Disclaimer:- I neither own nor earn anything from this story. Harry Potter and his world are the intellectual property of JK Rowlings and associates.
A/N:- This is my Christmas present to all the wonderful readers out there who have indicated their appreciation for my stories throughout the year. Thank you all of you. This story is available on AO3 in its MA rated original, but I have modified most of the smut out of the version here to keep with their M rating. I hope you enjoy this story, it is mostly written, and should end up about ten chapters. It goes without saying that this is a Hermione/Severus romance, if you do not like this or do not like Malfoys who are not evil then please move on, this story is not for you.
Chapter One – The Moon Grindylow
He was a tall man, reserved and rigidly upright, and at the moment Severus Snape's dark gaze perused The Great Hall of Hogwarts School with his features set in their usual stony disinterest. This was far from the truth of course, but he did not show that in public. The only emotion this man displayed in public was distain, and today any observer would see that periodically his displeasure evolved into a full blown scowl at having been assigned supervision of the fiasco before him.
The war was over, and they had won. Voldemort was gone, but in the almost three years since that event, little had changed for Severus Snape, in fact if it was possible he was more on edge this year than he had been at the height of the war. This year was the first time Hogwarts had opened since the war, and certain Gryffindors, along with most of their friends had returned to complete their schooling.
If he'd thought the so=called 'golden trio' had been difficult as children, it was nothing compared to what they were now. Adults in school uniforms, what had Dumbledore been thinking, especially where Harry Potter was concerned, the boy had been bad, but now he sported an arrogance that was only rivalled by his sainted mentor.
Severus huffed, of course that was not the problem with Miss Granger, and the Weasley whelp, well Severus tried very hard not to even consider him. The Potions master's expressive lip curled upward in a mew of distaste as he examined the various aspects of preparations for the current festive season.
As usual, it appeared that everyone was going all out to make it as gaudy and extravagant as possible, although Snape could not fathom why, because tomorrow most of them would be gone to their homes and only the misfits would be left to wade through what was left of the good cheer.
The stern figure in black shifted his gaze at the approach of irritatingly familiar voices. He felt a sudden constricting pang, but his perfectly schooled features made certain it never reached his face. He had learnt over time that voluminous robes had many uses, and he was once more thankful of his habitual style of dress. His slight flinch at the approach of the two Gryffindors went unnoticed.
The boy wonder and his idiot side kick, Severus spat internally, sneering. No Miss Granger, still, and he wondered once again why the third member of the golden trio was never seen with those who appeared to now be her former friends. Hadn't been, it appeared, since just after the final battle. The witch in question had disappeared after the war, only coming back when she received her letter to complete her schooling.
Once or twice since she'd returned Severus had found himself drawn into short conversations with her, and he had revelled in the attention; it fed his hungry soul, quite literally. You see, there was something special about Hermione Granger, and even though Severus never planned to do anything about it, he cherished what it meant.
Although even as he thought about it, he castigated himself for his thoughts and sighed inaudibly as longing for the sentiment he cherished within bubbled to the surface. His discomfort expressed itself in derision aimed at the hapless young men entering the hall. "I see you two gentlemen have managed to navigate yourselves here without the assistance of the brains of your trio."
Both young men turned and glared at him, and as usual it was too much for Harry Potter, his green eyes observed the professor heatedly and he bit like a trout teased by a fly, just as he always did. "We are not Hermione Granger's keeper," he stated, bristling.
"Oh please tell me there's not dissention within the ranks of the all conquering lion's den?" Snape drawled coolly, quirking his famous eyebrow, and still intensely curious to find out what had taken place, especially as every time he taunted him, Potter appeared to be on the defensive about it, like he was guilty.
The Gryffindor wizard surged forward defiantly, rage suddenly evident in every feature of his face, his redheaded friend moving to restrain him all too late. "And you'd know all about dissention, wouldn't you, Snape?" By this point Potter was nose to nose with the Potion master, although said master hadn't moved, and his comment was spat without thought for the consequences.
Snape breathed calmly in plain loathing and yet again the eyebrow rose and the mobile upper lip curled slightly. His manner still exhibited every symptom of boredom at having successfully baited the predictable young man. "Twenty point, Potter," he sighed, with little interest, black eyes boring into his nemesis' son. "Seven o'clock precisely, now both of you on your way."
Potter quickly deflated. "But, I'm leaving for The Burrow tonight," and then he thought better of this further act of defiance and added a hissed, "Sir."
Snape's victory complete, he drew himself up to his full six foot one, the only emotion evident on his stony features was contempt as he calmly stared down his hawk-like nose at the belligerent looking young man. "Not before your detention, Mr. Potter, now get out of my sight." His eyes shuttered and he removed his attention from them. Turning he paced further up the hall and resumed his watch.
The professor remained at his post almost happily scowling at anyone who even dared to show good cheer. Inwardly he wished he had someone—a certain someone—he could openly care about at Christmas. That would be pleasant, he considered quietly. Then casting that thought aside as ridiculous, he wished it was a point deductable offence to be happy on this pointless holiday season, he hated the whole foolishness intensely.
As if in response to his mood, his brain started reminding him of things he found most painful because he could never have them. If only she knew that it was my bond with her that kept me alive in the wretched shack. I wonder what she would say? Would she reject me, I wish I knew?
Finally, he was glad to hear the distinct Scottish brogue of his replacement. At least being out of here will perhaps save me from my maudlin thoughts. Mind you, I'm suspicious of the meddling old windbag, he must have sensed this bond, but he's never mentioned it. Severus exhaled. Only six more months and she will be gone from here and I will not have to protect my heart anymore.
He sighed inaudibly once more. It would be nice to give in and just open up to her though, his brain threw at him. No! You mustn't think that, his logical mind instructed him. I still can't believe that fate has thrown this at me, she is twenty years my junior. It's just plain wrong on so many levels, regardless of anything else.
The Potions master glared at Ronald Weasley flirting with Lavender Brown. It's so bloody easy for them, and it's just my fucking luck, fate finally hands me someone I can care about, and it would be so easy to care about her… I do care about her, and it's someone completely unsuitable. But what witch is suitable, I've taught them all for the past twenty years. Then he caught his thoughts and he cringed internally. Shit, I'm jealous of the ginger cretin. This made him even snappier, and as Minerva approached he huffed, "About bloody time, Minerva."
"Don't you get your robes in a flap Severus just because it's the holiday season," and she graced him with a sickly smile.
Severus sniffed disdainfully down his large hooked nose and gave her a withering stare. "Some of us still have work to do, regardless of the intervening holiday idiocy, Minerva."
Minerva's eyes softened a little, she had forgotten what night this was. "Of course it's the Winter Solstice tonight, my apologies for having detained you, Severus." A trained observer of this man, she saw his posture relax minutely and his head incline slightly in acknowledgement of her statement, as she was about to turn away though, she asked, "Severus, you have organised help, haven't you?"
He huffed in disbelief at her comment. "I am not relinquishing my precious potions ingredients to the ministrations of idiots. I will do as I have always done," and turning on his heel he left.
Minerva was left shaking her head, she wished she knew what was bothering Severus. She had thought that he was starting to trust her again now the war was over, but then she focused on Ron Weasley and scolded, "Mr. Weasley, mistletoe is to be affixed, not charmed to follow Miss Brown for your convenience." The ditzy blond with the mistletoe hanging over her head giggled, tossing her copious straw blonde curls coquettishly, as her admirer gave McGonagall a suitably sullen gaze before ending the charm.
Stalking towards his dungeons Snape's mind was still trying to fathom Miss Granger's predicament. The young woman had become very solitary in her habits, but especially so since September when the school year had commenced.
Of course she is head girl, and it could be the responsibilities of that, he pondered. But no, it started well before she came back to school. Has no one else noticed? I would notice, he reminded himself. But what if she was and managed to block… No! It made him feel dreadful nevertheless, even if there was nothing he could do about it? He abruptly terminated that train of thought, but he hated the lurch his heart gave in response to his thoughts.
She was a student, regardless of whether she was an adult, and it was definitely verging on improper for him to be so concerned about her even considering their mutual predicament. A mutinous voice deep within him whispered another opinion. She's of age, it's not a crime, tell her. Snape chose to ignore this voice even as his brain continued to dissect things and he increased his stride towards his office. It is true, he thought, she is of age in both the Wizarding and Muggle worlds. That's not the point though, she is still my student, and I've resolved to save her from rejecting me by not acknowledging anything.
He had noticed her work was still as excellent and definitely as industrious as it had always been, and she seemed to have finally gained new insight into academic process. Her assignments had become more refined and were now succinct works of knowledge. Snape loved receiving them, she had a fine mind and he secretly loved assisting her in extending it. He had been unable to continue with his campaign of venomous remarks now that the war was over. Well, at least where this witch was concerned, now his little comments and hints for further research were genuine attempts to assist, and he had noticed that they were understood and acted on then the work suitably revised.
Severus found this dedication quite stimulating, especially when she had taken to needlessly resubmitting her work for his further consideration. However, whatever had happened between her and her friends had changed her demeanour completely. Possibly it was merely the fact that now the war was over they had nothing in common anymore; she had out grown the two boys years ago. Perhaps it was just the onset of maturity, although he doubted that. She was already far more mature than her years, even if she was still subject to the occasional fit of Gryffindor stupidity.
Once she's away from here she will possibly recover, without the constant reminders of all the idiocy and the weight of lesser minds holding her back. By this time he had made it into his office, and slamming the door behind him he lent up against it. The thought of her leaving in less than six months upset him more than he cared to admit. Possibly he would never see her again. "How can I let that happen?" he muttered, looking at the ceiling. "It's simple, I have to. I must continue to think of her as just another student. She does not deserve to be saddled with me."
Although, even Snape had to admit in his hurry to think Hermione too old to be a student, he had to chuckle, he had even heard her politely correcting professors. In the privacy of his office he had to smile at that. "Some of them deserved it. Damn stupid."
But the fact remained it still bothered him having such intense feelings for her. The passion I've developed for this particular young woman refuses to obey my logically organised mind... magic can be so infuriating sometimes, it's a law unto itself, and it threatens to tumble the rest of my control into nothing, all because a whim of fate attached my broken soul to her pure one when I cured her of a curse. It's almost criminal, and that's why I can never acknowledge it.
He quietly banged the back of his head on the sturdy strength of the thick door, finding the rhythmic thumping therapeutic as he ardently wished he had a cigarette, he'd run out. He had to get this under control, any thoughts he had on the matter were futile. She wouldn't want me anyway. Such a fine young woman would never look my way.
Waving his wand into the air, piano music started to play from somewhere unseen and he drew in a deep cleansing breath. Walking to a cupboard hidden by one of his many heavily laden book cases he tapped it with his wand, and then pricking his thumb with the same wand he pressed the blood droplet to the lock and it clicked open. Putting the pad of his stinging digit to his lips to halt the flow of blood he retrieved his small solid silver sickle from the cupboard, shutting it once more to lock it with another tap of his wand.
The only warning of approach he received was a distant melodious chiming, he raised an eyebrow in response, just the office door creaked and sighed, "Hello Albus," as the headmaster entered, "What can I do for you?"
Severus continued on his intended task, sitting himself behind his desk he opened the padded box before him. He noticed that the headmaster had the irritating glint in his eyes that usually meant trouble for any one he aimed it at.
"Good day, Severus... ah, Chopin again," the old man sighed, and lowered himself stiffly into a chair. "You seem to have a preference for that particular composer."
"Indeed," Snape stated flatly, only glancing up again. "And what makes you darken my dungeons today, Albus?" he asked warily. The Headmaster was very fond of inane staff Christmas functions, and no amount of grimacing or Firewhisky could prepare him for one of those tonight.
"Ah yes, it has come to my attention that a potential problem may be brewing, with our Miss Granger."
Snape huffed. "I have no interest in the hormonal outbursts of students, Albus."
"Ah... so you've noticed."
"Of course I've bloody noticed!" he replied irritatedly as he glanced up from his work of sharpening the blade. "Habits of seven years being abruptly changed tend to make one notice, Albus."
"What do think is at the heart of it?"
"How the hell should I know!" Severus set the headmaster with a stony glare. "Surely I would be that last person to be privy to that piece of information Albus."
Albus sighed, "Severus, I come to you, not because I think you know the castle gossip, but because I value your observations."
Snape set him with a suspicious eye but nodded. "Well, my observations inform me that Miss Granger is no longer friends with the troublesome twosome," he responded calmly, but then flinching added, "Probably the result of some stupid hormonal lovers tiff." Saying this stung him, thinking of Potter or especially Weasley touching her seemed like sacrilege and he unconsciously sniffed irritatedly.
"Yes Severus?" Albus asked inquiringly.
The Potions master remained silent and put all his full attention into his task, purposefully leaning further forward so his curtain of raven hair completely obscured Dumbledore's view of his face. Finally the headmaster cleared his throat and continued, "Do you have assistance for your task tonight?"
"I need no assistance, Albus."
Undeterred Albus continued. "Possibly a trust worthy student," he cast the dour man a quick glance. "Someone like… perhaps the head girl might be interested," he finished in a rush.
The Potion master's head shot up, and Albus saw the momentary flash of panic on his face before his usual cool façade closed his features and the headmaster smiled.
"Why the bloody hell would I want the company of that particular know-it-all Gryffindor. I find the collection of potion ingredients one of the few activities I actually enjoy, and you want me to invite a mere child who does not know the meaning of the word silence to accompany me."
The headmaster clicked his tongue and sighed. "Not a child, Severus, Miss Granger is a young woman of age in both our worlds," he continued gently. "She is intelligent and has a great love of Potions. I would have thought you might find her to be suitably pleasant company Severus."
Severus was genuinely shocked. "Albus!" and he flushed awkward before stating, "She's still a student, what exactly are you suggesting?"
"Severus I'm merely pointing out that her presence might make your evening," he paused, "A lot less stressful."
The dark man instantly bristled and bolted out of his chair. "Well that as it may be, I'm extremely busy, old man, if that's all I'm certain you can see yourself out," and collecting the sickle he swept over to the wall, tapping his wand on the appropriate bricks he disappeared through the doorway that appeared, leaving Albus Dumbledore almost grinning as he brain started plotting further.
The headmaster was capable of seeing many things that a wizard who had not lived one hundred and eighteen year was unable to see, and that was even without being the head of the school. He knew what was happening between his Potions teacher and the brightest witch in the school, regardless that neither of them had acknowledged it. As headmaster he knew everything that happened within his school, and he had recognised their latent bond, and had done since the moment of its inception after Miss Granger had been injured in the battle at the Department of Mysteries.
Albus recognised that Hermione was unaware of the bond, but that she was enamoured with Severus for certain, although she was also unsure of the veracity of her feelings. As he walked from the dungeons the headmaster pondered, Of course in his usual sneaky way Severus is trying to hide from me the fact that all this has happened, and he is no doubt thinking that nothing could come from it. He will be difficult, no doubt, but he will have to see eventually that giving in is inevitable. I will start preparations it is only a matter of time now.
An hour later saw Severus prepared to leave, it was just before sunset as he made his way down the front steps and into the frigid air. As he stalked purposefully toward to forbidden forest, he quietly pondered that out of the four main periods within the year in which he collected ingredients that required special circumstances, this was by far the loneliest. Maybe I should have enlisted the assistance of another? Perhaps I could have asked Miss Granger, that old buzzard was right, I would definitely have enjoyed her company. He gathered himself up and plodded forward. No, he thought stubbornly, No one wants me, and I. Need. No. One.
As Severus was walking towards the forest, Hermione Granger was just starting to think it was time to return to the castle, the sun had all but disappeared in the west and the warming charms she had been using as she sat by the lake reading were starting to not be effective now the sun had slid below the horizon, and it really was getting very cold. She sighed, I probably shouldn't have come down here at all, or let myself get this miserable, but I don't seem to relate to anyone anymore, and I was seized with an overwhelming urge to get away from them all.
Gathering her cloak and scarf closer around her she rose slowly, feeling a little stiff from sitting on the cold ground for so long. Hermione felt that she was not being dramatic when she thought of her existence as a solitary one now, but it was a trial that she suspected would pass with time. She sighed, sending a white clouded of her breath rushing forward, but at the moment she found the events that had separated her from her two best friends on top of losing her parents before the end of the war to be currently the most painful of her constant troubles.
It was just passed twilight as she skirted the edge of the forest looking up periodically to name the stars as each one entered the new night sky. It was then that she heard a noise in the undergrowth, but just as she was about to turn to look, she saw her Potions professor on the opposite side of the clearing, just entering the forest. His distinctive black cloaked figure moved with such grace, and Hermione found herself rooted to the spot, enthralled by him.
A sudden searing pain in her leg made her squeal, and she fumbled for her wand as she realised she was being dragged in the undergrowth at an alarming rate.
Severus had just reached the first bend in the path when he heard it, a pained female cry, and it was accompanied by a corresponding pain in his chest, and understanding of who had cried out became clear instantly. Regardless of whether he had acknowledged it or not, their bond told him that his mate was in danger, and he turned in the direction of the cry at a flat run.
As he arrived at the place he thought the sound had issued from it was to find Hermione desperately clinging to a raised tree root, and her strength failing fast. "Help," she managed to gasp and cried out again as the creature tried yet again to tug her into the bushes.
Casting a lumos spell, Severus saw the tentacle-like fingers of a moon grindylow grasping Hermione around the lower legs. He aimed his wand carefully and fired a stunning spell. He couldn't kill the thing while it had Hermione in its grip, but the stunner made it release her and his slicing hex cut it in two. Moon grindylows were the cousin of swamp grindylows, but far more dangerous as their grip sapped a witch or wizard of their magic.
Once the creature was disposed of, Severus landed on his knees beside Hermione. He could feel her magic already curling around his searching for strength, and it felt amazing. Her magic was so warm and comforting, and he could not bring himself to reject it, in fact overtaken by the rush of endorphins it produced he pulled her to him and cradled her against him.
Hermione was only on the edge of consciousness, but she realised what was happening, she just didn't understand why. Was she hallucinating, was this Professor Snape? He was being so gentle with her. There was not even a hint of the sardonic, ill-tempered Potions master in his manner. Something in her clicked as her strength started to draw from somewhere, and she felt so comfortable, an overriding sense of home enveloped her. She somehow knew that she belonged in this man's arms, and she never wanted to leave.
Hermione tried to open her eyes; she had to tell him what he meant to her, he deserved that. He needed to know that someone loved him, but then she heard him whispering words, they were words of a spell, an anchoring spell and it wove around both of them with a golden glow, and it was at that point that she lost consciousness.
Severus knew that she'd been trying to say something, but she was just too weak, however, he had felt what she had failed to say through their bond. He couldn't believe it, against all the odds she was trying to tell him that she cared for him. It was unmistakable, even though she did not know about their bond, she felt the same.
Did this change everything? Well, yes it did, regardless of how she felt, now I've taken the only measure that would save her I have also entwined our lives, and it has ignited the bond I have been trying to shield her from. Now I need that meddling old man to bind us properly, and he sent his Patronus to Dumbledore asking permission to apparate them both to his office.