Chapter 1

M walked into her glass, underground office early in the morning and found half of her usually tidy desk piled with 30 or so files. She had been looking for an assistant for MI6's new Quartermaster. M had noticed that he had been struggling ever since the move of stations after the terrorist attack on MI6. She found it hard to be annoyed with him, since he was so young and inexperienced especially when it came to handling a whole branch, M had decided that getting him a right hand man would help him keep his sanity. The gray haired women had received notices from other Q-branch employees that the young Q had rarely gone home this past month, much less, got any sleep. What use was he to her if a mental break down would soon ensue? 'Yes indeed,' she thought, 'He needed someone to assist him.'

The old women had gone through many files before this morning, containing candidate after candidate, but none who struck her as the one for Q. Of course they were all qualified but when finding one a personal assistant, she discovered that the two needed to be similar and almost the same or more so in qualifications, a balance that could not be compromised. 'They need to be capable of having a suitable work relationship and have the potential to be friends,' she confirmed her own thoughts. The files she had received for Q's assistant proved less than compatible for Q. These men were too old, most of them in their late 50s. 'I need someone who is young, innovative, creative and slightly quirky,' she thought while examining the files. There were about 25 or so files remaining unexamined but with these standards in mind she began going through the files with a little more speed and accuracy. As she began getting to the bottom of the pile, M began getting discouraged. "Why in God's name are all of these people as old as dust or as inexperienced as grade schoolers," she said, annoyed. Just before M was about to get the last five files, her assistant Bill Tanner, knocked on the glass door. She looked up from the files and motioned for him to come in. "Good morning, ma'am," he said, as he walked into to her transparent office. She nodded to him, "What is it?" she asked, having no time for idle chit chat. "You have asked me to remind you that you have a meeting with Gareth Mallory today, ma'am," he stated quickly and officially. "Thank you, Tanner, have the car ready in an hour," the gray eyed women said. "Yes ma'am," he paused his eyes looking over the files, "having any luck finding his assistant?" She gave a tired sigh, "I cannot seem to find anyone who isn't as old as I am." Tanner was quick to reply, "Do you need more candidates ma'am?" She sighed and thought for a moment, "Yes, I do believe that would be wise," she tiredly answered. "Yes, ma'am." This time he departed, leaving her alone with her thoughts.

M went through four more files, rejecting them all, she looked to her pie to get yet another application when she realized there was only one folder left. "Damn," she cursed to herself. Picking up the file she opened to the first page to find picture of a lovely, young, blue eyed women. She was 24. 'Young,' she thought, 'and female,' she began reading the young girl's file carefully, M had a good feeling about her. "Juliet Parks," M mused out loud, 'she would make a fine assistant.' Looking over Juliet's file she found that she was more than qualified, with a double major from Manchester University for Computer Science and Biotechnology and with a minor in Linguistics, this women was perfect. M found that she also lived 15 minutes from the base and had worked for a Gene Therapy Clinic, she was a biologist and a weapons expert in her spare time. M smiled to herself and called Tanner, "Yes ma'am," he answered. "Mr. Tanner it will not be necessary for you to receive more applications for Q's assistant, I have found her," M stated plainly but with a faint smile growing on her face. Tanner smirked into to phone, "Yes ma'am, I will set up an interview."

Hello everyone! Thank you for reading my first chapter! This is my first story ever! (That I decided I was going to write down!) But I have had it floating around in my head for a while! I hope you all like it and I will try be very regular on updating it but I am so excited to be sharing this story with you all! Love ya, Sky