Chapter One: ρЯøΓøGυΞ

It's going to rain…

Was the only thing that crossed his mind as he opened his eyes. His sapphire orbs continued to blink and haze within the brink of unconsciousness as he looked around. Hearing the sobbing at his right, he looked to see a familiar raven head with red highlights sobbing her beautiful silver eyes as she held him in her arms.


"Oh my DUST, you're alive! You're alive…" Ruby choked as she held him closer.

Looking behind her, he could see the massive figure, the… the monster suddenly looking at their direction, guided by the heavy emotions surrounding the two. Coughing as he did, he tried to lift his right arm holding onto one pair of his weapon. Seeing nothing rise up, he looked at Ruby.

"Ch-chain… where's…?"

"It's gone…"

"… then… with my Aura-…"

"It's gone! It's gone, it's gone… that-that thing obliterated it…"

Well shit.

"And… and your… your arm…"

Finally able to move his head, he looked down to see-

"Well… holy shiz…"

A rather large thump was heard, a continuous repeat as it grew closer and closer. Now paying no attention to whatever happened to his arm, he quickly looked at Ruby.

"Ruby… run."

"NO! I won't! I won't run! I won't… I can't… I can't lose you…"

"Ruby… please… y-you have to… what about your family? Your team? What about Ya-…"

"I DON'T CARE! None of that matters right now!" The just recently turned 18 year old girl could only grit her teeth so hard, he could hear them grinding against each other. "If I… If I lose you… then I'd rather die…"

The amount of love and conviction Ruby held as she said those words only moved his heart. For so long, even before his amnesia days, he never experienced that kind of love before. And it was because of that love and conviction that he couldn't let the one he loved die for him.


Looking behind Ruby to see the monster raising one of its many sharpened tentacles to stab her just like how his parents' died oh so long ago, he finally made his decision.

"Thank you… Ruby…"

The girl blinked, ignorant of the tail that shot itself towards her heart.

"I'm sorry…"

And blood flew.

Rain drops fell as Yang Xiao Long raced through the forest, eager, determined, desperate to reach the location her only little sister was. Rushing besides her were her remaining teammates, Blake and Weiss, as well as several other Hunters, both graduating and graduated.

"Yang, slow down!" Her lover called out from behind her, pushing off a ledge to gain leverage. Regardless, the blonde continued to rush through the forest.

"Yang!" This time, Blake was the one to call out. "If you keep this up, your injuries-…!"

"SHUT UP!" Her Semblance running at full blast, the twenty-year-old simply began running faster. Ignoring the stinging pain from her amputated left arm, the blonde continue to rush. "You think I care about my fucking arm, or even about my fucking hair, when my little sister is still out there with him!? Fighting together against that- that- that monster!?"

Her lover cringed and furrowed his brows at the mention at her hair. Her once glorious long hair, now cut short due to the same monster that Ruby and him were fighting, the same hair that he praised to be as beautiful as the stars and the sun, simply continued to glow with her Semblance.

Rain was now pouring onto the group of Hunters, just as they escaped the forest and into the clearing.



"Ruby!" Yang shouted, looking around frantically before her gaze landed on two figures, one kneeling and slouching on a stone wall in front of it with something stabbing through it, while the other was frantically gripping onto the first figure. At once, everyone paled and horrid began to fill their hearts as they could do nothing but stare.

A few miles away from the monster that was creeping towards the two, Ruby was frantically trying to wake up her lover as he slouched face first against the wall. His right arm was practically gone, while his left was loosely wrapped around Ruby as if trying to protect her. His head was dropped and he was on his knees.

"Wake up, PLEASE! You can't die! You just can't!" Ruby continued to cry, shaking his figure again and again, in the hopes that he was just playing another one of his cruel pranks.

Blood dripped from his mouth and onto her forehead, the girl ignoring the blood as she cried still. Many of the Hunters could only look away at the gruesome scene, not being able to look at the corpse of their most respected Hunter. Yang continued to look on, being one of the few who refused to look away.

And still, Ruby cried to the heavens, as if cursing the world for stealing him, ignorant to the tentacle-like tail that pierced him through the heart and over her head. Breathing frantically, she cried out his name over and over and over…