A/N: When your first love dies because he sacrificed himself to save humanity, what do you do? You work it out.

Chapter 15: Work It Out

The sound of the alarm startled him, his body trembling for a moment as his emerald eyes widened in fear. After a few deep breaths, he calmed, and gently closed his eyes to clear his mind before reaching for his clock. He ran shaky fingers through his hair as he sat up, it was damp from sweat and his skin hot to the touch. Why? Did he have a bad dream? He couldn't remember.

The arm around his waist clutched his t-shirt with a tight grip. The blue teen craned his neck to see the blond curl into a ball closer to his side, attempting to steal his warmth. Immediately, he felt a relieved smile grace his lips.

"Hey, get up." He said softly as he brushed his fingers through soft golden locks.

"Nooo...don't wanna." The boy whined as he burrowed further within his nest of blankets.

"You have to, buddy," he chuckled, feeling the boy relax under his caress. "We missed two days of school, we gotta to get back on track."

"We don't have to," the fox hybrid huffed tiredly.

"Well, I'm saying we're going, so we're going. I'll let ya sleep in a bit cause you took a shower last night, but I'm trusting you to wake the knucklehead before I get out of mine."

Tails sighed dreamily. "Alright."

He untangled himself from the sheets then rose out of bed to amble into the boy's bathroom. He disrobed then turned the shower faucet so that he could enter the tepid water and fully wake up. Shampoo was poured into his hand before it was scrubbed into his cobalt hair, though he noticed that it had grown in the past few months. Once being just past his shoulders to now reaching midway down his scapula, he didn't mind the increased length, just as long as the ends remained sharp. He raised his hand to push his wet bangs out of his face, only to catch sight of a glimmering object around his wrist.

Shadow's golden ring.

The water continued to pour on him as he stood there, his emerald eyes fixated on the memento, though glazed, lost in thought as he remembered the darker Mobian.

'I was supposed to save him, but I failed. The first person I found myself in love with, and I let him down. He's gone, and it's all my fault because I was too weak. I'm always too weak no matter how much I try to hold on...This always happens to me, just like when I was a kid.'

He bit his lip and closed his eyes, repressing those thoughts like the habit it had become. There was nothing he could do about the past, what's done was done. He had wanted to save Shadow, but in the end, the exact opposite had happened. As much as it tore him up inside, he had to honor the other. He had to appreciate what the other hybrid did for the world, what he did for him. The only thing he could do was remember him.

He briefly wondered if this was destiny's sick way of telling him he wasn't meant to be loved. Despite that, he still tried hard to prove it wrong. Maybe one day he could beat the odds.

A soft sigh emitted from his lips as he mulled over a new subject; it was Wednesday, meaning his adventure had lasted four days, since he was arrested by GUN on Saturday. He dreaded all the make up schoolwork he had waiting for him, though he sincerely hoped that his teachers would go easy on him. After all, he saved the world twice.

He ceased the flow of water by turning the knob, then exited the shower before pulling a clean towel off a rack and wrapping it around his waist. He held it there firmly as he left the bathroom and made his way through the narrow space in front of the door between the closet and his older brother's bed. He nearly stumbled into Knuckles, who had been changing into his clothes, as he picked out his outfit with one hand. Being crowded together was nothing new to them after living together for years, they were well used to this lifestyle.

Knuckles squeezed his way past him to get to the bathroom while he slipped on his vest. He sat on the redhead's bed as he put on his socks and gloves, eyes darting towards his own to notice that his little brother was gone, probably all ready to go. He entered the bathroom, ignoring his brother yell at him for invading his privacy as he brushed his teeth and left, telling the other that he should learn to lock the door if it bothered him so much.

He sauntered straight towards the living room, pausing as he saw two of his younger siblings whispering to each other with contemplative expressions on their face. Amy's eyes locked onto his and she stopped mid-sentence, sealing her lips in a thin line. Tails whipped his head around, blue eyes roaming over him curiously.

Were they talking about him?

"Hey, Sonic," the preteen greeted him as her gaze softened. "Are you sure you want to go to school today? You've...been through a lot lately. Maybe you should rest?"

Instead of frowning, he concealed his annoyance with a smile. "I'm fine. It's best that we go back to school. We can get back into routine that way."

Tails pouted at her. "See? I told you he's fine. He always is. He's not sensitive like you are."

She crossed her arms as she glared at him, completely affronted by his statement. "Yeah, but he's still a person…" She muttered under her breath.

Cream and Cosmo opened their bedroom door to greet their older siblings in the living room, with Cheese flying close by his beloved partner. The rabbit Mobian jumped into her older brother's arms, glad to have a chance to see him safe at home after a long adventure. She had been too tired the previous night to give him her full enthusiasm, but now she could hold him all she wanted. "Christmas is soon!" She cheered before nuzzling into the crook of his neck.

Sonic giggled before adjusting her in his arms so that she sat on his hip comfortably. "Very true, only a week away! I'm sure Santa will have so many presents for you guys!"

Cosmo stood next to Tails, shly reciprocating the broad smile he gave her. "I can't wait. I've never celebrated Christmas before, so this should be exciting."

"You'll love it!" the blond assured her, his twin tails waving excitedly. "When we lived on West Side, Sonic always made sure Christmas was fun. Now that we have a home and more friends it should be amazing!"

The blue hybrid grinned. "As long as you remember it's not about the presents, it's about the memories you make with the people you love."

Knuckles entered the room and stood next to Sonic. "Are we all ready to go?"

"How's the weather?" He asked as he placed Cream on the ground.

"Sunny." His little brother replied.

"Then yes, we're ready." He held the young rabbit's hand in his before leading the others towards the front door. "Let's get this day started."


"Shortly before break we will be having a test on everything we have learned up to this point. In other words, you must study from the end of the Common Era when the Xorda invaded all the way to the end of the Lost Era. After Christmas break, we'll start the Modern Era." Mr. Stewart picked up a pile of papers and began handing them out to the students. "I've created a study guide you all can work on in class. You may work with your peers, but please, stay focused. Any questions and you may ask me."

"Thanks," Sonic grinned as his teacher handed him a packet. The teacher nodded with a warm smile before handing Silver his.

The tan Mobian on his side picked up his desk and moved closer to him as Mina rotated hers. Knuckles and Vector moved out of their seats and took vacant desks nearby the trio before joining them to create a circle.

"Alright, so around 2025 CE the Xorda invaded Earth...what caused the invasion?" Silver answered the first question then read the second.

"Uh, some guy name Kintobor took one of their emissaries and dissected it, right?" Sonic answered unsurely. His memory was somewhat rusty after his hectic weekend.

"Yeah, that sounds about right."

Mina flipped through the pages with a frown on her face before raising her hand.

"Yes, Mina?" Mr. Stewart walked over to the mongoose Mobian.

She brushed some stray purple hairs out of her face, her green eyes scanning the page. "I have a question concerning some of these questions; they seem a little outdated."

"Ah, yes." He faced the class and raised his voice. "Class, many of the questions on the second page concern information we have learned recently due to Sonic and Knuckles' adventure during the Chaos Crisis. You can cross those questions off since they merely discuss the multiple theories of where Chaos Energy comes from and now they've all been debunked."

He sent Sonic a wink, and the blue teen beamed.

"You know, he was out while you were too." Mina whispered to him as their teacher left.

"Yeah, I could've sworn I saw him on TV at some point?" Silver shrugged. "Maybe he didn't want to spend the end of the world teaching?"

The mongoose hybrid chuckled. "Probably." She glanced at Sonic, noticing that the other seemed...zoned out. Perhaps bringing up recent events triggered something? "Hey, Sonic, have you made any new songs lately? I'd love to hear them!" She smiled, hoping that it snap him back to reality.

"Huh-" He blinked. "Oh, yeah, totally!" A grin grew on his face.

Silver nodded, agreeing. His eyes glanced towards Knuckles and Vector, where the former was helping the reptilian hybrid understand the questions about the Lost Era, especially the ones about his namesake tribe.

"Hey, can we meet up sometime today? I'd like to show you something." Mina asked the blue Mobian.

"Oh, alright. Sure!"


"No, but like, why do we live in the Modern Era? Isn't that a little subjective? 'Cause isn't every era is the Modern Era for the people that live in it." Sonic mused aloud as he ate lunch with his friends, taking a bite out of a burger shortly after.

Tails frowned at his older brother before scratching his cheek pensively. "I mean, yeah, you're right."

Blaze smirked. "At least it's not known as the Eggman Era, thanks to you."

Their table laughed; as if an Eggman Era would ever happen.

"So, the Common Era was the 21st century, right?" Knuckles asked carefully.

"No, it goes back further than that. From the year 0 to 2025 CE." Silver answered.

"Then after that was the Lost Era," Blaze continued. "That lasted approximately nine thousand years. Not much is known about that period except for that's when the mutations all occurred."

"Right." The redhead nodded. "Then when my tribe created the Master Emerald and recorded history, that started the Modern Era."

"Exactly." The feline hybrid replied.

"Okay, I think I'm ready for that test next Tuesday then."

"The Modern Era is actually pretty expansive." Tails told the echidna. The redhead shrugged, not really caring for material he didn't need to know yet.

"I'm gonna guess you read ahead again, huh?" Sonic smirked at the fox hybrid.

"Well, yeah."

"So, what happened? Explain in the simplest way possible."

"Well, there was the Ancient Period with the tribes and stuff, then the Advancement Period occurred about a thousand years ago, that's when we started making civilizations and creating an actual government. Then we hit the Rediscovery Period in the last few centuries."

"Ah, the Rediscovery...that's when we began turning back to our human roots, yes? We unearthed many things from our prehistoric past." Blaze noted.

"Yes, and because of that we were able to evolve rapidly as a species. They found a lot of books and movies from that period, so we didn't have to learn everything from scratch. We had a foundation to fall back to."

"...That's when we got all of that old music, right? And all of our pop culture?" Sonic's eyes squinted slightly as he was unsure if he was correct.

"Yes," the blond smiled at him.

"You know, Sonic, if you're interested you can always visit the library." The feline suggested. "They have a wide variety of books. I'm sure you could find some fascinating books on music. The Common Era apparently valued entertainment above all else."

"It's kind of a shame that our society isn't really into music anymore." Silver pursed his lips. "The focus is all on science and the military, mainly because that's what GUN wants."

The fox hybrid sighed. "Yeah, but I read somewhere that there are multiple intelligences. Music is actually very good for the mind, and Sonic, you're very talented when it comes to that stuff. That's one area I seem to lack."

The blue teen blinked, completely shocked that Tails was complimenting him on intelligence. "Uh, thanks!"

Knuckles was only half-listening to the conversation as he chewed his fries. He hoped he would catch sight of Rouge, as they normally made eye-contact during lunch. It was just a thing that became theirs ever since they became well-acquainted. He wondered if she was distraught over what happened to Shadow and stayed home. He decided he would have to try visiting her later to make sure she was alright.

"Hey, Blue!"

Sonic tensed. He knew that voice, unfortunately, and it had been months since he last heard it. What did the green-haired Mobian want now?

"Scourge," he answered simply, noticing the way the rest of his table narrowed their eyes and prepared themselves to back him up, if needed.

"Woah, woah! Calm down, babe!" The other teen smirked. "I just wanted to know how you've been holding up!"

He raised a brow, watching him askance as the grin on the other's face grew wider. "What are you talking about?"

"I'd like to offer my sincere condolences for the death of your boyfriend. Tell me, Blue, how does it feel to have the people you love abandon you? First your parents, now this-"

Emerald eyes widened in shock while his friends stood abruptly to defend him. The green Mobian grinned deviously, amused by the other's stunned reaction.

So the hero of the world had a weak spot. That could work for him and his plans, if only he didn't have his friends. Luckily, he had his own gang.

"Get the hell out of here!" Knuckles snarled. He had known Sonic the longest, he knew that the younger had issues with abandonment, especially after their conversation at Sky Sanctuary. He was great at hiding it, but things like that didn't just disappear, especially when he had no one until they met.

Scourge shrugged, though the smug grin on his face didn't disappear. "I'm just being a nice guy. I'm expressing my sympathies."

Blaze narrowed her eyes. "You call that sympathy? You're very cruel."

"If you don't leave right now, we'll make you." Silver warned.

The threatening teen sniggered, ice blue eyes glancing at all the offensive Mobians before lingering on the stunned hero. "Alright, alright. This isn't the last you'll hear from me, though." He turned and left. The others relaxed and sat in their seats once the green hybrid was out of sight.

Tails patted his older brother's arm worriedly. "Sonic, are you okay?"

He blinked a few times before glancing at the kit with a smile. "Yeah, haha, I just got caught off guard."

The blond suddenly felt very concerned for Sonic's wellbeing. Maybe Amy had a point...

"That was a dick move," Knuckles huffed, too pissed to censor himself in front of the kid. "Who the hell says shit like that?"

"It was uncalled for," the feline hybrid scowled. "He needs to be taught manners."

Silver nodded in agreement. "Yeah, like what's his deal anyways? We get it, he's attracted to you. I don't understand why he's an ass about it."

Sonic sighed. "He...didn't like Shadow. At all. They had a confrontation once." He left it at that, as he wasn't sure if he had told them all the story about what happened months ago when he was drugged. If he hadn't, well, he really didn't want to bring it up.

"It's funny how he seems to think he even has a chance with you." The albino huffed while crossing his arms. Blaze sucked in her lips, attempting to conceal an amused grin. Her best friend being obliviously defensive was very humoring.

The blue teen chuckled. "Yeah, he's too much of a jerk and thinks he's cool. Newsflash, he's not."

Tails and Knuckles relaxed, glad to see that he was in a better mood.

He always did look his best with a smile on his face.


"Where are you taking me?" Sonic asked the mongoose Mobian he was following. Mina had found him at the end of the school day and asked if she could show him something, which he agreed to. They were in the lower level of the school, nearby the cafeteria and auditorium. He couldn't help but wonder what she had in store for him.

She shook her head. "I can't say. That'd ruin the surprise!"

"I see," he grinned as he let her lead him down the hall and into a classroom. It was large and spacious with lockers on the wall and in the center were chairs and music stands surrounding a podium. She led him to a door in the back on the other end and turned the handle, revealing a small room with an antique piano against the wall.

"Oh, wow."

"We're in the band room. I normally come here for my choir class and music elective, but sometimes there's no class and its free for students to use. Despite that, it's usually empty, which is nice. I'm sure in the other rooms there are guitars if you like those better, but I think I remember you telling me you know piano? Maybe?"

"Yeah, I learned piano first…" He approached the instrument and caressed the smooth wood with his hands. It was beautifully made. "Thanks for bringing me here."

"Anything for my partner in song, haha. It's nice to have a friend who understands the art of music. It's great for taking your mind off of things."

He nodded absentmindedly as he pressed a key, a nostalgic gleam in his eyes. 'When you hit one, it makes a sound; When you hit many, you can make a melody.' The voice from his childhood, the one he refused to remember, came back against his will. He shook his head, brushing it away. Move forward, he had to move forward.

"Well, I have to go because I have a date with Ash. You can stay if you want, the school is open way into the night for all the older Mobians that take college night courses here." She suggested.

"I guess I'll leave too, but I'll definitely come back here. I'll get all my songs and themes."

Mina smiled as she held the door open for him.


It was dinner and Tails sat in his seat looking conflicted. Cosmo watched him from his side worriedly, concerned that he wasn't feeling well.

"Tails, is something the matter?" She asked softly, her sky blue eyes searching him.

The fox hybrid looked up stunned before blushing and scratching the back of his neck. He laughed nervously. "I'm fine, Cosmo! Really!"

He noticed the way she pouted doubtfully, and how her mouth opened to respond.

"Hello! May we join your table?" The two kids turned their heads to see who was talking, only to find a group of Mobians they've never seen before. Well, Tails recognized Mina and Rotor, but only them.

It had been the redhead Mobian with blue eyes that spoke. Her voice was clear, elegant, and friendly. Sonic smiled at her. "Sure, Sal, if you can find a place to sit." He nodded towards their crowded table. Of course, there was a little more space as Rouge and Shadow weren't there, but he didn't want to replace their seats so soon. Especially if the bat was just absent for the day and the idea of someone taking Shadow's spot made him uncomfortable.

"Ah, true. Perhaps we can seat ourselves beside you at the table parallel to yours." She glanced at the other table, noticing that it had three occupants she was familiar with: Sonar the Fennec, Trevor Burrow the Mole, and Spike the Porcupine. "Is that alright with you, Spike?"

"Huh-" The porcupine Mobian glanced up. "Oh! Sally! Yeah, you can join! Hell, the whole end of the table is yours!"

"Thank you," Sally smiled before facing her group of friends. "How should we sit? Three on each side?"

"Yeah, let's have a girl side and boy side." Mina stuck her tongue out at Ash, who frowned with displeasure.

Sally and Bunnie chuckled. "Sure, hun. We can do that." The latter humored the younger Mobian. "'Toine, how 'bout you sit 'cross from me, 'kay?"

The coyote hybrid sent her a look, but complied begrudgingly. He hadn't been keen on the idea of switching tables.

The Freedom Fighters settled in their new seats. Sally turned and faced the blue teenager.

"So, is this your family you mentioned? It's quite large."

"Ah, right. I should introduce you all to the kids!" He beamed. "Well, beside me is Tails."

"You're the prodigy Rotor's told me about, correct?" The chipmunk Mobian smiled at him. The young boy blushed sheepishly as he nodded hesitantly.

"Then there's Cosmo, and Amy." The Seedrian smiled shyly while Amy glowered at her. Ever since Sonic first mentioned Sally to her, she was filled with instant dislike towards her. She was the blue hybrid's number one girl, and would accept no competition. "And back there with the chao is Cream."

"Wow, the kids are very adorable. You raised them?"

He grinned. "Yup!"

"Hey, I helped." Knuckles frowned.

"Yeah, sure you did, but I did most of the work."

"Aww, what a bunch of cuties!" Bunnie cooed from beside her friend. "I'd love to get to know y'all personally!"

Tails and Cosmo exchanged a look as their cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "Thank you." They both said softly, feeling shy under the attention. Amy smiled politely and nodded, while Cream cheered enthusiastically, they being the more social ones.

The gang resumed talking, only this time the Freedom Fighters were included. Multiple conversations went back and forth between the two tables, yet Cosmo continued to watch as Tails rested his head on the palm of his hand, scowling in deep thought.

"Tails, please tell me what's wrong. You seem sad, and that's not you at all."

The Mobian sighed. "I don't know what to get everyone as a present. It's hard, but I know Sonic is gonna get us a bunch of stuff and I really want to get him something too, you know?" He answered her softly.

The Seedrian paused and nodded gently. "Ah, I understand. I'm really not familiar with Christmas, so I'm at a loss on what to give people too…" She pouted, suddenly feeling dejected.

Tails widened his eyes. "No, no. You don't have to buy stuff for anyone. I technically don't have to either, cause we're kids. But, I don't know, I know it'd make Sonic really happy if we did something nice for him."

"Well, I would like to give Sonic something too. You're all I have left now, it's the least I could do after you've all done so much for me."

He smiled at her. "Maybe we can work together to get him something?"

Cosmo smiled, her blue eyes brightening. "Yes, that would be perfect."

Mina overheard the whispers being exchanged and an idea suddenly popped into her head.

"Hey, Tails." She turned in her seat and whispered. "I've got an idea for you."

The blond glanced at her. "Oh? What?" His eyes widened. Cosmo awkwardly looked between the two as she was still unfamiliar with the mongoose, though the fox had known Mina for months now.

"You guys could get him a keyboard. They have great deals at the shopping distract down by the shore. Then you can use your tech wiz to create a laptop with some audio program he can use to make his music. I think that'd be cool."

He grinned. "He'd love that."

"How would we pay for the keyboard though?" Cosmo asked.

"You all have money cards the school issued. They add more cash every month depending on your grades, but you two are good kids. If you haven't used them that much then you should have some money saved. A keyboard is pretty expensive though, so putting your cash together might just be enough."

"All right. Thanks, Mina!" The mongoose nodded with a broad smile before turning back in her seat. The fox hybrid looked at the Seedrian and smiled. "So, are you still in?"

"Of course!"


"Cosmo, what should we do for the others? We can't just get them nothing!" The Seedrian watched as Cream pouted while she held Cheese in her arms, staring out of the playground tunnel they hid themselves in.

"Well, Tails and I are planning on getting Sonic a keyboard. You can help us by splitting the cost on your money card, if you'd like?"

"Sure! Sonic loves music! He'd be really happy with that!"

She smiled. "Perhaps Amy would also like to lend a hand?"

The Mobian shook her head, glancing at the preteen as she talked with her friends Honey and Tiara over by the swings. "No, I asked her earlier if she'd help, but she said she already had her own ideas on what to get us..."

Cosmo sighed. "So we need to figure out what to get Sonic, Knuckles, Tails, and Amy. I'm sure the two of us can think of something."

The rabbit paused, watching as Sonic talked with Tails, Silver, and Blaze as they all sat on top of the monkey bars. What did Sonic like? He liked running, tea parties, flowers…

The younger of the two smiled widely as an idea struck her. She gave Cosmo an enthusiastic look; the plant hybrid was the only one who could help her.


Christmas Eve came around soon enough. After a week of school, and an annoying test on Tuesday, Wednesday was the last day of class. Sonic absolutely loved how easygoing all his teachers became. Why couldn't they always be so laid back? He really enjoyed how they all just played Christmas movies from the Common Era.

Thursday was an exhausting day for everyone. Amy baked cookies as well as helped Cosmo and Cream put together a Gingerbread house, then they all worked together on decorating said cookies for Santa. Tails had helped out, but he had a few last touches on his gift to make. Sonic had spent most of his time in his upstairs neighbor's dorm, working hard on wrapping presents. Silver and Blaze offered to help, though they themselves had to finish wrapping. It was decided that the blue teen would leave his gifts with them until around midnight when he could sneak out and put them under the tree. Knuckles...was off on his own. He was concerned that he hadn't seen Rouge at all in days, so he was on a search for her. He hoped he could see her at least on Christmas. He did run into the Chaotix though, and asked if they would contact him if they managed to see her. He just had to know if she was okay.

By night, the kids and Knuckles all collapsed into their beds before Sonic lulled the younger ones to sleep with his voice. Instead of singing a song he created, he opted for seasonal songs he was familiar with. When everyone was out cold, he carried Tails into their room and gently placed the boy on his bed, smiling as he ruffled the unconscious boy's hair.

He stood, excited. Afterall, he had a lot of cookies to eat.


"Sonic? Wake up! Santa came!"

"Cream, what are you doing here?" He mumbled as he sat up. It was seven in the morning and he did not get his needed eight hours of sleep.

"Oh, Sonic, would you please get up?" He glanced down at her glimmering caramel eyes as she looked at him pleadingly. Cheese was on top of her head with a matching expression.

He sighed, knowing full well he couldn't deny the rabbit when she looked at him like that. He noticed that Tails was gone, though Knuckles could still be heard snoring on the other side of the room. He let Cream grab a hold of his hand, hers tiny in comparison, to lead him out of the room. As the little girl opened the door, he used his free hand to shake the redhead awake, startling him.

"Get up, the kiddos want their presents."

The echidna huffed, but pushed off his covers and followed them out of the room.

Sonic smiled upon seeing the kids all snuggled together on the couch with hot chocolate in their hands. Silver and Blaze were seated on the ground before them, also drinking from their mugs, though the latter looked much more awake than her friend. He figured Amy had brought them over. Cream sat beneath the tree, waiting patiently as the blue teen sat himself next to her. Knuckles sat on the arm of the couch, waiting with his arms crossed.

"Okay, Cream, you can pass out the presents now."

The little girl picked up a small present that was wrapped in green paper with a white bow and read the name. She got up and handed it to Cosmo. "It's for you!"

"For me?" The Seedrian blinked. "Who's it from?"

"Tails," she replied with a smile.

Cosmo neatly unwrapped it, and handed the paper to Sonic as he reached for it. She opened the box that barely fit into her palm and froze.

A beautiful, white porcelain flower was given to her.

"I-Tails, I can't even-"

The fox blushed. "Sorry, but when I saw it I had to get it."

A grateful smile grew on her lips. "Thank you."

Sonic chuckled quietly to himself before sending Cream a nod, letting her know it was okay to pass the next present. The process continued until everyone had gotten gifts. Amy was excited with the lavish make-up kit her beloved older brother had gotten her, the pale pink diamond Knuckles had found for her, the flower crown of cherry blossoms Cream and Cosmo made for her, the beautiful hand-mirror with rose designs that Blaze and Silver had bought, and the cool pink tablet Tails made.

The fox hybrid was looking forward to reading all the books he had gotten that dealt with aerodynamics, physics, quantum physics, history on the Lost Era, etcetera, as well as using the toolbox he got from 'Santa.' He'd be lying though if he said he didn't appreciate all the mint candy poured into his boxes. He also thought his flower crown of yellow roses was very sweet.

Silver was happy with Blaze's gift, a snowglobe of New City. It was beautiful, and seeing it look so peaceful calmed him of all the terrible apocalyptic nightmares he had of that place. The girls had given him a flower crown of white chrysanthemums, and Amy bought him a white scarf which she added embroidery to, ones similar to the markings on his hands that tended to glow. Sonic and Tails both got him a collection of DvDs he wanted to watch for their boy's night marathoning adventures.

Blaze was happy with her gift from Silver, a medieval fantasy novel she had borrowed multiple times from the library. From Amy, she had gotten a picture frame with her, Cream, Cosmo, and the pink hedgehog all smiling inside. Sonic and Tails got her CDs of ballet music while Cream and Cosmo had given her a crown of purple irises, which had touched her heart just as much as Amy's photograph.

Knuckles wasn't very much into Christmas and didn't really care much for presents, but he couldn't help but smile when Cream and Cosmo handed him his crown of holly. Sonic had given him socks and coal, much to his displeasure, and with Tails had gotten him a red music player filled with all his favorite rap songs. Amy had gone into the kitchen to get his present- a grape pie, which he worked on eating during the exchange of presents.

Cream and Cosmo were each given beautiful porcelain dolls from 'Santa', along with many clothes for said dolls. Sonic had gotten them dresses to dress up in, and Amy had gotten them cute plush toys of blue hedgehog mascots that were the current fad. Knuckles had tried to make jewelry for the girls out of gems he found, only they were poorly made, but they loved them anyways. Silver and Blaze got them a lovely new tea set they were eager to use while Tails got Cream her own crayons and sketchbook.

Sonic smiled with his gift from Cosmo and Cream, a forget-me-not crown. He also laughed at Knuckles' present: a gift card to a restaurant that served chili dogs. He knew he was going to use it up as soon as possible. Amy had made him a collage filled with group photos of the gang, though he was curious to know how she captured them all, she wouldn't tell. The images of him and Shadow made his heart swell, but he was able to tear his gaze away before getting too upset. Blaze had bought him a CD with the best hits from the 21st century and Silver blushed when Sonic expressed how happy he was the other got him a video on numerous break dance moves.

"Sonic, there's still one more present." Cream pulled out the final present; it was huge, so the Mobian chuckled as he helped her pull it out.

"Let's see who it's for…" He told her as he checked for a name. He certainly didn't buy this one.


"Oh, it's for me?" He blinked in surprise, he didn't expect something so big for himself. There was no other name on the present so he had no clue who the giver was. Cream smiled at him sweetly as she watched him open the gift, beaming when she saw the look of complete surprise on his face.

A keyboard...and a laptop? What?

"I don't even- how did?"

"Looks like Santa got you something too, Sonic!" Tails grinned cheekily.

His eyes darted towards the fox. "Tails, you-"

"Cosmo, Cream, and I got it. We bought it with our money cards and everything."

"You three?" Emerald irises flickered to each of them. "You didn't have to."

"We didn't have to, but we wanted to." Cosmo smiled. "We want you to share your music with the world."

The blue teen placed his present beside him before reaching his arms towards the kids. "Okay, big hug. All of you." The kids jumped into his embrace and giggled. "I love you guys."

Amy and Knuckles exchanged a glance with each other, and the pink Mobian gestured for their guests to follow her lead.

Suddenly Sonic felt himself crowded in a group hug.

This was why he loved Christmas.


The Saturday after Christmas, Sonic went to the library to check out some books on music. Tails was probably out by Mystic Ruins working on one of his two planes, or coming up with a new invention, while Knuckles spent the day with his beloved rock. Amy and the girls were all at the dorm playing dress-up, which he successfully avoided getting guilted into. He did not want to be a victim to one of Amy's makeovers.

He observed the spines and pulled an old looking book out. The words on the cover were a bit faded, but he could still make out the title. Something about old love songs from the 21st century. He shrugged, walking to a table where he already had a pile accumulated. He set the book down and skimmed through its pages. He was pleased to find notes, thankful that he learned to read music during his time at the orphanage. He could play these melodies sometime, if he ever felt up for it. A little variety never hurt anybody.

He paused on a page after a couple of words caught his eye…'My Destiny.'

After mentally repeating the title, he frowned. The song seemed familiar to him somehow.

He glanced at the lyrics under the notes and read them. A voice sang in his head, a female, a voice he remembered from long ago. The same one he remembered when Mina showed him the band room, and he swore he heard it another time too.

'I remember memories from a long, long time ago. I can hear you calling me, to never let you go.'

He became overwhelmed with anger as he slammed the book shut; his eyes stinging slightly as he heard the female sing beautifully in his head. He had to forget that; he thought he moved on from that.

She was gone, and he would never see her again. She promised him she'd come back, but she never did.

It was odd how the lyrics of the song she taught him seemed to fit so well.

He shook his head, picking up the book and placing it back on the shelf. That was years ago, he was over that. He was so much better off now, he didn't need to think of the past any longer. After some deep breaths, he tried to focus on something different.

Perhaps he could pay his older brother a visit.



The redhead cracked a violet eye open to see his younger brother standing before him. He closed his eyes and sighed, not wanting to get up. He had been taking a nice nap under the clear sky, resting the back of his head against his arms as he listened to his rap. "What is it? Why are you here?"

Sonic made a teasing expression. "What? Have I been banned from visiting or something?"

He shook his head. "No, but you never visit me. Is something wrong?"

"Um, well…" The blue Mobian scratched the back of his head.

"Well, spit it out." The echidna raised a brow.

"I noticed that when I fought the Finalhazard, I still wasn't that great at controlling my super. I mean, I get better each time I use it, but I was wondering if I could speed up that process a little."

Knuckles nodded. "Oh, yeah. I think I know a way to help." He gestured for the other to come closer. "Sit there." He pointed to a spot just before the Master Emerald and Sonic complied. "Alright, now sit criss-cross, and close your eyes." The younger shifted his position. "Now, hands on your knees and just focus on the Chaos Energy. Try to feel it inside your body, and then try to focus it into different parts."

"Okay, and how long should I do this for?"

The redhead shrugged, despite the fact that the other closed his eyes. "However long necessary. Even I meditate every once in awhile."

Sonic took a deep breath and focused.


"Hey, quit beating yourself up over it. You did everything you could."

Rouge glanced at the Overlander beside her and glared, her arms crossed defiantly. "I'm not beating myself up over anything!"

Topaz let out a heavy sigh as she switched the TV channel. "Then quit your moping and drink up. We have a new year to start."

The bat pursed her lip as she picked up her wine glass and swirled its contents. It's color reminded her of a certain hybrid's eyes...ugh, why? When did she even grow close to him? Why was his death impacting her so much? It certainly affected her ability to enjoy anything. She couldn't stand it.

His loss...it hit her hard. More than she expected it to. In moments like this, she decided to avoid school and catch up with her other friend, just for the reassurance that she was still there. Topaz didn't mind, in fact, she liked having Rouge over her house. Not only were they co-workers, but she liked to think that she was some parental figure for the teen.

The Overlander watched as the bat-hybrid scowled at her drink. It was strange having met this girl when she was fourteen, when she hardly had any morals and a lack of trust towards anyone, then seeing her evolve into the young woman before her.

"I'm very proud of you." Topaz took a sip of her drink, smiling when she saw the hybrid raise a brow at her comment. "You've changed so much since we met. Back then, you were a manipulative thief with no regard for others. You worked with people like that green hedgehog who threatened to kill me. Now, you're making friends, you trust people, you're putting that smart brain of yours to good use."

That bat hybrid chuckled. "I have changed a lot, haven't I?"

"You were quite the delinquent."

"I suppose I have you to thank for shaping me up." She smirked.

"It was your choice to listen to me, though."

The bat placed her glass against the table. "Yes...yet to this day, I don't know why."

"But you're happier now."

"Of course."

"It's because you're surrounding yourself with people who care about you."

"...You're right." Rouge sighed. "Before, I had no one. When I first met Shadow, it was just two people living under the same roof. I tried to get him to talk, but he was always business...and then Knuckles and Sonic moved next door and I was assigned to keep an eye on them. I knew that Blue had a crush on him, but I never expected Shadow to open up so much towards him. I guess at some point he decided he could open up to me too...he actually trusted me. I honestly didn't expect that from him at all." She frowned. "Perhaps I feel guilty. He just looked so...hurt, when he found out I was a spy. Like he didn't want it to be true."

Topaz sent her a sympathetic glance. "You did your job, and you did it well. All of us at GUN are proud of you. Your quick-thinking saved the world, you know. You're just as much of a hero as the others, your confidentiality is the only difference."

The bat averted her gaze. "Sure, but I wish I could see him one last time. I would make it up to him. I think he was the first person to actually trust me. Not because of work or anything, but he actually thought of me as a friend. He didn't say much, but at school, he was always by my side. He actually listened to me. I just...I just can't believe it."

"What about Sonic? And that echidna boy you like? Aren't they your friends?"

She chuckled. "Of course, but it just isn't the same...I don't know how to explain it. Sonic is just naturally friendly. Knuckles, I originally thought he was just a cute hot-head, but at some point I found myself actually growing feelings for him...with Shadow, I don't know...I guess I saw him as the brother I never had…" Her eyes widened at the sudden realization.

Her Overlander companion nodded. "I see. When you live with someone, you just can't help but get used to them and their habits."

Rouge nodded sadly. "Yes...but he's gone now. I can only imagine what Blue is going through..."

Topaz glanced at the TV, where the streets of downtown Station Square were crowded while everyone waited for the ball to drop. "We should start the new year with pleasant thoughts, don't you think? What good things happened in 3235? You uncovered the truth about Project Shadow and helped save Mobius, your old History teacher and I arrested a secret organization for murder and high treason...anything else?" Rouge shrugged. "Oh, yeah, you found loveee," the Overlander sang, much to the Mobian's amusement.

"We got a paid vacation," the bat hybrid added.

"Yes, that's a good one!" The Overlander's lilac eyes caught a glimpse of the time at the top right of the screen. "Oh, the countdown is going to start soon." She stated as she ran her fingers through her disheveled, sandy blonde hair.


Topaz nodded. "Have any goals for this new year?"

"More gems in my collection would be nice. You?"

"Me? How about a raise?"

"Yeah, that's a good one."

"So, what are you going to do for the rest of our vacation? Are you going to keep skipping school after the break?"

Rouge rubbed her chin. "Oh, right. Christmas break ends in a couple of days." She sighed. "I guess I'll keep skipping for a bit. I mean, I really don't have to go. I already have a stable job. I only really care about getting some knowledge on making a business."

Topaz hummed. "Yeah, but you know the Commander would like it if you went."

The bat pursed her lips. "I know, but I just can't bring myself to go back to an empty dorm."

"You don't have to go back now, wait until you feel comfortable. I suggest you go out though to get your mind off of things."

The hybrid grinned. "I suppose I'll get back to treasure hunting soon. Just after a few more days of relaxing."

"Sounds good." Topaz refilled her cup. "Now, let's drink up for the new year."

The countdown started, and Rouge picked up her glass.

Fireworks could be heard on the TV and outside; the glasses of the two ladies clinked before they each took a sip.

A/N: So, even though this chapter wasn't adventurous, it let us into the minds of our heroes. Where should I start the explanation?

Let's start with Scourge being an asshole. He's still here, just because we haven't heard from him for a few chapters doesn't mean he isn't in school, he just doesn't cross paths with our main characters as much anymore. The Freedom Fighters also know about Sonic's loss, so that's why they moved tables to support him. Before they were just people Sonic would talk to during class, but not outside of school. Now they feel for him and wish to extend their friendship beyond just classes.

The Christmas presents show everyone's relationship with each other. Knuckles, as you can see, isn't really friends with Silver and Blaze. They're okay with each other, but they don't really like to talk much. The flowers the girls give all have meanings: (Cherry blossoms: renewal. Yellow roses: friendship. White chrysanthemums: truth, loyalty. Iris: faith, wisdom, valor. Holly: defense, protection. Forget-Me-Nots: True love, remembrance). Fun fact, Sonic was the one that taught them how to make flower crowns. Also, yes, Amy got the girls Sonic plushies.

The song Sonic found was My Destiny from Sonic 06. No, it does not have any meaning to Elise in this story. It does tie in with an important female in his life though, but it was a family-like bond that he had. Not romantic. Just...listen to the song, but visualize it with a platonic love. There we go. Remember the voice he heard when he was drunk and it made him cry? It's her. Think of her as Sonic's version of Shadow's Maria, except our blue hero is actually repressing her because he doesn't want to remember her. Don't worry, she's an actual character from the series. Yes, she had a bond with Sonic. I mirrored it in here, so not much is changed. Ya just gotta think about it.

Rouge is pretty self-explanatory.

Just because the year is 3236 now, does not mean its only 1000 years different from ours. There's a 12,000 year difference. It's just 3236 in the "Modern Era."

Now begins the hiatus. Chapters 1-15 were released quickly because they were all pre-made. 16-end I've only just started, so I'm able to be a lot flexible with them. They're just a bunch of ideas that are scrambled together with gaps in between. This means that any input, ideas, theories, suggestions, will be taken into consideration, so I'd love to hear anything you guys have to say. I actually encourage it. Remember, the main purpose of this story isn't so much on adventure, but the psychological impact these events have on a teenage boy who suddenly went from a nobody, to a somebody forced to carry the weight of the world on his shoulders while living in a post-war society. Sonic's got a lot to deal with: a family to take care of, the loss of his first love (a person he said he would save, but failed), being gifted with God-like powers though he doesn't know WHY him, how the Mobians rely on him as a chance for being seen as equals to Overlanders while the other species distrusts him though they are forced to depend on him, his older brother moving on without him and the underlying fear the kids will too, school and homework that he must balance with his heroic activities and hobbies, not to mention his past that he refuses to remember...now all of this on a 15 year old boy who has issues stemming from a lonely childhood? It's a lot for him to take in, yet he still tries to make the best of it with a smile on his face. "The loneliest are the kindest, the saddest smile the brightest"...but the more pressure you put, eventually it all snaps. Just something to think about. I'd love to hear any comments and ideas, it might inspire something that can be included in this fic.

Anyways, see ya guys soon.