"I'll play wid ya." Misprint said, her hand laying on Racetrack's shoulder. "Should be fun." SHe smiled letting her crooked teeth show.

"Sit down!" Race smiled widely "Play a hand or two, da rest a des bums dunno what dey's missen!" Misprint sat down as Race motioned to the room. "So hows ya life goin'?"

" Pretty good." Mis said taking her cards. "An' you?"

"Doin' fine. Da tracks treaten me pretty well. Might be able ta give up did life."

"Ya wouldn't would ya?" Misprint asked her already large eyes widening.

"Nah, would miss everyone too much."

"Any one in particular?" Mais asked carefully arranging her cards.

"Maybe." Race smiled. "How many?"

"Two." Misprint flicked her hair over her shoulder and placed the cards down.

"Here ya go."

In the back of the old lodging house Snitch and Skittery were laughing and joking around. "Come on, tell me what ya got taday!" Skittery said reaching around Snitch to get into his pocket. "I wanna know."

"Hey no touchie!" Snitch laughed wheeling around effectively pushing him up to Skittery's chest.

"Come on, please?" Skittery asked his fingers trailing along Snitch's jaw. "Pretty please?" He whispered, letting his lips brush Snitch's.

"You don't play fair." Snitch said bringing his head down to Skittery's and running his hands through the shorter boy's hair. "You don't." He muttered bringing the pocket book out that he had stolen earlier that day.

"Wow, good leather." Skittery said looking it over.

"Yeah, but it was near empty." Snitch said rubbing his head. "Musta been some English chaps. I'll sell it soon."

"Its nice, soft." Skittery said, but he wasn't looking at the pocket book, his gaze was fixed on Snitch's lips. "and warm." Then he jumped on Snitch and pinned him to the ground with kisses.

As a Card game progresses two people find out what it feels like to be in love for the first time.

In the back two boys joke and have fun, trying to figure out, with out words if what they do is right, or if it is as wrong as stealing, which keeps them alive.

And its not what it seems

Nothing's the same when you give it way

No its not what it seems

Its just what you think it is

Author's Notes: Dude, Look I am alive. And when I am allowed back on line you will get a lot of Stories huh? Awww dude I got to go to the library tomorrow to do research for a pare I already wrote. -Whines- Not fair! I dun wanna!!! -Spotmuse suggests she write WP while the other kids do research.- Stupid muses and their practical suggestions. MY TEETH HURT! I know I know, that's what I get for not wearing retainers for a month…. Bad Cards… I'm gunna try to get a pass to the computer lab during first period tomorrow…. hmmmm

Cards on:


Shout Outs:

Keza: Gotta Luff The Fluff!

Falco: Race… ickie

Tiger: Awww, Very Awww

Bittersweet: K….

Mondie: Awww Mondie likes me oo much to kill me!

DeeMaria: Thanks!

Aaron Lohr Lover24: Mondie is lucky

Misprint: Asdk and ye shall recive.

Reaghann: Actually it won't be one chappie…

Lute: SNITCHY!! See look at him!!