A/N: Finally, here's chapter three! This should have been up a few days ago, but unfortunately real life got so busy that there was no time to sit down and write. Thankfully that's all over now!

Fun facts:

1. If you ever see "xox" in my stories, it's because I've forgotten to add the page break in-between scenes. This happens 99% of the time. It's usually fixed within a few hours, but it's still infuriating.

2. This story isn't AU, it takes place about a year before "Revenge of the Sith".

3. There will be five chapters in total. So two more then we're done!


She moves fast, turning her face so his lips land on her cheek rather than her lips… Padme may be portraying Larena, but she will not go to such lengths as to kiss this man. Not only does the mere thought of it disgust her, but such an action would be signing his death warrant… If Anakin knew what is happening right now… She has to get out of here and get to her husband as soon as possible. The longer she stays here, the worse this situation is going to get.

And yet… She doesn't know the intimate details of Larena's life, for all Padme knows, this man here could be the woman's soulmate! Perhaps theirs is the true love story and nobody knows it… Who better than her to understand something like that? What if, before the threats, Larena was counting the hours before she got to see him again? This must be handled delicately. But what can she do? Padme is not Larena and she cannot give him what he wants…

Swallowing thickly, she presses her hands against his chest, pushing him into stepping back just a little. She needs as much space between them as she can possibly get at the moment. If she could get him as far as the opposite wall, she would. He looks confused, hurt even and she pulls her lip between her teeth. Oh Gods, what is she supposed to do?! She hasn't said a word since being pulled inside this closet with him, and her silence has gone on far too long, it's growing uncomfortable. She has to say something… Anything

"Not here, there's too much media attention surrounding this gathering. It's too risky." Yes, that is a legitimate worry! She has said almost those exact words to Anakin numerous times in the past. Surely this… Man cannot refute them. Gods, Padme wishes she knew his name. It would certainly make things much easier. Slowly, her gaze lifts to meet his again, just in time to see the disappointment in his eyes, sending a wave of guilt crashing through her. It must be done she reminds herself… When this is all said and done, he shall have the real Larena in his arms again, and all will be well.

Unfortunately, he steps back into her personal space, and Padme tries not to tense, she truly tries… Once more his hands are on her waist and she swallows thickly. "You cannot expect me to last a full week of being so close to you, and not so much as kissing you." He growls, and her hands come up to grasp at his forearms tightly, whether to push him away or to hold him in place so his hands do not wander further, she doesn't know. The longer this man touches her, the worse she's beginning to feel. It's wrong, wrong, wrong… Only one man has the right to touch her, to hold her like this and Padme is terrified he's going to sense her feelings and come in search for her.

The man before her is as good as dead if Anakin realises what's happening…

Her attention is quickly drawn away from her thoughts as he steps closer still, pressing his body against hers, kicking her feet further apart to create a space for him and Padme tries not to grimace as she feels his hardness press against her stomach. Oh no… No, no. This is not happening. She hears him whisper huskily about her dress driving him mad with wanting her tonight, and her mind races. There must be a way to get out of this without doing something that will hurt Larena's life. "Let's make the most of what time we're able to steal here…"

Padme opens her mouth to speak again, desperate to stop this madness when she feels him brush her hair over her shoulder so her neck is exposed to his hungry emerald eyes, just as her desperation to end this mounts, he pauses, looking at her with narrowed eyes. "Wait..." He mutters, leaning just a little closer and hand on her hip tightens its grip as his face changes, the lust and want she sees there is quickly replaced by anger. What's going on? "You said you weren't sleeping with him Larena! Why the hell is there a mark on your neck?" For a moment, Padme is too stunned to comprehend the way things have shifted so quickly, she can only stare at him, wide eyed and speechless. A mark on her neck… Gods, Anakin left a mark on her neck! How could she have forgotten about that?

"I-I… I'm sorry, it's just-" She begins, but he cuts her off, releasing her waist at last and she cannot say she isn't relieved.

"Is this why you won't let me touch you? Because you're with him?" Gods have mercy on her, what is she supposed to do to rectify this? Is there anything she can do to fix this, or has the damage already been inflicted? Carefully, Padme braces herself for the words about to leave her mouth, fighting back the urge to recoil at the mere thought speaking them to anyone but Anakin.

"My love," she begins, ignoring the discomfort she feels offering such a title to this man, she continues on, "there are some things that I cannot confide in you right now, but trust me when I say that soon you'll know the truth of everything." Fighting through her hesitation, she reaches up, touching this man's face as she would her husband's, a tender touch of her palm to his cheek as she speaks again. "Endure this week, and I shall make up for every disrespect you feel you have suffered. I promise…" He sighs, leaning into her touch and she attempts to smile, though it feels like something far closer to a grimace. "I have to go, they'll be wondering where I am…"

Before he has an opportunity to speak further, Padme slips out of the closet, taking a few steps backward once the doors slide shut behind her and tries to calm herself down a little. The most she is able to do is catch her breath before turning around and taking off down the hall as if it is the bounty hunter at her heels. Mercifully, she still has her wits about her enough to walk into the hall calmly rather than burst in crying her husband's name as she would very much like to.

The moment she walks into the room, she sees him, and she suspects he senses something because at once his head snaps around to see her. The concern is clear as day on his face and Padme struggles not to rush toward him, to keep her composure in public. Instead, he rushes to her… Unlike her, Anakin cares nothing for what people around them think. As soon as he is close enough, his hands reach out, taking hold of her arms by the elbows and she's glad of the touch. "What is it? What's wrong? You're trembling…"

"Take me back to our bedroom." Padme demands, unwilling to discuss these things here. Not when the man she has just left behind in the closet could appear at any moment. The last thing they need is Anakin unleashing his lightsaber and cutting him down. She knows her husband enough to know that is exactly what he would do.

"What? Padme," he whispers her name quietly enough so only she hears it leave his lips, and the sound of it is soothing. If she never hears the name Larena again it shall still be too soon after this experience. "Tell me what's wrong."

"Now Anakin! Let's go…" He sighs; releasing her arms and slips his own around her waist. The walk back to their rooms is silent, he is tense beside her and her eyes scan every corner, every doorway half expecting the man to appear and say something before she can… Or worse, try something in front of Anakin. There would be no stopping his fury if either of those happened, and she has no desire to see such a thing again. The sight of their door is a welcome one, and she steps inside the moment the door slides open for them. Now they're here, she has to tell him but only now she realises she has no idea how to put what has just happened into words… What can she say to make it sound better? To keep his possessiveness in check?

"I'm having an affair." The words leave her mouth without permission, bursting forth so suddenly that even she is shocked to hear them. At once she wants to smack herself in the face – so much for easing him into it! Anakin reels back as if she's just struck him and at once Padme seeks to rectify this blunder, stepping closer to him but he speaks first, shock and disbelief dripping from every syllable that leaves his lips.

"What? What're you talking about?" Damn her nervousness… Gods only know what's going through his head now! Why did it have to come out like that? She is a politician, usually so eloquent with words and getting her point across and yet when she truly needs such a skill it fails her completely! Reaching for his hand, she for once brings his knuckles to her own lips, pressing what she hopes is a reassuring kiss to the scarred skin there.

"What I mean is, Larena is having an affair. I was just pulled into a supply closet by her lover." If she believed this would soothe him at all she is very mistaken, if anything he tenses further and she sees his hand reaching, almost instinctively, toward the lightsaber attached to his belt. At once, the Senator takes his hands in hers once more, keeping them from his weapon and sighs. He cannot challenge an innocent man for buying into the lie they themselves are living right now. Whoever that man is, he has no idea that she is not Larena, so in Padme's eyes, he is blameless… Despite her total and complete abhorrence for extra martial affairs, no matter the circumstances, she will not judge him, nor Larena. However, if it were up to the Jedi before her, he'd have charged out of the bedroom on the hunt for the lover by now, so she must keep him calm.

"Anakin calm down…" Releasing his hands, she reaches up, cupping the back of his neck with one hand and tugs him down enough to press their foreheads together. More often than not it is touch, rather than words that manage to quell his temper, or fears. Right now, Padme senses he needs both from her, that possessiveness he has toward her surely must be roaring at the prospect of another man attempting to touch what he perceives to be his… Holding her in ways only he is permitted. "Relax my love. I evaded his touch for the most part." Allowing her own eyes to flutter shut for a moment, she leans further into him, sighing when strong arms cage her to him tightly. He is still tense, but calmer, and that is the best she can hope for right now. Despite her theory that Larena's lover may be who she truly holds in her heart, Padme cannot help but wonder how anyone could break their marriage vows in such a way… The very idea of another man's touch is repulsive. She knows to her very bones that there could never be anyone else, no one but her husband could ever capture her heart, or make her body sing the way he does. There is no one in the Galaxy who could ever compare to Anakin Skywalker. Of course, she is aware not all marriages are like theirs… Not all partners love each other so deeply, so wholly as they do. For that, she counts herself as a very lucky woman indeed.

Pulling back so she can look up, into his striking blue eyes, Padme decides they are both extremely fortunate souls. Not only to have found such a love so equally shared between them, but to have found it in such trying times as the Republic faces now. Without the fleeting days and stolen moments they share, she isn't sure how she would have survived all this time, with the Senate growing more corrupt by the day, and the ever growing powers of the Chancellor, sometimes it is only the thought of returning to their apartment in 500 Republica and the embrace he'll give her that allows her to push on forward. Padme preys it is the same for him while he is out there, fighting for them, for freedom and for the Galaxy.

No, she deduces quietly to herself, there could never be another.

"Don't be angry. After all, it is not me he sees, is it? It is the woman he loves… It's no different to you dragging me away for a stolen moment or two." The cold of the dark leather he wears on one hand presses against the skin of her cheek as he caresses her skin lightly, the anger still burning in his eyes despite the gentle touch. She is no possession, he knows that well, and yet she is completely and utterly his. And he belongs solely to her. It is undisputed, something he never hides. Padme is willing to bet there are many who are fully aware of his love for her; Anakin has never hid it, not when he was a lovesick Padawan and certainly not after their marriage… Leaving it to her to laugh off his affections as nothing more than a lingering crush. She's heard fellow Senators commenting once or twice at his frequent visits to her pod, but pays them no mind. It's easier to simply act exasperated at his open flirtations than to deny everything.

"It is different, you're my wife. You aren't his to touch… To want… Force Forbid I see him where others do not." Anakin warns darkly and it strikes her that words like these from him should awaken some kind of a fear within her, a worry about the anger he carries on his shoulders, after all she has seen what it is capable of driving him to in the past, yet there is none of that. All she feels is a desperate need to soothe him of this jealousy he feels. Partly because Padme loathes seeing him like this, she always has, it is too strong a reminder of the trouble her belief in Clovis caused them, and partly because she fears what he may to do to this man if given an opportunity.

"I told you, he barely touched me at all. Despite his eagerness for something more, I left him with promises only the real Larena can keep." With a small turn of her head, her lips press against the leather covering what once was his wrist, and then it is the corner of his mouth blessed with her kiss. She feels him, fighting the urge to smile and knows she is winning this battle.

"Show him to me. I want to know who he is."

"So you may drag him off somewhere when I'm not looking and beat a warning to keep away from me into his skull? No. I won't have you doing anything that will affect the real Tardun's life Anakin. He shall remain anonymous to you for the remainder of our time here." Better he doesn't know this man's identity, despite any promises she may draw from him, it wouldn't be safe. Padme does not even know his name, and perhaps it is for the best, lest Anakin attempts to steal it from her mind.

He would be confined to his side of the bed for the foreseeable future if he dared.

What falls from his lips, to her surprise is not an argument against her keeping this man secret to him, but instead a quiet bark of laughter. There is true mirth behind it, and the sight makes her smile too. "You know me too well my love." He concedes, this time gifting her with his kiss. It takes several moments and several more chaste kisses exchanged between them before Padme truly feels him relax against her fully. The sensation is as if she has been granted breath once more, because this means the anger is gone, for now at least, the dragon within him calmed for the moment.

"We should go back," he mutters at last, ending their embrace, yet keeping his hands on her waist as he speaks. The sensation, unlike before, in the supply closet is one she welcomes wholly. "We all but marched out of there earlier." He is right, to anyone who hadn't heard them speak yet saw them; it would have looked very much as if they were on the cusp of a fight. The Tarduns certainly have plenty of ammunition to fuel a thousand arguments from what she has learned today and perhaps all this is merely the tip of the very large iceberg.

"Are you sure appearances are the reason you wish to go back? Perhaps you merely want to show off your wife…"

"You should be a Jedi." More of that blessed laughter accompanies his words, despite confirming his true intentions, Padme laughs with him. She can't help it; true laughter from Anakin these days is something quite rare to her ears.

"And you a Sith, for your cruelty."

For everything she has brought along to Alderaan, Padme is the most grateful for her own nightgowns. Under the cover of night they're able to slip off the HoloRings despite what danger may lurk outside and let the act fall away with the devices. Dawning something that belongs to her not Larena is a further relief. It's these quiet hours of the night where Larena Tardun is gone and Padme is simply able to be herself, and despite how she enjoys the freedom impersonating the socialite grants her marriage, it is nice to leave the pretence by the door.

It's quiet; Anakin has long since retreated into his own mind, bent over the large desk looking over a map of the grounds of House Organa. She watches him, through the wide mirror of the dressing table as she pulls a hairbrush through her curls, readying herself for bed. Usually it is his eyes following her every move while she does this, but tonight Padme is glad of the shift in habits… It has revealed a side of her husband that her eyes have rarely been graced with. It is not her Ani she watches now; it is General Skywalker, preparing yet another battle strategy. He's planning how best to draw the bounty hunter out from the shadows, poor Obi-Wan has been pushed to his limits with the Tarduns, he'd all but said so today while he and Anakin spoke through Holos. They are not easy people to live with apparently; she does not envy the Jedi his task. She almost feels guilty for enjoying this time while their friend suffers.


"I said it before; an attack is more likely if we're together, isolated from the other guests. We just have to draw them out…" Anakin murmurs quietly, more likely to himself than her, or perhaps he's merely thinking aloud, unaware of the words leaving his mouth. No matter which, Padme rises from the cushioned stool, abandoning the hairbrush in favour of offering her help. Maybe her perspective holds the key to creating a plan; she may be able to see something he cannot. Her mother always says fresh eyes on a tired subject are invaluable.

"You're right. If he were to attack one of us, then alarms would be raised, and getting the other would be a much more difficult task." Dark eyes take in the complicated map for a moment or two, looking for isolated areas where no innocents could possibly be pulled into the situation if the assassin were to grow desperate. The map is a little difficult to manoeuvre, it must be worse for him, so used to Holomaps on Republican fleets. "Where are we now?" She asks quietly, eyes trained on the large expanse of gardens detailed along the map. There is movement to her left and then Anakin is behind her, his arm reaching for hers, flesh hand curling around her wrist as he guides her.

"Here." He uses her hand to point; even simple contact like this sends wonderful shivers tingling along her skin. "Six floors up." Engaging this person indoors isn't something Padme wishes to do. It's too dangerous… There are too many others here who could be hurt and that is a risk she is not willing to take. "We could lure them outside, into the gardens?" Once more his hand guides hers, trailing along the drawn pathway that leads out, into the gardens. "The only problem is we'd have no cover, so anyone who glances out of the window would see everything…"

He is right; this must be as quiet as possible, if they can manage nobody finding out about any of this, it shall be a job well done. Padme allows herself a moment to scan every path, every corner and alcove in the gardens while she thinks, attempting to see what thus far, he has not. The idea strikes her abruptly, and the moment it does, she cannot believe neither of them thought of it before now. It's so simple! Anakin shall kick himself for not thinking of it before she did.

"What about the maze? What better an opportunity could a bounty hunter hope for? If we walk in there at night, it's doubtless they'll follow." After a moment, she feels Anakin's lips against her temple, and turns to him with a smile. It is not often a Senator can out strategize a war General, especially not one as accomplished as him!

"You are brilliant Angel…" He releases her hand, and she watches him step around the desk, closer to the drawn maze. He studies it carefully, reaching out with a single durasteel finger to trace the twists and turns, occasionally muttering something beneath his breath. It takes Padme longer than she cares to admit to realise he is attempting to commit it to memory. Only he would try such a thing… It would take all night to begin to remember the corners much less the dead ends and twists. She could easily take her leave of him and go to bed, but she is determined to be as much a part of this as he is.

"Once we're inside the maze, you can challenge and apprehend them quickly enough. Especially since they are expecting the son of a Senator, not a Jedi."

"I'm not going to challenge them at all; I'll wait for them to challenge us. Keep the element of surprise and all that." He shrugs playfully as if battling a dangerous assassin is nothing of any true importance, his over confident smirk makes an appearance across his mouth, almost daring her to roll her eyes. She would, if she was ignorant to the dangers he faces every day, however she is not, and Padme is painfully aware that this mission is most likely the least precarious task he has faced in some time.

"When will we set the trap?" It may make her a terrible person, but she hopes they don't bring this mission to its culmination too quickly; it's too soon to bid farewell to the freedom they've been allowed here. After a taste of such sweetness, how can she possibly be expected to leave it behind again? Perhaps Obi-Wan shall suffer just a little longer, but have they not earned this time alone, uninterrupted, free of their duties to the Republic? They are selfless in sharing each other with the rest of the Galaxy, why should they not for once decide to be a little selfish?

"We could easily do it tomorrow… But let's wait a day or two. I want more time with you before we leave." Relief washes over her powerfully, almost eliciting a sigh borne of it. He isn't ready to leave either, they still have time to be together and Padme has never smiled wider, she swears it. They could talk about free time and bounty hunters all night long, but it is late, and between evading Larena's lover, keeping her husband from committing murder and remaining in character all day, she is exhausted.

"Come to bed, you're going to need your rest, tomorrow Bail plans to keep things political from what I've heard. All merely hypothetical of course, this is a retreat after all." Just as she expected, Anakin blanches and doesn't fight back his childish groan as he rounds the table. Even after all this time, everything he's experienced and learned, he still carries a strong distaste for politics. Earlier in their marriage she'd hoped to bring him around, to open his eyes to what she sees in her career, but Padme has long since given up on such ambitions. He is hopeless…

"Things have been positively dull here… Your mother has come twice, determined to see you. So far it's been a combined effort from both Typho and myself to keep her away from Sabe. She now believes your illness is very contagious and you aren't to have any visitors." Guilt floods Padme as Dorme speaks, in her excitement about getting away with Anakin, she hadn't thought about her family. Of course her mother would wish to take care of her if she's ill, the thought should have crossed her mind in the planning of all this. She must be so worried… Well when this is over, the Senator vows to make the time to visit her family. It's been too long since she saw them last. Ryoo and Pooja must have grown considerably by now! And perhaps Anakin can come along too… Under false pretences of course.

"How is the mission going?" Dorme asks, her voice tears Padme from her thoughts, and she's glad of the distraction.

"Very well, the bounty hunter is here, and they're watching us closely. We have a plan, but Anakin think's its best to wait another day or two before taking action." The moment the words leave her lips, it is obvious her friend does not believe a word of it. Of course she doesn't. If it were Sabe she were speaking to, then perhaps there would be a chance of her words not immediately being dismissed as pure fiction. Which, of course, they are… She still wishes Dorme couldn't see through her so easily sometimes.

"I see how it is. You're taking longer than necessary to enjoy an extra romp or two while Sabe and I are trapped here, going out of our minds. If she makes me watch another of those late night HoloNet romance movies, I cannot be held responsible for what may happen." Perhaps she should begin to take her friend's threats more seriously, yet Padme only laughs. She has no doubt there may yet be a need for Captain Typho to resolve a fight between those two, but she doesn't believe they wouldn't enjoy it for a moment. Those two have been play fighting since they were her handmaidens as Queen. Rolling her eyes, the former Queen fakes an exasperated sigh before speaking.

"I already told you, you shall be well rewarded for your suffering." A clear interest sparks in Dorme's eyes as her blue form standing on the Holodisk seems to glance over Padme's shoulder for a moment. What is she doing now?

"Yes, you did say that didn't you? Where is that brooding Jedi Knight of yours? I believe he and I have a special night together to arrange." Gods not this again… The last thing she needs is Anakin getting wind of this. He'll never let her hear the end of it! That ego of his is already large enough; it does not need further inflation by her wench of a friend.

"He is in the fresher after his morning run." Dorme's only response is her tongue swiping across her lips, making her extremely uncomfortable. The woman knows exactly what she is doing! This is all a cruel new form of tormenting her and unfortunately it is working. This, by Dorme's logic, means she shall not let up any time soon.

How soon can she begin interviewing potential new handmaidens?

Leaning back in her seat, she shakes her head, praying to the Gods for strength. They know she needs it while dealing with this one… There is nobody – nobody – in the Galaxy other than Dorme who would dream of asking their employer such a thing! If her friend is so desperate for a night with a Jedi, then perhaps she should have Anakin put in a word with Obi-Wan? He lives by the code, but perhaps he could be persuaded otherwise?

"If you are that worried about it, you're free to watch us… You may even enjoy the sight!" At once Padme's eyes widen in shock, she cannotbe suggesting such a thing! To her complete irritation, she feels her cheeks heat up embarrassingly at the mere suggestion. By the Force this woman is mad. She feels her jaw slacken for a moment under the weight of her utter disbelief, then tense when Dorme's control slips and the sound of her laugher fills the room. Why does she put up with these things? Any other employer would have cut ties with this one long ago.

Dorme is lucky Padme loves her as she does Sola.

"Goodbye Dorme." Is all Padme says before ending the transmission. The sooner this little joke of hers dies out, the better. She has no sooner placed the disk down onto the glass table placed before the chair when Anakin emerges from the fresher, fully dried, yet covered only by the white towel wrapped around his waist. The mere sight of him nearly tears a gasp from her mouth… He is stunning, all hard muscle, littered with battle scars and slightly sun kissed skin… Thank the Gods she ended the transmission before he stepped out, who knows what Dorme may have said otherwise.

Looking to distract herself from her visual worship of his body, Padme reaches for the HoloPad on the table and attempts to focus on the information waiting there. What has Bail planned for them this morning…? Multiple options, debates, discussions and a question and answer session with the Senator of Kamino on the subject of the clones. She'd attend them all if she could, but she already knows Anakin would rather pierce himself with his own lightsaber than sit through all that. Such a shame… Rising from her seat, never once taking her eyes from the screen, Padme steps across the bedroom to begin dressing as she reads the details offered on the small screen.

"You know there's a debate scheduled today concerning what is better for the Republic, creating a whole new banking system or attempting to fix the flaws of the current one… This is something Bail and I have discussed at length. I have many opinions regarding this." Behind her, she hears Anakin's low chuckle, and somehow he is pressed against her back before she can turn her body toward where he previously stood. His arms snake their way around her waist as his mouth takes advantage of her hair pinned up messily and begins a trail of worship along her neck. If only every morning began like this…

"I don't doubt it." He mumbles against her skin, paying loving homage to the sensitive spot below her jaw, eliciting a small gasp from her. "But does Larena have opinions on such things?" At once, she huffs, frustrated. This could have proven to be a golden opportunity to talk fellow Senators around to her point of view on such matters, yet she's confined to playing the part of Larena… It isn't fair, she could have… Oh… Her train of thought is forgotten when he nibbles gently at that same sweet spot, and despite the lingering irritation she feels, Padme tips her head, granting him better access. "You're a socialite here, one who prefers the parties, not the politics." Anakin reminds her huskily; his tone sending powerful shivers crawling along her skin. He's right, she knows this, but it's not easy to swallow.

"If I don't get to talk about such things, I'll grow rather… Discontented. You won't leave me alone will you?" She could almost laugh with the smugness lifting her spirits. A whole day trapped listening to political talk, much less hypothetical political talk which in his view, accomplishes nothing, is a true form torture for him, and she knows it. What she knows more is, he can never deny her anything…

"Padme…" He pleads, halting his kisses. What she says, and what she does are two very different things. She is not a cruel woman, if she was, then perhaps she would force him to sit through every one of the talks with her, fortunately for him, she has no intention of making attend even one.

Although that doesn't mean he must know this right away.

"You would leave your wife unhappy and alone Master Jedi?" Despite playing the part of being shocked, Padme reaches back, running her fingers through his hair before urging his head back down to continue his good work. As always he takes her none too subtle hint and gets to work. "Shame… If I must go alone, then I'll have to leave earlier which means I won't have time to ensure you aren't left…" Trailing off, she shamelessly leans back; grinding her backside against the growing hardness she already knows is there. The feel of him sends a wave of hot want rushing through her body. "Frustrated."

At once his arms tighten around her, holding her in place as her hips roll in tight circles against him. He says nothing in response to her teasing, something she lets him away with for only a moment or two. What is the fun in toying with him if there is no reaction after all? "We must mingle with more Senators today. Together and apart. You've impressed me with your knowledge of Axxila thus far, but perhaps we should use this morning to educate you on the Tarduns? Your knowledge in that respect is somewhat lacking."

Sharp teeth scrape across her racing pulse, where he's marked her already. "I think you'll find no part of me is lacking milady…"

"Perhaps not. You'll have to provide thorough evidence of this Master Jedi. After all, you cannot play the part of a Senator's son if you know nothing of his life or accomplishments." Calloused hands abandon her waist, climbing higher along the curves of her body until his fingers curl around the strings of pearls around her shoulders, pushing the silky nightgown shielding her body from his hungry gaze down. Perhaps, for now, his education on Anto Tardun can wait.

It's extremely difficult to concentrate on the debate between the Senators of Affa and Aleen on the high platform before them when Merci is whispering endlessly into her ear about who is wearing what, and who has been spotted leaving whose bedchambers throughout their time here. While perhaps the latter half of the gossip may have been interesting at another time, Padme would much rather not hear these things. She is a firm believer of someone's business is theirs; no one else has a right to discuss it, and certainly not without said person present.

She'd much rather hear her fellow Senators discuss their views on the discussion of banking.

However, Larena would not…

Focus on the mission. Padme Amidala is not here, Larena Tardun is however and she would be very interested in what Merci has to say. Not for the first time since sitting down, she wishes Anakin were here. He's off Force only knows where. Most likely he has found his way to the hangerbay to play with the ships and the mechanical toys. Gods know he doesn't leave poor Artoo alone when he's bored, it wouldn't surprise her to see Bail's ships receiving the same treatment.

Merci leans closer suddenly, so that Padme can feel the woman's breath warming her skin as she whispers, "I heard Jarex tried to get some yesterday. He is not happy darling…" At once her attention is ripped from anything happening on the platform and focused solely on the Twi'lek beside her. What did she just say? Jarex? The lover, his name is Jarex… Where has she heard that name before? He's certainly not a Senator, that much she already knows. Jarex… Jarex… Jarex Norith! Yes, Padme knows exactly who he is! She has seen his name in many HoloNet articles alongside Larena's. He owns a string of Coruscant nightclubs Larena and her crowd frequent, not to mention other more questionable establishments in Bespin.

Isn't this gathering supposed to be for merely Senators? That is what Bail mentioned when he invited her last month; yet the palace is half full of socialites and cooperate higher uppers. These people are everywhere, including the Senate… Padme doesn't like this; it speaks volumes of the corruption trickling into the government, though nobody lifts a finger to stop it. Where does the ignorance end? Finally, after a tense silence passes between the two women, she turns her head back toward the platform.

"There is too much media coverage here. It's too risky." She speaks in a whisper; one only Merci shall be able to hear. Larena's affair thus far seems to have remained a secret, Padme won't be the one responsible for its exposure. "When our time here is done, then there will be plenty of time for us. Is he still here?" She prays he has gone, far away where her husband's wrath can touch him. How can she possibly enjoy this time here with Anakin, knowing Jarex is here, watching his love, happy suddenly with the husband she's evidently promised to leave for him? It's cruel…

"He is." Is all Merci says, following her gaze toward the platform. Two little words send Padme's hopes crashing to the ground and she struggles not to sigh. The real Larena will have quite a challenge ahead of her if she's to explain away everything they're doing here, she doesn't envy the woman. Perhaps when they return to Coruscant, she should attempt to contact her? It may be beneficial… "I don't know what's going on with you and Anto, but if you've decided to stay, to give it another shot, keep it away from Jarex. It's not fair Larena."

Eyes wide, jaw slack, Padme feels more like a reprimanded child than a woman grown. She certainly has not given Merci enough credit. For a moment the fun loving exterior of the socialite falls away leaving a stern woman, tongue poised and ready to spit venom when there is need for it. She meets Merci's eye for a long moment then, with a blink, lowers her gaze and gives a small nod of defeat.

They're both quiet after this; however the chance of enjoying the talk has died, leaving only a heavy tension settled between them. There is nothing more to say for now, but neither is particularly comfortable either. Or perhaps, she is the uncomfortable one. Merci's warning rings loudly in her mind, because she is right. It isn't fair to force this Jarex to endure her and Anakin's affection, not when he sees the woman he loves in the arms of another, even if the other man is Larena's husband.

Excusing herself quietly, Padme stands and begins walking toward the door at the back of the large hall. Though the hall lights are shut off in favour of the Holoprojector, the natural sunlight of Alderaan keeps the room bright. Bright enough, that the spherical black droid that follows her, darting from window to window, antenna stretched high and little light red as it records, is easy to see. At first, she thinks nothing of it, dismissing it as merely another HoloNews crew's surveillance droid, until an awful realisation washes over her suddenly. That droid is far from top of the range, after stealing a second glance she sees it's old, scratched up and has clearly seen many better days.

The HoloNews journalists have more than enough funding to purchase up to date technology, especially for capturing events like these. No crew in their right mind would send such an outdated model. There is only one other person who would wish to track her here, and if they have sent a droid to keep tabs on her then it means they must be nearby.

She must find Anakin, and quickly.

Slipping out of the room and into the deserted hallways of the palace, Padme pushes back the twinge of nervousness that sparks. She has her blaster after all, she is not defences, everything will be fine. Now, if she can work out where exactly the hangerbay is, then she can reach Anakin and let him know what's going on. Perhaps this bounty hunter is tracking him too? If so, they have to be more careful in what they say around each other… What if they're being recorded? The thought stills her walk suddenly as a terrible sense of dread claws its way through her chest. What if they're being recorded?

For all they know there could be bugs in their bedroom, recording everything they say and do. Such information would carry a far higher price than the deaths of the Tarduns. The HoloNet and News journalists would pay any price for an expose on her marriage to Anakin. Gods, she has to find him, now.

Taking off once more, Padme prays she is walking the right way, she's only visited Bail's home a handful of times in the past. Certainly not enough to know her way around fully. Behind her, heavy footsteps echo around the abandoned halls, despite her brisk pace they seem to only come closer and closer. To the left, the damned droid is back, watching her through the beautiful windows reaching from the marble floors to the high ceiling, and after a moment it emits an alarm, descending so it is light is level with her face. The footsteps are louder suddenly, somehow heavier, as if their source has taken off in a run… Oh no…

She rounds the nearest corner, not turning to see what awaits her there, instead focussing on what – or who may be following her. If the bounty hunter comes this way searching for her, Padme is ready to reach for her blaster; she has had plenty of practice in the past. Stepping backward, chest heaving, she is stiff in anticipation when she collides with something solid behind her so abruptly that the force of it, combined with her instinct to get as far away from it as she can almost send her flat on her face on the floor.

Two hands catch her by the waist, steadying her so she does not fall, but she fights against the touch, clawing sharp nails across their fingers. Somehow despite their tightening hold, Padme pulls herself free and stumbles away from them, panic festering in her chest until she turns around. Instantly relief floods her body, washing away the panic and fear, calming her senses so quickly all she can do is gasp.

"Padme, calm down, it's me! Angel, relax!" Anakin reaches for her again, and this time she all but throws herself into his arms, seeking the warmth, the safety only he can offer her. Her heart is thundering so powerfully, it'll be a miracle if he does not feel it pounding against his skin. "What happened? Are you alright?"

Burying her face into the soft wool of his shirt, so different to the coarse cotton robes he usually wears, Padme struggles for a moment to force the words past her lips. "It was them! The bounty hunter, I swear it… They were right behind me. The droid, I think it was recording me – there could be a bug in our bedroom!" It all comes tumbling out of her mouth in no order, a mess of words and gasps until he's heard everything. He releases her immediately, moving to peer out of the corner, eyes narrowed in concentration. It lasts only a moment or two, but it feels very much longer.

"There's no one here. Whoever was behind you must have taken a wrong turn. They're gone." Padme steps into his arms once more, calmer now yet she still trembles. While there is no doubt she could have handled herself if a confrontation had occurred, it's still frightening. A stark reminder that this is a dangerous mission, not simply a retreat with her husband. There is a real threat lurking these halls, and it's growing closer with each passing day. Anakin's kiss lands upon the top of her head, quickly replaced by his chin as he waits, patient for once, for her to calm down fully.

"Tomorrow. We're ending this tomorrow." He declares lowly, and she lifts her head, horrified. No, not tomorrow! They're supposed to wait a few days, to draw this out as long as they can without seeming suspicious, not leave early. That's what they agreed!

"Ani, no. That's not what I-" His flesh hand comes to cup her face firmly; determination hardens his face as he looks at her, interrupting her words with his own.

"I won't have you in danger Padme. Nothing is worth risking your life for, not even a few more days alone together." His tone leaves no room for argument, and for the second time this day the former Queen relents, leaning her head against his chest again though for once her eyes do not close in contentment. It all ends tomorrow… Their blissful freedom, her stint as a socialite and the bounty hunter's mission here. By this time tomorrow, it'll all be over.