Title: A Very Vongola Christmas

Summary: "Your challenge for this year… is to find a present for your respective First Generation Guardian counterpart."

Disclaimer: Katekyo Hitman Reborn! belongs to Akira Amano

Pairing: None

Warning: Possible OoC-ness; set TYL.

A Very Vongola Christmas

Day 0 ― Rainbow Insanity

It all started one week ago…

Reborn called us—that is, myself and all the Guardians—together for a 'briefing', as he called it.

Christmas was in one week, so I had a pretty good idea what he wanted us to do, but I still got shocked anyway. (Ten years, and Reborn still scares me. Someone help me…)

Anyway, apparently, Reborn said the 'Dreaded Word'—yes, it deserves the capitalization and the quotation marks, thank you very much– 'Vongola-style'.

This is what he said:

"Since we've shifted the Vongola Christmas Party to the 24th, we are going to have a private Christmas dinner on the 25th, Vongola-style. On top of the usual presents you will get, you have an additional challenge. Your challenge for this year… is to find a present for your respective First Generation Guardian counterpart."

Let me make things clearer.

Every year, for Christmas, we host a Christmas Party for the Mafia. For some reason or another, that was shifted to the 24th, so we have the 25th free. We decided on having a private dinner that night; only ourselves—the Tenth Generation—plus the First and Ninth Generation and Reborn. I suggested inviting the First Generation, because they've helped us a lot and we're all pretty close with them, really. Also because they apparently figured out how to conjure up a corporeal form for themselves –with abilities that include, beside the obvious, being able to eat.

(Not that they know about the dinner; we're planning to call on them right before dinner as a surprise―we covered the rings with the Mammon Chains when we discussed this, so they couldn't spy on us.)

So, as per usual, Reborn is looking to… 'spice things up', 'Vongola-style'.

And so we're stuck finding presents for, on top of each other, for our First-Generation counterparts. Meaning, I have to give Primo something, and Gokudera to G, and so on and so forth.

You'd think that that's nothing, right? Just more people to look for presents for.


It's simple, really.

Tell me this.

What do you give to people who are already dead? (Abilities to use things like normal, living humans aside?)

Stupid Reborn.

But I guessed we somehow made it between the paperwork and missions. (I overheard the guards. They said it was getting hilarious how we're rushing in and out of the estate in the past seven days.)

I'm honestly not sure how Primo is going to react.

I mean, I'm not even sure my gift is going to work! (I really pray that it does; Reborn will murder me if I fail to give Primo a present—even if said man doesn't mind.)

Time to pull out the old Modus Operandi, I guess. Jump into the fire headfirst and hope I don't burn.


"Oh, and by the way. You are allowed to present your gift anytime this week, whenever you're ready. The deadline is the Christmas Dinner on the 25th. Anyone who misses the deadline will be treated to a very memorable bonding session, courtesy of the Arcobaleno."


A/N: I have a horrendous track record with chaptered fic, but here's a little project for Christmas! This will be a series of drabbles, just a couple of hundred words per chapter (unless I get inspired), so I hope this turns out well. Hope you enjoyed the very short introduction of Reborn's schemes! That's all for now. Ciao ciao~