What's Left

"A few changes here and there, but I think ultimately it's good," Krystal smiled. I rolled my eyes. She put the book away. "Well, time for us to get ready." Krystal and I had returned to my world. Like I thought, she was immediately accepted into my family. We've been here for about four years. Demi made it so that Krystal and I could have a job after college. I was still the same age as when I left. College was interesting with Krystal. In the least, it was really great. With the college done with, we got remarried. Now relaxing a bit, I finished up the book. I also tried to translate it into Po's natural language.

Oh, Krystal! Well, she looked like a young cute beautiful Asian girl. She was excited about it. Now, we wanted to go back. While I didn't have my powers here, I did have the dimensional rock that Demi gave me. We got dressed and I opened a portal to Po's world. It was spring when we got there. "Achoo!"

"Allergies," Krystal guessed.

"Come on, let's get to the palace," I said. In here, I had my Lion Warrior powers. We teleported to the courtyard of the palace. There was a little kid about nine years old. She was a snow leopard.

"Hello," She said excitedly with a smile.

"Who are you?"

"I'm Lion and this is Krystal," I explained. She gasped.

"Uncle Lion! Aunty Krystal," She said excitedly hugging our knees. "It's me, Miracle!" I snatched my tail up from the ground.

"I remember you," I growled and narrowing my eyes at her. Krystal rolled her eyes.

"It's good to see you all grown up," Krystal hugged her.

"Oh! You have to see everyone," She said, letting us follow her to the Training Hall. She led us to the hall where Monkey, Viper, and Crane were training.

"Hello everyone," I waved. They all ran up to us, nearly strangling us.

"It's so good to see you all," Viper said, who was wrapped around my neck.

"Okay, give me some breathing space," I wheezed out. They let us go and I noticed something on Crane's wing. "Is that a ring on one of your feathers?"

"Yep, I asked Lu to be my wife. We just got married about two months ago," Crane said shyly yet relieved. Krystal hugged Crane.

"Oh! I'm so happy for you," She said delightfully. Just then, the two people I was expecting came in.

"Well well, if it isn't the Lion Warrior," Tigress smirked.

"Hey, hey, hey," Po said bowing at me, "It's good to see you again." I bowed as well. "What brings you here?"

"Well, I finally finished writing and translating the journal. Krystal's helping me with the name. And I can see you two are married," I said looking at the rings on their hands.

"And you didn't invite us to the wedding," Krystal offended.

"We didn't know how to contact you," Po said sheepishly. Just then, I felt a pain in my tail.

"YOW!" I looked at my tail. "And who is this?!"

"Sorry," Tai-gee said, coming into the room and plucking the small child off my tail. "Song and Qiang are out for a little vacation and asked me to watch Fang for them. Don't worry, he's bitten all of us."

"Yep," Viper, Tigress, Monkey, even Po replied. I looked at the little boy.

"You've grown," I muttered nursing my hurt tail. "Where's Master Shifu and Mantis?"

"They went to get the Kung Fu permit. Today is more of a relaxing day. So where is the book?" Tigress asked. I presented it to Tigress. She gently took it. "Now we can see when you spied on us and when you didn't," Tigress smirked. I rolled my eyes. Then I noticed Tigress's shadow was a little wider than usual. I looked down and saw that the shadow moved when she didn't. I saw an eye slowly peak out and then jump back behind her.

"Um do my eyes deceive me, or is your shadow moving by itself?" Tigress looked back and chuckled. She bent down to reveal a little white tiger, about three years of age.

"Lily, don't be scared. This is the Lion Warrior, Lion. The person I was telling you about," Tigress whispered to her. She didn't move. I knelt down and presented my tail to her. I knew she would go for it, which she did. I quickly grabbed her up and tickled her in my arms.

"You have the same 'tickle' spots as your father," I smiled. Everyone looked at me while Po looked around uneasily. "Don't ask how I know this. So this is little Lily. Hehe, you're much cuter in person than I wrote you out to be," I smiled. "And I know you'll be givingUncle Tai-gee a run for his money," I said as she tried to pull at my mane. I gave her to Krystal.

"Hi," She said in a higher voice. "I'm your Aunty Krystal. I'm a friend of your mother. Wow, you have eyes just like your father," She smiled giving her back to her father. Just then, another person came in. "Demi? What are you doing here," Krystal asked threateningly.

"Easy tiger, I'm welcomed here now," Demi said. Krystal eyed Tigress.

"He has to watch the children from time to time. It's his punishment for what he's done. Thank you, Lion," Tigress said.

"You're welcome." I smiled. Krystal elbowed me in the ribs. "Um."

"Go on tell them," Krystal said.

"Well, I wrote this story that I was wondering if Demi and Po would look over with me," I said nervously. Po was excited. So was the child in his arms.

"I would love to," Po replied.

"Well, let's hear it," Demi sighed.

"Well, the title is The Four Warriors. Basically-"

"Why don't we discuss it over lunch," Tigress suggested. I sighed as Krystal rested her hand on my shoulder.

"Sure," I said.

"Alright," Po exclaimed. Lily giggled. I smiled.

"I love you," Krystal whispered to me.

"I love you, too," I replied.

There are other stories that I wrote that weren't about Po and Tigress and there was still others I had to write. But that's another story.