Welcome, all! Thanks for reading!

For those of you who don't know me (which is pretty much everybody) I'm Caro, otherwise known as spade-of-hearts. Pleasure to meet you!

But enough with introductions, though, right? You want to read! Let me just take care of a few things first.

As you should probably know, this story is set in the future, when Hyrule has been taken over by the ruthless Gangstadorf. (It's spelled Gangstadorf for a reason, just so you know. Should probably clear that up.) Now you can see Hyrule in a new light, with action-packed boss fights and new characters.

Sorry for the monologue, you want to read. I hope you enjoy!

Read on!

Hyrule – or Hellrule, as it was known by its citizens – was a melting pot of all things dissolute and dangerous. The Gorons hated the Zora, the Zora hated the Deku Scrubs, and the Hylians hated everyone else. Walking alone at night would win you an arrow through your neck. On the outside, Hyrule Castle Town might just look like another slum metropolis, with dingy skyscrapers teetering on their foundations and dark, twisting alleyways, but to know the city you had to dig deep.

The arena was in the Goron's part of town, loud and rambunctious, with peddlers selling carts for zero rupees down and trying to pass off red potions cheap. Wallets exchanged hands as the crowd of bystanders clustered closer to the ring, beady eyes eager for a fight. The arenas were about the only places Gorons and Zora could get along, although a few of the sea creatures were showing off their boomerang fins in a contemptuous manner.

The first competitor was a champion Goron by the name of Grog, whose posters were plastered on any wall with an empty space on it. White tribal paint was smeared across the Goron's heavily built body, and his eyes narrowed as he sized up his competitor.

His opponent was a Hylian, which was strange. Most Hylians were shady business dealers or holed up in their apartments, smoking grass and rambling about how their toilets wanted paper. He was young, too, still a teenager, but well-built and strong for his age, with shaggy blond hair that brushed his shoulders. His clothes showed that he was from out of town – loose-fitting pants cinched with belts, and strange sandals he had exchanged for borrowed iron boots before the fight, which Hylians were allowed when fighting Gorons. Naked to the waist, the boy signaled that he was ready for the fight to begin. The Goron signaled also, a sly smile inching across his craggy face.

There was a sound of drums and the announcer ascended a short flight of stairs to his podium and hollered over the roar of the crowd.

"Welcome, welcome all, to the fight of the century!" It wasn't really, but the crowd bellowed even louder and jumped to their feet, taking swigs from the bottles they smuggled past security from the milk bar. "The young upstart Link versus the reigning champion Grog! Bets sit at 5,550 rupees..."

"How can he even hold that much?" Link muttered under his breath.

"But with no further ado, let the fight begin!"

The rules were simple because there were so few of them: push your opponent out of the ring and you win. Grog raised his leg and smashed it down on the arena floor, shaking a few Scrubs out of their seats, and the boy followed suit. Grog's smile turned to a sneer as the announcer began the fight.

"You're gonna get creamed, elf boy."

"We'll see..."

Grog inched towards Link, feinted to the right and delivered a crushing southpaw hit to his ribs, but somehow the boy stayed upright and shoved Grog back once, twice, before Grog managed to push him away. The few Hylians there cheered mightily, then quieted down when the crowd tossed them dirty looks.

The Goron growled and swiped at Link again, but he dodged the rocky fist and shoved Grog back again. Stumbling, he barely managed to right himself before Link struck again, swinging his fist and cuffing the Goron across the head. Grog bellowed and smacked Link away, and even with the iron boots on he was sent flying by the swipe.

Everyone shouted now, standing on their feet and clapping loudly, jingling their wallets and clashing their weapons together. The uproar was deafening, and rose even more so when the boy stood, wiping a thin line of blood from his chin, and approached the Goron again.

"Getting tired, little boy?" Grog taunted. "I'm only getting started."

"Me too." Link smirked, dropping down and sweeping Grog's feet out from under him. Taken by surprise, Grog dropped like a stone, and Link leaped up and kicked the iron boot's pointed toe into the Goron's scarred face.

Screams filled the arena as Grog rolled away, dazed with pain, and Link struck again, digging to metal into Grog. After a few more kicks it was obvious Grog wasn't getting up again. The announcer jumped down from his podium and held Link's hand high.

"And we have a winner! The upset! The horror! I'd be shocked, shocked if there was betting here, seeing as Mayor Gangstadorf has outlawed it, but say if you were to have been betting you can exchange dues now. Hypothetically, of course."

Rupees poured from wallets as Link was escorted out of the ring and given his prize money. He passed Grog on his way, who muttered darkly, "This isn't over, kid." Link spat back in retort and took his wallet proudly, pulling his shirt back over his head. There was a nasty bruise on his side where the Goron had hit him, already turning blue. A well-won war wound.

The Gorons in the crowd looked absolutely murderous as the next battle began, between two Zora, and Link saw the flash of a Giant's knife or two in the crowd and hurried out before things got ugly. But it was Hellrule, after all. Everything was ugly.

The streets were dark, illuminated by a few wandering fairies and haphazardly placed torches shining dully next to the electric lights in the shops. Set into the walls were Mayor Gangstadorf's electronic election posters, broadcasting 24/7. The sleazy-looking Gerudo grinned in the short video clip, sweeping an arm over a map of Hyrule. "Here to make the world a better place!" He proclaimed, and canned applause crackled from the speakers. Link rolled his eyes and moved on. Everyone knew Gangstadorf had the Moblins and Bokoblins, the two biggest monster gangs, under his wing, and anyone who tried to right the wrongs he had done on Hyrule would be executed. After all, that was what happened to Mayor Daphnes ages ago, and look where he ended up?

A few flaming Keese fluttered overhead, but they were smart enough not to challenge Link. He had wandered into a small market made of cardboard scraps and metal supports that sheltered the vendors from the light drizzling rain, and they beckoned to him as he walked past.

"Genuine Biggoron sword, yours for only twenty rupees, kid!"

"Have the nuts to buy some Deku Nuts!" A small Scrub shouted squeakily over the din, and someone swore back at him.

"Not even the Goddesses had looks like these! But your own Princess Zelda picture locket here! Animatronic, too! Only ten rupees for the man over here!" This shop was quite popular, which sickened Link, but he simply kept walking.

"I see it in the stars, young man... You will experience great fortune! Wealth, success, love! Only five rupees for a look into the crystal ball..." A minuscule fortune teller tottered towards him from her shop, waving a Joy Pendant at him like it was a weapon.

"No thanks, lady. And lay off the milk, will ya?" Link said over his shoulder, ignoring her miffed harrumph.

The alley emptied out onto a large street, which unfortunately was part of the notorious Red Lantern District. Scantily dressed Gerudo posed in the shop doorways, giggling at the businessmen who hurried by, unable to resist a glance their way. Lots of people milled about, in an ugly twist on window shopping.

"Come in and let me restore your life..." A Gerudo crowed at Link as he passed.

A few men were eagerly watching as two women performed a dance in the middle of the street, and were tossing rupees at them. The women were dressed up in pirate's garb, and an old man was dancing on his tiptoes behind the crowd, holding a pictograph box high above his head. He saw Link approaching and hurried to him.

"Sir, sir, could you get me a picture of a lady pirate?"

Shoving past him, Link moved on.

A crowd of Gorons stood in his way, and Link vaguely recognized them from the arena. Surprisingly, a few Zora were in their midst, and the only reason Zora and Gorons mixed were either to kill each other or unite against a common enemy, usually the Hylians. There were a few Hylians on the street, recognizable by their windsock caps and colorful uniforms, and a few had the shields of knights. It was kind of a sentimental thing to wear a knight's shield, since the Moblins were the only police force now, and it was visible from the wear and tear of the shield that it hadn't been used in ages, maybe generations.

"Hey, you." One of the Gorons grumbled, and Link stopped, then cursed himself for doing so.

"He's the one from the arena, isn't he?" A Deku scrub poked out from behind one of the Goron's legs and snickered. Link clenched his fists but tried to relax, nodding at the crowd. A few of the Gerudo women had stopped their flirting at the doorways to watch, and so had many bystanders. A bad sign indeed.

"Not many people can beat Grog, elf boy. You should be proud of yourself!" The lead Goron said lazily, striding casually towards Link, which was hard to do when you're made of rocks. Link didn't back down, though, standing his ground as the Goron came closer.

"Bust his head, Roxus!" The Scrub cheered, and one of the Zora smacked him.

"Shut up!"

"Naw, I just wanna have a good chat with my ol' pal Link. Tell you what, kid. They say actions speak louder than words. Let's have it out here – you and me. If you can beat Grog, you can beat lil' old me!"

Link was sorely tempted to beat the arrogant Goron to a pulp, but couldn't wear the iron boots outside of the ring and he'd be easy pickings against a Goron without them. Turning away from the eager crowd, he shook his head.

"Go take a long walk off a short pier, Roxus."

"Why? You a Cuccoo?"

Link froze as the Deku Scrub went "Bok bok bok!" He slowly turned around, pointing an accusatory finger at the Goron.

"Nobody calls me a Cuccoo, Roxus, nobody!" And without a second thought he hurled himself at the Goron, punching away at every bit of rock his fists could find. He had only gotten started when a firm hand grabbed his shirt collar and dragged him away from the fight. Fists still swinging, Link shouted and cursed until his assailant dragged him into a dark corner of a nearby alley and clamped a gloved hand over his mouth.

"Shut up, will you? I bet the Demon King himself can hear you." A voice hissed, and Link was surprised to hear it was a girl.

"That's better. Do you honestly have to prove yourself to those idiots? It's no wonder why I got Wisdom and not you..."

"Look, lady, I don't know what you're talking about. You been at the milk bar or something?"

Twisting out of his captor's grip, which was surprisingly strong, Link tried to get a good luck at her. She wasn't quite as tall as him, and dressed in nearly all black, with a black veil pulled over her nose and mouth. Loose strands of blonde hair poked out of her head covering, and he could make out her bright blue eyes even in the darkness. She was dressed like a Gerudo, but her skin was far too pale, and she looked Hylian. It wasn't his business to know why people were in disguise, so he didn't ask.

"Of course you don't. Heroes." She scoffed.

"Okay, lady, I think you had a bottle too many. Why don't you head on home or something, okay?" Drunkards and zipheads weren't strangers to Hyrule Castle Town, and he wanted to shake this one off and go back and cream Roxus.

"Listen to me, for Nayru's sake!" The girl exclaimed, and Link froze.

"That's a bold move, lady. Gangstadorf doesn't like that kind of talk here."

The girl blew out of breath of air. "He had no right to suppress worship of the goddesses. What's he going to do about it, anyways?"

Link opened his mouth, trying to make the dumb girl shut her trap, but before he could the Gangstadorf election poster came alive a few feet away from them.

"Someone's been a bad girl!" It crowed, and the familiar shriek of a Bokoblin echoed from the depths of the alleyway.

"Wisdom, you said? You must not be from around here, lady. Come on!"

Grabbing the girl's hand in his, he yanked her out of the alley and sprinted across the street, dodging potbellied Gorons and a grumpy-looking Moblin, who brandished his spear threateningly as Link and the girl barreled past. The Bokoblin was getting closer, though, and Link dove into the crowd, hoping the crush of people would hide him from the oncoming attacker.

"What is that?" The girl asked, breathless.

"You don't know what a Bokoblin is? You must be from way out of town."

"Why is it chasing us?"

Link looked up at the heavens. "Gangstadorf doesn't like anyone blaspheming. He says they're campaign posters, but they're really much more sinister, like his police when the monsters aren't around. Keeps you on your toes. They don't have as many in the slums, though. You had to mention a goddess' name, didn't you?"

The girl spluttered with rage, then turned on him. "Don't you go poking at me – you were the one about to get crushed by that Goron!"

"Well excuse me, princess..." Link muttered, and someone in the crowd shouted, "There's a Bokoblin!"

Instantly the street was thrown into panic. The Gerudo screamed and fled back into their shops, and the Hylians withdrew their weapons. A few of the Zora and Goron got ready to fight, too, but most took the opportunity to throw some punches at each other. The confused Scrub who had been taunting Link said, "Bok bok bok!"

The Bokoblin stood in the middle of the street, its beady eyes squinting to search for its prey. A piggish snout sniffed the air, searching for the girl's scent. Satisfied, it withdrew a long cutlass and began to stalk the crowds.

Link's heart began to race. He wished he had a sword now, like the Hylians, but like the shields they were more ornamental. Mayor Gangstadorf would send in dozens more Bokoblins if the first got killed, and the Hylians were businessmen, not warriors. They probably didn't even know how to use their weapons. Link was good with his fists, but punches wouldn't do much damage to the thick skin of the beast, and the giant sword it held would skewer him in an instant. The girl gasped and hid behind him, and he heard her rummaging around with something behind his back. Not wanting to blow their cover, he stood still.

The Bokoblin was so close now Link could hear its gold earring jingling. Still sniffing like a grotesque dog, it was getting closer and closer to Link and the strange girl. Link saw its fingers edging towards a short horn hooked onto its belt and gulped. Bokoblin horns worked even better than radio for summoning forces fast, and reinforcements were the last thing he needed right now. He was about to whisper to the girl when she spun out from behind his back, and he heard a short zing sound, and then an arrow releasing. There was a brilliant flash of light, and the Bokoblin clawed at its chest, where a glowing golden arrow had punctured its skin. The girl stood to his side, holding a golden child-sized bow at her side, staring at the monster with a fierce intensity that would make even Roxus cower in fear. Every poster on the street turned red and started blaring alarms.

"Are you crazy?" Link whisper-shouted at the girl, then grabbed her arm and pulled her after him again. The crowd parted for them, and they ducked into another alley as soon as possible. "I think you're out of your mind. What in Faro..." Glancing at the alarm posters, he trailed off. "What in the great goddess' name do you think you're doing? You've got a death wish, lady. We need to get out of here."

"Why? Where are we going?" The girl protested as he pulled her after him, dipping through short passages and ducking under half-dried laundry hanging from hastily strung wires.

"Because, now every one of Gangstadorf's minions are going to be coming after you. You killed a policeman – policemonster, I guess."

"That's not a policeman."

Link shook his head, wondering how he ended up with the most ignorant criminal in Hyrule. "Are you feeling all right, lady? Gangstadorf owns the police, and security all over the city. And now every poster in the city has your face on it!" He pointed at the nearest example, which showed a crazed-looking girl in black Gerudo garb holding a golden bow. WARNING: ALL PERSONNEL. CAPTURE AND IMPRISON IMMEDIATELY.

"Oh..." The girl put a hand to her mouth, panic flooding her features.

"Yeah, is that all you can say? Oh? And now I'm dragged into it, too. Look, my ride is close, and I know we can outrun them. If we get to my place in time you should be okay." Link glared back at the girl. Her eyes flashed for a second, but she didn't retaliate.

"Good. Listen, there are Moblins and Bokoblins everywhere in these parts, so you just keep your head down. Gerudo clothes are pretty common, so you should blend in all right. Whatever you do, don't attack them. And put your bow away."

The girl pulled open a small pouch tied to her belt. Link raised an eyebrow. "You think it's going to fit in there?"

He received a smirk in return. "Watch me." She held the bow over the opening, let go, and the bow miraculously slid in, vanishing from sight. She grinned at him when she saw his incredulous expression. "It's magic – bigger on the inside. But we need to keep going, right?"

"Um... Yeah." Link managed, still staring at the pouch with wide eyes. Magic items were pretty common in Hyrule Castle Town, but only the rich could afford them. Who was this girl?

After a few more twists and turns they emerged into a small paved clearing that resembled a massive tent, sewn together with scraps of blankets and rugs, sordid from years of rain and mildew. A Lizalfos stalked the entrance, its forked tongue flicking between its teeth. It faced Link and the girl as the approached, and drew a short knife. The girl flinched and backed away, but Link stepped forward.

"You tryin' to get through?" The monster grumbled in a crude form of Hylian.

"That's right." Link said boldly, crossing his arms. The girl shrunk back behind him, and he wondered if she had never faced off with a monster in her life. Besides shooting the Bokoblin, of course.

"Passage is ten rupees, but I'll make it five for your pretty friend." With astonishing speed the Lizalfos lunged for the girl, clasping her arm in its reptilian hand. She shouted in alarm and tried to tug away, reaching for her magic pouch with her bow. Link shot her a glance – wait.

"Make it three and you've got a deal."

"You know, she is a pretty lil' thing. I might just keep 'er." The Lizalfos tugged the girl closer, and she kicked its legs, fighting to get away.

Blood rushed in Link's ears, but he kept up his cool demeanor. "Fine. Five it is."

He tossed a few rupees at the Lizalfos, who called to the girl's retreating back, "Your boyfriend is a miser, sweetheart! Let some of the guys around here show you a good time!"

The girl shuddered as they dodged past rickety carts of monster claws and waved away a vendor selling tamed Wallmasters ('Never lose your friends in a crowd again!')

"You okay? I'm sorry about that back there." Link said sheepishly, and the girl shook her head.

"It wasn't your fault, you're fine. Anyways, I never expected the city to be like this..."

Link looked at the girl a little closer. She seemed to be about his age, maybe a little younger, and certainly no older. Hyrule had been under Gangstadorf's rule for ages. How could she not expect the city to be what it was?

As they walked Link kept an eye out for the shiftier shopkeepers, watching a few dodge back into doorways or stare at him as they walked past. There weren't many posters in this part of town, but Link knew those kinds of looks.

"We need to get out of here. Fast."

The girl nodded quickly, keeping a hand on her pouch, and they quickened their pace through the monster den. They had almost reached the exit when the same Lizalfos they had paid at the entrance strode out from behind a display of Princesses-In-A-Bottle and flipped his blade out of its sheath.

"Wanted by the Mayor, eh, gorgeous? What did you do to incur Gangstadorf's wrath?"

The girl again reached for her pouch, but Link spoke before she could draw her weapon. "Leave her alone. We don't want a fight."

The Lizalfos snickered and shook its scaly head. "And I don't want to be down here, picking off convicts for a living. We can't always get what we want."

The Lizalfos opened its mouth to say something else, but Link smashed his fist into the the monster's jaw, loosing a few teeth as he did so, and burst forward past him and sprinted for the exit. "Run!" He shouted to the girl, who hurried after him, overturning the Princesses-In-A-Bottle display as she did so. The bottles shattered when they hit the slick pavement stones, creating a perfect diversion along with a barrier. The Lizalfos wasn't done yet, though; it spit out a tooth and leaped over the collapsed display, holding its knife ready.

"Go, go, go!" Link shouted. Lizalfos were fast, but if they got to Epona in time they'd be able to make an escape.

"What do you think I'm doing?" The girl grumbled, smashing her fist into a nearby poster. The screen shattered and Gangstadorf's sly face faded into blocky pixels. Another Bokoblin cry sounded from close behind them, and Link quickened his pace, shoving through crowds of Deku Scrubs and nearly running into a Goron.

"Watch where you're going, punk! Hylians."

Finally Link rounded a corner and pulled the tarp off of his ride. Even in the dim light of the night you could see the moonlight reflecting off of her, and he stood back proudly for a second, waiting for the girl's reaction.

"It's... A motorcycle." She said, furrowing her brow.

"What did you expect, a horse? Epona's great for getaways, just sit on that back seat there and hold on tight."

The girl slid over the '3PONA' license plate and held on to Link's waist as he punched the throttle. The motorcycle roared to life and Link gunned the engine, causing the girl to nearly slide off of her seat. Screaming, she barely managed to pull herself back up before Link took off, driving through the tight, winding alleys back to his house. Citizens shrieked and dove out of the way to avoid getting crushed underneath Epona's heavy tires, and one man took a pictograph of them as they passed. Link lowered his head and pressed the motorcycle harder, racing through the rainy streets at an alarming speed. The girl held onto him tightly, tugging the breath out of his lungs.

Just as he pulled onto one of the main roads a huge four-wheeler pulled out of a parking garage, with POLICE written across its side. Link swore and turned Epona around, but the car had already seen them and was speeding after them, knocking a pack of Kikiwi out of its way.

"There's something on the top of the car!" The girl yelled into his ear.

"Quick-launch arrows." Link shouted back. "Keep your head down, and I'll make sure we're not an easy target.

A shower of arrows rained over Link's head as he swerved past the pedestrians crowding the streets, who hollered back at him angrily. They were even more disgruntled when the Bokoblin-driven four-wheeler came through, honking its horn mightily and shooting arrows everywhere.

A sweeping set of steps rose on the horizon and the girl gasped. "Can we make that?" She asked.

Link grinned and twisted his wrist back, causing the engine to roar. "You bet, but I don't think they can."

The girl screamed again as the motorcycle tore up the ground, speeding towards the steps, and the car's engine whined as it followed them. Arrows pinged off of the steps as Link and the girl approached, and the tires found traction on the stone and bumped up the first flight of chairs. A few startled birds and Goddess Butterflies fluttered away at the harsh sounds of the engines, and the few people tarrying on the steps dove away as Epona ascended. The car reached the stairs soon after and began to climb also, but at a drastically lowered pace, and the engine's whine had turned to a piercing whistle. The hood began to steam.

"I think we need a little more power..." Link mused, and opened a small hatch on Epona's controls. Inside was a small blue button, glowing dimly. "What do you say we spice things up?"

The girl shook her head quickly, but Link stabbed his finger down and the motorcycle let out a noise like an enraged Moblin and blue flames shot out of the exhaust.

"You used nitrous in your motorcycle?"

"No, I used carrots. Of course it's nitrous!"

By the time Link and the girl had reached the top of the stairs the car had only managed to crawl to the second flight, steaming and groaning, before it leaned backwards and collapsed onto its top, rolling down the stairs with a crunching, jarring impact.

The girl winced and Link punched his fist in the air, satisfied. "Now that we've got one less thing to worry about, let's head home."

'Home' for Link wasn't much: a grungy studio apartment with walls that let in drafts and a small furnace in the corner that was the only provider of heat in the bitter winters. A pile of blankets and a bedroll occupied one corner as a makeshift bed, and a small table and chairs were the only other furnishings in the room. The table was cluttered with half-finished sculptures, empty wallets, and remains of the last night's meal. Hastily he tried to clean up some of the mess, suddenly self-conscious.

"Um, make yourself at home. It may not seem like much, but for now it's all yours."

"I think it's amazing!" The girl breathed, sounding totally honest, and Link smiled.

"Yeah... I have some clothes if you want to change out of those. They're clean, I promise. They might not fit so great, but you won't be recognizable."

The girl nodded and pulled down her veil and head scarf, revealing short, spiky blonde hair even shorter than Link's although it was a few shades lighter. Her face was open and young, unlike most of the grim faces of the citizens Link saw every day, and very familiar. Where had he seen her before?

"Are you... The old mayor's daughter?" He asked, peering at her critically now, shocked. The girl rolled her eyes and glared at him.

"Yes, please, enough with formalities. That's why I escaped, you know."

"Your hair... It's different than in the pictures." Link said without thinking. Stupid, stupid!

"It's part of my disguise." Zelda explained, touching the tips of her hair. "Not every girl you come across has a magic bow, does she?"

Link blinked, hard. "Wait, wait, wait... You're Princess Zelda, and you ran away from Hyrule Castle freaking Skyscraper to do... What, exactly?"

Zelda sat down on the floor, crossing her legs. "I escaped because I'm sick and tired of being Gangstadorf's puppet. Impa has been training me since I was little with my bow, trying to get me to a skill level where I could hold my own. He's evil." She seethed. "Gangstadorf, I mean. I've only seen the city from above, and never expected it to be this..."


She looked at him strangely. "Maybe not how I would have put it."

"It's true, though."

Zelda shrugged. "It's like the whole place is a giant ghetto or something."

"You just hit the nail on the head, Princess." Link replied, rifling through a chest, searching for an extra pair of clothes.

"I never thought my kingdom... Or, Mayor Gangstadorf's kingdom, would fall this low. How did it happen?"

"I've only been around for so long. Try these on and see if they fit."

Zelda ducked behind a curtain to change and came out wearing a long, loose tunic cinched at the waist with a belt and baggy pants tucked into boots. From a distance she would look like any other random citizen, and only if you looked close did she resemble the Princess. Satisfied, Link took the old Gerudo clothes and tossed them into the furnace after removing Zelda's magic pouch.

"Can't leave any evidence." He explained. "This place reeks enough to disguise your scent, and we don't want to keep anything incriminating lying around."

After a few moments Link glanced at Zelda, who was fiddling with her bow.

"Why did you run away, anyways? Besides the whole Gangstadorf sucks thing, which I totally get."

Zelda nodded, looking morose. "It's going to sound ridiculous, but I want to bring him down."

"Who, Gangstadorf? Good luck, sweetheart. He's the biggest mob boss in the entire realm, maybe even the world. He has eyes and ears everywhere. You'd be dead before you could say Jabu-Jabu."

"Thanks for the optimism. There's a way I can defeat him, though. I know it."
"Oh, and what's that?"

"I need to find the Hero."

Link scoffed. "Look, just because you've got the same name of the princesses of old doesn't mean you're assigned a Hero to help you along. Good luck with that."

"Your name is Link, the name of the Hero. Don't act so superior."

"Common name." Link objected. "Anyways, who says the Hero wants to help you? Gangstadorf if a powerful force by himself, but with his armies? Pff, you'd be a grease spot on the pavement."

"That's why I need to find him! If I can take him through the trials of spirit and find the sword of the goddess then he'll be ready to fight the Demon Lord!"

"Demon Lord? I'm no more of a fan of Gangstadorf than you are, but that's a little harsh. And what are these trials of spirit? Sound painful."

Zelda snatched a blanket from the bed and settled down on the ground. "I'll tell you tomorrow, okay? Let's just get some rest now."

So, what do you think? Questions, comments, concerns? Just type 'em into that review thingy below and I'll respond as soon as I can!

Also, another thing: The cover art is not mine. Thought I should address that :) Credit goes to the very talented Blaqhawk on deviantart.

Hope you're still interested! Updates will hopefully be every week, but I haven't written too far ahead, so that may change.

I repeat, what did you think? I love to hear from you guys! Point out a grammar mistake, I don't care. Shoot me a message!

That's all for today, folks. Until next time!

P.S. I promise the other chapters won't be this long...