Author's Note: -This is telepathy-

Chapter 5


Davis cackles as he hears Miyako's horrified shriek before he makes his way to see Taiki. Time to have fun helping the Trap King unleash unmitigated, unprecedented, unholy Hell upon the bitches that had taken his sibling like figures from him. He still had Tai and Kari...but losing Usagi-nee had about gutted him. Only having Ken had kept him alive. Usagi had been the one to give him hope for a better future, and then her senshi had brutally ripped her away from him! He still had Shinya and Tomoki too, his triplet brothers from different mothers, even if Shinya was actually his cousin. Usagi though, she had been the older sister he had always wanted, but hadn't gotten in Jun. Jun was a fucking bro-con, and with her being an adult now...that was also shotacon, and pedophilia as well.

His favorite memories of Usagi were when she was teaching him how to prank the unholy Hell out of someone, and not leave any evidence behind. With Takuya...Davis sighs wearily...losing him had almost been just as bad. Takuya, from the very beginning had always treated Davis like another little brother, then they had been called to the Digital World where he had gained Tomoki, Tommy, as a brother. It had been Takuya that had fought to have Davis tested for learning disabilities, Takuya whom stood up for him with his parents. Usagi had handled Jun, but Takuya had handled Davis' parents, and when they refused to listen to Takuya the chocolate haired and eyed male had called in his mother to deal with them. Needless to say Davis' father did not like dealing with Yuriko when she was pissed the fuck off. There had been a reason why he had an open invitation to stay at his aunt and uncle's place. He had generally shared a room with Shinya after Usagi came into Takuya's life.

Yuriko had no problems with the blonde sharing a room with her eldest son, in fact she would have loved it if Takuya and Usagi had given her grandbabies. Davis runs a hand through his burgundy colored hair as he crosses over into Shinohome, he could not wait until Water and Flame returned to them.


Kanbara Shinya looks at the last picture ever taken of his big brother, and the girl that would have become his big sister. The light brown haired male still keeps part of his attention spread throughout the very roots of all the plant life in Shibuya, along with the leafy green parts as well. Had anyone told him he would essentially gain Wood Release like the Shodaime Hokage in Naruto when the Wood Spirits chose him he would have laughed his ass off. Now, however, he was so loving every minute of being able to keep the damned senshi out of his home. The biological little brother of Takuya wished his big brother would hurry up and get back to Earth. Then again, he knew Usagi-nee wouldn't want to deal with her senshi's bullshit anytime soon, and he really couldn't blame her for that either.

The only times Shinya could remember seeing her truly happy were when she was with either Taku-nii or Dai-itoko. Dai-itoko had taken their loss harder than anyone else, simply because they had actually given a damn about him. They had encouraged him, always made time for him as well, yeah, Shinya truly understood why his cousin missed them so damned much. Hell, only he and Tommy were even allowed to call him by his Japanese name anymore as anyone else calling him by said name hurt him too damned much...Usagi had always called him Dai or Daisuke. Shinya missed them, but it wasn't as keen as it was for Dai-itoko.

Himi Tomoki, preferred name being Tommy, frowns as he patrols Shibuya, everywhere he looked he would see phantom images of Takuya, hear his laughter, his indignant curses, startled yelps...yes, Usagi had in fact startled him several time before they fell to the senshi. Only she had ever been able to sneak up on him, and damned if Takuya had ever been able to figure that out seeing as how they had been connected empathically and telepathically due to the engagement level soul bond they had been in. Takuya had been the brother he'd needed since Yutaka had been far too old to truly connect with him. He had never asked his parents to give him all those things yet Yutaka, even now, couldn't see that. Tommy had been forced to cut his biological older brother out of his life, especially after Takuya and Usagi fell in battle. Davis had needed him, and Shinya, along with Ken just to function. If not for having an active soul bond with Ken Tommy had no doubts Davis would have joined the pair in death.


Selena curls into her other half still sound asleep, Takuya was in the blissful in between state of sleep and wakefulness. Why the Hell had he been so damned stubborn last lifetime? Had he known what he was missing out on...well...if there was one thing he would change it would be actually claiming Usagi as a lover. He regretted nothing else from back then, only that. That they hadn't completed the soul bond between them, hadn't acted on the physical aspect of their relationship more. There had been a hole...for lack of a better way to describe himself that had been closed now. Like he had been missing a key part of himself...only he hadn't noticed it until it was there. He knew damned well they would have to deal with the senshi once and for all soon enough though first...Darcy. Bitch fucked with his best friend in this life, no way in Hell was he letting that stand, and he knew damned well his other half could get very creative when truly motivated.


Stella was currently in the training room blasting targets, she had just found out what had happened to prompt her little sister to teleport herself and Takuya to their mother's castle with such a lustful look in her eyes. Brandon had told her the whole story as Saladin had cast a spell to let them watch what went down when Riven sensed Takuya was pissed off about something. Yes, Takuya's rage was an actual palpable force in the air. Those that knew him exceptionally well...they could sense his mood shifts. Odds were very good on her sister and Takuya having completed their soul bond. Stella would keep quiet if only because her Daddy could be highly unreasonable about certain things.

Flora, Bloom, Musa, and Tecna all watch as Stella puts the training room through its paces as she takes her justifiable rage out on something acceptable. Ms. Griselda was actually stunned by how brutal the Solarian Princess was being. It would be after that, that she would find the videos on the Web that were warnings about pissing off Princess Stella of Solaria, Queen Luna of Solaria, and Takuya of Domino in regards to Princess Selena of Solaria. Not all the girls used the room as anger management, but for girls like Stella and Bloom, this room was the best way from them to unleash their fury before it exploded in the worst way, and at the worst time. Of course, any fool pissing any of the fairies off during that time of the month deserved what they got.


The senshi were re-evaluating how to go about liberating the areas they didn't control from the Digidestined. Had they realized exactly what their Hime had set loose upon them, well, Sailor Pluto would have headed for the single most fortified bunker in all of existence to avoid the coming Chaos, Chaos which was all too reminiscent of that time and dimension traveling asshole known as Zelretch. He'd punted one of her counterparts into Haruno Sakura already. Zelretch gave any Sailor Pluto permanent migraines from the sheer MAYHEM he caused for shits and giggles. The fact that the asshole would be drawn to their dimension thanks to Kudo Taiki and Motomiya Daisuke...Pluto would go straight for the Asgardian Mead, refusing to deal with the asshole sober.


When Loki Odinson starts cackling for no apparent reason everyone save for Thor and Queen Frigga take several large steps back, " Son, what has you so amunsed? "

" The sister of my soul has unleashed Kudo Taiki with no restrictions upon those damned bitches that killed her, and her true soul mate. Not to mention said sister of my soul is now considered married by the Ancient Laws of Magick. The sheer CHAOS, ANARCHY, MAYHEM, BEDLAM, INSANITY, MISCHIEF, HAVOC, and DISORDER that is in the ether at the moment...excuse me...I need to go watch this in person. "

Thor and Frigga exchange looks, " The Moon Princess has been reincarnated once more, is considered married by the Ancient Laws of Magick, and she's unleashed someone whom is capable of amusing my son this much before things even get started? Thor, where do you go drinking? "

Thor leads his mother off without a word. Loki being that genuinely amused at what was to come...the only way to deal with that was to leave sobriety in the dust for weeks.


Eris cackles in delight as she can feel the delicious Chaos in the ether. Her cackling honestly terrifying the Olympians save for Hermes, he could sense it too, and Hephaestus was already giving Izzy the inspiration needed to make the appropriate cameras to film everything appropriately. Hephaestus felt his cousin damned well deserved to be able to watch what she had unleashed upon those traitorous fools that were her senshi.

In between the Digital World and the World Where Dreams Become Reality:

The data of MaloMyotismon seethes as it struggles to pull itself back together. That damned Motomiya boy would pay for what he had done to him. Of course, had he realized that Davis was more Kanbara than Motomiya, and in fact the Legendary Warrior of Earth, Inheritor of AncientVolcanomon's Will he might not be so hellbent of revenge. He would return in the guise of NeoMyotismon. He has no way of knowing that Gatomon and Davis stiffen at the same time. The pair were the President and Vice-President of the Myotismon Hate Club with Ken as their treasurer. It would only be once Davis returned to the Kamiya apartment that he and Gatomon realize with no little amount of trepidation that the annoying pain-in-the-ass, refusing to stay deleted Myotismon might be staging another comeback.


Henry Wong smirks mercilessly as he uses Tuxedo Kamen as his own personal punting toy. Ruki only allowed him into Shinjuku so she could watch him kick his ass so thoroughly it was humiliating...for Kamen that is. Henry was generally a nice all around person, he was the more pacifistic of the Shinjuku Digidestined save for Jeri. However...well...Kamen just pissed him off. Henry couldn't fully explain why Kamen's mere existence pissed him the fuck off though. It didn't hurt that the bastard had, hand a hand in the death of Japan's beloved national heroine. Then again...Henry had known Takuya through Koichi. Koichi actually attended his Tai Chi lessons, and Takuya had met the warrior of Darkness after class the one day. Takuya, from Henry's first impression of him, was a stand up guy, more willing to do whatever the Hell it took to protect his precious people. In some ways Takuya reminded him of a dragon, strong, fierce, stubborn, and Takuya hoarded his precious people, they were his treasure.

Henry takes great pleasure in dodging those pathetic assed roses. To be fair even Kamen was stunned the damned things had worked on the youma all the time. Mostly because of the What the Fuck moments they all experienced at the fact someone was using a rose as weapon. It wasn't even a respectable Rose Whip like Youko Kurama/Minamino Shuichi used either! Henry also dodges every swing of Kamen's cane, using the man's momentum against him, and sending him sailing over the boundary line, " Ruki, let Masaru know it's his turn to play with him again. "

Ruki cackles, " You got it, Henry. I gotta say, never thought you had something like this in you. "

" He pisses the purely primal male part of me off, and I can't for the life of me figure out why. " Henry admits.

Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon, Digimon, Ranma ½, Winx Club, or any kind of Mythology.