Oh, hi there! This is the first chapter of Alone, I've been working on this on my one, so excuse of there's weird typos or random words instead of the planned ones. If you have any questions, or you just like it, review. It's ok if you don't. :)

Update: I changed a few things, her job mainly. She's now mostly a detective, but works with Barry for fun frequently. P.S. Don't judge anything you read yet, its way different than it seems...in other words 'guest' was completetly wrong. (She doesn't have Barrys powers, and they're not 'in love' yet.) Be patient, please. :)

Chapter 1: A Broken Girl

Just a girl...alone...orphaned...

I was found curled up into a ball under my bed, shortly after my neighbors called the police.

They heard screaming...it could've been mine. We'll never know, I guess.

I usually don't remember it...that day. I only relive it in my nightmares.

So many nightmares.

The next eight years I mostly spent in silence. It's hard experiencing what I have. A lot of times I unknowingly slip into silence. Barry, Shawn, Iris, and Joe are pretty good at keeping me social.

Anyways, my aunt took me in, she tried so hard. But with her grief and my mental state she gave up one day and left. She didn't come back.

I was fifteen, so I could handle myself.

No one knew I was alone.

It's okay, I liked being alone. I still do.

The neighbors, the West's, they knew I was alone. They helped me. Joe West said his adoptive son went through similar things that I did. Barry was his name.

My name is Katherine Aubrey, in case you were wondering. I'm 25 and work with Shawn Cross. Being a detective gets boring, so when I'm not in the field I work in the Lab with Barry.

This is the story of how a broken girl became something great.


"Kat!" I heard Joe yell, walking into Barry's lab, "You done testing the DNA?"

I laughed and turned to him, "Barry did it when I got lunch earlier."

"Big surprise, isn't it?" Barry added with a smile, "Kat gets lunch while I do all the work."

"Only the boring bits. Plus, I got you a burger and fries."

Barry gave Joe the results from the DNA, "I'll need to do some more tests on a few other things, but this is what I've got."

"Alright, I need it done tonight."


We were working in the lab like usual, talking.

Iris entered and spoke, "Okay, I am ready to see this atom smasher smashing."

"It's a Particle Accelerator, Iris." I sighed, turning to her and taking one of Barry's fries.

"There was a shooting today." Barry said, "Your dad needs me to process some evidence, which means I don't know if we're going to be able to make it to S.T.A.R. Labs."

"But seeing this thing turn on is like your dream. Your sad, little nerdy dream. Besides, I canceled a date for this." Iris said.

"Wait, I think I'd be able to get us there and back without him knowing. Problem is, I'll need a bottle of bleach and some duct tape." At this point both me and Iris were eating his fries.

"Hands off my fries. Unbelievable." He said taking the container away from us. "And we are not doing another one of your crazy plans. Remember last time?"

"Last time wasn't that bad." I paused, "Okay maybe it was pretty bad but it wasn't my fault that that old lady needed her cain to walk." I reached into the container which was in his hands and ate another three.

"I'm stress eating over my dissertation." Iris defended, "We started selling cronuts at Jitters. I ate two today. If I don't graduate soon, I'm gonna be more muffin top than woman."

Barry looked at iris with a bit of a smile and said, "You look amazing." He quickly spoke again, "You both do."

Iris scoffed and replied, "What is so important about this particle accelerator anyway?"

"Harrison Wells' work in quantum theory is light-years ahead of anything they're doing at Cern."

She looked at him with a confused look on her face, "You're doing that thing where you're not speaking English. And don't even say anything, Kat. You do that thing, too."

Barry walked over to a glass window and put a dot on it with a marker, "Just imagine that that dot is everything the human race has ever learned until this moment."

"Does that include 'twerking'?"

I sighed, "Sadly, yes."

Barry then drew a large circle around the dot, "That is everything we could learn from the particle accelerator. It's a whole new way of looking at physics. It will literally change the way that we think about everything."

I laughed and me and Iris said the same thing, "You got to get yourself a girlfriend."

Just then, Joe entered. "Hey, leave him alone. He's working."

"Hi, dad." Iris greeted. A beeping went off, "Your test thingy is done."

"We think the Mardon Brothers are hiding on a farm. The fecal matter I found on the street, it was cow manure, which contained traces of oxytetracycline. It's an antibiotic. There are only four farms in the area that still use it in their feed. "

"Dad, seeing as how Barry solved your poop problem, how about letting him go to S.T.A.R. Labs?"

I grinned and begged him, "Oh my gosh, Joe, please please please!"

He sighed, "Fine, go."


We went, Iris almost lost her laptop, and then we found ourselves in the station. That was before I went home.

I entered my room and opened my laptop, writing in a document I've been working on for a very long time.

"It's been 18 years since the event of my patents murder, and 10 years since Aunt Sarah left. Though it may not seem this way, I am still in recovery.

I still experience nightmares ranging from memories of my parents deaths to nightmares featuring Aunt Sarah doing things to harm or kill me or my parents.

I have told no one about my secret aloneness."

I heard people freaking out over the news. Confused, I looked up at my TV.

"The particle accelerator seems to be reacting to the weather."

I stood up and looked outside my window...just as it exploded.
