Hunter had stayed up to date with news on Ambrose's condition. He had heard that he had been checked into the hospital and had missed Smackdown. He had from heard from his spy that Dean also didn't remember anything about Monday. Hunter was glad that he had the contract signing filmed. He'd be happy to show Ambrose what he did.

When he arrived at RAW the following Monday, he gave backstage security the locker room assignments. He told them that he had heard that the locker rooms in this arena were being repainted, and he wanted to keep backstage from becoming chaos with no one knowing where they were supposed to be. They didn't question the locker room assignments.

He headed for his office to get ready for the night. He phoned Randy. "Make sure Ambrose is in our locker room. If he's not, make sure to tell security to find him."

"Got it Hunter." Randy and Dave were both on board with his plan to get rid of the Shield.

Hunter grew impatient waiting for RAW to start. He left his locker room and headed for catering. The only person in there was Michael Cole. Perfect he thought. He walked up to the lead commentator and sat down.

Cole looked up from his texting and nearly dropped his phone. Hunter could count on one hand the amount of times he had talked to Cole outside of the shows.

"Hunter," Cole said clearing his throat nervously. Hunter barely hold back a smirk. Somehow making small guys like Cole nervous made him glad. Cole had never been a real wrestler. He'd wrestled a couple of times but would never be confused with a wrestler.

"I need you to start talking about Ambrose being in Evolution."

"Wait Ambrose is in Evolution?" he asked confusion clearly written all over his face.

"Maybe," Hunter said not wanting to show all of his cards yet, "maybe not. I'm not going to tell you either way. Consider it gossip."


Hunter barely held the urge to roll his eyes. "Yes gossip. Like the kind of stuff the Internet idiots read all the time. Just make sure to mention it." He got up from his table when he saw Mark Henry enter the room. "Nice talking to you Cole," he said slapping him on the shoulder. He left the room without getting anything to eat.

"Mr. Helmsley!" a security guard called hurrying up to him. "I tried to tell Dean Ambrose he was in the wrong locker room but he refused to leave. He said he wasn't going to be split from his team."

That didn't make Hunter mad. He would have been surprised if Ambrose hadn't complained. "Don't worry about it," he said stopping to read the man's badge, "Jefferson. Let them be for now. I'll fix it myself."

He took a piece of paper out of his pocket and pinned it to the board inside of catering. It had the list of matches tonight. He had thought about what kind of match to put the Shield in and decided not to put them in a match with Randy and Dave. He gave his friends the night off from wrestling. Instead he put them in a match with Ryback and Curtis Axel. he also didn't put Ambrose in a match because he was injured and he had bigger plans for the Lunatic Fringe anyway.


Later that night, he, Orton, Batista, Stephanie, and the Wyatts stood backstage watching the tag match. They were waiting for the perfect time to go ringside. Hunter smiled when he heard Cole mention the rumor. The older man had finally done something right. Ambrose really didn't remember RAW last week. That was okay. He'd be happy to remind him.

"Let's go," he said before walking over to the lighting and sound area. "Turn off the lights." He ordered. The lights went out in the arena. He didn't have to turn around to know that the Wyatts had taken their cues and had gone to ringside. He waited for a few moments before ordering the lights to come back on. Rowan and Harper were in the ring with Rollins and Reigns. Curious. He thought. Where was Bray? He turned around but didn't see him behind him.

"Play Evolution's music," he ordered before he, Stephanie, Orton, and Batista went out to the stage. Kane followed behind them and kept walking to the ramp. All was going according to how he planned it. Kane didn't even need to be told he was needed.

Hunter reached into his pocket and pulled out a piece of paper. He took the mic Stephanie offered him. "Evolution has recruited a fourth member and I have is signature right here," he said holding up the piece of paper for everyone to see. They worked their way down to the ring and over to where the Commentators sat. Hunter handed the piece of paper to Ambrose.

Ambrose looked down and read it. He looked at Hunter in bewilderment and confusion. "What is this?" Ambrose demanded.

"I believe that is the contract you signed when you agreed to join Evolution," Hunter said with a smirk. This was going to be good.

"I didn't sign anything! I've never seen this paper before." He went to rip it up but Batista grabbed it out of his hand first and handed it back to Hunter.

In the ring Reigns started to step through the ropes but Harper stopped him and soon there was a brawl inside of the ring.

Hunter's attention never wavered from Ambrose as he smiled at him. "So are you going to come willingly or do we have to do this the hard way?"

"I'm not joining Evolution," Ambrose said.

Hunter's grin widened. "Then we'll do it the hard way."

Bray Wyatt snuck up behind Ambrose and grabbed him from behind. Maybe there was something more useful with the Wyatts. Maybe he should have used them instead of Shield as his lackeys. Ambrose turned around and started to fight him but he didn't last long as Evolution jumped on him. They all started punching and kicking at him and he was picked up and carried away from ringside by Batista.


Hunter was not furious later that night when Ambrose still turned him down. No this was going to work out better than he hoped. He went up to Amman after the show and told him exactly how he wanted him to handle Ambrose's injuries. Amman tried to argue but a simple reminder from Hunter about CM Punk shut him up really quick.

He couldn't wait for Extreme Rules. But first, who said he couldn't mess with the Shield even more? Didn't Roman have a drug test coming up soon? The gears started turning. This was going to be fun.