He was FN-2187.

He was a Stormtrooper.

He was a deserter.

When he groggily at the Resistance home base he instintievly fought the arms trying to hold him down. Every synapse in his brain, every cell in his body, and every instinct that had been instilled in him told him to run. Only after the familiar voice of his friend Poe did he calm down. The world was so bright around him. The light so unfamiliar and warming. When he finally calmed down Poe filled him in on what had happened.

Rey was gone.

Well, not really gone. Just on the lone trek to find the Last Jedi; Luke Skywalker. Every sensible part of him knew that this is what she had to do. For the betterment of the galaxy. Hell, she had one of the greatest warriors with her, and was flying in one of the fastest ships that had ever flown. But, still the selfish part of him wishes that she had been there when he woke. She could have calmed him with just a touch. A small smile graced his lips when he recalled an almost lifelike dream of feeling her lips on his forehead. The slightest caress of her finger tips on his cheek, and the soft melody of her words promising him that she would be back.

Finn shook his head coming back to reality. Poe, BB-8, and him were about to set off on a mission for the resistance. It had been three months since he had woke from his coma. In that time he had done nothing but train, study, and run missions against the First Order. He felt sharper, more confident, and stronger than he had ever been.

In his heart though there was something important missing. Something that in such a short time had centered him even in the chaos of blaster fire, explosions, and danger. He smiled a bit larger thinking of her striking brown eyes, and challenging demeanor. How could he not be attracted to her confidence? Rey helped even when it didn't suit her own needs, and he channeled that selflessness into his training.

As he sat placing the last piece of his blaster into place BB-8 rolled by tilting her head slightly. A string of soft inquisitive beeps rangout from the small droid.

Finn nodded his head slightly.

"I miss her too buddy."

BB-8 lowered her head before heading off.

From the distance he heard the voice of his friend.

Poe yelling, "Finn! It's time to go man, teams waiting!"

Finn nodded and stood shouldering his blaster. Taking a deep breath he looked to the cloudy blue sky, and setting orange sun. Even light-years away he could still somehow feel her. Rey was alive, and she was training just as hard. He made a silent promise that when he saw her next he'd be more capable, and he would stand next to her ready for whatever came next.

He is Finn.

He is a Resistance Fighter.

He is a friend.