva said, sliding her hands out of the young woman's clothes

They turned her around and Minerva chuckled as Xio's hand didn't cup Hermione's ass, but instead grazed her body, "Xio...thats my V..."

Hermione outright moaned at that.

Minerva slid her hands down to trace Hermione's muscle and whispered in her ear, "You know...there's something else me and Xio need to settle."

She slid her finger to Hermione's hard clit and rubbed it as she felt Xio began to squeeze Hermione's ass.

Hermione's hips began rolling involuntarily and Minerva followed, rubbing her clit in circles, "You see, she thinks she's better at oral than me. But who knows a pussy better than a pussy cat?" She asked and sucked on an earlobe.

Xio chuckled against the younger woman's lips, "Would you help us out Hermione?"

A/N: *sobs* Why couldn't this have happened to me instead?!