Hey you guys! I'm back with part 2! I'm glad that so far I'm seeing that you guys aren't hating my take on these characters so that might push me to post a new story idea of mine after finishing this and a new chapter of Red & Black. So, none of you guess which Erin Morgenstern book I was talking about last chapter, so I will just tell you. It was his book, The Night Circus. It's one of my absolute favorite books and it's so amazing so I seriously recommend you read it.

Anyways, I know I'm cutting it really close with this chapter but I will hate myself if I don't get it up before Christmas. So even if this ends up getting published at 11:59 pm on December 24, I will still be happy. So without any further procrastination, here's the next and final part!

December 22; Three days before Christmas

Eponine felt like banging her head against the wall as she walked into the café the next morning. Her dream was still running on loop in her head. How could she have dreamt of Enjolras? Was it even Enjolras that she dreamed about? Oh, who was she kidding? She'd recognize that golden halo of curls and striking sapphire eyes anywhere. There was no doubt it was Enjolras. She stored her hat, coat and bag in the staff room in the back and put her apron on almost mechanically while her mind tried to process everything that she had seen in that dream.

No sooner than she had stepped up to the bar, Cosette burst into the café with Marius being dragged along. A few seconds later Courfeyrac, Joly, Bossuet, Bahorel, and Combeferre trailed in. Not wanting to answer the question she knew Cosette would ask, she turned and started to busy herself with the boys' usual orders. Cosette jumped onto one of the bar's stools with Marius remaining standing beside her. The rest of the boys sat at their usual table in the corner by the door and windows. Cosette folded her hands in front of her and Eponine could tell that she was just waiting for Marius to leave to ask. Eponine quickly finished Marius' caramel macchiato and handed it to him in a to-go cup, knowing that if he was standing, it meant he had to leave after getting it for one reason or another. He gave her the money owed, kissed Cosette on the cheek and rushed out after a quick "see you later" to the boys.

Just as Eponine turned to start working on the other orders, Cosette snapped and blurted, "Did you have a dream last night?"

Eponine sighed. She knew that question was coming. Why did she think it could be avoided? "I may have had a dream last night." She said distractedly as she mixed Combeferre's traditional peppermint mocha.

She winced when Cosette let out a squeal. She stayed silent until Cosette pushed, "Well? Don't leave me hanging! Tell me everything!"

Eponine ran a hand through her hair but just as she opened her mouth to speak, Musichetta came in and said in a strict tone, "Don't say anything about any dream until I get back out here." Eponine groaned. Musichetta made it back to the counter in record time and started helping Eponine with the drinks. "As the little blonde lark here said, tell us everything! What happened?"

"Well…" Eponine started unsurely, weighing her options. She decided to just rip the bandage off and get it over with. "We were in my apartment, just us. We were sitting on the couch and it was snowing outside." She started smiling subconsciously as she recalled the dream, "He had his arm wrapped around me and I was snuggled into his side as we were watching Netflix. We were just sitting and watching when he kissed the top of my head. And I realized I had never been kissed like that. Gentle and loving and everything was right with the world. It was… perfect."

Cosette and Musichetta's 'awww'ing at this brought her back into reality and she started the drinks again. "Okay. As much as we adored hearing that," Musichetta started.

"That wasn't exactly what we were looking for." Cosette finished. Eponine bit her lip, waiting anxiously for the inevitable. "Who was the guy? Was it someone we know?" Eponine stayed silent. Cosette and Musichetta squealed. "Oh my God. It was! Who?"

"Come on, Eppy! You have to tell us!" Musichetta insisted. Before Eponine could say a word, the bell on the door jingled and she froze as Enjolras came in and said his usual good morning to everyone before headed to the bar. Cosette and Musichetta both looked at each other with knowing smirks.

"Morning, 'Ponine." She sent him a small smile and quickly handed him his order. Regular coffee with two sugars and a splash of cream. Without his knowledge, she had added a shot of peppermint to the drink. It was a game she liked to play with him to screw with his normal routine. He eyed her silence curiously but took the coffee all the same and went to join the boys.

"Oh. My. GOD!" They both yelled at once. The boys turned to them in question but turned back when they realized it was just their usual behavior. Cosette started squealing, "Your future husband is…" Before she could say his name, Eponine slapped a hand over her mouth to silence her.

"Okay. Yes." Eponine hissed in a whisper to them, "I did have a dream about Enjolras." The girls were about to squeal again when she silenced them. "But you cannot tell anyone about that. Especially him. Do you understand?" Both girls nodded. "Good. Now, 'Sette, I'm going to take my hand away. Promise not to squeal while I take the boys their coffee?" Cosette nodded. Eponine slowly took her hand off her mouth. When Cosette stayed silent, she nodded and picked up the tray with the finished coffee, heading to the Les Amis usually table.

Musichetta and Cosette eyed her interactions with Enjolras. It seemed slightly tensed, which was understandable, but there was still an undeniable chemistry between the two. "You thinking what I'm thinking?" Cosette asked.

"Oh yeah." Musichetta nodded, "Operation: Enjonine is a go." They high-fived, a secret agreement to scheme over text later.

"Enjonine." Cosette mused, "I like it." Musichetta smiled victoriously as they continued to watch the soon-to-be happy couple.

December 25; Christmas day

Warmth filled the decorated café as the Amis, including Cosette, Musichetta, and whatever girls Grantaire and Courfeyrac decided to date this week, celebrated the holiday with each other. Most of their parents either were away on business or didn't care. They were talking, some dancing with the girls they brought, exchanging gifts, or, Grantaire's favorite activity, drinking. Enjolras sat talking with Combeferre at their usual table. Even while he was paying attention, he kept sneaking glances at the door, hoping a certain brunette would walk through. The weight of her present kept him anchored as each minute passed. Combeferre noticed one of his glances towards the door and smirked, "Waiting for someone, Enj? Maybe someone who say, works here? Brunette with brown eyes?"

Enjolras managed a scoff and to lie through his teeth, "I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about 'Ferre."

Combeferre rolls his eyes. "Oh please. You haven't been able to stop glancing at the door since we came and a little lark told me that she helped you pick out a gift for said brunette with brown eyes who works here." Enjolras sent a glare to Cosette who was happily dancing with Marius. The 'little lark' couldn't keep her mouth shut. Combeferre snorted a laugh and clapped him on the shoulder. "Don't worry. She'll show."

Just as the words left his mouth, the bell above the door jingled and the three Thenardier siblings walked in. "'Vroche!" Courfeyrac shouted as he ran to scoop the little boy up into a hug. "Merry Christmas little buddy." He pulled out a bag full of fresh cookies with a bow on it.

"Of course." Eponine chided sarcastically, "Like he didn't have enough sugar in him already."

"Let the kid be, 'Ponine." Courfeyrac defended, "It's Christmas."

Eponine rolled her eyes but allowed Gavroche to tear open the bag and stuff two cookies in his mouth without a word. Feuilly came to take the girls coats. Azelma blushed as his hand brushed hers and followed him to take the coats to the back. When Enjolras finally got a good look at Eponine, his breath caught in his throat. There was no word in the English dictionary to describe how breathtaking she looked. Her hair was pinned up in a crown hairstyle with a few stray curls falling to frame her face. Her dress was his favorite color, blood red. It had a sweetheart neckline that connected to the transparent fabric covering her chest up to her neck and arms down to her wrist, both ending in solid red lining. The dress went to her knees showing off the red ankle boots to match. The gold glitter sprinkled around the hem and neckline made her brown eyes shine brighter than usual.

When he finally caught her eye, she smiled that million dollar smile of hers, complete with the dimples, and rushed over to him. He stood and met her with a hug. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him tighter, almost as if she didn't want to let go. "Eponine, you look… amazing." Enjolras finally managed to stutter out.

"Wow. If I knew that wearing a nice dress and doing my hair was all it took to make the great Gabriel 'Apollo' Enjolras speechless, I would've done it a while ago." She commented in her signature sarcastic tone.

Enjolras scoffed and Combeferre eyed the two with interest. Eponine Thenardier just made the almighty Enjolras smile and laugh. No girl had ever been able to do that in his entire life. This girl was special to Enjolras in more ways than one. With a smirk, Combeferre silently left the table as Eponine and Enjolras took two seats and began a conversation. In a few moments he returned with two steaming mugs and placed in front of them. Eponine said a small thank you and turned back to Enjolras. Combeferre tried to hold back a comment. She was in as deep as he was. Without a word he left the couple to their talking.

"I don't know." She shrugged, "I don't usually wear stuff like this but Cosette designed the dress and made it for me. She said it matched a present someone was going to give me."

Enjolras groaned. "God dammit Cosette!" He muttered, "She can keep your secrets no problem but I trust her once and she blabs it to everyone."

"It's your present?" Eponine exclaimed, a smile widening on her face. She started bouncing up and down in her seat like Gavroche on a sugar high and poking him in the chest. "Oooh! Gimme, gimme, gimme!"

He smiled and swatted her hands away. "Not yet." Her smile fell. "It's kinda personal so I don't want to give it to you in front of all the boys."

Eponine nodded at the explanation and took a sip on the mug in front of her. On first taste, it was hot chocolate but her eyes widened as a sharp taste hit her tongue. "Is that brandy in there?" She questioned.

Enjolras casually took a sip of his and nodded. "Yep. Most likely Grantaire's work." He rolled his eyes. "You know about him and the bottle."

"Do I ever?" Eponine agreed. "There was this one time…" and she launched into a story. She and Enjolras sat like that for the rest of the party, talking, laughing, and occasionally socializing with the other guests. But most of them realized what was going on between the two and decided to give them their space. Before Eponine realized it, it was 30 minutes till midnight. "Sorry, Enj. You'd know I'd love to stay but I have to get 'Zelma and Gav home." She stood and called into the small crowd, "Zelma! Get our coats and Gav! We're leaving in a little." There were groans from everyone as Azelma rushed to the back to get the coats. "Yes I know, you all love and adore my presence but my siblings need to get to bed." Azelma came back in with Gavroche on her heels and handed Eponine her coat. As she slipped it on, she turned back to Enjolras, "Pick this up tomorrow?"

"How about continue it?" He smirked, "I'll walk you guys home." Eponine opened her mouth to protest but decided she liked the idea of him being sweet enough to walk them home. She nodded and he held open the door for them. She dipped into a mock curtsy and headed out. The eight minute walk seemed all too short for Eponine once they reached the door of the apartment.

She ushered the siblings in and closed the door to finish up the night with Enjolras. "So… since we're alone now, can I get my present?" Enjolras chuckled at her impatience and reached into his pocket. He pulled out a small gold box and handed it to her. She gently lifted the lid. Her eyes widened and she let out a gasp at the present. Inside was a briolette shaped ruby on a sterling silver chain. A silver band wrapped around the ruby in a spiral making the red even richer. "Enjolras, it's… beautiful." She whispered.

"I'm glad you like it." Enjolras took the chain out of the box and she got the hint. She turned and pulled her hair out of the way so that he could clip it into place. "Cosette was right." He joked, "It does match your dress." Eponine let out a small laugh before turning serious. He eyed her with concern, "Eponine? You okay?"

Eponine took a deep breath and attempted to still her nerves. It was now or never. "Enjolras, you know that spinster tradition Cosette and Musichetta made me do a few nights ago?" He nodded. "And you know how you said it might have some merit to it?" He nodded again, not knowing where she was headed with this. "Well, you were right. It did. I had a dream about someone that night."

"Really?" She nodded, not trusting her voice. "Who?"

She took another deep breath and nervously pushed a stray curl behind her ear. "Enjolras, please promise me that what I saw or do in the next few minutes won't ruin our friendship, what we have right now."

Enjolras raised his eyebrows in question. "'Ponine, you're kinda scaring me but you know nothing will wreck what we have here."

"Good." She said. Without another word, she turned to face him and pressed her lips against his. Enjolras' eyes widened in surprise and she started to think she had messed everything up. Just as she was about to pull away, Enjolras wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her in, keeping her lips on his. Eponine gripped his shirt bringing him as close as possible as he tangled his fingers in her brunette curls. Both felt like fireworks were going off inside them. Only when air became completely necessary did they pull away. For a few moments they stood just taking each other in and processing what had just happened. "Wow." Eponine finally breathed, breaking the silence.

"Yeah." Enjolras said just as breathlessly. "So I was the one you dreamed about?"

Eponine nodded. "I don't know how or why. But all I know is, I was feeling something for you before the dream and now… now it's on a completely different level." She groaned at her inability to form words in front of this one guy and he instinctively pulled her tighter against him. "It's just… I want to be with you, Enjolras. I don't think I've ever felt like this about a guy before. Please tell me that that kiss meant something to you too."

"Don't worry. It did." He cradled one of her cheeks in his palm and placed a gentle, short kiss on her. "Eponine, I want this, us, as much as you do." She smiled so wide she thought she would split her face and gave him a chaste kiss on the lips. He leaned forward so that their foreheads were touching.

"You really didn't realize you were the one I dreamed about?" Enjolras shook his head. Eponine laughed. "Look at that. Cosette was right twice. She can keep my secrets. Just not yours." Enjolras rolled his eyes at her. "Merry Christmas, Enjolras." She whispered.

"Merry Christmas, Eponine." He whispered back, stealing another kiss from her.

Quote of the Day: Christmas only comes once a year. The love I have for you comes only once in a lifetime –Unknown

Song Suggestion: The Heart of Christmas –Matthew West