Four months after the Great Thaw

Gerda stepped through the open study doors. "Your Majesty, I've brought your morning tea."

The Queen looked up from a pile of papers. A smile spread over her lips. "Right on time, as always." Gerda laughed at the familiar tease. Elsa sat the pen aside, capping the inkwell, before moving to the chaise.

Gerda placed the tray on the coffee table. She poured a cup of tea and had it ready as the young queen sat down.

"Thank you, Gerda." She accepted the cup and saucer, taking a sip she hummed. "Perfect as always."

Gerda chuckled. "Thank you, Your Majesty. Do you need anything else?"

"If Anna is available, would you please invite her to join me."

"Of course, Your Majesty."

"Gerda, I need your help." Anna wandered in without looking up. She was playing with something in her hands. "Elsa's arm is falling off."

"I beg your pardon." The Queen frowned at her sister.

"Oh, hi, Elsa." She smiled at her sister, holding up the object. "My Elsa doll, the arm is torn."

"Let me see." Gerda held out a hand. Anna hurried across the room to place the doll in the outstretched palm. With a skilled eye Gerda turned the doll over. "Yes, the seam has torn, I can fix that."

"Thank you, Gerda. You're the best." She hugged the woman, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek.

Gerda patted the arm around her neck. "You're welcome, dear."

Anna released her and dropped onto the chaise beside Elsa. "I knew you could rescue her. You always do."

For a moment Gerda stared at her blankly, before a smile crossed her face. "Actually, not always."

"Not always what?" Anna asked as she snatched a cookie from the tray.

Gerda looked to Elsa, who was enjoying her own cookie. "Perhaps, it's time you told her, Your Majesty."

"Told her what?" Elsa covered her mouth with a hand as she replied.

Gerda stepped to her side. "About the time her dolls were rescued from the Brat of Lienz."

"Oh, that." Elsa ducked her head, looking a bit sheepish.

"It's time, My Lady." Gerda knew it wasn't proper to touch a Queen without being invited to do so. But that didn't stop her from stroking a hand over Elsa's hair. Elsa smiled up at her.

"If there is nothing else, Your Majesty, I'll leave you to your tea."

No, that's all. Thank you, Gerda."

"Thanks, Gerda." Anna called after the retreating woman.

Elsa held up the teapot, Anna nodded yes, and she began to pour a second cup.

"What's she talking about?"

"Well, it's about the time Celina took your dolls." She poured a generous helping of cream into the cup. The tea turned a light tan.

"Yeah, and Gerda rescued them for me." She watched as Elsa added three heaping teaspoons of sugar to the cup and began to stir. "I have to admit, I laughed when that little brat fell down the steps and got a black eye."

"Gerda didn't get your dolls back, and that's not how Celina got a black eye." She held the cup and saucer out to Anna.

Anna's eyes narrowed as she accepted the tea. "So how did it happen?"

"I might have punched her." Elsa reached for her own cup.

"Wait, what?!" Anna's eyes went wide as she sat forward, nearly spilling the tea. "You punched Celina?"

"Yes." She lifted the cup to her lips to hide a smirk.

"You're joking? That's it, your teasing with me." Anna watched her closely.

Elsa lowered the cup. "No, I'm not teasing. I really did punch her. Several times in fact."

Anna stared at her sister for a moment. "Why?"

"Well," Elsa settled back into the chaise. "it all started when you came to my door crying."

The end.