Arishok strode back through the compound as soon as Hawke departed, his eyes alight with fire. The smell of vitaar clung to the air like a veil. Just the scent was enough to rile his blood, but now all that bloodlust was to result in nothing. A frustration not unlike that of seeing Hawke, and though his first inclination was to sweep her aside and take a moment for just the two of them, he knew that such an opportunity was not open to him.

"The delegate, Arishok," Arvaarad prompted.

"I know," Arishok shot back. "I was there."

"What is our response?"

The list of grievances was growing tall, and soon it would be a monument of insults that Arishok simply could not ignore. Hawke had delayed this one from spilling out into the streets this time, but she would not hold back the floor forever.

The thought met him with a moment of moroseness as he considered it. He knew what the Qun would demand of him, but he knew Hawke would be torn between the two worlds she was now a part of.

"Bring the viscount's son to me. We shall hear his thoughts on the matter."

"His opinion is biased."

'He is of the Qun. His opinion should reflect that, but he has knowledge of the city and his experience would be valuable."

"He is little more than a child, Arishok."

"If you can name one among my command who was not once little more than a child, then I shall forego his involvement," Arishok answered with a narrow look in Arvaarad's direction. "Find him, Arvaarad, and let us find out what he knows."

Avaarad lingered for just a second longer, then switched direction and disappeared down a flight of steps. Arishok had little further to go, pushing aside a heavy, tattered curtain and advancing into the command room. No shortage of concern met him as he entered, and the eyes of the occupants showed the distress they felt.

"This is not the first time, Arishok," Sten reminded him.

"It will not be the last, either," Karasten added with an audible exhalation. Arishok took a moment to look between the Qunari gathered in the room, then took a seat at the end of the table and ran his thumb across the length of his nose. The map of Kirkwall lay spread out before him, with details of almost every building within the city annotated upon it. It was not the best work the Qun was capable of, but in their current situation it was better than Arishok expected.

"You asked for me, Arishok?"

The viscount's son stepped in, followed closely by Arvaarad. They stepped into the line of Qunari against the wall, waiting patiently. Arishok took another breath, then pointed to the area designating Hightown and the Keep. Saemus' eyes quickly followed the hand, and he seemed to already have anticipated the question that was coming.

"Your delegate?"

"What happened to them?"

"I saw and spoke with them when they arrived this morning, and I was there when they departed. My father was on edge the entire time, but he is not the sort to do something like this. Abduction?"

"And yet my delegate is missing," Arishok pointed out.

"Perhaps the guards know something, then?" Saemus suggested hopefully. "Someone may have seen something."

"Seen something, but said nothing, it seems," Arishok sighed.

"The bas-saarebas' companion is a guard," Karasten noted.

"Captain of the guard," Saemus confirmed quickly. "If there was someone who-"

"Hawke was not responsible for their disappearance," Arishok informed them loudly. His eyes fixed on Saemus, then slowly looked throughout the rest of the room. He squeezed his eyes closed, then passed out another hot breath. "The guards are not aware of it, or the captain would know, and Hawke would know, and I would know."

"That does not guarantee the guards are not involved," Arvaarad corrected. "The captain does not command the same respect from her subordinates as the Arishok does from his warriors. The sickness of this city has seeped into their very skin."

"Arishok, it is not sickness. Kirkwall suffers from many factors that contribute to its state of decay. It-"

"The Qun would amend a great many of these shortcomings," Arishok interrupted loudly. Nods throughout the room seemed to confirm it. "It is a sickness. It stems from the lax attitude towards those who wield magic, and who are susceptible for demons. They pave the road to your destruction, and this city walks that road blindly."

"The mages aren't the ones to blame!" Saemus gasped, clenching his fists as he inhaled a sudden breath. "Arishok, the traits are present in everyone. Humans, elves, dwarves…"

"The viddathari are cleansed of such impurities through the Qun. They are not subject to this festering illness," Arishok pointed out. A silence held in the room for a moment, then Saemus tilted his head in acknowledgement.

"Of course, Arishok."

"The captain has no control over her soldiers," Karasten reiterated, crossing his arms tightly over his chest. "The guards will not tell us anything that can be of use."

"Hawke will get more from the guards than we ever will," Arishok grumbled.

"The alternative is a criminal element," Arvaarad suggested. "Someone else."

"This happened in Hightown," Saemus argued. "The criminal presence there is small."

"Small?" Sten hummed in amusement. "The Chantry are the biggest criminals in this city, and they enjoy the most benefits of anyone in the city. They are the ones who have been our most vocal opponents."

"They have certainly been among them," Arishok agreed.

"But the Chantry does so much good in the city! They have helped so many refugees of the Blight in Ferelden, and all across Thedas!" Saemus pointed out in alarm. "How can they be responsible for this?"

"He has a point," suggested one of the viddithari across the room. Saemus looked in surprise, catching sight of the elf who had been concealed by the larger Qunari flanking her. "The Chantry has always been good to humans."

"Not just humans, they-"

"Exalted March."

There was a long silence, and Arishok looked between the two converts before clearing his throat loudly and drawing their attention to him.

"The atrocities enacted upon one group by the other does not factor into this meeting," he warned them. "There are no humans or elves in the Qun. We are Qunari. This discussion serves no purpose except to be divisive."

Saemus and the elf both acknowledged the command and fell silent, dropping their heads in respect.

"We should keep our eyes on the Chantry, then," Sten determined, anticipating Arishok's command. "We shall find out for ourselves whether or not we can trust the priests and their templars."

"Our eyes should be everywhere regardless," Arishok frowned. He was especially anxious to make sure that Hawke was not caught up in the mess that had been laid out before them, yet was sure that she was already knee-deep in trouble. She had the sort of personality that simply attracted that sort of response.

"I shall coordinate our warriors to ensure that nothing escapes our notice," Arvaarad offered immediately.

"Our people are already missing. The time for vigilance has passed and we are paying the price for it," Arishok alerted, pressing his fingers against the corner of his mouth in thought. "If they are not found, I will meet with the viscount personally and we will not have this misunderstanding again."